469 research outputs found

    Research on certain Issues about Legal Responsibilities of Withholding Agent of Personal Income Tax on Wage

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    《税收征收管理法》引入了扣缴义务制度,使得个人所得税的征管摆脱了税源分散、纳税主体众多的困难,缓解了税务机关在征收上的压力,节约了征收成本,同时税务机关能够对所得进行源泉控制,保证了国家财政收入;再者扣缴义务制度使得纳税人免受繁琐的税额计算、纳税申报等的困扰,节省了纳税成本。然而,在具体的制度设计层面,扣缴义务制度还是比较粗糙,致使在实际的适用中,制度设计的价值不能最大限度的体现出来。鉴于此,本文选择以工薪类个税扣缴义务人为视角,对其法律责任若干问题进行研究,以期能够完善扣缴义务制度,使制度设计的价值能最大限度的体现出来。文章首先阐述了扣缴义务人的定义、扣缴义务制度的积极意义和消极意义、界定了...The introduction of Withholding Obligation System in Tax Collection and Administration Law makes Personal Income Tax collection avoiding the difficulty of scattering sources and too many taxpayer, mitigating the pressure of collecting, saving the cost of collecting, and the Tax Authorities can have controls on source income, certifying the Financial Income; meanwhile, the system makes taxpayers av...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1292006115065

    Research about the countermeasures and the current situation of developing badminton sport at the common universities and colleges of WanJiang area

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    皖江城市交通条件优越,产业基础雄厚,发展潜力巨大,是安徽省经济发展的优势地带。皖江地区集聚了安徽省近76%的普通高校和在校大学生等高教资源。羽毛球深受皖江地区高校学生们的喜爱,成为皖江地区大学生体育生活的主要内容之一。本硕士论文在研究过程中采用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法、实地访谈法等研究方法,对皖江地区11所普通高校羽毛球运动的开展现状进行了较为全面、系统、科学的调查和研究。试图找出皖江地区高校羽毛球运动发展存在的主要问题和不足之处,找出制约皖江地区普通高校羽毛球运动发展的影响因素,提出相应的发展对策,为皖江地区乃至安徽省高校羽毛球运动的普及和可持续发展提供重要的理论参考...The city of WanJiang is an advantaged area of AnHui province and has huge potential for development with excellent conditions of transportation and strong industrial base. Nearly 76% of high education resources, such as common colleges and universities and undergraduates ecc , gather in WanJiang area. Badminton sport has gained deep interest from college students and has become a main part of spo...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:体育教学部_体育教育训练学学号:2692009115230

    Research of Incremental Association Rules Mining and Applications

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    随着信息科学、网络技术的发展,商业活动和工程实践中的数据量以惊人的速度在膨胀,数据分析与处理所面对的数据规模也随之急剧增长。关联规则挖掘作为数据挖掘分支之一,其任务是从大量的数据中发现信息,已经成为信息产业中热门的研究课题。本文正是对数据挖掘中的增量式关联规则提取算法及应用进行研究。 Apriori算法是Agrawal提出的第一个经典关联规则挖掘算法,之后的大部分关联规则挖掘算法都是在此基础上不断地进行优化、改进,尽管这些算法各有优点,但在实际应用中都面临着这样两个问题:一是当数据频繁地增加或更新时,如何进行增量式规则提取?如果对于增加少量数据后的数据集重新运行一次算法,势必会造成效率的下降...As the Information Science and Network Technology develops, the data sets from business activities and engineering practice are expanding rapidly, data analysis and processing face large and large data scale. As an important subdomain of data mining, Association rules mining is to find hidden information from the data set, and it has caused more and more attention for its significance in theory an...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_计算机软件与理论学号:2432007115184

    A Study on the Balance Sheet Liability Approach of Accounting for Income Taxes

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    2006年2月15日,财政部颁布了一系列《企业会计准则》,从2007年1月1日起在上市公司范围内执行。其中《企业会计准则第18号—所得税》规定所得税会计处理方法只能采用资产负债表债务法。而资产负债表债务法对我国广大会计人员来说,几乎是一种全新的所得税会计处理方法。如何准确理解并顺利实施已是迫在眉睫。本文立足国内外所得税会计的理论和实践,尝试通过对资产负债表债务法的内容、重点和难点、核算程序、存在的问题等进行分析探讨,为我国所得税会计准则的实务操作提供借鉴意义。 文章将国内外研究和发展成果进行整理归纳,通过分析所得税会计理论,并对几种不同的所得税会计处理方法进行比较,得出资产负债表债务法是目前...On February 15, 2006, the Ministry of Finance issued the series of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and it began to be executed within the scoped of listed companies starting from January 1, 2007. It is stipulated in the regulation of No. 18 Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises – Income Tax among the standards that only the balance sheet liability approach can be adopted as th...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X20041102

    Fabrication of middle/low density biochip micromarrayer and research for hydrophilic/hydrophobic biochip substrate

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    生物芯片是指通过微加工工艺同时将大量的探针分子固定到固相支持物上后与标记的样品分子进行杂交配对,通过检测每个探针分子的杂交信号进而实现对细胞、蛋白、核酸以及其他生物组分的准确、快捷、大信息量的检测。它是集物理学、化学、微电子学、机械学和生命科学等相关学科交叉综合的高科技研究课题,是一门既具有重大的学术价值,又同时具有明显产业化前景的快速发展的高新科技学科。随着研究的不断深入,人们发现低密度生物芯片是生物芯片进入临床检测的切入口,因此,作为生物芯片关键部分——点样头也随之进入中低密度的研究。针对国内外现有微阵列制备技术在中低密度存在的一些不足,主要研究内容及结果如下: 1.提出一种新型的、实用...Micromarrays biochips is a exact, quick and high throughout detection of cell, protein, DNA and other bio-constituents by observe hybridize signs of each sample, The sample labelled fluorescence materials hybridize to probe which immobilize on solid substrate by microfabricaton technology. Micromarrays biochips integrate physics, chemistry, microelectronics, mechanics and life science and other co...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_应用化学学号:20042512

    Applications of Single Glass Conical Nanopore for Biomimetic Ion Channels

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    离子通道在自然界无处不在,生物离子通道在维持生物正常的生理过程中起着至关重要的作用,并且充当“开关”的功能以保证离子的选择性传输。在具有过量表面电荷、锥尖尺寸同双电层的厚度相当的人造锥形纳米孔道中,通过的离子同纳米孔道孔壁所带的电荷发生强烈的相互作用,使得离子传输性质发生很大变化,表现出类似生物纳米孔的离子整流性质。因此研究人造纳米孔体系模仿生物离子通道的功能具有重大的研究意义。本论文致力于研究化学修饰的玻璃锥形纳米孔道体系用于仿生离子通道,通过设计将功能分子修饰到纳米通道,在外界环境刺激下调控纳米孔的离子传输性质,从而模拟了生物离子通道的功能。论文分为五章: 第一章是纳米孔研究进展的文献综...Biological ion channels that regulate ion permeation through cell membranes play important roles in maintaining various significant physiological functions and serve as “smart” gates to ensure selective ion transport. Similar to biological voltage-gated channels, synthetic conical nanopores possessing excess surface charge and tip diameters comparable to the electrical double layer thickness of el...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_分析化学学号:2052007015362

    Design and Implementation of a Students’ Information Management System Based on Data Warehouse

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    近年来,随着学校招生规模的不断扩大,学生的人数越来越多,需要管理的各种学生信息也在不断的增加。所以,基于传统数据库的学生信息管理系统已经不能应对不断变化的信息需求,从而提出了基于数据仓库的学生信息管理系统。基于数据仓库的学生信息管理系统不仅解决了系统的不断扩展性,而且也为决策人员提供了很好的分析功能。 论文首先介绍了基于数据仓库的学生信息管理系统设计和数据分析的研究背景、国内现状和意义,明确了该系统的设计要实现的目标,并进行了可行性分析,提出了系统的构架;其次,进一步对系统进行了详细的需求分析,包括系统需求描述、用户角色分析、系统工作流程等;再次,采用面向对象的分析和设计方法,对该系统进行了...In recent years, with the increasing enrollment scales in universities, the need to manage all sorts of students' information is also in constant increase. So, based on the traditional database students' information management system have already can't cope with changing information needs, thus proposed based on data warehouse students' information management system. Based on data warehouse studen...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923009

    Study on the government's role and exit mechanism in the investment and operation of the large convention center

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    会展业的发展对世界经济起到了很好的助推作用,会展场馆作为重要的物质载体,一直被誉为会展经济发展的火车头。社会的进步,新技术的不断应用与提高,也使得会展场馆的设施和功能日趋多样化,会展场馆的经营管理受到越来越多的重视。目前,业界普遍认为,由于会展场馆,特别是大型会展场馆的公益性特征,政府应该是会展场馆的唯一投资方,大型会展场馆的投资运营都应该由政府来发挥其主导作用。而同时,随着会展业的国际化发展战略,大型会展场馆的投资运营出现了市场化运作趋向,政府开始逐渐退出对大型会展场馆的投资和运营。在这种背景下,政府在会展场馆,尤其是大型会展场馆中的角色应如何思考和定位,政府的退出方法与退出后的职能定位成为...The development of the exhibition industry has played a very good thrusting role to economy. Convention centers, as the most important material carrier of the exhibition's economic development, has been known as the locomotive of the exhibition economy. The progress of the society and the continuous application of new technologies also make the facilities and functions of convention centers become...学位:旅游管理硕士院系专业:管理学院旅游系_旅游管理学号:1782010115432

    Research on Application of Matlab in Customer-Supplier Networks

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    构建并度量客户—供应商网络对管理学和产业组织学的研究具有重要意义。由于缺乏相关技术的支持,管理学一些领域的研究尚停留在理论阶段,缺乏实证支持。本文通过引入图论和社会网络的相关技术,以中国国家统计局提供的投入产出表数据为基础,介绍了构建行业层面的客户—供应商网络的方法。鉴于复杂网络的相关指标难以进行手工度量,本文介绍了采用MATlAb软件计算网络集群系数和平均最短路径的程序和方法,为后续实证研究奠定了基础。Constructing and characterizing a customer-supplier network has a great significance for the researches on management science and industrial organization.However, due to the lack of relative technical support, the research ofrelated fields in management remains a theoretical target and lack of empirical support.By introducing graph theory and relative technology of social network and based on the data of input-output table provided by National Bureau of Statistics,this paper introduces a way to build the customer-supplier network at the industrial level.As it is difficult to manually measure the relative index of complex network, this paper describes a procedure and ways to calculate the computer network clustering coefficient and the average shortest path length by using Matlab,laying abasis for future studies


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