1,999 research outputs found
Qibla direction is an important issue for Muslims, because facing the Qibla is one of the conditions for the validity of prayer. Scholars agree on the obligation to face the Qiblah. However, they differed in terms of whether what was demanded should be facing the ainul ka'bah (the building) or was it just the direction. In the 12th century H, the famous figure of the Shafi'i School at that time was Sheikh Muhammad bin Sulaiman al-Kurdi (1127-1194 H). He was the main teacher of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari in the field of fiqh. In 1772 M, when Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari and his three friends returned from Haramain and then stopped by Batavia, he saw the mihrabs there were not facing the Kaaba . He argued that the mihrab should be aligned with the qibla by shifting 25 degrees to the right or north. At that time Sheikh Arsyad changed the Qibla of one of the mosques in Batavia, and then a commotion arose in the people of Jakarta, and received a letter of rebuttal from a sheikh of the congregation at that time Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul Qohhar al-Jawi. This conflict involved the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies Petrus Albertus van der Parra (1761-1775) and a priest who was an astronomer Johann Mauritz Mohr (1716-1775). And in the end, Sheikh Arsyad's argument was accepted by all parties and the conflict ended peacefully, as documented in his story in the treatise "Mas-alatul Qiblah fil Batawi" written by Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari in 1772 M.Qibla direction is an important issue for Muslims, because facing the Qibla is one of the conditions for the validity of prayer. Scholars agree on the obligation to face the Qiblah. However, they differed in terms of whether what was demanded should be facing the ainul ka'bah (the building) or was it just the direction. In the 12th century H, the famous figure of the Shafi'i School at that time was Sheikh Muhammad bin Sulaiman al-Kurdi (1127-1194 H). He was the main teacher of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari in the field of fiqh. In 1772 M, when Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari and his three friends returned from Haramain and then stopped by Batavia, he saw the mihrabs there were not facing the Kaaba . He argued that the mihrab should be aligned with the qibla by shifting 25 degrees to the right or north. At that time Sheikh Arsyad changed the Qibla of one of the mosques in Batavia, and then a commotion arose in the people of Jakarta, and received a letter of rebuttal from a sheikh of the congregation at that time Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul Qohhar al-Jawi. This conflict involved the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies Petrus Albertus van der Parra (1761-1775) and a priest who was an astronomer Johann Mauritz Mohr (1716-1775). And in the end, Sheikh Arsyad's argument was accepted by all parties and the conflict ended peacefully, as documented in his story in the treatise "Mas-alatul Qiblah fil Batawi" written by Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari in 1772 M
Melon merupakan salah satu komoditas hortikultura yang saat ini sudah
memasuki pasar ekspor. Pada umumnya buah melon organik berdiameter relatif
kecil, berat buah berkisar 1,25 - 1,49 kg, sedangkan buah non organik mencapai 2
- 3 kg. Peningkatan berat buah dapat dilakukan dengan pengaturan peningkatan
konsentrasi giberelin dan dosis pupuk kandang sapi. Penelitian bertujuan mencari
dosis pupuk kandang sapi dan konsentrasi giberellin serta kesesuaian antara
keduanya pada peningkatan kualitas buah melon.
Penelitian dilaksanakan di desa Pondok, Nguter, Sukoharjo pada
ketinggian 103 mdpl bulan Februari sampai April 2011. Penelitian menggunakan
rancangan petak terpisah (split plot) dengan 2 kombinasi perlakuan, konsentrasi
giberellin sebagai petak utama (main plot) (0, 30, 60, dan 120 ppm), beserta dosis
pupuk kandang sapi sebagai anak petak (sub plot) (15, 20, 25, dan 30 ton ha-1).
Sehingga diperoleh 16 kombinasi perlakuan, setiap kombinasi diulang 3 kali.
Variabel penelitian meliputi pertumbuhan (diameter batang, indeks luas daun, dan
kandungan klorofil daun) dan kualitas buah (berat, diameter, volume, kadar gula
dan tebal daging buah). Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan analisis ragam
dengan uji F taraf 0,05 dan 0,01, apabila terdapat beda nyata dilanjutkan dengan
uji kontras ortogonal polinomial.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan pupuk kandang sapi dosis 15 -
30 ton ha-1 mampu menghasilkan buah melon dengan berat 1,46 - 2,09 kg dan
meningkatkan kadar gula daging buah lapisan luar, serta meningkatkan
pertumbuhan tanaman melon dalam hal diameter batang. Peningkatan konsentrasi
giberellin dari 0 - 120 ppm hanya meningkatkan kadar klorofil b daun dan tidak
terjadi kesesuaian antara dosis pupuk kandang sapi dan konsentrasi giberellin
pada peningkatan kualitas buah melon
Penelitian ini berjudul “Penerapan Asesmen Portofolio Sebagai Asesmen Formatif Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Siswa Pada Materi Sistem Pencernaan Manusia Di Kelas XI”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pemahaman konsep siswa berdasarkan asesmen portofolio dan memperoleh informasi tentang kendala-kendala yang dialami guru dan siswa dalam penerapan asesmen portofolio. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini terdiri dari: 1) rubrik penilaian laporan hasil praktikum, 2) soal uraian, 3) tes pemahaman konsep meliputi pree test dan post test, 4) angket penilaian diri sendiri (self asesment) dan 5) angket respon siswa terhadap penggunaan asesmen portofolio. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini rata-rata pemahaman konsep siswa mengalami peningkatan. Penggunaan asesmen portofolio ini mendapatakan repon positif dari siswa. Guru maupun siswa dapat mengetahui perkembangan atau kemajuan yang dialami siswa dari waktu ke waktu. Kelemahan pada penelitian ini yaitu diperlukan waktu yang lebih banyak pada pelaksanaanya. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan asesmen portofolio dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa dari nilai rata-rata pada tes awal yang pada mulanya diperoleh 48,31% dari nilai tertinggi 100 % kemudian pada tes akhir nilai rata-ratanya meningkat menjadi 83,68% dengan rata-rata indeks gain satu berkategori tinggi.
Kata kunci: Asesmen portofolio, Asesmen formatif, Pemahaman Konsep, Sistem Pencernaan Makanan Manusia.
The title of this research is “the Implementation of Portofolio Assessment as Formative Assessment Toward Students Concept Understanding in Human Digestive System Lesson Material in Grade XI”. This research aims to reveal students’ concept understanding based on portofolio assessment and gather information about obstacles that experienced by teacher and students in implementation The method used in this research is descriptive method. The instruments used for this research consisted of: 1) assessment rubric of laboratory practice report, 2) essay questions,3) pre-test and post-test concept understanding test, 4) self-assessment questionnaire, and 5) students response questionnaire on portofolio assessment. Based on this research, students understanding concept are increased on average. The using of this assessment portofolio was gathered positive response from students. Both teacher and students could known their progress overtime. The weakness of this research are needed more time in implementation. From the result of this research we could concluded that the implementation of portofolio assessment can enhance students concept understanding from 48,31% on average at pre- test to 83,68% on average at post-test of the highest value 100%. The average of gain index is one which has high category.
Keywords: portofolio assessment, assessment formative, concept understanding, human digestive system
National economy of assessed last some years to weaken effect of going
broke of a number of company which sustaining national economy. Its problem of
the company assessed to have good performance, arrive - just arrive trapp debt
which uncontrollably, if attributed to duty and work of accountant profession,
impress the existence of society ascription which tend to to blame accountant
which only kurus just him it without based on an profession responsibility. Some
accountant openly confess that they might possibly do its duty truly but the
mentioned not yet can be done by because company wish so that result of done
audit according to request of company, if auditor refuse hence KAP will lose client
because making a move to other KAP. See this occurence, if when attributed to
professional attitude of profession it is of course have implication to to duty work of
profession hereinafter, and if have so of course will influence pertinent accountant
independency. This research aim to to know and prove empirically Auditor relation
with Client, Audit Expense and membership of Auditor with Independency Auditor.
Sampel which is used in this elite is 44 laboring Auditor at Office Public
Accountant (KAP) in Surabaya, While source of used data come from answer of
kuisioner disseminated at 44 responder Laboring auditor at Office Public
Accountant (KAP) in Surabaya). obtained to be Data to be analysed by using
technique analyse doubled linear regresi by means of ... assist computer, using
program of SPSS. 16.0 For Windows
From result of analysis can be concluded that hypothesis 1 expressing to
be anticipated by Relation Auditor with Client have relation which is signifikan with
Independency Auditor, tested by its truth, hypothesis 2 expressing to be
anticipated by Audit Expense have relation which is signifikan with Independency
Auditor, tested by its truth and hypothesis 3 expressing to be anticipated by
Membership of Auditor have relation which is signifikan with Independency
Auditor, tested by its truth
UJI ADAPTASI BEBERAPA KLON UBI JALAR (Ipomoea batatas L.) DI DATARAN RENDAHTHE ADAPTATION SOMECLONES OF SWEET POTATO (Ipomoea batatas L.) IN THE LOWLANDS.Nur Aisyah1,Rita Hayati1, Ainun Marliah11Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah KualaAbstrak.Tanaman ubi jalar sudah menjadi makanan pokok di Indonesia bagian Timur seperti Papua. Di Indonesia, ubi jalar merupakan salah satu komoditas yang potensial sebagai sumber pangan, pakan, dan bahan baku industri. Selain pada umbinya, kandungan nutrisi ubi jalar juga terdapat pada daunnya.Selain sebagai salah satu bahan diversifikasi pangan yang ekonomis, ubi jalar juga memiliki kandungan gizi serta kalori yang tinggi dibandingkan tanaman lainnya.Klon adalah suatu kelompok tanaman dalam suatu jenis spesies tertentu yang diperbanyak secara vegetatif dengan menggunakan organ tanaman tertentu.Varietas atau klon perlu diuji adaptabilitasnya pada suatu lingkungan untuk mendapatkan genotip unggul pada lingkungan tersebut.Tanggapan suatu klon ubi jalar pada umumnyaberagam bila diuji pada lingkungan yang berbeda, hal ini disebabkan karena ada interaksi antara varietas dan lingkungan.Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola Non Faktorial dengan 9 perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klon CIP-B9 (K3) dan CIP-440137 (K5) memberikan pertumbuhan terbaik dan klon CIP 204 (K4) dan CIP-AC (K6) merupakan klon yang memberikan hasil terbaik dan mampu beradaptasi dengan baik di dataran rendah.Kata kunci :Ubi Jalar, Klon, dataran renda
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelaksanaan program sekolah adiwiyata di SDN Mangkura 1 Makassar. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, sedangkan analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan model interaktif fenomologis dari Miles dan Huberman yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) semua program adiwiyata terutama sasaran utama dari program adiwiyata dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik oleh warga sekolah SDN mangkura 1 Makassar; 2) sosialisasi program adiwiyata sudah terlaksana dengan baik dan tingkat kepuasan yang diperoleh warga sekolah dalam pelaksanaan program adiwiyata di SDN Mangkura 1 Makassar sudah cukup tinggi; dan 3) strategi-strategi dalam pelaksanaan program adiwiyata terlaksana dengan baik dan lancar.
Kata Kunci: Efektivitas, Program Adiwiyat
Influence of Achievement Motivation and Locus of Control Towards Competence of Lecturer Performance in AKUBANK ICM Cantrika Mitra Medan
This research discussed about lecturer competence in Akubank ICM Cantrika Mitra Medan of knowledge to develop increase the competence, namely by increasing education and training for lecturers who are still considered less competence. This study used quantitative methods, with questionnaires over 50 population. The Lecturer's performance is influenced by a number of factors, including (1) internal factors and (2) external factors. From the data found, motivation and locus of control tend to be "high" (53.33%). The average value of the overall cognitive abilities of lecturers is 81.92. Motivation and locus of control directly influences the performance of permanent lecturers. In other words, the better the support of motivation and locus of control, the higher the performance of permanent lecturers. Motivation and locus of control directly influence the performance of lecturers, all indicators in cognitive abilities are categorized as good, with indicators of the motivation of aspects of experience, skills and evaluations said to be good in constructing the variable motivation and locus of control
Ilmu Hisab atau yang biasa disebut dengan ilmu falak tidak hanya berguna untuk penguasaan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam bidang astronomi, tetapi juga untuk keperluan yang berkaitan dengan masalah-masalah ibadah umat Islam seperti salat, puasa dan haji. Serta dalam penentuan arah kiblat, penentuan waktu salat, penentuan awal bulan kamariah, hari-hari besar Islam, dan untuk penentuan saat terjadinya peristiwa gerhana (bulan dan matahari), serta penentuan waktu imsakiah dalam bulan Ramadan. Dalam bulan Ramadan kita mengenal waktu imsak. Secara bahasa Imsak bermakna menahan. Yaitu, waktu tertentu sebelum subuh saat kapan biasanya kaum Muslimin mulai menahan dari makan dan minum. Pada beberapa masjid di Kab. Gowa dalam menentukan waktu imsak hampir setiap masjid menggunakan pengumuman stasiun RRI yang diumumkan setiap hari pada bulan Ramadhan yang berpatokan pada waktu Kota Makassar. Hal ini tentu saja berbeda dengan waktu Kabupaten Gowa yang berbeda lintang dan bujur dengan Kota Makassar. Perbedaan tersebut tentu saja berpengaruh terhadap masuknya awal waktu salat dan jadwal imsakiah yang dkeluarkan oleh Kementerian Agama Kab. Gowa Kata Kunci : Ilmu Hisab, Imsa
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