36 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the application of learning management learning cycle 5E integrated with Islamic values and how students work in working on HOTS questions after the application of the learning model. The research method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative research method. Observations, interviews, and tests were used in data collection. Observations in the form of teacher observation sheets and student observation sheets. The results of the research at SDN Dungkek I showed that the learning process with the 5E learning cycle model consisted of various activities carried out by teachers with stages of engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. In the process, the integration of Islamic values in mathematics subjects with integer material is integrated into moral values , including being patient and sincere, not having evil thoughts, being generous, brave, and always doing good deeds. This study has implications for the importance of managing learning design for teachers to optimize students' potential and strengthen Islamic values


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    ANALISIS PENALARAN MAHASISWA PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI PADA MATA KULIAH TAKSONOMI TUMBUHAN DENGAN MODEL RASCHAbstractThe reasoning is the stage of thinking that tries to connect facts or evidence to reach conclusions. The reasoning includes thinking and reasoning skills that support the formation and modification of concepts. The complexity of learning stages and reasoning gives results in inequality or low levels of reasoning owned by students. This study aimed to analyze the reasoning of students in the Plant Taxonomy course. This research used a descriptive quantitative design. This research used a test instrument administered on 36 students of Biology Education of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang with data collected using questions with indicators based on Toulmin's assessment (2003). The data analysis was conducted by analyzing the level of individual ability (person measure) to determine students' reasoning ability. The data analysis showed that one student had a logit person score of +3.05, namely student number 02, with a high reasoning category. There were twenty-four students, with a medium reasoning category. Two students have the lowest logit person score, namely students 08 and 14, with a logit person score of -0.49. The results indicated that generally, students had difficulty finding plant taxonomy concepts; therefore, thinking needed to be taught more in-depth, so students could manage the information received and conduct a good reasoning analysis in problem-solving.AbstrakPenalaran merupakan tahap berpikir yang mencoba menghubungkan fakta atau evidensi untuk mencapai kesimpulan. Penalaran mencakup keterampilan berpikir dan bernalar yang mendukung pembentukan dan modifikasi konsep. Kompleksnya tahapan belajar hingga pada tahap penalaran, mengakibatkan adanya ketidakmerataan atau rendahnya tingkat penalaran yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penalaran mahasiswa pada Mata kuliah Taksonomi Tumbuhan. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif.  Penelitian menggunakan instrumen tes yang dilaksanakan pada 36 mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan soal dengan indikator berdasarkan asesmen Toulmin (2003). Analisis data dengan menganalisis tingkat abilitas individu (person measure) untuk melihat kemampuan penalaran mahasiswa. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat satu mahasiswa yang memiliki nilai logit person +3,05 yaitu mahasiswa nomor 02, dengan kategori penalaran tinggi. Terdapat dua puluh empat mahasiswa, dengan kategori penalaran sedang. Terdapat dua mahasiswa yang memiliki nilai logit person paling rendah, yaitu mahasiswa 08 dan 14 dengan nilai logit person -0,49. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, secara umum mahasiswa banyak mengalami kesulitan dalam menemukan konsep taksonomi tumbuhan sehingga perlu lebih dalam mengajarkan cara berpikir mahasiswa, sehingga mahasiswa dapat mengelola informasi yang diterima dan melakukan analisis penalaran yang baik dalam memecahkan masalah.


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    Tujuan dari studi kasus ini untuk melihat cara guru mengkonstruksi lingkungan belajar dan motivasi siswa dalam belajar IPA. Sampel dalam studi kasus ini adalah guru biologi SMP kelas IX dan siswa SMP kelas IX. Data diambil dengan cara observasi selama proses pembelajaran dan pemberian angket konstruksi belajar dan angket motivasi siswa dalam belajar IPA. Berdasarkan hasil observasi proses pembelajaran ditemukankan bahwa ketika guru mengajar di kelas, tidak sesuai dengan RPP yang dibuat. Untuk hasil observasi konstruksi lingkungan belajar pada aspek properti kelas, proses kelas, dan struktur kelas ditemukan bahwa guru tidak mengkaitkan antara materi yang sedang dipelajari dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa, belajar tidak kontekstual dan lebih konseptual. Selain itu, tidak ada penguatan yang diberikan kepada siswa, apakah siswa sudah benar-benar memahami materi tersebut atau belum. Dari hasil angket konstruksi belajar dan motivasi belajar siswa dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam mengkonstruksi lingkungan belajar perlu ada komunikasi antara siswa dan guru agar tercipta lingkungan belajar yang sesuai untuk tujuan pembelajaran baik untuk masa sekarang, masa akan datang dan berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa. Lingkungan belajar yang kondusif akan meMotivasi siswa dalam belajar sehingga belajar menjadi lebih bermakna dan menyenangkan bagi siswa

    The Effect of Net Profit on Cash Dividends and Stock Prices as Intervening Variables in Mining Sub-Sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2018-2022

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    A positive increase in net profit can cause the stock price to rise, because this increase in stock price can affect investor perception and managerial decisions, including certainty regarding future dividend distribution. This study aims to assess the influence of net profit and cash dividends on stock prices as intevening variables. In this study, the data used is panel data, which is a combination of time series data and cross section data. The time series data used is 2018-2022. The population in this study is all mining sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange. The determination of the sample in this study was carried out using the purposive sampling method, with the main criterion of LQ45 index companies. The results of this study found that Net Profit has an effect on Cash Dividends, then Cash Dividends have an effect on Stock Prices

    Penguatan Pemahaman Matematika Siswa Melalui Bimbingan Belajar di Rumah Belajar “Rumbel Pena”

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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sentol Laok, Kecamatan Pragaan, Kabupaten Sumenep, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Kegiatan ini dikhususkan untuk anak usia Sekolah Dasar. Tujuannya adalah memberikan pendampingan terhadap anak Sekolah Dasar melalui “Rumbel Pena (Rumah Belajar Pintar, Efektif, Nyaman, dan Aktif). Kegiatan pendampingan ini difokuskan pada mata pelajaran matematika yang selama pandemic diterima siswa melalui pembelajaran daring. Kegiatan Pendampingan Belajar merupakan salah satu solusi pada masa pandemi covid-19. Pendampingan belajar ini membantu siswa di tingkat Sekolah Dasar untuk memahami mata pelajaran matematika dengan baik. Pada prosesnya, pendampingan belajar ini mendapatkan respon yang positif dari masyarakat, khususnya orang tua siswa, mengingat pendampingan belajar ini merupakan kegiatan pertama kali yang dilakukan di Desa Sentol Laok. Siswa juga terlihat antusias mengikuti pendampingan belajar, lebih termotivasi untuk belajar, dan lebih bersemanagat memahami materi, sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak yang lebih baik terhadap prestasi belajar siswa.


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    Metacognition is a level in the thinking process that students can use to adjust their minds to solve problems, one's awareness or knowledge of the processes and results of thinking as well as the ability to control and evaluate these processes. This study aims to analyze the metacognition skills of class X IPA students in biology learning through problem-solving assessments at MAN 3 Palembang. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research using pre-experiment design and One Group Posttest Design. The sample was determined using purposive sampling of 34 students. Data collection was carried out using problem-solving assessments and then the MAI questionnaire was given to students after problem-solving activities. The research data were then analyzed based on the assessment criteria of problem solving questions and interpretation of inventory values from the metacognition skills questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that students have the ability to solve problems in the very high category on the indicator of making plans which shows that students in solving a problem have succeeded in using their metacognitive skills on indicators of conditional knowledge and planning abilities as evidenced by the success of students in answering questions. The conclusion of this study is that students are able to use metacognition skills through problem solving assessments


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    The purpose of the research is to find out the Effect of Company characteristics un the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Company Listed on Indonesian Business Exchange LQ45. The variable of the research is public share ownership, leverage which is represented by debt equity ratio, liquidity which is presented by current ratio, Profitability which is represented by return on equity and company growth which is calculated its effect to CSR disclosure using Disclosure scoring. The method that is used is quantitative type of data, Data collecting method used is Documentation Method. The current Data is analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Descriptive Statistics, Classic Statistic Test, and T Test. Selection of data is used Purposive Sampling and was concluded 15 companies that fulfilled the research criteria and were collected 90 research data for 6 years. The result of the research showed that only debt to equity  and return on equity that are affecting the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), while Public Share Ownership, current ratio and company growth were affecting negatively on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to the companies listed on Indonesian Business Exchange LQ45 Index. Key words:  Public Share ownership,  Leverage,  Liquidity,  Profitability, Company Growth, Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media pembelajaran big book berbasis STEAM terhadap kemampuan numerasi pada mata pelajaran matematika peserta didik fase B di SDN Pajagalan III. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan tes yang sesuai dengan indikator kemampuan numerasi. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan uji independent sample t test setelah sebelumnya dilakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas terhadap instrumen penelitian, serta dilakukan uji normalitas sebagai uji prasyarat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,001<0,05 yang artinya media pembelajaran big book berbasis STEAM berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan numerasi peserta didik

    The Implementation of Ecoliteracy as a Learning Resource to Improve Environmental Care Attitudes in Elementary Schools

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    Ecoliteracy refers to learning outside the classroom by utilizing the surrounding environment as a learning resource. This study aimed to determine the steps for implementing ecoliteracy with nature as a learning resource in improving environmental care attitudes in elementary schools. This study employed classroom action research, involving 20 fourth-grade students as participants. This study was divided into two cycles, each of which comprised four stages. The instruments used in the study were the student's environmental care attitude observation sheet and environmental care attitude sheet, and the teacher's activity sheet. The findings revealed that the caring attitude towards the environment reached an average of 61%; 14 students (70%) were in the caring category and six students (30%) in the very caring category. The learning outcomes of Cycle 1 were four students (20%) who passed and 16 students (80%) who failed. The attitude of caring for the environment in the Cycle 2 increased following the implementation of ecoliteracy learning steps, as indicated by the questionnaire results that one student (5%) was in the caring category, and 19 students (90%) in the very caring category. Meanwhile, the learning outcomes obtained in the Cycle 2 were 15 students (75%) in the complete category and five students (15%) in the incomplete category


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    The aim this study was to determine the relationship between the learningenvironment and critical thinking skills of Biology Education students in general biologycourses. The sample of research was 110 Biology Education students who contracted GeneralBiology courses. The instrument used question of critical thinking skill by Ennis and theconstructivist learning environment survey (CLES) by Fisher. Data analysis using Pearsoncorrelation. The results obtained the highest average score on the Basic support indicator of5.34 and the lowest average on the Strategy and tactics indicator with of 2.99. Onconstructivist learning environment survey the highest average score on the Studentnegotiation factor was 23.80 and the lowest score was on the Shared control factor of 16.50.Pearson correlation test results showed a significance value of 0.143> 0.05 that mean therewas no correlation between variables. There is no relationship between the learningenvironment and critical thinking skills of Biology Education students in general biologycourses. The reason for the lack of critical thinking skills and the construction of the learningenvironment is that students are not right in using their cognitive strategies