92 research outputs found

    Root Crops and Daikon Seeds Yield in Relation to Sowing Time, Methods of Cultivation and Cultivar Features in Conditions of the North-Eastern Caucasus

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    The paper introduces the data on the experimental study results conducted by the authors in terms of daikon cultivation on root crops and seeds. As a result, the data were obtained targeted at the development of locally adapted technologies to root crops production and a direct technology towards daikon cultivating on seeds in the conditions of Eastern Ciscaucasia. The research is carried out within the project No. 0741-2015-0009 “Improvement of vegetable-seed industry in the Chechen Republic’. The object of the research is daikon cultivar within the selection done by All-Russian Research Institute for Plant Breeding and Seed-Growing: [Sasha, Dubinushka and Moscow Bogatyr]. The yield of commercial daikon root crops is greatly influenced by cultivar, seeding time and plant layout in experimental plots (Table 1). The best option towards yield of sale-root crops of ‘Sasha’ cultivars during summer seeding in the foothill zone of the Chechen Republic was the seeding done on July 31 according to 35×10 cm scheme. In this variant, the highest yield (in terms of hectares) for this cultivar was obtained – 26 t/ha. Cultivar ‘Dubinushka’ gave the best yield at seeding that was done on July 17 with a 70x10 cm scheme. In this variant, the yield of marketable root crops was 55 t/ha. ‘Moscow Bogatyr’ cultivar showed within the experiment the highest yield at seeding on 3 of July according to the 70×10 cm scheme. The yield was 75 t/ha. The yield of mature seeds of daikon is affected much by the time of seeding, the plants' layout on the plots within the experiment and cultivar characteristics (Table 2). The time of ripening and harvesting, as well as, the ratio on overwintered plants depend directly on the cultivar characteristics and the seeding time. The optimal date to seed daikon cultivar ‘Sasha’ for to get seeds for the foothill zone of the Chechen Republic with the direct mode of cultivation was 20.08. The best seeding scheme for this cultivar is 45×10 cm. Seed productivity in this variant was 70 g/m2. Cultivar ‘Dubinushka’ gave the best seed yield when being seeded on August 10 with the direct method of cultivation based on a seeding scheme of 70×10 cm. The yield of seeds in this variant was 95 g/m2. Cultivar ‘Moscow Bogatyr’ seeded by the direct method of cultivation showed in our experimental study the highest seed yield at seeding 1.08 according to a 70×10 cm scheme. The yield per 1 hectare was 9.8 c/ha. The results of the experiment will make it possible to develop the technology for growing daikon for seeds and marketable products in the conditions typical to the territory under study

    Diversity of the Triticeae genetic resources in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan

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    This paper gives an overview of the collection history for the species from the Triticeae Dum. tribe in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan up to date of its occupation. By covering most of the Lesser Cau-casus with the semi-desert and dry steppe climate, the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan has favorable conditions for grass diversity. There are 14 genera from the tribe Triticeae in Azerbaijan, of which historically the 10 genera also were found in the Karabakh region. The data in this article have been presented as a summary of information recorded in different literature sources, that would be useful for the planned monitoring of status, distribution, and preserving issues for the Triticeae species in the liberated areas

    Genome sequence and analysis of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha DL1

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    Ravin NV, Eldarov MA, Kadnikov VV, et al. Genome sequence and analysis of methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha DL1. BMC Genomics. 2013;14(1): 837.Background: Hansenula polymorpha DL1 is a methylotrophic yeast, widely used in fundamental studies of methanol metabolism, peroxisome biogenesis and function, and also as a microbial cell factory for production of recombinant proteins and metabolic engineering towards the goal of high temperature ethanol production. Results: We have sequenced the 9 Mbp H. polymorpha DL1 genome and performed whole genome analysis for the H. polymorpha transcriptome obtained from both methanol- and glucose-grown cells. RNA-seq analysis revealed the complex and dynamic character of the H. polymorpha transcriptome under the two studied conditions, identified abundant and highly unregulated expression of 40% of the genome in methanol grown cells, and revealed alternative splicing events. We have identified subtelomerically biased protein families in H. polymorpha, clusters of LTR elements at G + C-poor chromosomal loci in the middle of each of the seven H. polymorpha chromosomes, and established the evolutionary position of H. polymorpha DL1 within a separate yeast clade together with the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris and the non-methylotrophic yeast Dekkera bruxellensis. Intergenome comparisons uncovered extensive gene order reshuffling between the three yeast genomes. Phylogenetic analyses enabled us to reveal patterns of evolution of methylotrophy in yeasts and filamentous fungi. Conclusions: Our results open new opportunities for in-depth understanding of many aspects of H. polymorpha life cycle, physiology and metabolism as well as genome evolution in methylotrophic yeasts and may lead to novel improvements toward the application of H. polymorpha DL-1 as a microbial cell factory

    LB Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Analysis of L-Asparaginase from Rhodospirillum rubrum

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    Protein X-ray crystallography will remain the most powerful method to obtain the protein 3D atomic structures in foreseeable future. However, the production of the protein crystal as well as it quality (order, intensity of diffraction, radiation stability) remains the major problem. Many important proteins including those of life science interest and pharmaceutical industry impact are difficult to crystallize. The second major problem in protein crystallography is radiation damage of obtaining crystals which can only be partially overcome by existing methods. In the present work we use the protein LB nanotemplate crystallization method - generalized procedure for triggering of crystallization of any given protein, which allows to obtain radiation stable and high quality diffracting crystals for further X-ray analysis by synchrotron radiation. We apply LB nanotemplate method to crystallization of L-asparaginase from Rhodospirillum rubrum. This protein has potential application for combined chemical and enzymatic therapy of malignant blood disorders and therefore for new anticancer drug development. We also compare the diffraction quality of asparagines crystal obtained by classical method and LB nanotemplate and report preliminary X-ray diffraction characterization by synchrotron radiation

    Теплопроводность водных растворов хлоридов металлов подгруппы бериллия

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    The paper presents experimental data on thermal conductivity of BeCl2 and SrCl2 salt aqueous solutions in the temperature range from 20 to 300 °С  and at various electrolyte concentrations  in mass percent. For the first time thermal conductivity of the system Н2О + BeCl2 has been investigated at high temperatures.The experimental results are described with the help of an empirical equation in the form of: λs = λo (1+ Am + Bm3/2 + Cm2),where λs  and λo – thermal conductivity coefficients of solution and water; A, B and C – coefficients depending on electrolyte nature; m – molality in units mol/kg.The formula error is less than  ±1 %.Приведены  экспериментальные данные по теплопроводности водных растворов солей BeCl2 и SrCl2 в области температур от 20 до 300 °С и при различных концентрациях электролита в массовых процентах. Впервые изучена теплопроводность системы Н2О + BeCl2 при высоких температурах.Экспериментальные результаты настоящей работы описываются эмпирическим уравнением в видеλp = λo (1+ Am + Bm3/2 + Cm2),где λp и λo – коэффициенты теплопроводности раствора и воды; А, В и С – коэффициенты, зависящие от природы электролита; m – моляльность в единицах моль/кг.Погрешность формулы меньше ±1 %

    Физико-химические свойства мутантных форм L-аспарагиназы из Rhodospirillum rubrum, обладающих антителомеразной активностью

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    Rru_A3730 protein is a bacterial Rhodospirillum rubrum L-asparaginase (RrA), which is known by its anticancer activity. RrA variants with point amino acid substitutions in the region of 150 amino acids residues: RrA17N, K149E, RrAE149R, V150P, F151T, RrА17N, E149R, V150P, RrAE149R, V150P, showed antiproliferative properties, and also by their ability to suppress telomerase activity. This work is devoted to comparison of physical-chemical and catalytic properties of these mutant forms of RrA. It is shown that pH optimum is in the alkaline zone (8.5 – 9.3); L-glutaminase and D-asparaginase activity is respectively not more than 0.1% and 1.6% of L-asparaginase for all studied variants of RrA. The presence of the N17-terminal amino acid sequence MASMTGGQMGRGSSRQ of the capsid protein of bacteriophage T7 in the RrA structure leads to an increase in the thermal stability of mutant RrA analogues (from 50°C to 56°C) and their resistance to denaturation in the presence of 3 – 4 M urea. It is of Metal ions exhibit multidirectional effects on L-asparaginase activity of RrA. K+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Cs+, Co2+ in significantly affect the activity of L-asparaginase, while Mn2+, Cu2+, Fe3+ ions inhibit it. There was no correlation between antitelomerase (antiproliferative) activity and kinetic properties of mutant forms of L-asparaginase RrA.Белок Rru_A3730, известный как бактериальная L-аспарагиназа Rhodospirillum rubrum, представляет интерес в качестве потенциального противоопухолевого средства, особенно её варианты с точечными аминокислотными заменами в районе 150 аминокислотного остатка (а.к.о.): RrA17N, K149E, RrAE149R, V150P, F151T, RrА17N, E149R, V150P, RrAE149R, V150P, обладающие не только антипролиферативными свойствами, но и способностью подавлять активность теломеразы. Данная работа посвящена сравнению физико-химических и каталитических свойств этих мутантных форм RrA. Показано, что для всех изученных вариантов RrA рН оптимум находится в щелочной зоне (8.5 – 9.3); L-глутаминазная и D-аспарагиназная активность составляют, соответственно, не более 0.1% и 1.6% от L-аспарагиназной. Присутствие 17N-концевой аминокислотной последовательности MASMTGGQQMGRGSSRQ капсидного белка бактериофага Т7 в структуре RrA приводит к повышению термостабильности мутантных аналогов RrA (от 50°С до 56°С) и их устойчивости к денатурации в присутствии 3 – 4 М мочевины. Выявлен разнонаправленный эффект ионов металлов на L-аспарагиназную активность вариантов RrA: ионы K+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Cs+, Co2+ существенно не влияют на активность L-аспарагиназы, добавление ионов Mn2+, Cu2+, Fe3+ приводит к снижению активности. Не обнаружено корреляции между антителомеразной (антипролиферативной) активностью и кинетическими свойствами мутантных форм L-аспарагиназы RrA

    Modeling Influenza Evolution in Response to Immune System Pressure

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    Thermal Conductivity of Mixed Aqueous Solutions of NaCl, СаСl<sub>2</sub> and KCl Salts close by Saturation Line

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    The paper contains experimental data on thermal conductivity of mixed aqueous solutions of salts within the temperature range from 20 to 300 °C and with various electrolyte concentrations in mass percentage. Thermal conductivity of H20-NaCl-CaCl2-KCl system at high temperatures has been studied for the first time. The experimental results of the present investigations have been generalized within the relative coordinates, namely: λ/λ0 and T/T0, (Т0 = 293,15 К; λ0 - thermal conductivity of a solution at T0 temperature). An empirical equation of thermal conductivity in the parabolic form has been obtained