789 research outputs found
Korištenje hrvatskih ekonomskih časopisa prema rezultatima tematskih pretraživanja
The aim of this paper was to obtain reliable data on the use of 26 Croatian scholarly economic journals, available in the open access of the National and University Library for the period 1998- 2000. This research was conducted by evaluating the results of 700 subject searches in the NUL online catalogue. During the five-year period, 1 513 articles were used, of which 535 were used only once, and the other 978 more than a few times (that is – in more than one request for subject search). The importance of subject cataloguing of Croatian journals (Croatian bibliography. Series B, Articles in journals and proceedings) was stressed as users can thus have an easier access to journals' contents which facilitates their research
Creation of synthetic life in laboratory
Ljudi su oduvijek bili fascinirani životom i pokušali su ga stvoriti više nego jednom kroz povijest. Pojavom novog područja biologije, sintetske biologije, koje kombinira znanost i inženjerstvo; je to postalo moguće. Ovaj rad daje kratki pregled događaja koji su doveli znanstvenike iz J. Craig Venter Instita (JCVI) do objave rezultate u kojima opisuju uspješno konstruiranje prve samoreplicirajuće sintetske bakterijske stanice. Tim znanstvenika je sintetizirao modificirani kromosom iz genoma bakterije Mycoplasma mycoides veličine 1.08 milijuna parova baza. Sintetska stanica je nazvana Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0 i dokaz je da genomi mogu biti dizajnirani u računalu, kemijski stvoreni u laboratoriju te transplantirani u domaćinsku stanicu gdje će stvoriti novu samoreplicirajuću stanicu kontroliranu samo sintetičkim genomom.People have always been fascinated by life and have tried to create it more than once throughout the history. With the appearance of new area of biology, the synthetic biology, which combines science and engineering; that become possible. This work gives a short review of events that led to publishing results of scientists at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) describing the successful construction of the first self-replicating, synthetic bacterial cell. The team of scientists synthesized the 1.08 million base pair chromosome of a modified Mycoplasma mycoides genome. The synthetic cell is called Mycoplasma mycoides JCVIsyn1.0 and is the proof of principle that genomes can be designed in the computer, chemically made in the laboratory and transplanted into a recipient cell to produce a new self-replicating cell controlled only by the synthetic genome
A korruptív gondolkodás és viselkedés terjedése és törvényesítése
A korruptív csoport létrejöttének és fennmaradásának előfeltétele a csoport által megvalósított eredményekben, illetve sikerekben rejlik. Ezek a sikerek ugyan nem okvetlenül etikátlanok már kezdetüktől fogva, de problematikussá válhatnak, amint egyes személyek a csoportból céljaik véghezvitele érdekében a megvalósított reális eredményeket a nem etikus tettek igazolására kezdik alkalmazni. A lélektani mechanizmus, amellyel általában a korruptív csoportok szívóssága és sikere közötti kapcsolatot szokták magyarázni, abban rejlik, hogy a siker, amelyet az eszközök és erőforrások nem legális (vagy etikátlan) kisajátításával, illetve az ehhez elengedhetetlen pozíciók megszerzésével valósítanak meg, megerősítésként szokott hatni a korruptív eljárásokra.1 A nem etikus úton elért siker ugyanis képes pénzt, hatalmat és státust biztosítani, ezáltal viszont bevésni a korruptív viselkedést egy olyan személynél, aki nagyra értékeli a sikeresség ilyen magas fokát. Emellett a korruptív csoport a fennmaradás reflexeként folyamatos és erőteljes törekvést mutat annak irányában, hogy a korruptív viselkedési mintát kiterjessze az egész szervezetre, illetve aziránt, hogy megvalósítsa eszményét – a szervezeti kultúra korruptívvá való átformálását
NEW DOCTORAL DEGREES Domination numbers of simple polygonal chains and multiple linear hexagonal chains
Domination is an area in graph theory with an extensive research activity, together with its numerous generalizations and modifications, motivated by various applications and problems. The most interesting part of this area is the multitude of types of domination.
In general, a dominating set of a graph is a set such that every vertex of a graph is either in or is adjacent to some vertex in . Domination number is the cardinality of the smallest dominating set .
The problem to determine the domination number of graph is even when restricted to some simple graph structures. However, there are certain graph structures for which domination numbers can be determined by using some well-known mathematical tools like mathematical induction or partition of graph into small parts, mutually isomorphic subgraphs, for which domination number can be easily established.
This thesis is focused on distance -domination and total domination on two types of graphs: simple polygonal chains (with cactus chains included) and multiple linear hexagonal chains. After determination of domination numbers of equidistant cactus chains, extremal chains regarding this graph invariant are found. Some results about edge domination are presented for hexagonal cactus chains and then compared to (vertex) domination. Some results were presented about domination ratio. For simple polygonal chains considered types of domination are also investigated.
At last, the domination numbers of multiple linear hexagonal chains were determined.
The most important part of the thesis is proof that considered dominating set has minimum cardinality among all dominating sets of considered graph. Usual procedure is to either establish that dominating set is perfect, or try to find some obvious property that every (and therefore the minimum) dominating set satisfies or do the partition of graph into smaller parts, called blocks, on which the domination number can be easily established
A korrupcióellenes pszichológiai beavatkozás
Számos kutató egyetért abban, hogy a korrupció gyökeres kiirtásához szakértői beavatkozásra van szükség egy szervezetben, ami átfogó változtatásokat foglal magába, mind a munkacsoportok szerkezeti felépítését és a szervezeti folyamatokat, mind pedig az alkalmazottak mentális modelljeit illetően (például: Tushman és Romanelli, 1985; Anand, Ashforth és Joshi, 2005). Misangyi és szerzőtársai (2008) egyetértenek ezzel, hozzátéve, hogy az említett változtatások, valamint az etikai tudat növelése és az üzleti/ügyviteli szabályzatokról, illetve rendeletekről kialakított tudat fejlesztése mellett még az alkalmazottak kollektív korrupcióellenes identitásának kialakítása és népszerűsítése is elengedhetetlenül fontos. Ezenfelül meg kell változtatni a formális és nem formális szervezeti kultúrát, mégpedig a javadalmazási rendszer megújításával, etikai bizottságok alakításával és az erkölcsi vezetés kiépítése révén. Mindezekre a változtatásokra pedig azért lenne szükség, hogy a szervezet tagjai felismerjék az új etikai szabályokat, azonosuljanak velük és a jövőben betartsák őket. Boeker (1997) azt is hozzáteszi, hogy az ilyen változtatásokat egyszerűen lehetetlen volna véghezvinni, ha nem bíznának meg olyan szervezeten kívüli személyeket, akik megfigyelői szemszögből javasolnának módosításokat, követnék azok véghezvitelét és értékelnék az eredményeket. Végül, ha egy szervezet már átesett egy korrupciós botrányon, felmerül a kérdés, van-e reménye egyáltalán, hogy visszanyerje etikai hitelét. Pfarrer és szerzőtársai (2008) felkínálnak egy rehabilitációs modellt, olyan irányelvekkel, amelyeket egy szervezetnek követnie kellene ahhoz, hogy visszanyerhesse a megbízók/hitelezők bizalmát. Ha a korrupcióellenes intézkedés általános vonatkozásairól van szó, Misangyi és szerzőtársai (2008) két megközelítési módot határoznak meg: a (köz)gazdasági-jogi és a pszichológiai megközelítést
Marking significant environmental dates in primary schools
Ekološki odgoj i obrazovanje najpogodniji su za razvijanje ekološke svijesti učenika mlađe školske dobi jer donose promjenu u načinu razmišljanja, ponašanja i sustava vrijednosti. Razvoju ekološke osviještenosti učenika mlađe školske dobi mogu pridonijeti različite aktivnosti u kojima učitelji razredne nastave različitim ekološkim temama mogu upoznati učenike s ekološkim problemima. Jedna od takvih aktivnosti je obilježavanje ekoloških datuma kojom se mijenja učenikov odnos prema okolišu i prirodi. U okviru diplomskog rada provedeno je istraživanje u dvije osnovne škole u Virovitici tijekom svibnja i lipnja 2017. godine, a istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 41 učitelj/učiteljica razredne nastave. Istraživanjem se željelo doći do saznanja obilježavaju li se ekološki datumi u osnovnim školama te koji su datumi najzastupljeniji, ali i spominju li ekološki datumi u udžbenicima iz prirode i društva. Rezultati su pokazali kako učitelji/učiteljice razredne nastave obilježavaju ekološke datume, a datumi koje obilježavaju svi ispitanici u istraživanju su Svjetski dan voda i Dan planeta Zemlje. Također, većina ispitanika nikada nije obilježavala Dan čistih planina i Svjetski dan tla te svi ispitanici obilježavaju ekološke datume u nastavi prirode i društva. U analiziranim udžbenicima iz prirode i društva vrlo je niska zastupljenost ekoloških datuma, a najzastupljeniji datum u njima je Dan zahvalnosti za plodove zemlje.Ecological education is the most suitable for the development of ecological consciousness of primary school children because it brings the change in the way of thinking, behaving and value system. Various activities can contribute to the development of ecological awareness of primary school children in which primary school teachers can use different ecological topics to familiarize children with ecological problems. One of such activities is celebrating environmental dates with which pupil’s attitude toward the environment and nature changes. Within this thesis, the sample was selected from two primary schools in Virovitica during May and June 2017 so the study covered 41 primary school teachers. The research was aimed at finding out whether environmental dates are celebrated in primary schools and which dates are the most represented, but also whether environmental dates are mentioned in science textbooks. The results indicate that primary school teachers celebrate environmental dates and dates which are celebrated by all respondents are World Water Day and Earth Day. Also, most respondents have never celebrated Day of Clean Mountains and World Soil Day and all of the respondents celebrate environmental dates while teaching science. In the analysed science textbooks there is very low representation of environmental dates and the most represented date in them is Thanksgiving Day for the Fruits of the Land
Presence of Institutional Culture in Daily Newspapers – Analysis of Printed Editions of Jutarnji list and Večernji list in 2009
This paper focuses on the analysis of the relationship between culture and media through presence of institutional culture in daily newspapers – Jutarnji list (JL) and Večernji list (VL). The aim was to get a quantitative indicator of the presence of institutional culture in two analyzed newspapers. In the course of research the following hypotheses were made: 1) Despite the existence of a culture column in the analyzed newspapers, the amount of cultural content is relatively small, 2) There is no significant difference in size of the culture column and the number of published texts on culture in the two analyzed newspapers, 3) The largest number of published texts is in the form of news. The timeframe of the study was one month (from 23 November 2009 to 20 December 2009) and the used method of research was content analysis. Found texts related to culture were sorted by type of text into the following categories: news, short articles, articles and interviews. The total number of found texts related to culture in JL was 315, and 355 in VL. The results of the study have confirmed the hypothesis related to low presence of culture in daily newspapers (first and third hypothesis) since most of the published texts were in the form of news and short articles (in JL they accounted for 79% and in VL as much as 87% of published texts). The second hypothesis was not fully confirmed. In fact, a significant difference in the size of the JL and VL culture columns was not established (both amount to approximately 2 pages), but there is a difference when it comes to the comparison of texts by type
Statistical analysis of Neogene sediment thickness deposited during the first transtensional and first transpressional evolutionary stages in the Bjelovar Sub-basin, Northern Croatia
The Bjelovar Sub-basin is situated in Northern Croatia and constitutes the southwestern branch of the Drava Basin. The Neogene-Quaternary sedimentary section can be subdivided into three megacycles, which are separated by regional unconformities. The data analyzed in this study are related to the first megacycle, which is characterized by a tectonic-erosional unconformity above the Neogene basement (electric log, abbr. e-log marker Pt or Tg); its top is the regional e-log marker Rs7. It is generally assumed that the Rs7 marker separates Sarmatian and Pannonian sediments and indicates the period just after the first transtensional and first transpressional events. The youngest elog marker, Rs5, represents the Lower/Upper Pannonian boundary (in Croatian stratigraphic nomenclature) and more generally the early period of the second transtensional event. The lithology of the Lower and Middle Badenian is characterized by coarse and medium-grained sediments, while the Upper Badenian to Lower Pannonian section is dominantly pelitic as a result of flattening of the eroded paleorelief, as well as of reduced amounts of fans and energy. Thickness maps for the stratigraphic intervals Pt/Tg-Rs7 (4.9 Ma) and Rs7-Rs5 (2.2 Ma) were statistically analyzed using a regular grid with individual cells of 500 × 500 m. It is demonstrated that the first transpressional event in this sub-basin continued during the Lower Pannonian, causing a significant decrease of sediment thickness and a large unconformity in the east. Statistics based on histograms and averages confirmed that the first transtension and first transpression can be clearly distinguished by the presented methodology
Journals from the Field of Dental Medicine in available Databases with Full-text: Uniform Content and Technology
Elektronički časopisi postali su nezaobilazni izvor znanstvenih informacija. Njihova prednost, u odnosu prema tiskanim časopisima, proizlazi iz značajki medija: dostupni su svim zainteresiranim korisnicima istodobno, prije nego tiskana inačica, i nisu nužno vezani na samu knjižnicu. Kako je u procesu diseminacije znanstvenih i stručnih informacija jedna od temeljnih uloga knjižničara osigurati korisnicima informaciju koja im je potrebna i kada im je potrebna, knjižničari u prvome redu nastoje korisnike obavijestiti o raspoloživim elektroničkim izvorima.
Cilj je ovoga rada sistematizirati časopise iz područja stomatologije s pomoću pregleda časopisa koji su hrvatskoj akademskoj zajednici dostupni u bazama podataka članaka u punome tekstu u Nacionalnoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici, te knjižnicama znanstvenih institucija i fakulteta koje su okupljene u podsustavima Sustava znanstvenih informacija. U agregiranim bazama podataka EBSCO Publishinga odabrano je 26 časopisa iz područja stomatologije, a u bazama podataka izdavača odabrano je: 7 naslova izdavača Kluwer Academic Publishing, 15 naslova izdavača Elsevier Science, 12 naslova Springer Verlaga i 2 naslova izdavača John Wiley & Sons.Electronic journals have become an indispensable source of scientific information. Their advantage compared to the printed journals is that they are available to all interested users at the same time, before the printed version, and are not necessarily tied to the location of the library. As one of the fundamental roles of the librarian during the process of dissemination of scientific and professional information is to guarantee users the information they need and when they need it, librarians endeavour to inform users of available electronic sources. The aim of this study was to systematise journals from the field of dental medicine by a review of the journals accessible to the Croatian academic community in databases of articles in full-text in the National and University Library, and the libraries of scientific institutions and faculties, which are incorporated in sub-systems of the System of Scientific Information. Twenty-six journals were selected from the field of dental medicine in aggregated databases of EBSCO Publishing, and the following chosen from the databases of the publisher: 7 titles of Kluwer Academic Publishing, 15 of Elsevier Science, 12 of Springer Verlag and 2 of John Wiley & Sons
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