341 research outputs found
Pragmatisation of the syntax
This article presents the role of modeling in linguistics. It is used to recognize regularities in the language. Special emphasis was put on the linguistic analysis universal model of Józef Darski. The author of the paper has successfully applied it to the study of morphology and syntax at the dialectal level.This article presents the role of modeling in linguistics. It is used to recognize regularities in the language. Special emphasis was put on the linguistic analysis universal model of Józef Darski. The author of the paper has successfully applied it to the study of morphology and syntax at the dialectal level
Sprachliche Varietäten. Eine mediale Perspektive
Sprachliche Varietäten. Eine mediale Perspektiv
W krainie dzieciństwa – nazwy krakowskich przedszkoli
Article attempts to describe modern names of preschols. Nowadays, preschools are becoming similar to companies. The main purpose of their names is to encourage parents (and to some extent also children) to choose specific facility. Initially, this trend was associated with mainly non-public, private preschool, now also public preschools. This involves the development of consumption, characteristic of modern civilization. Creativity in the choice of name supports the presence of competition, and therefore described tendency can be noticed in large cities, such as Cracow. Material required for the analysis, that includes 334 names, was provided by the Internet databases that help parents in choosing a specific facility (abcprzedszkola.pl, przedszkolak.pl, przedszkolowo.pl), recruitment system for preschools FORMICO (krakow.formico.pl) and webpages of individual preschools
Antibiotic and non-antibiotic treatment of urinary tract infections in the era of growing antimicrobial resistance
Urinary tract infection is one of the most common indications for prescribing antibiotics among otherwise healthy patients. The lifetime risk of having urinary tract infection among the female population reaches up to 50%. Empirical antibiotic therapy is the first line of treatment in uncomplicated cases. Bacterial resistant to antibiotics is constantly increasing and it is resulting in the evolvement of multidrug-resistant pathogens but also causes a limitation in empirical treatment options. Due to growing antimicrobial resistance, local antimicrobial susceptibility patterns should always be considered especially when empirical treatment is introduced. The article shows the ongoing need for updates in local resistance patterns. Recommendations for the empirical treatment should be constantly verified with reference to the local antimicrobial resistance status. Non-antibiotic preparations may be useful only in the prevention of urinary tract infections
Multimodal Messages
The term ‘multimodality’ can be ascribed a range of meanings. The author focuses on the way it is used in linguistics – in text linguistics and computer-mediated communication in particular. In the article, an outline of current scientific discussion on ‘multimodality’ along with the author’s own definition of the term are presented. According to the author, multimodality incorporates a wealth of semiotic elements of a given message on the one hand, and the process of directing the message in the reception process to various senses on the other.118152Journal of Multimodal Communication Studie
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Exercise Training in Patients With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer During In-Hospital Chemotherapy Treatment: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL.
PurposeThe aim of this study was to perform a randomized trial to assess the impact of exercise training in patients with non-small cell lung cancer during chemotherapy on several outcomes in comparison to a control group (CG).MethodsThe exercise training group (ETG) consisted of 20 patients and the CG consisted of 10 patients. In the ETG, a 4-wk in-hospital exercise training program was performed in 2-wk cycles interspersed with consecutive rounds of chemotherapy with cytostatic drugs. The exercise training program was individualized and included warm-up, respiratory muscle exercise, training on a cycle ergometer or treadmill, and Nordic walking. CG participants were assessed before and after 6 wk of chemotherapy alone.ResultsComparing pre- and post-intervention values, the ETG demonstrated an increase in 6-min walk distance (486 ± 92 vs 531 ± 103 m, P = .01). In a battery of physical performance tests: Up and Go Test (6.3 ± 1.0 vs 6.0 ± 1.1 sec, P = .01); chair stand (13.3 ± 2.8 vs 14.3 ± 3.4 repetitions, P = .001); and arm curl (18.4 ± 3.1 vs 20.4 ± 3.5 repetitions, P = .001) all improved significantly. Spirometry values also improved: FEV1 % predicted (76 ± 16 vs 84 ± 15, P = .01), FVC % predicted (87 ± 14 vs 95 ± 13, P = .01), and FEV1/FVC (73 ± 13% vs 76 ± 12%, P = .04). The exercise training was well tolerated, without any adverse events due to exercise. There were no significant improvements in the CG.ConclusionsThis study suggests that planned, individualized, and supervised exercise programs in patients with advanced lung cancer during chemotherapy are a practical and beneficial intervention for enhancing mobility and physical fitness
Ikonifizierung und Ästhetisierung der Schriftzeichen
Die gesellschaftliche Kommunikationspraxis zeigt, dass sprachliche Ausdrücke auf ihrer wahrnehmbaren Ebene prinzipiell in einer materiell gebundenen Erscheinungsform, d. h. in Verbindung mit anderen Modalitäten der Kommunikation vorkommen, wie z. B. dem Bild. Die Relevanz der Materialität, der Oberfläche sprachlicher Phänomene sowie ihre ästhetischen Qualitäten rücken somit ins Zentrum des linguistischen Interesses. Im Artikel wird auf eine besondere Form der Text-Bild-Beziehung eingegangen, die auf der Ikonifizierung und Ästhetisierung der Schriftzeichen beruht. Alphabetschriftliche und bildliche Elemente füllen zusammen die Sehfläche, indem sie ineinander übergehen und Metamorphosen bilden.The use of language in social reality reveals that linguistic expressions in their material manifestation are typically accompanied by other modalities, by elements of different nature, such as pictures. Linguistic research has recently emphasized language materiality, the surface level of linguistic phenomena and their aesthetic quality. This article demonstrates the special relations between text and picture, consisting in iconification and aestheticization of writing. Both the script and graphic elements fill the visual field, building blends and metamorphoses.W wielu obszarach komunikacji wyrażenia językowe w ich materialnej postaci występują w połączeniu z elementami o innym charakterze, jak na przykład z obrazem. W lingwistyce podkreśla się obecnie materialność, warstwę powierzchniową zjawisk językowych oraz ich jakość estetyczną. W artykule ukazano szczególną relację tekstu i obrazu polegającą na ikonizacji i estetyzacji znaków graficznych pisma. Litery i elementy obrazowe wypełniają wspólnie pole widzenia, tworząc metamorfozy i wzajemne przejścia
Влияние русского языка на белорусские говоры (на примере полевых исследований в Мядельском pайоне Минской oбласти)
The aim of this article is to describe the role of the Russian language in a multilingual environment, which is the Belarusian-Polish-Lithuanian borderland. The study pays particular attention to the influence of the Russian language on contemporary Belarusian dialects, in particular on the Central Belarusian dialect. Part of the Central Belarusian dialect is the dialect of Kamarova (Myadzel district, Minsk region), where I have conducted field research since 2010. The article provides an analysis of selected fragments from the interviews with local residents, indicating a significant impact of the Russian language (primarily at the lexical level) on the speech of the residents of Kamarova, regardless of their age, education, status, position, etc. Moreover, the long and continuing influence of the Russian language on Belarusian dialects, its strong position in Belarus and its high prestige suggest a change in the dialect of Kamarova, in which lexical elements of the Polish/ Lithuanian language are gradually being replaced by their Russian equivalents
Індывідуальная мова Яна Драўніцкага – аналіз асобных ідыялектных асаблівасцей
The main purpose of the article is to analyse the personal language (idiolect) of Jan Drevnitski - a well-known Belarusian ethnographer, folklorist, great educator and human being from the village of Kutski ( Myadzel district, Minsk region in Belarus). The interviews, fragments of which are presented in the article, were collected over a period of 8 years (2010–2018), I also noted down free discussions with the interlocutor and his thoughts. This made it possible both to present the identity profile of the ethnographer and to characterise his personal language. Among the selected idiolectal aspects were phonetic, lexical, word-forming, morphological and syntactic elements. The analysed interview fragments included in the text present: 1) characteristic articulation, accent and intonation; 2) rich vocabulary: in addition to the Belarusian literary language that Drevnitski used every day, his speech contains dialect words, colloquial words, borrowings from Polish or Russian; 3) word-form peculiarities; 4) interesting grammatical forms, characteristic of the local dialect; 5) specific syntax. Each of the aforementioned elements contributes to an individual, unique language and style, through which a person's personality manifests itself.Celem artykułu jest analiza idiolektu (języka osobniczego) Jana Drewnickiego – znanego białoruskiego krajoznawcy, folklorysty, pedagoga i mieszkańca z miejscowości Kućki (rejon miadziolski, obwód miński na Białorusi). Wywiady, których fragmenty zostały zaprezentowane w artykule, były zbierane na przestrzeni ośmiu lat (2010–2018), notowałam również swobodne dyskusje z rozmówcą i jego przemyślenia. Pozwoliło to przedstawić tożsamościową sylwetkę krajoznawcy oraz charakterystykę jego języka osobniczego. Wśród wybranych aspektów idiolektalnych znalazły się elementy fonetyczne, leksykalne, słowotwórcze, morfologiczne i składniowe. Analizowane fragmenty wywiadów zamieszczone w tekście prezentują: 1) charakterystyczną artykulację, akcent i intonację; 2) bogatą leksykę: oprócz białoruskiego języka literackiego, którym na co dzień posługuje się Drewnicki, w jego mowie występują wyrazy gwarowe, potoczne, zapożyczenia z języka polskiego czy rosyjskiego; 3) osobliwości słowotwórcze; 4) ciekawe formy gramatyczne, właściwe dla gwary miejscowej oraz 5) swoistą składnię. Każdy z wymienionych elementów przyczynia się do powstania indywidualnego, niepowtarzalnego języka i stylu, przez które przejawia się osobowość człowieka.Галоўнай мэтай артыкула з’яўляецца аналіз індывідуальнай мовы (ідыялекту) Яна Драўніцкага – вядомага беларускага краязнаўцы, фалькларыста, выдатнага педагога і цудоўнага чалавека з вёскі Куцькі (Мядзельскі раён, Мінская вобласць, Беларусь). Інтэрв’ю, фрагменты якіх прадстаўлены ў артыкуле, я збірала на працягу васьмі гадоў (2010–2018); акрамя таго запісвала дыскусіі з суразмоўцам на вольную тэму і яго думкі. Гэта дазволіла прадставіць тоеснасную постаць краязнаўцы, а таксама асаблівасці яго індывідуальнай мовы. Сярод адначаных ідыялектных аспектаў вылучаюцца фанетычныя, лексічныя, словаўтваральныя, марфалагічныя і сінтаксічныя элементы. Прааналізаваныя ўрыўкі прадстаўляюць: 1) характэрную артыкуляцыю, акцэнт і інтанацыю; 2) багатую лексіку: акрамя беларускай літаратурнай мовы, якой Драўніцкі паслугоўваўся штодзённа, у яго маўленні сустракаюцца дыялектныя і прастамоўныя словы, а таксама запазычанні з польскай ці рускай моў; 3) словаўтваральныя асаблівасці; 4) цікавыя граматычныя формы, уласцівыя мясцоваму дыялекту; 5) спецыфічны сінтаксіс. Кожны з вышэйназваных элементаў садзейнічае стварэнню індывідуальнай, непаўторнай мовы і стылю, праз якія праяўляецца чалавечая асоба
Мінуўшчына вачамі жыхароў беларуска-літоўска-польскага памежжа (на прыкладзе выбраных вёсак Мядзельскага і Валожынскага раёнаў)
The article is devoted to oral memories of the residents of the Polish–Belarusian-Lithuanian borderland of the Central and Western Belarus (Valozhyn and Miadziel districts), where the author has been conducting her research since 2010. The focus of the analysis is brought to the memories of representatives of the generation born in the 1920s and 1930s and living in the area since then. The oral history of the people native to these regions goes back several historical periods. This includes the inter-war period, the Second World War and the post-war years, all reconstructed on the basis of selected fragments of biographical narratives. The research shows that, in the communicative memory of the inhabitants of the area, the pre-war period evokes positive images associated with the Second Polish Republic, whereas negative memories are related to the advent of the Soviet government. The accounts from the period of the Second World War depict both the German soldiers and the partisans, and their interactions with the local population. Another difficult experience were the post-war years, which brought about exile, forced collectivization, repression of religious beliefs and the destruction of Polish documents. The analysis of the material gathered allows for a deeper understanding of the reality of life in conditions marked by shifting borders and state changes, and allows us to reconstruct the traditional world of the inhabitants of these villages. The preserved memories of the living witnesses constitute valuable research material, which often contradicts well-established historical facts.Artykuł poświęcony jest ustnym wspomnieniom mieszkańców pogranicza polsko-białorusko- litewskiego (rejon wołożyński, rejon miadzielski w Centralnej Białorusi), gdzie od 2010 r. autorka prowadzi badania terenowe. Przedmiotem rozważań jest pamięć pokolenia urodzonego w latach 20.–30. XX w., od dawna mieszkającego na wymienionym obszarze. Historie mówione autochtonów dotyczą kilku okresów historycznych. To przede wszystkim okres międzywojenny, czasy II wojny światowej i lata powojenne, które zostały zrekonstruowane na podstawie fragmentów narracji biograficznych. Z badań wynika, że czas przedwojenny w świadomości społecznej mieszkańców wiąże się z pozytywnymi wspomnieniami II Rzeczpospolitej i negatywnymi dotyczącymi obcowania z władzą sowiecką. Obrazy z II wojny światowej przedstawiają żołnierzy niemieckich i partyzantów oraz ich relacje z miejscową ludnością. Lata powojenne, które przyniosły mieszkańcom przymusową kolektywizację, zesłania, prześladowanie wiary i niszczenie polskich dokumentów, zapisały się w pamięci badanych jako kolejne trudne doświadczenie. Analiza zgromadzonego materiału daje możliwość zrozumienia autochtonicznej ludności w warunkach przesunięcia granic, zmian politycznych oraz pozwala zrekonstruować tradycyjny świat mieszkańców badanych wsi. Wspomnienia wciąż żyjących świadków historii stanowią ważne źródło informacji, które niejednokrotnie wchodzi w konfrontację z uznanymi faktami historycznymi.Артыкул прысвечаны вусным успамінам жыхароў польска-беларуска-літоўскага пагранічча (валожынскі і Мядзельскі раёны ў Цэнтральнай Беларусі), дзе з 2010 г. намі праводзяцца палявыя даследаванні. Развагі засяроджаны на памяці найстарэйшага па- калення, народжанага ў 20–30-я гг. ХХ ст., якое з дзеда-прадзеда жыве на даследава- най тэрыторыі. Вусная гісторыя старажылаў ахопліваe некалькі гістарычных перыядаў. Гэта, перш за ўсё, вобразы міжваеннага перыяду, часоў другой сусветнай вайны і пас- ляваенных гадоў, якія прадстаўляюцца ў артыкуле пры дапамозе выбаркі фрагментаў біяграфічных нарацый. Даваенны час у калектыўнай памяці аўтахтоннага насельніцтва характарызуецца станоўчымі ўспамінамі пра жыццё ў ІІ Рэчы Паспалітай, і адмоўнымі, звязанымі з прыходам саветаў. Карціны другой сусветнай вайны вагаюцца паміж апі- саннямі нямецкага войска і партызанаў, а таксама іх узаемаадносінамі з мясцовым на- сельніцтвам. Пасляваенныя гады прынеслі аўтахтонам чарговае выпрабаванне, напр. прымусовая калектывізацыя, ссылкі, забарона веры і канфіскацыя польскіх дакумен- таў. Аналіз матэрыялу дае магчымасць лепш зразумець вясковых жыхароў ва ўмовах тэрытарыяльных, палітычных і сацыяльных пераменаў, а таксама дапамагаюць зазір- нуць у іх традыцыйны свет. Захаваныя ўспаміны жывых сведкаў гісторыі – гэта багаты матэрыял, які часта ўступае ў канфрантацыю з прызнанымі гістарычнымі фактамі
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