19 research outputs found

    Composition and morphology of composite coatings

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    PING 2019 is organized with the support of funds for specific university research project SVK1-2019-002.This article focuses on the selection of fillers for composite coatings according to their key properties, sample composition and particle morphology. Properties that we want to improve with coatings are especially durability, abrasion resistance and heat resistance. TiO2, Al2O3, WC a W were selected as suitable materials. XRD and XRF analysis was performed on selected fillers to determine the exact composition and crystallographic structure. Furthermore, the samples were milled in a ball mill, sieved according to the size of the fraction and SEM analysis was performed for each fraction to determine the particle morphology

    Переработка алюминия, полученного из пищевой тары

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    Метою цього експерименту було розплавити алюмінієві контейнери для напоїв і при використанні процесу переробки отримати алюмінієвий матеріал певного хімічного складу для іншого процесу виробництва з метою виробництва алюмінієвих напівфабрикатів і продукції. Алюмінієвий матеріал, витягнутий таким чином згодом був проаналізований хімічно і металографічно. Ці експерименти проводилися на трьох злитках і у всіх трьох випадках пакет був сформований із 100% алюмінієвого брухту у вигляді тонко подрібнених алюмінієвих банок. З точки зору комплексної оцінки ефективності утилізації розрахунок прибутковості отриманого алюмінієвого сплаву не проводився.The aim of this experiment was to melt down aluminium beverage containers and making use of the recycling process to acquire an aluminium material of a certain chemical composition for another production process with the aim of manufacturing aluminium semi-products and products. The aluminium material extracted in this way was subsequently analysed chemically and metallographically. These experiments were carried out within three casts and in all three cases the batch was formed by 100% of aluminium scrap in the form of finely shredded aluminium cans (Fig.1) and from the point of view of the complex efficiency assessment of the recycling process a calculation of the yield of the acquired aluminium alloy was undertaken. At the same time, considering that the aluminium waste was coated with plastic materials, paper and varnish/lacquer, it was necessary to identify the content and composition of the substances released in the course of the melting process in the form of gas and assess their possible negative impact on the environment.Целью этого эксперимента было расплавить алюминиевые контейнеры для напитков и при использовании процесса переработки получить алюминиевый материал определенного химического состава для другого процесса производства с целью производства алюминиевых полуфабрикатов и продукции. Алюминиевый материал, извлеченный таким образом впоследствии был проанализирован химически и металлографически. Эти эксперименты проводились на трех слитках и во всех трех случаях пакет был сформирован из 100% алюминиевого лома в виде тонко измельчённых алюминиевых банок (рис. 1). С точки зрения комплексной оценки эффективности утилизации расчет доходности полученного алюминиевого сплава не проводился

    Comparative Aspects of Nanoparticles in Relation to Extending Shelf-Life of Molds

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    Paper deals by problems of nanoparticles and nanomaterials applicated in technical practice. Research on the use of nanoparticles has at present a great development. Their potential has a large of use. Particles of nano-size, i.e. below 100 nm exhibit other properties than larger particles and because this area is being explored in all possible sectors. The effect of adding these particles at different mechanical properties in coatings on various surfaces neat (separated on a band saw, milling work, ground roughness 800 and 80 polished) dependent on quality prepared nanoparticles by different conditions of milling. One of the possibilities for an extension of the duty cycle of tyre production molds is applying a protective coating. Due to the functionality of the desktop is needed a very thin coating layer. A suitable type of coating is thus a PTFE coating, which prolongs the service life of hundreds of percent. Better possibility how to improve an extension of the duty cycle is the addition of the coating titanium dioxide particles into the PTFE medium. This is the way how to create nanocomposite directly on the mold surface


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    The aim of this experiment was to melt down aluminium beverage containers and making use of the recycling process to acquire an aluminium material of a certain chemical composition for another production process with the aim of manufacturing aluminium semi-products and products. The aluminium material extracted in this way was subsequently analysed chemically and metallographically. These experiments were carried out within three casts and in all three cases the batch was formed by 100% of aluminium scrap in the form of finely shredded aluminium cans (Fig.1) and from the point of view of the complex efficiency assessment of the recycling process a calculation of the yield of the acquired aluminium alloy was undertaken. At the same time, considering that the aluminium waste was coated with plastic materials, paper and varnish/lacquer, it was necessary to identify the content and composition of the substances released in the course of the melting process in the form of gas and assess their possible negative impact on the environment.Целью этого эксперимента было расплавить алюминиевые контейнеры для напитков и при использовании процесса переработки получить алюминиевый материал определенного химического состава для другого процесса производства с целью производства алюминиевых полуфабрикатов и продукции. Алюминиевый материал, извлеченный таким образом впоследствии был проанализирован химически и металлографически. Эти эксперименты проводились на трех слитках и во всех трех случаях пакет был сформирован из 100% алюминиевого лома в виде тонко измельчённых алюминиевых банок (рис. 1). С точки зрения комплексной оценки эффективности утилизации расчет доходности полученного алюминиевого сплава не проводилсяМетоюцьогоекспериментубулорозплавитиалюмінієвіконтейнеридлянапоївіпривикористанніпроцесупереробкиотриматиалюмінієвийматеріалпевногохімічногоскладудляіншогопроцесувиробництвазметоювиробництваалюмінієвихнапівфабрикатівіпродукції. Алюмінієвий матеріал, витягнутий таким чином згодом був проаналізований хімічно і металографічно. Ці експерименти проводилися на трьох злитках і у всіх трьох випадках пакет був сформований із 100% алюмінієвого брухту у вигляді тонко подрібнених алюмінієвих банок. З точки зору комплексної оцінки ефективності утилізації розрахунок прибутковості отриманого алюмінієвого сплаву не проводивс

    Nové poznatky o struktuře slitiny AlSi12CuMgNi (AA 4032)

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    Vydáno chybně pod ISSN 1210-047

    Composition and morphology of composite coatings

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    PING 2019 is organized with the support of funds for specific university research project SVK1-2019-002.This article focuses on the selection of fillers for composite coatings according to their key properties, sample composition and particle morphology. Properties that we want to improve with coatings are especially durability, abrasion resistance and heat resistance. TiO2, Al2O3, WC a W were selected as suitable materials. XRD and XRF analysis was performed on selected fillers to determine the exact composition and crystallographic structure. Furthermore, the samples were milled in a ball mill, sieved according to the size of the fraction and SEM analysis was performed for each fraction to determine the particle morphology

    Evaluation of Prediction Models of the Microwire EDM Process of Inconel 718 Using ANN and RSM Methods

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    Precise machining of micro parts from difficult-to-cut materials requires using advanced technology such as wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM). In order to enhance the productivity of micro WEDM, the key role is understanding the influence of process parameters on the surface topography and the material’s removal rate (MRR). Furthermore, effective models which allow us to predict the influence of the parameters of micro-WEDM on the qualitative effects of the process are required. This paper influences the discharge energy, time interval, and wire speed on the surface topography’s properties, namely Sa, Sk, Spk, Svk, and MRR, after micro-WEDM of Inconel 718 were described. Developed RSM and ANN model of the micro-WEDM process, showing that the discharge energy had the main influence (over 70%) on the surface topography’s parameters. However, for MRR, the time interval was also significant. Furthermore, a reduction in wire speed can lead to a decrease in the cost process and have a positive influence on the environment and sustainability of the process. Evaluation of developed prediction models of micro-WEDM of Inconel 718 indicates that ANN had a lower value for the relative error compared with the RSM models and did not exceed 4%

    Analysis of Composite Coating of Deep Drawing Tool

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    Modern coating methods have become an important part of industrial practice. For some materials and operations, the use of abrasion-resistant and hard coatings is an absolute necessity; for others, they are the key to greater efficiency and productivity. The aim of this work was to apply and subsequently analyze a new type of thin coating micro-layers TiAlN and TiAlCN, applied using HIPIMS coating technology from a physical point of view. In particular, chemical composition (EDS) and microstructure analyses were carried out in the area of applied coatings. Prepared cross-sectional metallographic samples were evaluated using electron microscopy. A detailed microstructural characterization of the individual elements was carried out on the lamellae of the investigated sample using transmission electron microscopy. It was found that this new multilayer micro-coating based on TiAlN + TiAlCN at a thickness of 5.8 µm increases the repeatability of production strokes by 200%. This finding was confirmed by testing the production of cartridges in the real operation of a large manufacturing company

    Analysis of torque cam mechanism

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    The article deals with the process of torque camshaft at a constant speed. The method of release was determined by the normal force acting between the cam and the tappet. Subsequently, was expressed torque. A prerequisite for the calculations are a constant friction coefficient between the components of the mechanism and constant speed of the camshaft. Cam used for the purposes of this study generated polynomial lifting dependence. Part of this work is the calculation methodology lifting addiction. Course of torque is the conclusion presented on the values of the corresponding measuring station, which is the result of previous work on the subject