45 research outputs found

    Social media and hidden curriculum: What do teacher-student interactions teach students?

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    The aim of this study is to examine the views of the students about the learning outcomes of teacher-student interactions on social media within the context of hidden curriculum. To this end, a quantitative associational research design was used in this study. Within the scope of the research, 2046 students attending to the middle schools in Kahramanmaraş province were selected into the sample. The data of the study were collected using “Hidden curriculum on social media scale” which has a four-factor structure consisting of 16 items developed by the researchers. The results of the analysis from the hidden curriculum perspective revealed that as a result of interactions between the teacher and the student on social media, students learn some rules and values, know better about their teachers, restrain themselves from sharing and communicating about certain topics, and gain confidence in communication. Furthermore, a statistically significant difference was found in favor of male students in terms of learning to restraint and gaining confidence in communication, whereas no significant difference was observed in terms of learning rules and values, and knowing better about teachers. With regard to grade level, the learning outcomes of especially the 5th graders through hidden curriculum on social media were found to be significantly more than those of other students in upper classes of middle schools. However, all the statistically significant differences were found to have small effect sizes. It was also found that the daily time students spend on social media and the number of teachers added as friends to their accounts were significant predictors of students' their learning outcomes within the scope of hidden curriculum.The aim of this study is to examine the views of the students about the learning outcomes of teacher-student interactions on social media within the context of hidden curriculum. To this end, a quantitative associational research design was used in this study. Within the scope of the research, 2046 students attending to the middle schools in Kahramanmaraş province were selected into the sample. The data of the study were collected using “Hidden curriculum on social media scale” which has a four-factor structure consisting of 16 items developed by the researchers. The results of the analysis from the hidden curriculum perspective revealed that as a result of interactions between the teacher and the student on social media, students learn some rules and values, know better about their teachers, restrain themselves from sharing and communicating about certain topics, and gain confidence in communication. Furthermore, a statistically significant difference was found in favor of male students in terms of learning to restraint and gaining confidence in communication, whereas no significant difference was observed in terms of learning rules and values, and knowing better about teachers. With regard to grade level, the learning outcomes of especially the 5th graders through hidden curriculum on social media were found to be significantly more than those of other students in upper classes of middle schools. However, all the statistically significant differences were found to have small effect sizes. It was also found that the daily time students spend on social media and the number of teachers added as friends to their accounts were significant predictors of students' their learning outcomes within the scope of hidden curriculum

    The effects of sedatıon wıth ıntravenous mıdazolam ın 100 patıents undergoıng upper gastroıntestınal endoscopy

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    Objective: The use of sedation in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is widespread because of better patient tolerance. As this sedation is usually performed by nonanesthesiologists in and outside of hospital settings, possible adverse effects arising during the procedure must be dealt with carefully. In this study, the safety and efficacy of midazolam for conscious sedation in 100 patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy were evaluated prospectively. Patients and Methods: Hundred consecutive patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy were sedated with intravenous midazolam. The dose of midazolam was titrated according to the patient’s need and the duration of the procedure. Heart rate and oxygen saturation of all the patients were continuously monitored during the procedure and any complications were recorded. The amnesic effect of midazolam and patient comfort were also evaluated. Results: During the procedure, absence of oxygen desaturation (Sa02 > 95%) was found in 80%, mild oxygen desaturation (95% > Sa02 > 92%, at least 15 seconds duration) in 16%, and severe oxygen desaturation (Sa02 < 92%, at least 15 seconds duration) in 4%. Twenty-six patients had tachycardia only during the insertion of the endoscope, 17 patients had it throughout the procedure. Ventricular premature beats were recorded in two patients. Different degrees of amnesia were seen in 60% of the patients and the comfort level was excellent in 41%, good in 43%, and fair in 16%. Conclusion: Sedation of patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with intravenous midazolam results in better tolerance of the procedure. Routine monitoring must be provided because of the risks of desaturation and arrhythmi

    Öğretmenlerin Eğitimde İnsansı Robot Teknolojisini Kabul Düzeyleri

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    Bu araştırmada öğretmenlerin eğitimde insansı robot teknolojisini kabul düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmada nicel araştırma modellerinden olan temel tarama modeline dayalı ilişkisel araştırma deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırma 2018-2019 eğitim-öğretim yılında Tunceli il merkezinde bulunan okul öncesi, ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise düzeyindeki okullarda görev yapmakta olan 294 öğretmen üzerinde yapılmıştır. Araştırma verilerinin toplanması amacıyla öğretmenler için quot%253BEğitimde İnsansı Robot Teknolojisi Kabul Ölçeği [EİRTKÖ] geliştirilmiştir. Yirmi dört maddeden oluşan EİRTKÖ%253B Algılanan Fayda, Algılanan Kullanım Kolaylığı, Algılanan Öz-Yeterlik, Kaygı ve Kullanım Niyeti olmak üzere toplam beş faktörden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma bulgularına göre öğretmenlerin insansı robotların eğitimde kullanımını orta düzeyde (kararsız) kabul ettikleri sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Öğretmenlerin eğitimde insansı robot teknolojisini kabul düzeylerine ilişkin görüşleri farklı değişkenler açısından incelendiğinde%253B cinsiyet, branş, hizmet verilen okul düzeyi ve mesleki kıdem değişkenleri açısından anlamlı bir farklılık olmadığı belirlenmiştir. En son mezun olunan eğitim kademesi değişkenine göre ise yüksek lisans mezunu öğretmenlerin eğitimde insansı robot teknolojisini kabul düzeylerine ilişkin kullanım niyetlerinin lisans mezunu öğretmenlere göre daha yüksek olduğu, ancak bu fark için hesaplanan etki büyüklüğünün düşük olduğu gözlenmiştir. Okul türü değişkeninde ise özel okulda görev yapan öğretmenlerin eğitimde insansı robot teknolojisini kabul düzeylerine ilişkin algılanan fayda, algılanan kullanım kolaylığı ve kullanım niyetlerinin devlet okulunda görev yapan öğretmenlere göre daha yüksek olduğu, ancak bu farkın da düşük düzeyde etkiye sahip olduğu görülmüştür

    Temel Eğitimden Ortaöğretime Geçiş (TEOG) Sistemine İlişkin Öğrenci, Öğretmen ve Veli Görüşleri

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı 2013-2014 eğitim öğretim yılında uygulanmaya başlanan yeni Temel Eğitimden Orta Öğretime Geçiş (TEOG) sistemiyle ilgili öğrenci, öğretmen ve veli görüşlerini incelemektir. Araştırma karma araştırma desenlerinden yakınsayan paralel karma desene uygun olarak tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel kısmına ilişkin veriler 116’sı öğretmen, 106’sı veli ve 193’ü öğrenci olmak üzere toplam 415 katılımcıdan, nitel kısmına ilişkin veriler ise 5 öğretmen, 6 öğrenci ve 6 veliden elde edilmiştir. 2013-2014 eğitim-öğretim yılında gerçekleştirilen bu araştırmada, nicel veriler anket aracılığıyla, nitel veriler ise görüşme yöntemiyle elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda hem nicel hem de nitel bulgular, yeni sistemin beraberinde getirdiği, öğrencilerin sınava kendi okullarında girmeleri, sınavın iki döneme yayılması, mazeret/telafi sınavının olması, puanlamada düzeltme formülünün kullanılmaması gibi yeni uygulamaların genel olarak olumlu karşılandığını göstermiştir. Katılımcılar bu uygulamaların öğrencilerin sınav stresi ve kaygısını azaltma konusunda etkili olduğunu düşünmektedir. Diğer taraftan TEOG’un zayıf yanlarına ilişkin bulguların başında TEOG sisteminin kökleşmiş bir sorun olan dershane ve özel ders ihtiyacını azaltmadığı ve sınav güvenliğinin yetersiz olduğu yönündeki görüşler gelmektedir.

    Senior Pre-service Teachers’ Senses of Efficacy on their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

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    This research investigates the preservice teachers’ senses of efficacy about their technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in terms of some variables, and the association between their perceived efficacy and frequency of computer use. It was designed based on a baseline descriptive survey method, followed by associational models of casual-comparison and correlation. The research group comprised 365 senior preservice teachers. The data were collected using TPACK survey developed by Şahin (2011). Results suggested that participants had favorable perceptions of efficacy in terms of TPACK and its domains. While no statistical differences were observed for gender, significant differences were established with regard to department and computer possession variables. Low-to-medium level of positive significant correlations were found between preservice teachers’ frequency of computer use and perceived efficacy of TPACK. Finally, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Technological Pedagogical Knowledge, Technological Content Knowledge, and Pedagogical knowledge were found to be the significant predictors of TPACK.Bu araştırmada eğitim fakültesi son sınıf öğrencilerinin teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgilerine (TPAB) ilişkin yeterlilik algılarının bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi ve TPAB yeterlilik algısı ile bilgisayar kullanma sıklığı değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma betimsel tarama modeline ve nedensel-karşılaştırma ile korelasyonel yöntemlerin kullanıldığı ilişkisel tarama modeline göre tasarlanmıştır. Çalışmaya eğitim fakültesi son sınıfına devam eden 365 öğrenci katılmıştır. Veriler Şahin (2011) tarafından geliştirilen TPAB ölçme aracı kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, öğlecilerin genel TPAB ve alt bilgi alanlarına ilişkin yeterliliklerini iyi düzeyde algıladıkları belirlenmiştir. TPAB yeterlilik düzeylerinin cinsiyet değişkenine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde farklılaşmadığı gözlenirken, bölüm ve bilgisayar sahibi olma durumu değişkenlerine göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılaştığı bulunmuştur. Öğrencilerin bilgisayar kullanma sıklıkları ile TPAB yeterlilik düzeyleri arasında düşük ve orta düzeyde pozitif yönde anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Son olarak, Öğrencilerin TPAB yeterlilik algılarının en güçlü yordayıcılarının Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi, Teknolojik Pedagoji Bilgisi, Teknolojik Alan Bilgisi ve Pedagoji Bilgisi yeterlilik algıları olduğu görülmüştür


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    This exploratory mixed method research aimed to develop parent and child forms of a scale to measure parents’ practices to reward and punish their children. For the qualitative strand, semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents (n = 54) and their children (n = 39). The qualitative analysis revealed four major themes regarding parental rewarding practices (material rewards, activity-based rewards, permission, and verbal and emotional rewards) and three major themes regarding parental punishment practices (response cost, verbal and emotional punishment, and corporal punishment), which were used to develop two sets of prospective items. At the quantitative strand, EFA and CFA analysis were performed using data obtained from a total of 701 parents and 620 children to test the psychometric properties. As a result of the research, both Parent (PRPS-P) and Child (PRPS-C) forms of Parental Reward and Punishment Scale (PRPS) were developed for use at the K-12 level with favorable psychometric properties

    Do Learners’ Characteristics Matter? An Exploration of Mobile-learning Adoption in Self-directed Learning

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    This paper aims to identify individual characteristics that motivate learners to use mobile-learning. It sheds light on our current knowledge by a) examining an m-learning adoption model which accounts for learners’ characteristics (learning style and personal innovativeness) in addition to previously studied mobile platform characteristics and b) considering the context in which learning occurs (formal and informal). A framework has been introduced and empirically tested. Results suggest that individuals’ learning style and perceived playfulness influence m-learning usage in both learning situations; while performance expectancy and personal innovativeness are only influential in specific learning contexts. This study highlights the role of learners’ characteristics in m-learning adoption and emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between various types of m-learning. This multi-disciplinary research enriches m-learning literature and offers practical implications for educators using mobile technologies as well as developers of virtual learning platforms