33 research outputs found

    O malarskości w filmach Wilhelma Sasnala w kontekście filozofii Gilles'a Deleuze'a

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    The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the commonalities between the movies and paintings by Wilhelm Sasnal, one of the greatest painters of the young generation in Poland. The analysis uses terms coined by Gilles Deleuze in his book Cinema. 1. Picture-movement. 2. Picture-time. Deleuze perceived cinema as a method of exploring the world and as the only possibility to communicate with it. This allowed him to build categories such as picture-movement, picture-perception, picture-action, picture-emotion, all of which can be found in Wilhelm Sasnal's movies. The second part of the paper analyses human consciousness. Understanding the nature of time and duration allows to explore Deleuze's philosophy and the way he interpreted movies. Problem of understanding the universe and the human being in the context of Deleuze's philosophy contributes to the interpretation of Wilhelm Sasnal's art

    Analiza koszykowa w badaniach marketingowych

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    Analiza koszykowa, pozwala na analizę zawartości koszyka klienta. Analiza koszykowa polega na rozpoznaniu reguł, którymi kierują się klienci przy zapełnianiu „koszyka”, zwyczajów danego klienta, prawidłowości w korzystaniu z usług danego typu, badaniu, jakie produkty kupowane są razem lub w określonej sekwencji. Rozpoznanie tych reguł może mieć ogromny wpływ na zwiększenie wartości klienta.Analiza koszykowa pozwala na zdobycie wiedzy o zwyczajach i upodobaniach klienta, dzięki czemu jest przydatna przy planowania kampanii promocyjnych, weryfikacji efektywności i skuteczności tychże kampanii, skutecznym oferowaniu dodatkowych usług i optymalizacji pakietów usług, taryf i opłat, trafnej rekomendacji zakupów kolejnego produktu, zwiększaniu sprzedaży oraz do przeciwdziałania rezygnacji klientów z usług

    Czy popbanalizm jest powtórzeniem pop-artu?

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    Miary asocjacji w analizie koszykowej - przykład empiryczny

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    The following article is an attempt to present the use of the market basket analysis in the study of associations in the example of transaction data from the food wholesaler. Three analysis methods were presented: the GRI method, the a priori method and the CARMA method. The application of these rules and the results analysis will allow to obtain information necessary for marketing analysis and will give rise to the application of effective marketing strategies.Poniższy artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia możliwości wykorzystania analizy koszykowej w badaniu zjawiska asocjacji na przykładzie danych transakcyjnych pochodzących z hurtowni spożywczej. Zaprezentowane zostały trzy metody analizy: uogólniona metoda indukcji reguł, a priori oraz CARMA. Zastosowanie wspomnianych reguł i analiza wyników pozwoli na uzyskanie niezbędnych informacji dla analiz marketingowych oraz daje podstawy do zastosowania w skutecznych strategiach marketingowych

    Silver nanoparticles induced changes in DNA methylation and histone H3 methylation in a mouse model of breast cancer

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    The importance of epigenetic changes as a measurable endpoint in nanotoxicological studies is getting more and more appreciated. In the present work, we analyzed the epigenetic effects induced by citrate- and PEG-coated 20 nm silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in a model consisting of 4T1 breast cancer tumors in mice. Animals were administered with AgNPs intragastrically (1 mg/kg b.w. daily—total dose 14 mg/kg b.w.) or intravenously (administration twice with 1 mg/kg b.w.—total dose 2 mg/kg b.w.). We observed a significant decrease in 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) level in tumors from mice treated with citrate-coated AgNPs regardless of the route of administration. For PEG-coated AgNPs, a significant decrease in DNA methylation was observed only after intravenous administration. Moreover, treatment of 4T1 tumor-bearing mice with AgNPs decreased histone H3 methylation in tumor tissue. This effect was the most pronounced for PEG-coated AgNPs administered intravenously. No changes in histone H3 Lys9 acetylation were observed. The decrease in methylation of DNA and histone H3 was accompanied by changes in expression of genes encoding chromatin-modifying enzymes (Setd4, Setdb1, Smyd3, Suv39h1, Suv420h1, Whsc1, Kdm1a, Kdm5b, Esco2, Hat1, Myst3, Hdac5, Dnmt1, Ube2b, and Usp22) and genes related to carcinogenesis (Akt1, Brca1, Brca2, Mlh1, Myb, Ccnd1, and Src). The significance of the observed changes and the mechanisms responsible for their development are unclear, and more research in this area is warranted. Nevertheless, the present work points to the epigenetic effects as an important level of interaction between nanomaterials and biological systems, which should always be taken into consideration during analysis of the biological activity of nanomaterials and development of nanopharmaceuticals

    Pulmonary metastases of the A549-derived lung adenocarcinoma tumors growing in nude mice : a multiple case study

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    Lung adenocarcinoma is a leading human malignancy with fatal prognosis. Ninety percent of the deaths, however, are caused by metastases. The model of subcutaneous tumor xenograft in nude mice was adopted to study the growth of control and photodynamically treated tumors derived from the human A549 lung adenocarcinoma cell line. As a side-result of the primary studies, observations on the metastasis of these tumors to the murine lungs were collected, and reported in the present paper. The metastasizing primary tumors were drained by a prominent number of lymphatic vessels. The metastatic tissue revealed the morphology of well-differentiated or trans-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Further histological and histochemical analyses demonstrated the presence of golden-brown granules in the metastatic tissue, similar to these found in the tumor tissue. In contrast to the primary tumors, the electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed no nitric oxide - hemoglobin complexes (a source of intense paramagnetic signals), in the metastases. No metastases were found in other murine organs; however, white infarctions were identified in a single liver. Taken together, the A549-derived tumors growing subcutaneously in nude mice can metastasize and grow on site in the pulmonary tissue. Thus, they can represent an alternative for the model of induced metastatic nodule formation, following intravenous administration of the cancerous cells

    Acute hepatologic and nephrologic effects of calcitriol in Syrian golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

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    Although vitamin D is included in the group of fat-soluble vitamins, it must be considered as a prohormone. Its active forms, including calcitriol, have pleiotropic effects and play an important role in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis, as well as in hormone secretion, and they demonstrate anti-cancer properties. Since calcitriol delivery can be beneficial for the organism, and Syrian golden hamsters represent a unique experimental model, we decided to investigate its toxicity in this species. In this study, we injected calcitriol intraperitoneally at doses 0 (control), 0.180±0.009 µg/kg and 0.717±0.032 µg/kg. Animal behavior was observed for 72 hrs after injection, and afterwards blood, liver and kidneys were collected for post-mortem examination, electron microscopy, and hematology analyses. The highest dose of calcitriol induced a change in animal behavior from calm to aggressive, and the liver surface showed morphological signs of damage. Following injection of calcitriol, ultrastructural changes were also observed in the liver and kidneys, e.g. vacuolization and increased number of mitochondria. There was also a trend for increased serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), but not of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or GGTP (gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase). There was no change in Ca, Mg and P levels, as well as in blood morphology between experimental and control groups. These results indicate that calcitriol at 0.717, but not at 0.180 µg/kg, may induce acute damage to the liver and kidneys, without inducing calcemia. We propose that the hepatotoxic effect of calcitriol in hamster constitutes the primary cause of behavioral changes

    Visualization and quantitative 3D analysis of intraocular melanoma and its vascularization in a hamster eye

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    A tumor vasculature network undergoes intense growth and rebuilding during tumor growth. Traditionally, vascular networks are histologically examined using parameters such as vessel density determined from two-dimensional slices of the tumor. Two-dimensional probing of a complicated three-dimensional (3D) structure only provides partial information. Therefore, we propose the use of microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) imaging to analyze the evolution of a tumor vasculature in an experimental ocular tumor model. A Bomirski Hamster Melanoma was implanted in the anterior chamber of a hamster eye. Ultrasound (US) imaging of the same tumor was performed in vivo, and the vascular results obtained using the two methods were compared. Normal ocular tissues, a tumor, and a tumor vascular structure were revealed with high accuracy using micro-CT. The vessels that grew within the tumor were chaotic, leaky, and contained many convoluted micro-vessels and embolizations. They comprised 20–38% of the tumor mass. The blood flow in the larger functional vessels was in the range from 10 to 25 mm/s, as determined by in vivo Doppler US. The micro-CT imaging of the hamster eyeball enabled both qualitative and quantitative 3D analyses of the globe at a histological level. Although the presented images were obtained ex vivo, micro-CT noninvasive imaging is being developed intensively, and high-resolution in vivo imaging is feasible

    Progress in melanoma modeling in vitro

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    Melanoma is one of the most studied neoplasia, although laboratory techniques used for investigating this tumor are not fully reliable. Animal models may not predict the human response due to differences in skin physiology and immunity. In addition, international guidelines recommend to develop processes that contribute to the reduction, refinement and replacement of animals for experiments (3Rs). Adherent cell culture has been widely used for the study of melanoma to obtain important information regarding melanoma biology. Nonetheless, these cells grow in adhesion on the culture substrate which differs considerably from the situation in vivo. Melanoma grows in a 3D spatial conformation where cells are subjected to a heterogeneous exposure to oxygen and nutrient. In addition, cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction play a crucial role in the pathobiology of the tumor as well as in the response to therapeutic agents. To better study melanoma new techniques, including spherical models, tumorospheres, and melanoma skin equivalents have been developed. These 3D models allow to study tumors in a microenvironment that is more close to the in vivo situation, and are less expensive and time consuming than animal studies. This review will also describe the new technologies applied to skin reconstructs such as organ-on-a-chip that allows skin perfusion through microfluidic platforms. 3D in vitro models, based on the new technologies, are becoming more sophisticated, representing at a great extent the in vivo situation, the "perfect" model that will allow less involvement of animals up to their complete replacement, is still far from being achieved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Growth and metastasis of ocular melanoma after proton beam irradiation : studies based on animal model

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    Terapia protonowa to jedna z najbardziej obiecujących metod leczenia nowotworów zlokalizowanych wewnątrz ciała pacjentów. Dzięki unikatowym własnościom fizycznym wiązki protonów, możliwe jest jej precyzyjne dopasowanie do kształtu guza w celu zniszczenia tkanki nowotworowej przy jednoczesnej ochronie przed promieniowaniem otaczających guz tkanek prawidłowych. Terapia protonowa jest stosowana w praktyce klinicznej, jednak w literaturze brakuje badań przeprowadzonych na modelach zwierzęcych. Celem niniejszej pracy było wypełnienie tej luki. Podjęto również próbę optymalizacji obrazowania tkanek miękkich metodą mikro-tomografii komputerowej (micro-CT) na dwóch modelach zwierzęcych. Ze skrawków tkanki czerniaka Bomirskiego (Bomirski Hamster Melanoma- BHM Ma) wyprowadzono linię komórkową w celu sprawdzenia tempa proliferacji komórek. Badania na poziomie in vitro wykazały, że komórki mają krótki czas podwojenia populacji, a ich aktywność migracyjna wzrasta wraz z gęstością wysiania komórek. Do przedniej komory lewego oka chomika syryjskiego inokulowano skrawek tkanki guza BHM Ma. W pierwszej fazie obserwowano regresję skrawka, a po około 5 dniach rozpoczynał się wzrost guza. Zwierzęta z guzami w przedniej komorze oka napromieniano wiązką protonów w dawkach jednorazowych: 6, 10, 20 i 30 Gy. Dodatkowo, części zwierząt podawano lek antyangiogenny Avastin® lub witaminę D w celu wzmocnienia skuteczności terapii protonowej. Gdy guz wypełnił całą objętość przedniej komory oka zwierzęcia, wykonywano enukleację gałki ocznej. Część z wypreparowanych gałek ocznych wykorzystano w próbach optymalizacji obrazowania tkanek miękkich przy pomocy micro-CT. Zaobserwowano, że napromienianie guzów wiązką protonów w jednorazowej dawce 10 Gy skutkuje spowolnieniem ich wzrostu, czego nie zaobserwowano przy dawce 6 Gy. Zauważono, że dawka ≥ 20 Gy powoduje uszkodzenia tkanek prawidłowych struktur oka. Istotnym czynnikiem determinującym skuteczność zastosowanej terapii protonowej była wielkość guza w momencie napromieniania. Gdy objętość guza była ≤ 3 mm3 dochodziło do znacznego spowolnienia wzrostu guza, czego nie obserwowano przy napromienianiu guzów o większej objętości (powyżej 3 mm3). Unaczynienie obrazowane przy pomocy USG stanowiło stały odsetek objętości guza na poziomie 25%. Równocześnie obserwowano istotny spadek funkcjonalności naczyń, przejawiający się zmniejszeniem tempa przepływu krwi w miarę wzrostu objętości nowotworu. Zwierzęta, które napromieniano wiązką protonów, gdy guz w przedniej komorze oka miał objętość ≤ 3 mm3 przeżywały znacząco dłużej (średnio o 20 dni) niż zwierzęta, których guz był większy niż 3 mm3. Żadna z przeprowadzonych procedur terapeutycznych nie zmieniła istotnie masy przerzutów w płucach. Po enukleacji, u niektórych chomików dochodziło do odrostu guza pierwotnego w oczodole. Wznowy guza w oczodole powodowały skrócenie czasu przeżycia zwierząt przy jednoczesnej redukcji masy przerzutów. Optymalizacja protokołu przygotowania tkanek oka do obrazowania guzów metodą micro-CT umożliwiła uzyskanie wysokorozdzielczych, trójwymiarowych rekonstrukcji gałki ocznej wraz z guzem i jego unaczynieniem. Guzy BHM Ma są gęsto unaczynione w całej objętości guza co może być jedną z przyczyn gwałtownego rozsiewu tego nowotworu. W ramach powyższej pracy podjęto również próbę ustabilizowania alternatywnego modelu zwierzęcego do badania czerniaków gałki ocznej. W tym celu inokulowano komórki ludzkiego czerniaka 92.1 w ilości 10 tys. komórek do tylnej części gałki ocznej myszy SCID. Zaobserwowano wzrost guzów u 33% zwierząt w okresie do 82 dni od inokulacji. Gdy guz wypełniał całą gałkę lub gdy zauważono pogorszenie stanu zwierzęcia przeprowadzano enukleację. U żadnej myszy nie zaobserwowano przerzutów do płuc ani do wątroby. Obrazy uzyskane dzięki metodzie USG były zbyt niskiej rozdzielczości, aby przeprowadzić wiarygodną analizę ilościową stosunku objętości guza do objętości jego unaczynienia. Obrazowanie metodą micro-CT pokazało, że rozwój unaczynienia w tym modelu znacznie różni się od obserwowanego przy wzroście czerniaka BHM Ma w przedniej komorze oka chomika. Unaczynienie guza 92.1 rozwija się po zewnętrznej stronie guza a następnie przechodzi w duże, martwicze strefy. W pracy wykazano, że model zwierzęcy czerniaka BHM Ma jest przydatny do badania skuteczności protonoterapii. Obiecującym kierunkiem rozwoju wiedzy o czerniakach gałki ocznej mogą stać się badania na ludzkich komórkach dających guzy w oku u myszy SCID. Terapia wiązką protonów jest skuteczna pod warunkiem podjęcia jej na wczesnym etapie wzrostu guza (do objętości 3 mm3). Ważnym czynnikiem związanym z procesem przerzutowania jest unaczynienie guzów czerniaka, które różni się znacznie w obu modelach. Znalezienie przerzutów czerniaka u myszy pozwoliłoby na dalsze poszerzenie badań, bo przerzuty są główną przyczyną śmierci pacjentów z czerniakiem oka.Proton therapy is one of the most promising method of treating cancers localized inside of the patient's body. Thanks to unique physical properties of protons beam, it is possible to form a beam which perfectly fits to the shape of the tumor and preserve surrounding healthy tissues. Proton therapy is used in clinical practice, but there is lack of research about this technique based on animal models. The main aim of this thesis is to fill in this gap. An attempt was also made to optimize imaging of soft tissues with micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) with the samples from two animal models. A cell culture was established from the scrap of Bomirski Hamster Melanoma (BHM Ma) tumor in order to check proliferation ratio of this cells. In vitro experiments proved, that BHM Ma cells have very short doubling time and its migration activity increase with the number of cells in the culture. A small fragment of BHM Ma tissue was implanted into anterior chamber of the Syrian hamster's left eye. During the first phase the regression of the tissue scrap was observed, and after approximately 5 days tumor started to grow. Animals with the tumors in the anterior chamber of the eyeball were irradiated with the proton beam in a single dose of 6, 10, 20 and 30 Gy. Additionally, to some of the animals antiangiogenic drug (Avastin®) or vitamin D were administrated in order to enhance effectiveness of the proton beam therapy. When the tumor completely filled the anterior chamber of the animal eye, enucleation was performed. Some of the obtained eyeballs were reserved for optimization of micro-CT imaging of soft tissues. Proton beam irradiation in a single dose of 10 Gy slowed down growth of the primary tumor. This observation was not made with a dose of 6 Gy. Irradiation with the proton beam in a single dose equal or larger than 20 Gy caused severe damage of the healthy tissues of the eyeball. An essential factor which determined effectiveness of the proton beam therapy was the size of the tumor at the time of irradiation. When the volume of the tumor was ≤ 3 mm3 at the time of irradiation, the speed of tumor growth was reduced. This observation was not valid when the size of the tumor was greater than 3 mm3 . Vascularization observed through Ultrasonography (US) imaging occupied 25% of the tumor volume during the whole time of tumor development. At the same time the reduction of vessels functionality was observed, what was manifested with the decrease of speed of the blood flow with the growth of the tumor. Animals, which were irradiated with the proton beam when the size of the tumor was ≤ 3 mm3 survived significantly longer (for approximately 20 days) than animals irradiated when the tumor was larger than 3 mm3. None of the proposed therapeutic procedures reduced the amount of metastasis in the lungs. In some cases, after the enucleation a regrowth of the primary tumor in the orbit was observed. Regrowth of the tumor caused a significant reduction of a mean survival of the animals and lack of metastasis in the lungs. Optimization of the protocol of preparation eyeballs for micro-CT imaging allowed to obtain a high quality, three- dimensional reconstructions of the eyeball, tumor and its vascularization. BHM Ma tumors are densely vascularized in the whole volume of the tumor what could be a reason for a high metastatic potential of this tumor. An attempt was made to establish an alternative in vivo model to continue research on ocular melanoma. In order to do this, 10 thousand of human melanoma cells 92.1 were implanted into the eye of SCID mice. The growth of the primary tumor was observed in 33% of animals within 82 days after implantation. Euthanasia was performed when the tumor filled in the eyeball or deterioration of health conditions were observed. There was lack of metastasis to the lungs or livers. Images obtained with US had poor resolution so it was impossible to perform a reliable quantitative analysis of the tumor and vessels volume ratio. However, micro-CT images presented that vascularization in this tumor is significantly different than the one observed in BHM Ma tumors in the hamster eye. Vascularization of the 92.1 tumor is well developed in the outturn parts of the tumor and transform to large, necrotic spheres inside of the tumor. This thesis states that in vivo model of BHM Ma tumor is useful in terms of testing effectiveness of proton beam therapy. An interesting alternative could be research on human cancer cells implanted into an eye of SCID mice. Proton beam therapy is effective if it is performed at early stage of tumor development (volume ≤ 3 mm3). An important factor which differ this two models is vascularization. A new direction that should be tasted is finding metastasis in mice with human melanoma, because this is the main reason of death of patients with ocular melanoma