89 research outputs found
An exact analytical solution for the second order slip-corrected Reynolds lubrication equation
Izvedena je opÅ”ta Rejnoldsova jednaÄina podmazivanja za uslove strujanja sa klizanjem primenom opÅ”tih graniÄnih uslova klizanja drugog reda i pokazano je da ona ima taÄno analitiÄko reÅ”enje. ReÅ”enje je dobijeno tansformacijom zavisno promenljive Å”to je dovelo do moguÄnosti analitiÄkog proraÄuna raspodele pritiska i masenog protoka u mikroležaju. Na taj naÄin, poreÄenjem sa datim analitiÄkim reÅ”enjem omoguÄena je provera eksperimentalnih i numeriÄkih rezultata za strujanje gasa u mikroležajima.We derive a general slip-corrected compressible Reynolds lubrication equation, valid for any choice of the slip velocities, and show that it possesses the exact analytical solution. It is obtained by a suitable transformation of the dependent variable, and it yields both the pressure distribution in the bearing and the mass flow rate through it. It can be usefully applied for testing the other, experimental or numerical results obtained under the same or similar physical conditions, against this solution
The exact analytical solution for the gas lubricated bearing in the slip and continuum flow regime
The exact analytical solution for the compressible two-dimensional gas flow in the microbearing is presented. The general slip-corrected Reynolds lubrication equation is derived and it is shown that it possesses an exact analytical solution. It is obtained by a suitable transformation of the independent variable, and it provides the pressure distribution in the bearing as well as the mass flow rate through it. By neglecting the rarefaction effect, this solution is also applicable to the continuum gas flow in the bearing, which also does not exist in the open literature. The obtained analytical solution can be usefully applied for testing the other, experimental or numerical results
Procena stanja oralnog zdravlja hospitalizovanih osoba sa shizofrenijom
Background. It is considered that over 450 million people worldwide suffer from some form of mental disorder; studies conducted in other countries have shown that schizophrenia is among the most frequent. Oral health has a significant place in the general human health and should not be separated from mental health. Studies conducted in other countries have shown an increased prevalence of oral diseases in patients with schizophrenia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the oral health of hospitalized patients with schizophrenia, in particular to determine the prevalence of dental caries, diseases of periodontium and soft tissue examination and to concider possible risk factors that contribute to the existing problems with the oral health in hospitalized patients with schizophrenia. Patients and methods. The study included 190 hospitalized patients with schizophrenia treated at the Clinic for Psychiatric Disorders "Dr Laza Lazarevic" Belgrade (study group) and 190 healthy subjects, patients of the Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade (control group). All data were obtained by thorough dental examination of participants, using cetrain indices for assessing oral health (DMF index, CPITN index, and OHI-S index). In addition, by anamnesis and clinical examination have been detected signs and symptoms of diseases of the oral soft tissues were detected. Specially designed questionnaire (by the type of standardized interview) provided data on the use of dental health services, exerting of eating habits and bad habits to oral health, as well as the habits of oral hygiene. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the participants, as well as data on psychiatric disorders (for the study group) were obtained from medical records (medical history) . Primary obtained data entered the program SPSS 17.0 and analyzed by descriptive statistical methods, methods for testing hypotheses and application regression models...Osnov problema. Smatra se da preko 450 miliona ljudi Å”irom sveta pati od nekog oblika mentalnog poremeÄaja, a istraÅ£ivanja sprovedena u drugim zemljama pokazala su da je shizofrenija meÄu najzastupljenijima. Oralno zdravlje zauzima znaÄajno mesto u celokupnom zdravlju Äoveka i ne treba ga razdvajati od mentalnog zdravlja. IstraÅ£ivanja sprovedena u drugim zemljama pokazala su poveÄanu zastupljenost oralnih bolesti kod pacijenata sa shizofrenijom. Cilj ove studije bio je da proceni stanje oralnog zdravlja hospitalizovanih osoba sa shizofrenijom, konkretno da odredi prevalenciju karijesa, oboljenja potpornog aparata zuba i mekih tkiva usne duplje i ispita moguÄe faktore rizika koji doprinose postojeÄim problemima sa oralnim zdravljem hospitalizovanih osoba sa shizofrenijom. Pacijenti i metod. U istraÅ£ivanju je uÄestvovalo 190 hospitalizovanih osoba sa shizofrenijom, leÄenih na Klinici za psihijatrijske bolesti āDr Laza LazareviÄā Beograd (studijska grupa) i 190 zdravih ispitanika, pacijenata Klinike za parodontologiju i oralnu medicinu StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu (kontrolna grupa). Svi podaci su dobijeni pomoÄu sistematskog stomatoloÅ”kog pregleda ispitanika, kojim su odreÄeni indeksi za procenu oralnog zdravlja (KEP indeks, CPITN indeks i OHI-S indeks). Pored toga, anamnezom i kliniÄkim pregledom registrovano je prisustvo simptoma i znakova oboljenja mekih tkiva usne duplje. Posebno dizajniranim upitnikom (po tipu standardizovanog intervjua) dobijeni su podaci o koriÅ”Äenju usluga stomatoloÅ”ke zdravstvene zaÅ”tite, upraÅ£njavanju navika u ishrani i loÅ”ih navika prema oralnom zdravlju, kao i o navikama u odrÅ£avanju oralne higijene. Socio-ekonomska i demografska obeleÅ£ja ispitanika, kao i podaci o psihijatrijskoj bolesti (u studijskoj grupi) dobijeni su iz medicinske dokumentacije (istorije bolesti). Primarno dobijeni podaci uneti su u program SPSS 17.0 i analizirani deskriptivnim statistiÄkim metodama, metodama za testiranje hipoteza i primenom regresionih modela..
An exact analytical solution for the second order slip-corrected Reynolds lubrication equation
Izvedena je opÅ”ta Rejnoldsova jednaÄina podmazivanja za uslove strujanja sa klizanjem primenom opÅ”tih graniÄnih uslova klizanja drugog reda i pokazano je da ona ima taÄno analitiÄko reÅ”enje. ReÅ”enje je dobijeno tansformacijom zavisno promenljive Å”to je dovelo do moguÄnosti analitiÄkog proraÄuna raspodele pritiska i masenog protoka u mikroležaju. Na taj naÄin, poreÄenjem sa datim analitiÄkim reÅ”enjem omoguÄena je provera eksperimentalnih i numeriÄkih rezultata za strujanje gasa u mikroležajima.We derive a general slip-corrected compressible Reynolds lubrication equation, valid for any choice of the slip velocities, and show that it possesses the exact analytical solution. It is obtained by a suitable transformation of the dependent variable, and it yields both the pressure distribution in the bearing and the mass flow rate through it. It can be usefully applied for testing the other, experimental or numerical results obtained under the same or similar physical conditions, against this solution
Three paradoxes
Mada na prvi pogled izgleda da tri paradoksa kojima Äu se ovde baviti nemaju niÅ”ta bitno zajedniÄko, smatram da sva tri sadrže skrivenu dvosmislenost iste vrste, i na osnovu toga nudim reÅ”enje. Prvi je poznat u literaturi kao 'direktni argument', drugi je jedan od standardnih argumenata za fatalizam a treÄi je Mekgijev kontraprimer za modus ponens.Although it may seem that the three paradoxes I deal with in this paper have nothing in common, I believe that they all involve an equivocation of the same kind. The first is known as the 'direct argument', the second is one of the standard arguments for fatalism, and the third is McGee's counterexample to modus poenes
Spatial distribution and ecology of orchids (Orchidaceae) of western Serbia
Orhideje su poznate po bogatstvu taksona, kompleksnoj ekologiji i velikom broju
ugroženih vrsta. Osnovni ciljevi ove disertacije su utvrÄivanje prostorne distribucije i
diverziteta orhideja zapadne Srbije, kao i utvrÄivanje ekoloÅ”kih preferencija i
konzervacionog statusa orhideja. Za svaki takson izraÄene su karte rasprostranjenja u
zapadnoj Srbiji. Za ispitivanje uticaja nadmorske visine, 19 bioklimatskih faktora i
heterogenosti staniÅ”ta na bogatstvo taksona u pojedinim UTM kvadratima 10 Ć 10 km,
kao i analizu bogatstva taksona orhideja duž gradijenta nadmorske visine koriÅ”Äena je
regresiona analiza. OMI (eng. outlying mean index) analiza je koriÅ”Äena za analizu
ekoloÅ”kih niÅ”a i faktora koji utiÄu na brojnost i distribuciju orhideja. UtvrÄeno je
prisustvo 57 vrsta i podvrsta orhideja, meÄu kojima je 7 novih taksona za floru Srbije.
UtvrÄeno je da planina Tara predstavlja najvažniji centar diverziteta orhideja u zapadnoj
Srbiji, sa 34 registrovana taksona u UTM kvadratu CP76. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su
pokazali da nadmorska visina i heterogenost staniÅ”ta znaÄajno utiÄu na bogatstvo
taksona u UTM kvadratima 10 Ć 10 km, dok maksimalne vrednosti nadmorskih visina i
minimalne vrednosti temperaturnih varijabli najsnažnije utiÄu na bogatstvo prstastotuberoidnih
orhideja. UtvrÄeno je da se najviÅ”e taksona orhideja javlja u podruÄjima
srednjih nadmorskih visina (1000-1100 m). NajveÄi broj taksona orhideja je registrovan
na kreÄnjacima, u zajednicama klasa Festuco-Brometea, Quercetea pubescentis i
Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Definisano je 6 ekoloŔkih grupa Ŕumskih i 8 ekoloŔkih grupa
orhideja zeljastih tipova vegetacije. OdreÄeni su IUCN statusi ugroženosti, kao i faktori
ugrožavanja orhideja zapadne Srbije, sa predlogom mera zaŔtite i konzervacionim
prioritetima.Orchids are known for their taxa richness, complex ecology and a large number of
endangered species. The main objectives of this dissertation are the determination of
spatial distribution and diversity of orchids in western Serbia, and the determination of
ecological preferences and conservation status of orchids. Distribution maps were made
for each taxon in western Serbia. Regression analysis was used to explore the influence
of elevation, 19 bioclimatic factors and the habitat heterogeneity on the taxa richness
within individual UTM 10 Ć 10 km grid cells, as well as to analyse the taxa richness
along the elevational gradient. The OMI (outlying mean index) analysis was used to
analyse ecological niches and factors affecting the abundance and distribution of
orchids. The presence of 57 orchid species and subspecies was recorded, among which
7 new taxa to the flora of Serbia. Mt. Tara represents the most important center of
diversity of orchids in western Serbia, with 34 taxa recorded in CP76 UTM grid cell.
Results of this study showed that elevation and habitat heterogeneity significantly affect
the taxa richness in UTM 10 Ć 10 km grid cells, whereas the maximum values of
elevations and minimum values of temperature variables most significantly affect the
richness of orchids with palmate and fusiform tubers. It has been found that most of
orchid taxa occur in the middle elevations (1000-1100 m). The largest number of orchid
taxa was recorded on limestone, in the communities of the classes Festuco-Brometea,
Quercetea pubescentis and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Six ecological groups of forest
orchids and eight ecological groups of orchids of herbaceous vegetation types were
defined. IUCN threatened status, as well as the threats to orchids of western Serbia were
determined, with a proposal for protection measures and conservation priorities
Evaluation of oral health in hospitalized patients with schizophrenia
Osnov problema. Smatra se da preko 450 miliona ljudi Å”irom sveta pati od nekog oblika mentalnog poremeÄaja, a istraÅ£ivanja sprovedena u drugim zemljama pokazala su da je shizofrenija meÄu najzastupljenijima. Oralno zdravlje zauzima znaÄajno mesto u celokupnom zdravlju Äoveka i ne treba ga razdvajati od mentalnog zdravlja. IstraÅ£ivanja sprovedena u drugim zemljama pokazala su poveÄanu zastupljenost oralnih bolesti kod pacijenata sa shizofrenijom. Cilj ove studije bio je da proceni stanje oralnog zdravlja hospitalizovanih osoba sa shizofrenijom, konkretno da odredi prevalenciju karijesa, oboljenja potpornog aparata zuba i mekih tkiva usne duplje i ispita moguÄe faktore rizika koji doprinose postojeÄim problemima sa oralnim zdravljem hospitalizovanih osoba sa shizofrenijom.
Pacijenti i metod. U istraÅ£ivanju je uÄestvovalo 190 hospitalizovanih osoba sa shizofrenijom, leÄenih na Klinici za psihijatrijske bolesti āDr Laza LazareviÄā Beograd (studijska grupa) i 190 zdravih ispitanika, pacijenata Klinike za parodontologiju i oralnu medicinu StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu (kontrolna grupa). Svi podaci su dobijeni pomoÄu sistematskog stomatoloÅ”kog pregleda ispitanika, kojim su odreÄeni indeksi za procenu oralnog zdravlja (KEP indeks, CPITN indeks i OHI-S indeks). Pored toga, anamnezom i kliniÄkim pregledom registrovano je prisustvo simptoma i znakova oboljenja mekih tkiva usne duplje. Posebno dizajniranim upitnikom (po tipu standardizovanog intervjua) dobijeni su podaci o koriÅ”Äenju usluga stomatoloÅ”ke zdravstvene zaÅ”tite, upraÅ£njavanju navika u ishrani i loÅ”ih navika prema oralnom zdravlju, kao i o navikama u odrÅ£avanju oralne higijene. Socio-ekonomska i demografska obeleÅ£ja ispitanika, kao i podaci o psihijatrijskoj bolesti (u studijskoj grupi) dobijeni su iz medicinske dokumentacije (istorije bolesti). Primarno dobijeni podaci uneti su u program
SPSS 17.0 i analizirani deskriptivnim statistiÄkim metodama, metodama za testiranje hipoteza i primenom regresionih modela...Background. It is considered that over 450 million people worldwide suffer from some form of mental disorder; studies conducted in other countries have shown that schizophrenia is among the most frequent. Oral health has a significant place in the general human health and should not be separated from mental health. Studies conducted in other countries have shown an increased prevalence of oral diseases in patients with schizophrenia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the oral health of hospitalized patients with schizophrenia, in particular to determine the prevalence of dental caries, diseases of periodontium and soft tissue examination and to concider possible risk factors that contribute to the existing problems with the oral health in hospitalized patients with schizophrenia.
Patients and methods. The study included 190 hospitalized patients with schizophrenia treated at the Clinic for Psychiatric Disorders "Dr Laza Lazarevic" Belgrade (study group) and 190 healthy subjects, patients of the Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade (control group). All data were obtained by thorough dental examination of participants, using cetrain indices for assessing oral health (DMF index, CPITN index, and OHI-S index). In addition, by anamnesis and clinical examination have been detected signs and symptoms of diseases of the oral soft tissues were detected. Specially designed questionnaire (by the type of standardized interview) provided data on the use of dental health services, exerting of eating habits and bad habits to oral health, as well as the habits of oral hygiene. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the participants, as well as data on psychiatric disorders (for the study group) were obtained from medical records (medical history) . Primary obtained
data entered the program SPSS 17.0 and analyzed by descriptive statistical methods, methods for testing hypotheses and application regression models..
The Influence of Serbiaās Historical Constitutions on Its Modern Constitutional Identity : 30 Years Since the Return of Liberal Democratic Constitutionality
Any kind of future constitutional development of one country is in large part bound by the constitutional
tradition and ever-lasting constitutional development of the country in question. Determining
the right milestones, long term historical trends and traces of surviving constitutional identity
markers presents a daring quest for a constitutional law scholar, especially when a country that
is subjected to such analysis has a rich, but quite diverse constitutional history, as the Republic of
Serbia. In this chapter authors strive to discover distinctive periods of the Serbian constitutionality,
examine their characteristics and establish a possible connection of historical constitutions to the
present Serbian constitutional identity
Jedan test primer primene IDS otvorenog i zatvorenog koda
Computer users who still primarily work in networks require that the access to their data and resources in general is granted only to those that they allow to - just as in the case of physical property, the users of computer systems want the so-called computer security. The Internet, as the best known computer network, connects millions of people around the world granting them access primarily to a large amount of information and its users need to have the necessary means in order to achieve a given level of security. Systems for detecting intrusion in a computer system (IDS-instrusion detection system), solve the problem of unwanted network access. There are open-source and closed-commercial code IDS and it is important to have an insight into their advantages and disadvantages.Korisnici raÄunara, koji danas pre svega rade u mrežama, imaju zahtev da pristup njihovim podacima i resursima uopÅ”te imaju samo oni kojima se pristup dozvoli - analogno sigurnosti fiziÄke imovine, korisnici raÄunarskih sistema žele takozvanu raÄunarsku sigurnost. Internet, kao najpoznatija raÄunarska mreža, povezuje milione ljudi Å”irom sveta, obezbeÄujuÄi im pristup pre svega velikoj koliÄini informacija, i korisnicima su potrebna sredstva sposobna da ostvare zadati stepen sigurnosti. Sistemi za detekciju upada u raÄunarski sistem (IDS - intrusion detection system) reÅ”avaju problem eliminacije neželjenih pristupa mreži. Postoje IDS otvorenog i zatvorenog - komercijalnog koda i važno je imati uvid u njihove prednosti i mane
Orchid species Anacamptis morio as a potential bioremediator of As, Cd and Pb
In this study concentration of toxic elements as, Cd, and Pb were determined in different soil types and belonging orchid species Anacamptis morio vital parts, in order to examine accumulation patterns and provide new insights about the potential use of this orchid in bioremediation technology. Soils developed on limestone, serpentine, and the chert were subjected to the BCR sequential extraction. Samples of orchid roots and tubers, as underground parts, and stems, leaves, and inflorescences, as above-ground organs, were also analyzed for the content of as, Cd and Pb. During this research, it was observed that metal content in soil is directly proportional to its content in the plant, more specifically in roots, which suggests that A. morio can potentially be used in the phytostabilization of contaminated sites. Values for BCF factors showed Cd immobilization in roots regardless of the soil type. A certain level of arsenic was transferred from roots to leaves indicating the potential for accumulation of this element into aboveground organs. Assessment of the phytoremediation potential of this orchid or another plant species from diverse environments is important as it provides information about the possibility of their future application in environmental remediation programs
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