18 research outputs found

    The use of smart technologies in enabling construction components reuse: A viable method or a problem creating solution?

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    © 2017 The Authors. The exploitation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for tracking and archiving the properties of structural construction components could be a potentially innovative disruption for the construction sector. This is because RFID can stimulate the reuse of construction components and reduce their wastage, hence addressing sustainability issues in the construction sector. To test the plausibility of that idea, this study explores the potential pre-conditions for RFID to facilitate construction components reuse, and develops a guidance for promoting their redistribution back to the supply chain. It also looks at how integrating RFID with Building Information Modelling (BIM) can possibly be a valuable extension of its capabilities, providing the opportunity for tracked components to be incorporated into new structures in an informed, sound way. A preliminary assessment of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the RFID technology is presented in order to depict its current and future potential in promoting construction components’ sustainable lifecycle management, while emphasis has been laid on capturing their technical, environmental, economic and social value. Findings suggest that the collection of the right amount of information at the design-construction-deconstruction-reuse-disposal stage is crucial for RFID to become a successful innovation in the construction sector. Although a number of limitations related to the technical operability and recycling of RFID tags seem to currently hinder its uptake for structural components’ lifecycle management, future technological innovations could provide solutions that would enable it to become a mainstream practice. Taken together these proposals advocate that the use of RFID and its integration with BIM can create the right environment for the development of new business models focused on sustainable resource management. These models may then unlock multiple values that are otherwise dissipated in the system. If the rapid technological development of RFID capability can be allied to policy interventions that control and manage its uptake along the supply chain, the sustainable lifecycle management of construction components could be radically enhanced.UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) who funded this work (Grant No. EP/K012398/1) in the context of the Infrastructure Business models, valuation and Innovation for Local Delivery (iBUILD) project

    Information flow optimization in construction projects as a basis for efficient information technology deployment strategy

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    Zaradi nenehnih pritiskov po skrajševanju rokov in zniževanju cen gradbenih storitev se podjetja na področju gradbeništva stalno soočajo s potrebo po večanju produktivnosti in ena izmed možnih rešitev je industrializacija gradbene proizvodnje. Industrializacija gradbenih procesov zahteva visoko stopnjo avtomatizacije in v tej točki se gradbena industrija sooča s številnimi problemi. Večina manjših in srednje velikih podjetij, ki v stroki prevladujejo, uporablja IT na zelo nizki stopnji. Še posebej so težave povezane z vzpostavitvijo in upravljanjem ustreznih informacijskih tokov, vzpostavljanjem interoperabilnosti med udeleženci in s tem povezanimi informacijskimi sistemi. V gradbeništvu se za potrebe izmenjave informacij o gradbenem objektu uveljavi koncept informacijskega modela zgradbe (Building Information Model – BIM). BIM gradbeni objekt opisuje celovito in nedvoumno ter v več dimenzijah. Je objektno zasnovan načrt zgradbe, ki vsebuje informacije o posameznih elementih – delih zgradbe – vključno z njihovimi atributi ter povezavami. Z uporabo BIM dosežemo enoten dostop do informacij za potrebe različnih panog, ki v gradbenem projektu sodelujejo. Vendar pa vpeljava koncepta modelno zasnovane gradnje v prakso kljub velikim naporom raziskovalcev in industrije še vedno ne poteka dovolj učinkovito. V pričujoči raziskavi smo opravili analizo obstoječe prakse upravljanja z informacijami o objektih ter analizo pristopov k prehodu iz tradicionalne v modelno zasnovano gradnjo. Kot orodje analize smo uporabili ogrodje, ki ga je v sklopu institucionalne teorije definiral Scott [Scott 2004] in v katerem so opredeljeni tipi nosilcev institucij. V analizi smo 2D načrtovanje obravnavali kot institucionalizirano obliko delovanja in preučevali njegovo togo vpetost v procese in metode, ki se uporabljajo v gradbeništvu. Želeli smo predvsem osvetliti razloge za stabilnost 2D pristopa v gradbeni in arhitekturni praksi. V drugem delu analize smo izsledke dveh izbranih velikih evropskih projektov umestili v splošno ogrodje procesa institucionalizacije povzetem po Tolbert & Zuckerjevem modelu [Scott 2007]. Namen tega dela analize je preučevanje sodobnih pristopov k prehodu v modelno gradnjo in postavljanje temeljev za boljše strateško odločanje pri nadaljnjem razvoju modelno zasnovane gradnje. Ključno vlogo za transformacijo gradbene industrije imajo mehanizmi, ki oblikujejo motivacijo za uvedbo sprememb, zato smo temu posvetili posebno pozornost in pokazali pomen ekonomskih učinkov v primerjavi s tehnično odličnostjo uvedenih rešitev. Osredotočili smo se še na v sedanji praksi manjkajoče vloge in druge organizacijske vidike. V zadnjem delu smo na študiju primera pokazali kako lahko spoznanja izvedene analize uporabimo pri inovacijskih procesih v gradbeni industriji. Razvili smo prototip celovite organizacijsko-informacijske rešitev za vpeljavo modelno zasnovanega spremljanja gradnje in upravljanje z materialnimi tokovi. Na osnovi analize vlog udeležencev in ustaljenih delovnih procesov smo pripravili model informacijskih preslikav, ki zagotavlja večjo transparentnost materialnega toka. Omenjena preslikava obravnava posplošitve posameznih gradbenih elementov na nivo tipa/vrste elementa, pri čemer je potrebno ločiti identiteto posameznega načrtovanega gradbenega elementa od identitete fizično izdelanega gradbenega elementa. Navedeno področje smo izbrali, ker med seboj povezuje prej slabo povezana segmenta masovne proizvodnje in inženirskega načrtovanja in ima zato velik potencial za uspešno vpeljavo novih pristopov. Po drugi strani je upravljanje materialnega toka eden izmed bistvenih virov neučinkovitosti gradbene proizvodnje, ki ga z uporabo obstoječih pristopov temelječih na 2D načrtih ni mogoče učinkovito izpeljati. Pri oblikovanju opisane rešitve smo se držali načela, da morajo demonstracijski projekti pokazati predvsem ekonomske učinke in ne prevladujoče tehničnih, saj je vodilni mehanizem sprememb v gradbeni industriji večanje pridobitev.Construction sector is faced by constant demands for lowering prices and shortening project duration. Therefore the stakeholders are forced to search for any kind of productivity gain. One of the options that could be approached is industrialization of the production process in construction. However, industrialization requires high level of automation and on that point construction sector is confronted by many problems. Most of small and medium sized companies that prevail in the sector use information technology on the very basic level. Especially, the problems are related to information flows set up and management among the stakeholders and to information system interoperability issues. With regard to information exchange and collaboration in construction, the concept of building information modelling (BIM) has been developed as the most popular solution. The model describes buldings completely and unabigously in n dimensions. It is object oriented design of the building that includes information on particular parts of the building including all necessary attributes and relationships. With the BIM, different project stakeholders get standardized access to information regardless of their field of work. Despite the benefits and all the efforts made by the research community and the industry the concept of BIM is still not efficiently introduced into everyday practise. In our research, we have analysed current approaches in building information management and also we have analysed the methods used for transformation from traditional to BIM based construction. For the purpose of analysis we have used a framework developed by Scott [Scott2004] in scope of institutional theory, which defines types of institutional carriers and pillars. In the analysis, we have discussed traditional 2D design as an institutionalized way of working. From this point of view we have studied its rigid integration into methods and processes used in construction. The aim of this work was to put some light on stability of 2D design in architectural and construction rutines. In the second part of our analysis, we have evaluated two major European research projects related to transformation of construction sector into BIM based industry. The projects were put into framework of institutionalization developed by Tolbert & Zucker [Scott2007]. These efforts assess contemporary approaches in the development of the sector and search for better foundations of strategic planning and decision making in the field. Since key role in the transformation play mechanisms of institutionalization, which drive stakeholder motivation for change, we have put speciall attention to economic effects and compared them to technological excellence of new solutions. We have also identified missing roles and handled other organizational aspects. Exploatation possibilities of the research results have been demonstrated on a case study. We have developed a prototype of integrated organizational and information solution for BIM based project progress tracking and material flow management. Based on analysis of project roles and standard working procedures, we have developed a model of information mappings that assures higher thransparency of material flows. The mapping introduces generalization of particular material and construction elements to the level of element type and separates identity of particular designed element from phisicaly constructed elements. Selection of the problem that we approached in our case study has been influenced by our research results. The solution integrates two areas that were not tightly connected before the project and therefore holds high potential for acceptance of the new approach. On the other hand, material flow management is one of the major causes of inefficiency in construction and cannot be efficiently solved by using 2D design only. We have strictly followed the rule that demonstration project must show primarily economic benefits, because in construction sector increasing returns principle is the major mechanism of institutionalizatio

    Digitalno modeliranje : zapiski predavanj

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    Culture change in construction industry: from 2D toward BIM based construction

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) has become accepted as an approach that should deliver substantial gains to all the stakeholders within the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. Recently, several researchers have pointed out the need for cultural changes as a necessary step for radically transforming the industry. In order to provide answers to these requests, the culture should be described in a more explicit way, and industry issues interpreted correctly. This paper via qualitative research of variety of sources explores the stability and persistence of a traditional 2D paper-based approach in the light of Institutional theory. The paper illustrates how the traditional approach is embedded within AEC culture by considering the regulative, normative, and cultural-cognitive aspects. These aspects support each other, thus providing even more stability and support for the existing values and ways of working. The aim of this work is to provide some insight into reasons for slower penetration of the BIM based construction. The paper also explains the local character of the industry, which slows down transference of best practices within the AEC industry. Understanding of existing patterns reveals new insights into how to make the transition easier and more functional, especially within the contexts of existing priorities and values

    Zapiski predavanj IMGO

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    Interoperability of infrastructure and transportation information models: A public transport case study

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    The duplication of semantic data modelled in different disciplines poses interoperability challenges. Information models that benefit from the application of standards that enable data reusability and prevent redundancy and misuse should be compatible, particularly when different systems are used in the same domain-specific area, as in the case of public transportation. Transportation information models, leading and providing reliable and robust public transport services, can nowadays be enriched with information found in building information models devoted to transportation infrastructure. Therefore, in the present paper, a mapping between the standards and technical specifications that support each modelling approach is explored, analysed, and aligned to maximise the best out of the current common practices used. The information from the Industry Foundation Classes IFC specification-based models complements the conceptual and physical transportation models, where Transmodel and NeTEx are well-established, with accurate (as-built) detailed characteristics of the transportation infrastructure (stop places, quays, entrances, access spaces and equipment as ramps, staircases, and escalators). The extraction of topological information stored in IFC models allows for navigation-network extraction, information about spaces, and passages between spaces. A specific public transport case study focused on a train station is detailed to better corroborate and illustrate the advantages and uses of compatible and complementing modelling approaches. As building-information-modelling awareness and use is growing, the validated mapping approach can benefit from the future application of automation procedures

    Revealing faces: Gender and cultural differences in facial prominence of selfies.

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    An international sample of 2754 selfies uploaded to Instagram that form part of the Selfiecity (www.selfiecity.net) research project (selfies originating from Bangkok, Berlin, London, Moscow, New York, and Sao Paolo) were examined to assess the existence of facial prominence differences in depictions of males and females and the variability of facial prominence among cultures. Results show that gender stereotypical bias resulting in greater facial prominence in depictions of men is present in selfies. The control of image creation and selection for publication by the persons presented in the images do not diminish this gender based bias. Also, when gender is controlled, significant differences exist in facial prominence among different cultures. Comparisons with various socio-cultural indicators indicate possible correlations of gender stereotypical bias to self-expression values, freedom of choice, people's influence on government's decisions, protection of freedom of speech and people's influence on issues in the professional and communal environment. This research does not find a correlation of gender based bias in selfies with gender equality or inequality measures among cultures

    What is seen is who you are: are cues in selfie pictures related to personality characteristics?

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    Developments and innovation in the areas of mobile information technology, digital media and social networks foster new reflections on computer-mediated communication research, especially in the field of self-presentation. In this context, the selfie as a self-portrait photo is interesting, because as a meaningful gesture, it actively and directly relates the content of the photo to the author of the picture. From the perspective of the selfie as an image and the impression it forms, in the first part of the research we explored the distinctive characteristics of selfie picturesmoreover, from the perspective of the potential reflection of a selfie image on the personality of its author, in the second part we related the characteristics of selfie pictures to various personality constructs (e.g., Big Five personality traits narcissism and femininity-masculinity). Important aspects of selfies especially in relation to gender include the tilt of the head, the side of the face exhibited, mood and head position, later related also to the context of the selfie picture. We found no significant relations between selfie cues and personality constructs. The face-ism index was related to entitlement, and selfie availability to neuroticism