36 research outputs found


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    To enslave someone without any war is the culmination of the military art, used to say one ancient Chinese philosopher. One American politican also said that it is not important how many enemies you have killed, but it is important how many enemies you have attracted to become your ally. On the other side Stalin ironically asked Churchill and Roosevelt how many troops and arms Vatican Pope holds in his hand? Few decades after that, Vatican Polish Pope John Paul II answered on that question, by destroying the Berlin Wall and the whole communism. Anyway, it could be said that for the victory in the so-called Cold War thanks, bombs, aeroplanes, troops were not so important, but the important was how to conquer the heart and the soul of the young people of the opposing side. In that sense Hollywood, R’n’R, pop-culture and generally said the way of life, the life style had the most important role. Even when you hate America, you like Mickey Mouse and Coca-Cola, said one Serbian researcher and it is a key for understanding what the soft power is. But, the author of this article thinks that the analyze of the soft-power is important not only for the understanding what has happened in the history in the so-called Cold War. It is also important to understand the system of the rulling of the contemporary world. French President De Gaulle used to say that it is very difficult to be the ruler of the nation that has more than 300 species of cheese. So, it is always better if people are dressed on the same way, if they watch same movies, if they listen same music, if they believe in same ideas, if they have the same life-styles. Having in mind that the role of the pop-culture and the soft power has the great importance in the global rulling of the world. In that sense, it could be said that different forms of manipulation and media propaganda are very important, and because of that the author of this text has payed great attention to advertising and persuasion. The unification of the life-styles in Mao Tse Tung’s and Stalin’s dictatorships were too obvious, much more than it is obvious today’s unifcation in the empires (dictatorships) of Beneton, Nike, Lewis, Hugo Boss, and other fashion companies and companies that produce pop-cultural products.Podjarmiti nekoga bez rata vrhunac je vojnog umeća, smatrao je jedan kineski flozof. Jedan američki političar je rekao da nije važno koliko ste neprijatelja ubili, već koliko ste ih privukli na svoju stranu da vam budu saveznici. Sa druge strane, Staljin je ironično pitao Čerčila i Ruzvelta, koliko oružja i trupa ima u svojim rukama vatikanski papa? Nekoliko decenija kasnije, poljski papa Jovan Pavle II odgovorio je na to pitanje rušenjem Berlinskog zida, ali i čitavog komunizma. U svakom slučaju za pobedu u „hladnom ratu“ tenkovi, bombe, avioni, vojska, nisu bili toliko važni, koliko je bilo važno osvojiti srce i dušu mladih ljudi suprotne strane. U tom smislu Holivud, rokenrol, pop kultura i uopšte uzev način života i životni stil igrali su vrlo važnu ulogu. Čak i kada se mrzi Amerika, vole se Miki Maus i koka-kola, rekao je jedan srpski istraživač i to je ključ za razumevanje šta je to meka moć. Autor ovog članka međutim smatra da je analiza svega onoga što čini meku moć vrlo značajna ne samo zato da bi se shvatila prošlost i šta se to desilo u „hladnom ratu“, već je to svakako značajno i za razumevanje Sistema vladanja u savremenom svetu. Francuski predsednik De Gol je govorio da je teško vladati narodom koji ima preko 300 vrsta sireva. U tom smislu je uvek bolje kada su ljudi obučeni na isti način, kada gledaju iste filmove, kada slušaju istu muziku, kada veruju u iste ideje, ili kada imaju iste životne stilove. Imajući sve to u vidu uloga pop kulture i meke moći je od izuzetne važnosti za globalno upravljanje svetom. U vezi sa tim bi se moglo govoriti da su različiti oblici manipulacije i medijske propagande, od izuzetnog značaja, te zbog toga autor ovog teksta posebnu pažnju posvećuje reklamiranju i ubeđivanju. Unifkacija životnih stilova u Mao Ce Tungovoj i Staljinovoj diktaturi bila je isuviše očigledna, svakako mnogo očiglednija nego što je to unifkacija u imperijama i diktaturama kakve su Beneton, Nike, Lewis, Hugo Boss i druge modne kompanije i kompanije koje proizvode pop kulturne proizvode


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    In March 1964 in New York, Catherine Genovese, a 28 years old girl was raped and killed in front of her house. Many of her neighbors were watching that, but nobody tried to help her. Only after the seducer finished his job, neighbors called police and emergency, but it was too late, Catherine Geoneve died on the road to the hospital. That case shocked America and many articles has been written in New York Times about that. Social psychologists that phenomenon that many people are staying without try to give a help, or at least to react on some way, called „bystander effect“, or „Genovese syndrom“. Some of them made experiments in which they have shown that people usually do not react if they are in group, if there are many witnesses – it is in some way the diffusion of the responsibility. Anyway, that „bystander effect“, or „Genovese syndrom“, could play very important role in the prevention of the criminality. Because of that, experts, especially in the USA, work very much with ordinary people, who could be in the position of bystanders. In that sense, there are many projects, called „neighborhood watch“, or on some other, similar way, that has to prepare people to react on the adequate way if they notice some unacceptable behavior. The word is not only about murders, robberies, rapes, or similar offences, the word is also about the corruption in one enterprise, or some other economic crimes. The international organization of ombusmans, points out some of those problems. The author of this text talks here about the case of Catherine Genovese, about the „bystander effect“, about the „neighborhood watch“.Marta 1964. godine, Katarina Đenoveze, 28-godišnja devojka, bila je u Njujorku ispred svoje kuće silovana i ubijena. Taj događaj posmatralo je više njenih komšija, ali niko joj nije na bilo koji način pružio pomoć. Tek, nakon što se napasnik udaljio, komšije su pozvale policiju i hitnu medicinsku pomoć, ali bilo je kasno, Katarina Đenoveze je već bila mrtva. Slučaj je šokirao američku javnost, u „Njujork Tajmsu“ je veoma mnogo pisano o tome. Socijalni psiholozi su tada lansirali i pojam „Đenoveze sindrom“, odnosno „Bystander efekat“, gde se u stvari događa da što je veći broj prisutnih ljudi, kao slučajnih prolaznika – svedoka, to je manja verovatnoća da će neko od njih na odgovarajući način reagovati i pružiti pomoć. U vezi sa tim u SAD su se razvili mnogi projekti komšijskog nadgledanja, ili neki drugi slični projekti, koji imaju za cilj da što je veći broj ljudi, volontera, slučajnih prolaznika, običnih građana, bude uključen u poslove (samo)zaštite od kriminala, odnosno bude pripremljen da reaguje na pravi, adekvatan način. O tome se govori takođe i u međunarodnim organizacijama ombudsmana, koje pokušavaju da animiraju i aktiviraju što je veći broj slučajnih svedoka – očevidaca nekog koruptivnog ili sličnog ponašanja, da takve stvari na vreme prijavljuju i o tome obaveštavaju nadležne. O svemu tome autor govori u ovom tekstu


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    In this article, the author presents the legal regulation in the fled of scientific research in Croatia. So, here it is presented the Croatian Basic law of scientific work and high education. In Croatia, scientific work and high education is connected, joined in one law, but also in one Ministry, which is good solution considers the author. He thinks that it is something that could be recommended for Serbia. Ćirić also presents here the regulation for obtaining scientific titles for every scientist. This regulation is very similar to Serbian regulation with some differences. The author points out some of those differences, such as the order that one scientist has to publish articles in different journals and 50% of those articles has to be from various journals and not only from one. Jovan Ćirić thinks that it is something good, as well as the system of evaluation of scientific work, the regulation by which one monography values more than 3 or 4 articles from the first category of journals. It is also presented the system of the financing the science, the system of scientific foundation, etc. So, it is good for Serbian scientists to see how the system is regulated in Croatia and to make some kind of comparations with them, thinks the author of this article.U ovom članku, autor daje prikaz pravne regulative u oblasti naučno istraživačkog rada u Hrvatskoj. Analiziran je hrvatski Zakon o znanosti i visokom obrazovanju. U Hrvatskoj je naučna delatnost spojena sa visokim obrazovanjem u jedna zakon, ali isto tako i u jednom ministarstvu, što je dobro rešenje smatra autor. On misli da bi se tako nešto moglo preporučiti i za Srbiju. Autor, takođe, daje prikaz odredaba o sticanju naučnih zvanja. Način na koji su te odredbe regulisane u Hrvatskoj, veoma je sličan odredbama u Srbiji, sa nekolikim razlikama, koje autor posebno apostrofra. Jedna od takvih odredaba je i ta da se zahteva da jedan naučnik, da bi stekao određeno naučno zvanje, mora objavljivati najmanje 50 % članaka u različitim naučnim časopisima. Autor smatra da je to dobra odredba, isto kao i to da jedna objavljena monografja vredi više od tri, odnosno četiri članka objavljena u naučnim časopisima prve kategorije. Takođe je prezentovan i sistem fnansiranja nauke, kao i sistem naučnih fondacija, itd. Za srpske naučnike je dobro da znaju kako funkcioniše sistem u Hrvatskoj, kao i da, u vezi sa tim, prave odgovarajuća upoređenja


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    At the beginning of the 80s two american sociologist launched a theory after which if on one building only one broken window remains unrepaired for a longer time that will be a signal and message which will soon lead to that that also all the other windows are broken, destroyed. It is a signal, a message that the word is about something which is abandoned and rusty, something about which nobody takes care so that there is nobody who would sanction the (petty)-offensive behaviour. The theory of the „broken window“ became soon very popular and from it derived the „strategy of zero tollerance“ after which the police should react very decisively and strictly precisely in the minor violations, like vandalism, graphite-writing, vagabondism, begging, in order to prevent something bigger and more dangerous. Such a stretegy of zero tolerance was proclaimed in New York and really, since the mid 90s there is an appreciable decrease of the rate of criminality.However, many critics say that the word is about coincidence, that the strategy of zero tollerance is on the trace of a rightist non democratic politic of treatening of the human rights, and precisely of those marginal citizens which are socially most threatened. The author of this article considers that a consistent application and copying of such a strategy and politic in the Serbian conditions, because of that but also because of many other things would be very problematic,so that he does not plead for its application in Serbia, but he considers that it is useful to „take a look“ into the „extraneous yard“ now and then and to perceive how and what is done in other societes also on the field of struggle against crminality. Jovan Ćirić considers that that does not have to mean a non-critical transcription of foreign solutions, but it can be very useful. The Institute of comparative law has precisely been doing this in all its 55 years, above all through its Journal „Foreign Legal Life“ it perceives the experiences of others, it looks into the extraneous yard in differenr ways, also through a broken window.Početkom osamdesetih godina dvojica američkih kriminologa su lansirali teoriju po kojoj ukoliko na jednoj zgradi samo jedan polomljen prozor ostane nepopravljen duže vremena to će biti signal i poruka koja će uskoro dovesti do toga da i svi drugi prozori budu polomljeni, uništeni. U pitanju je signal , poruka da se radi o nečem što je napušteno i zapušteno, nešto o čemu niko ne vodi računa, te nema nikoga ko bi sankcionisao deliktno ponašanje. Teorija „polomljenih prozora“, ubrzo je postala veoma popularna i iz nje je proizišla „strategija nulte tolerancije“, prema kojoj policija treba vrlo odlučno i strogo da reaguje upravo kod sitnih prestupa,kao što su vandalizam, pisanje grafita, skitničenje, prosjačenje, kako bi se predupredilo nešto veće i opasnije. Takva strategija nulte tolerancije, proklamovana je u Njujorku i zbilja, od sredine devedesitih u tom gradu dolazi do osetnog pada stope kriminaliteta. Mnogi kritičari međutim kažu da se radi o čistoj koincidenciji, da je strategija nulte tolerancije na tragu jedne desničarske nedemokratske politike ugrožavanja ljudskih prava, i to upravo onih marginalnih građana, koji su socijalno najugroženiji. Autor ovog članka, smatra da bi dosledna primena i kopiranje jedne takve strategije i politike u srpskim prilikama po tome, ali i po mnogo čemu drugom bila vrlo problematična, te se ni ne zalaže za njenu primenu u Srbiji, ali smatra da je korisno katkada „baciti pogled“ u „tuđe dvorište“, te sagledati kako i šta se radi u drugim društvima i na planu borbe protiv kriminaliteta. To nikako ne treba da znači nekritičko prepisivanje tuđih rešenja, smatra Jovan Ćirić, ali može biti itekako korisno. Institut za uporedno pravo u svih svojih 55 godina, pre svega putem svog časopisa „Strani pravni život“ upravo to radi – sagledava tuđa iskustva, gleda u tuđe dvorište, na različite načine, pa i kroz polomljeni prozor


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    Portugal in the nineties had big problems with drugs. The number of those who were adicted was very high, also, like the number of deaths by the reason of overdose, or the number of those infected by HIV. Having in mind all of that, the government of Portugal built a new strategy for the fight against drugs. The law on drugs was adopted in 2001. That new law is based on some kind of decriminalization / depenalization. The main inovation was that the person who was found in the possesion of 10 daily doses of drugs (never mind of what drugs) for his/her personal use was not prosecuted before clasical court and was not put in jail, but he/she was treated by one special pannel (tribunal) composed of three persons: one social worker, one lawyer and one physician (usually psychiatrist). That pannel has the right to decide what to do with a person who was found in the posseision of drugs, but usually that person was sent to some medical institution to be medically treated. So, people were not afraid that they would be sent to the jail and that they would be stigmatised as criminals. One of the main idea was to incourage adicted people to go to hospitals to be medically treated. Many data that was recently collected say that all numbers when the word is about drugs decreased significantly. The word is about the number of those who tried drugs, also like tne number of deaths caused by drugs. Nowadays, those numbers are not so high in Portugal like it was before. The situation is similar also when the word is about the number of those with the problem of HIV / AIDS and also when the word is about general statistics of crime commited in the relation with drugs. So, generally, it could be said that new law and strategy in Portugal gave good results in the fight against drugs, even though there are some institutions and organizations, like WFAD (World Federation Against Drugs) that say that the situation is not so good. But some other institutions, like Open Society Fund, CATO Institute, some scientific articles in journals of criminology, present diferent statistical results. The question of fight against drugs, depends very much on the ideology. Liberals usually say one thing, but conservatives say something completelly different. Anyway, it is very important to have in mind Portugal and the situation in Portugal, because from there, we could conclude many things that are important in the fight against drugs.Portugalija je devedesetih godina imala velikih problema sa drogom.Broj zavisnika bio je vrlo visok, kao i broj smrtnih slučajeva,uzrokovanihprekomernim uzimanjem droge. Ista je situacija bila i kada je reč o brojuzaraženih HIV-om. Imajući sve to u vidu portugalska vlada je odlučila daizgradi novu strategiju borbe protiv droge i novi zakon o drogi. Zakon jestupio na snagu 2001. godine. Taj novi zakon je baziran na nekoj vrstidekriminalizacije i depenalizacije. Najvažnija novina sastojala se u tomsmislu da osoba kod koje je pronađena količina od deset dnevnih dozadroga, bez obzira o kojoj drogi se radi, nije bila tretirana kao delinkvent. Tadroga je bila tretirana kao droga za njenu ličnu upotrebu i ona nije bilakrivično optuživana i osuđivana klasičnim krivičnim sankcijama, već je bilaizvođena, odnosno, izvodi se (i danas) pred specijalni panel (tribunal)sastavljen od tri stručnjaka: socijalnog radnika, pravnika, lekara (uglavnompsihijatra). Ta komisija – panel – tribunal, odlučuje o tome kakvu meru ćeizreći dotičnoj osobi, a najčešće to je medicinsko lečenje, uz eventualnidodatak i drugih mera, kao što je društveno korisni rad, itd. Ljudi više nisubili uplašeni da će biti poslati u zatvor, odnosno da će biti stigmatizovanikao kriminalci, te su bili spremniji da potraže pomoć i da preduzmu lečenje.U tom smislu mnogi podaci koji su nedavno prikupljani, pokazali su da su seneke statistike promenile. Opao je broj zavisnika u Portugaliji, kao i brojsmrti usled predoziranja, odnosno broj zaraženih HIV-om, AIDS-om, a i stoje i kada se radi o opštim statistikama kriminala učinjenog u vezi i povodomdroge. Generalno uzev, portugalska nova strategija i zakon postigli su vrlodobre rezultate na planu birbe protiv droge, iako ima onih pojedinaca iinstitucija koji tvrde suprotno. Takva je i organizacija WFAD – SvetskaFederacija za borbu protiv droga – oni prezentuju podatke koji govore neštosasvim drugo. Ipak, većina drugih institucija, kao što su Fond za otvorenodruštvo, CATO institut, a i mnogi pojedinačni naučnici, koji objavljujunaučne članke u uglednim časiopisima, prezentuju drugačije statističkepodatke. Borba protiv droga, uvek je bila u dobroj meri ideološko pitanjeLiberali su tvrdili jedno, a konzetvativci nešto sasvim drugo. Međutim,veoma je važno da i naša javnost bude upoznata sa ovim „portugalskimslučajem“. On za nas može biti od izuzetne koristi u izgradnji naše domaćestrategije borbe protiv droga

    Nevolje sa uporednim pravom

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    In this article the author speaks about some theoretic but also practical problems which can arise in relation to the comparative law research. Here, in Serbia, a very frequent and usual phrase which can be heard lately is: “It is like that everywhere, it is like that in other countries.” Such a phrase seems like a fnal and strongest argument, that revokes any further analysis and any further attempt to evaluate on an objective way the foreign experiences and legal solutions. The comparative legal researches then become a non-critical copy of foreign legal solutions, so that the comparative law then fnds itself in the function of the current legal-making policy and ideology and much less for the need to research a problem in every sense and to expose to the legislator all the possible alternatives. In that sense, the author talks about a whole series of problems which can arise there, starting from the problems with the interpretation and understanding of law, especially of its totality, up to the studying of the practice of application of law, i.e. up to some general problems which are related to the globalization and unifcation of the law, and in relation to that to the cultural imperialism, neglecting of freedom, democracy and human rights.U ovom članku autor govori o nekim teorijskim, ali i praktičnim problemima, koji se mogu pojaviti u vezi sa uporednopravnim istraživanjima. Kod nas je naime u poslednje vreme veoma učestala i uobičajena rečenica koja se može čuti: „tako je svuda, tako je u drugim zemljama“. Ta vrsta rečenice deluje kao konačni, vrhovni argument, koji obesmišljava svaku dalju analizu i svaki pokušaj da se na objektivan način procene tuđa iskustva i tuđa pravna rešenja. Uporednapravna istraživanja tada postaju jedno nekritičko prepisivanje tuđih zakonskih rešenja, te se uporedno pravo tada nalazi u funkciji tekuće zakonodavne politike, a znatno manje u službi potrebe da se jedan problem svestrano istraži i pred zakonodavca eventualno izlože sve moguće alternative. Autor u tom smislu govori o čitavom nizu problema koji se tu mogu pojaviti, od problema u tumačenju i razumevanju prava, naročito njegove celine, do izučavanja prakse primene i neprimene prava, odnosno do nekih opštih problema koji se tiču globalizacije i unifkacije prava, te s tim u vezi i kulturnog imperijalizma, zanemarivanja slobode, demokratije i ljudskih prava


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    Mikrobiološko iskorišćenje otpadnog glicerola iz proizvodnje biodizela

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    Three-hydroxyl alcohol glicerol, obtained during the biodiesel production, can be observed as a crude glicerol fraction because of the impurity content. Current researches around the world are aimed at studying the possibilities of converting waste glicerol into various products. Glicerol can be used as the main source of carbon in media for industrial fermentations. This dissertation was studying the possibility of microbial utilization of waste glicerol, obtained as a by-product in the production of biodiesel from sunflower and rapeseed oil, using Enterococcus faecalis MK3-10A lactic acid bacteria, Streptomyces hygroscopicus CH-7 bacteria and freshwater microalgae. Bacteria E. faecalis MK3-10A did not produce a significant amount of lactic acid.The highest production of 14,64 mg/ml/d was achieved in medium containing waste glicerol obtained in biodiesel production from sunflower oil. Depending on the medium, consumption of glicerol was 21-37 %. Cultivating in media containing waste glicerol, as opposed to media with glucose, bacteria S. hygroscopicus CH-7 showed lower growth and did not produce significantly higher amounts of antibiotics. However, addition of isatin derivatives, as a nitrogen source, significantly increased the production of antibiotics. Isatin-3-hydrazone shows the best influence on the antibiotics production, wherein the maximum concentration of hexaene H-85 (196 μg/ml) and azalomycine B (75μg/ml) was obtained. An isolated strain of algae, characterized as a member of genus Chlorococcum, grows well and consume all of available quantity of clean and waste glicerol from sunflower oil, as well as significant amount of glicerol from rapeseed oil (61 %), but in comparison to other isolated strains of algae it produces the least amount of microbial oil (15-23 %). Regardless of weaker growth and consumption of glicerol, Chlorella and Scenedesmus strains produce the most microbial oil (27-35 %). The general conclusion of this thesis is that the waste glicerol obtained in biodiesel production from rapeseed oil is less suitable, as a carbon source, for cultivation of bacteria E. faecalis MK3-10A, because of impurities it contains. Therefore, it is necessary to purify it before using, except in the case of antibiotic azalomycine B production by S.hygroscopicus CH-7 with addition of isatin derivatives, as well as microbial oil production by freshwater algae. As opposed to that, waste glicerol from sunflower oil can be used without purification, because it was more efficient in production of lactic acid, antibiotic hexane and algae oil than the pure glicerol

    Socijalni kapital

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    Socijalni kapital je višeznačan sociološki fenomen kroz koji se u velikoj meri prelamaju filozofski, pravni, ekonomski i drugi društveni interesi. Reč je o pojmu koji podrazumeva brigu o javnom interesu i služenju zajednici, odnosno rad za opštu polzu. Fenomen socijalnog kapitala podrazumeva i jačanje zajedništva, pa ima izvestan kohezivni karakter i učvršćuje duh zajedništva. On može biti izuzetno koristan i blagotvoran za zajednicu, kako u konkretnim realnim efektima, ali tako i u jednom osećaju zajedništva i sigurnosti. Istovremeno, međutim, socijalni kapital jeste izvor i visoke profitabilnosti za pojedinca. Brojne volonterske i humanitarne organizacije zapravo predstavlјaju široku mrežu kontakata kroz koje pojedinci upoznaju lјude iz različitih branši, proširuju vidike, sklapaju nove poslove, ali i rade na razvoju socijalnih veština. Takođe, mladi lјudi mogu steći značajna po-slovna i socijalna iskustva


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    The first part of the paper contains the results of a study into the change in the energy parameters of earthmoving machines during manipulation tasks. The results of the research show that during certain operations of manipulation tasks, in the stop phase, the required energy of the machines has negative values. Modern earthmoving machines have hydrostatic drive systems that accumulate potential negative energy by recuperation and, if necessary, return it to the drive system of the machine for use in other operations of a manipulation task. In the second part of the paper, the analysis of the concepts of hydrostatic drive systems of earthmoving machines that enable energy recuperation is performed in detail