
To enslave someone without any war is the culmination of the military art, used to say one ancient Chinese philosopher. One American politican also said that it is not important how many enemies you have killed, but it is important how many enemies you have attracted to become your ally. On the other side Stalin ironically asked Churchill and Roosevelt how many troops and arms Vatican Pope holds in his hand? Few decades after that, Vatican Polish Pope John Paul II answered on that question, by destroying the Berlin Wall and the whole communism. Anyway, it could be said that for the victory in the so-called Cold War thanks, bombs, aeroplanes, troops were not so important, but the important was how to conquer the heart and the soul of the young people of the opposing side. In that sense Hollywood, R’n’R, pop-culture and generally said the way of life, the life style had the most important role. Even when you hate America, you like Mickey Mouse and Coca-Cola, said one Serbian researcher and it is a key for understanding what the soft power is. But, the author of this article thinks that the analyze of the soft-power is important not only for the understanding what has happened in the history in the so-called Cold War. It is also important to understand the system of the rulling of the contemporary world. French President De Gaulle used to say that it is very difficult to be the ruler of the nation that has more than 300 species of cheese. So, it is always better if people are dressed on the same way, if they watch same movies, if they listen same music, if they believe in same ideas, if they have the same life-styles. Having in mind that the role of the pop-culture and the soft power has the great importance in the global rulling of the world. In that sense, it could be said that different forms of manipulation and media propaganda are very important, and because of that the author of this text has payed great attention to advertising and persuasion. The unification of the life-styles in Mao Tse Tung’s and Stalin’s dictatorships were too obvious, much more than it is obvious today’s unifcation in the empires (dictatorships) of Beneton, Nike, Lewis, Hugo Boss, and other fashion companies and companies that produce pop-cultural products.Podjarmiti nekoga bez rata vrhunac je vojnog umeća, smatrao je jedan kineski flozof. Jedan američki političar je rekao da nije važno koliko ste neprijatelja ubili, već koliko ste ih privukli na svoju stranu da vam budu saveznici. Sa druge strane, Staljin je ironično pitao Čerčila i Ruzvelta, koliko oružja i trupa ima u svojim rukama vatikanski papa? Nekoliko decenija kasnije, poljski papa Jovan Pavle II odgovorio je na to pitanje rušenjem Berlinskog zida, ali i čitavog komunizma. U svakom slučaju za pobedu u „hladnom ratu“ tenkovi, bombe, avioni, vojska, nisu bili toliko važni, koliko je bilo važno osvojiti srce i dušu mladih ljudi suprotne strane. U tom smislu Holivud, rokenrol, pop kultura i uopšte uzev način života i životni stil igrali su vrlo važnu ulogu. Čak i kada se mrzi Amerika, vole se Miki Maus i koka-kola, rekao je jedan srpski istraživač i to je ključ za razumevanje šta je to meka moć. Autor ovog članka međutim smatra da je analiza svega onoga što čini meku moć vrlo značajna ne samo zato da bi se shvatila prošlost i šta se to desilo u „hladnom ratu“, već je to svakako značajno i za razumevanje Sistema vladanja u savremenom svetu. Francuski predsednik De Gol je govorio da je teško vladati narodom koji ima preko 300 vrsta sireva. U tom smislu je uvek bolje kada su ljudi obučeni na isti način, kada gledaju iste filmove, kada slušaju istu muziku, kada veruju u iste ideje, ili kada imaju iste životne stilove. Imajući sve to u vidu uloga pop kulture i meke moći je od izuzetne važnosti za globalno upravljanje svetom. U vezi sa tim bi se moglo govoriti da su različiti oblici manipulacije i medijske propagande, od izuzetnog značaja, te zbog toga autor ovog teksta posebnu pažnju posvećuje reklamiranju i ubeđivanju. Unifkacija životnih stilova u Mao Ce Tungovoj i Staljinovoj diktaturi bila je isuviše očigledna, svakako mnogo očiglednija nego što je to unifkacija u imperijama i diktaturama kakve su Beneton, Nike, Lewis, Hugo Boss i druge modne kompanije i kompanije koje proizvode pop kulturne proizvode

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