458 research outputs found

    Comparison of Randomized Solutions for Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem

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    In this short paper, we study the capacity-constrained vehicle routing problem (CVRP) and its solution by randomized Monte Carlo methods. For solving CVRP we use some pseudorandom number generators commonly used in practice. We use linear, multiple-recursive, inversive, and explicit inversive congruential generators and obtain random numbers from each to provide a route for CVRP. Then we compare the performance of pseudorandom number generators with respect to the total time the random route takes. We also constructed an open-source library github.com/iedmrc/binary-cws-mcs on solving CVRP by Monte-Carlo based heuristic methods.Comment: 6 pages, 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE), 12-13 June 2020, Istanbul, Turke

    The structural properties of carotid arteries in carotid artery diseases : a retrospective computed tomography angiography study

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    Purpose: Aim of the study was to find answers to the following questions: What haemodynamic changes may occur in patients with stenotic, aneurysmal, dissection of the carotid artery and its branches? How do these changes differ in patients with normal and carotid disease? Material and methods: In order to achieve this aim, the cranio-cervical CT angiography images of patients who were referred to our clinic for any reason and received the diagnosis of carotid stenosis, carotid dissection, and extra or intracranial aneurysm were reviewed retrospectively. Results: Significant differences were detected in the carotid arteries of normal patients and those with aneurysm and dissection. When normal and aneurismal patients were compared, right and left ICA diameters (p = 0.000, p = 0.002, respectively), total ICA diameters (p = 0.000), carotid left Ø diameters (p = 0.026), right and left total Ø diameters (p = 0.024), and Murray’s and our cosine values of Ø angles (p = 0.001 and p = 0.022, respectively) were found to be different. Also, in a comparison made between normal patients and patients with dissection, right CCA (p = 0.000), ICA (p = 0.001), ECA (p = 0.004) diameters, total CCA (p = 0.001), ICA (p = 0.009), and ECA (p = 0.003) diameters were also found to be different. Conclusions: This study showed that the presence of aneurysm plays an important role in the remodelling of the carotid arteries. Also, it is understood that Murray’s laws are still valid for the detection of structural deterioration in carotid artery diseases. Hence, it is believed that these data can be used in artificial intelligence studies

    Data Mining of SILC Data: Turkey Case

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    Official data produced by the National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) have an essential place in the governmental economic and social decision-making process. Addressing official data with data mining methods rather than traditional statistical approaches is crucial to extract new information and hidden patterns. However, the usefulness of data mining methods for official statistics remains unexplored. In the present study, SILC (Survey of Income and Living Conditions) data for the year 2015 conducted by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) are examined with data mining methods. Cross-sectional data of 36036 individuals were handled, and the variables affecting the individual income were determined, also the welfare status of the individuals was examined. To determine the socio-economic profiles of individuals, latent class analysis (LCA) and k-modes clustering analysis were used. The socio-economic status of individuals was classified using clustering and random forest (RF) algorithm models. In the LCA model with ten classes, it was obtained which probability of a newly selected individual would belong to which class. The latent class profile definitions of the individuals were obtained according to the variable values obtained from the latent classes with the highest probability. Ten clusters obtained as a result of k-modes were defined according to cluster modes, and cluster profile definitions of individuals were obtained, and also their results were compared with LCA results. In this study, in which categorical variables were considered, it was seen that LCA method provided more consistent results than k-modes method. In the RF model, where individual income is selected as a function of all nine input variables, the importance of the variables was determined. It is observed that education, occupation, and age variables were more important and made the most contribution to the RF model, respectively. In the SILC data, which is an extensive and detailed data, methods such as LCA and RF seem to be appropriate for the application of data mining and obtaining meaningful results from the data. Similar data mining processes can be used to obtain meaningful results for different official data

    The science of waḍ‘ as a branch of linguistics and its historical development

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    Müslüman âlimler şer‘î nasların/ilahî hitabın doğru anlaşılması ve yorumlanması için temelde iki tür bilim inşa etmişlerdir. Bunlardan biri, şer‘î nasların dilini oluşturan Arapçayı farklı yönlerden ele alan, el-ulûmü’l-âliye, el-ulûmü’l-Arabiyye gibi isimlerle anılan ve dinî ilimler için zemin teşkil eden dil bilimleridir. Diğeri de doğrudan şer‘î nasları konu edinen, el-ulûmu’l-‘âliye, el-ulûmü’l-İslâmiyye, el-ulûmü’d-diniyye gibi adlarla anılan ve bu nasları farklı amaçlarla inceleyen fıkıh usûlü, fıkıh, kelam, tefsir, hadis, tasavvuf vb. din bilimleridir. İslâm medeniyetine mensup âlimler tarafından tedvin edilen dil bilimlerinden biri de burada üzerinde duracağımız vaz‘ ilmidir. Bu ilim şer‘î nasların dilini oluşturan Arapça lafızları, vaz‘ (lafızlara anlam yükleme) açısından konu edinip bunların kim tarafından ne tür anlamlar için ve hangi yöntemlerle vaz‘ edildiğini incelemektedir. Vaz‘ ilmi Arapça lafızları birtakım kapsamlı kategorilere (masdar, zamir, harf, müştak, fiil...) ayırarak her bir kategorinin ne tür bir anlam ifade etmek için konulduğunu kural ve örnekleriyle birlikte beyân etmektedir. Bu ilim Arapça lafızları konu edinen tüm dil ve din bilimlerinin zeminini oluşturduğu gibi Arap dilinin bir özeti olup bütün dinî ve lisânî ilimlerin talim edilmesinin ilk adımını da oluşturmaktadır. Her ilimde olduğu gibi vaz‘ ilmi de tarihî süreç içerisinde bazı aşamalardan geçmiş ve birçok Müslüman âlimin katkısıyla tekâmül ederek günümüze gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada ana hatlarıyla vaz‘ ilmi, bu ilmin tarihsel gelişimi ve literatürü üzerinde durulacak ve nihayetinde de bu ilmin mahiyetine yönelik tartışmalara yer verilecektir. Nitekim vaz‘ ilmi başta fıkıh usûlü olmak üzere nahiv, belagat, beyân ve mantık gibi birçok ilimle yakından irtibatlıdır. Yer verilen konular ele alınırken vaz‘ ilmine ilişkin klasik ve modern çalışmalara müracaat edilecek ve çalışmanın tarihsel gelişimi kronolojik sıralamaya uygun olarak işlenecektir.Muslim scholars have built two basic kinds of science for the proper comprehension and interpretation of the nass of the Shari‘a/divine expression. One of them includes the linguistics that approaches the Arabic language from different angles, constitutes the basis of the language of the nass of the Shari’a, and is known with the names such as al-ul-ūm al-‘āliya, al-‘ulūm al-‘Arabiyyah. The other one is the science of religion covering the method of fiqh, fiqh, theology, tafsir, ḥadith, taṣawwuf, which directly handles the nass of Shari‘a, is known with the names like al-‘ulūm al-‘āliya, al-‘ulūm al-Islāmiyyah, al-‘ulūm al-diniyya, and analyzes these nass with different purposes. One of the branches of linguistics compiled by scholars from the Islamic civilization is the science of waḍ‘ that we will concentrate on in this study. This science handles the Arabic phrases (lafẓ) that constitute the basis of the nass of the Shari‘a in terms of waḍ‘ (giving meaning to the words) and examines waḍ‘ in terms of the person performing waḍ‘, the kind of meaning and methods. The science of waḍ‘classifies the Arabic phrases in some broad categories (infinitive, pronoun, letter, derivative, verb), and defines the reason why each category is created for obtaining what kind of meaning along with the rules and examples. This science is the foundation for all linguistic and religious sciences whose subject is Arabic phrases, also is a summary of the Arabic language, and is the initial step in teaching all religious and lingual sciences. As in all sciences, the science of waḍ‘ has progressed through some stages in the historical process and has endured to the current day by developing with the contributions of various Muslim scholars. In the study, the science of waḍ‘, the historical growth and literature of this science will be highlighted in general, and lastly, the nature of the science will be discussed. As a matter of fact, the science of waḍ‘ is intimately correlated with several sciences such as syntax (naḥv), rhetoric (balāga), declaration (bayān), and logic (manṭiḳ), and particularly fiqh method. While addressing the subjects, the classical and modern works related to the science of waḍ‘ will be employed, and the historical growth of the study will be handled following the chronological order

    Error Performance Of Super-Orthogonal Space-Time Trellis Codes with Transmit Antenna Selection

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    Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 200

    Havasal LIDAR verileri kullanılarak meşcere parametrelerinin tahmin edilmesi

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    This study was carried out to examine the potential of LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data in estimating some forest stand parameters. The stand parameters including Basal Area (BA), Number of Trees (N), Reineke’s Density Index (RDI), and Mean Diameter at Breast Height (MDBH) were determined by field measurement at 30 sampling plots from the stands with different characteristics. The LIDAR metrics including the height percentiles (50th, 90th, 95th, and 99th) and the ratio of non-ground points (NGP) were calculated based on the LIDAR points that correspond to the sampling plots. Correlation analysis was conducted to investigate the relationships between the LIDAR metrics and stand parameters. There were no associations between the LIDAR metrics and the stand parameters, BA and RDI. On the other hand, statistically significant (


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    Son yıllarda, uydu teknolojisindeki gelişmelerin sonucu çeşitli özellikteki uydu verileri kullanıcılara sunulmuştur. Orman envanteri konusunda, uydu verilerinin kullanılabilirliği ile ilgili, değişik ülkelerde birçok uygulama ve araştırma yapılmıştır. Uydu verilerinin çözünürlüklerinin artmasıyla da yeni araştırmalar halen devam etmektedir. Bu makalede, dünyada ve ülkemizde yapılan güncel uygulama ve araştırmaların ışığı altında, orman envanterinde uydu verilerinin kullanılması olanakları ve uydu verilerinin seçiminde gözetilmesi gereken başlıca faktörler aktif ve pasif algılayıcı sistemler karşılaştırılarak açıklanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar, ülkemiz koşullarında yüksek çözünürlüklü elektro-optik uydu verilerinin, ulusal orman envanteri amacıyla kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir. Amenajman planı yapmak amacıyla da, çok yüksek çözünürlüklü uydu verilerinin kullanım olanaklarının araştırılması, kaynak ve zaman tasarrufu sağlanması açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler: Orman envanteri, Uydu veriler

    The role of ANDC early warning score in predicting prolonged hospitalization in SARS-Cov-2 infected patients

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    Aim: To evaluate the ability of the age, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, D-dimer, C-reactive protein (ANDC) score to predict prolonged hospitalization in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients. Material and methods: This is a prospective and observational study conducted with patients hospitalized due to SARS-CoV-2 infection. The patients were divided into expected and prolonged hospitalization groups according to their length of hospital stay, and those who were hospitalized for seven days or longer were included in the prolonged hospitalization group. The receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed and the DeLong equality test was applied to compare the area under the curve values of the investigated parameters. Their odds ratios were also calculated. Results: The study included a total of 397 patients. The median length of hospital stay was 8 days (25th-75th percentiles: 5-13). The univariant analysis revealed significant differences in the ANDC scores between the expected and prolonged hospitalization groups (101 (80.1-127) versus 114 (94.3-141), p<0.001, Mann-Whitney U test). The area under the curve value of the ANDC score in the prediction of prolonged hospitalization was 0.609 (75.91% sensitivity, 42.94% specificity, 62.3% positive predictive value, and 58.9% negative predictive value at a cut-off value of 93.5), and the odds ratio was 2.6. Conclusion: Our results suggest that ANDC score is a predictor of prolonged hospitalization in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients. However, multicenter studies are needed to confirm our findings in larger samples

    Patients non-covıd-19 diagnosis in pandemic clinics: three case reports

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    With the pandemic process, the frequency of clinicians' referrals for thoracic imaging has increased. In this article, three cases diagnosed other than COVID-19 in pandemic clinics are presented. A 33-years-old male admitted to the pandemic clinic with sore throat and dyspnea for two days. A large pneumothorax was observed on thorax imaging. The tube thoracostomy was performed. The patient was discharged after 14 days of follow-up. A 31-years-old female patient was admitted to pandemic clinic with the complaints of exertional dyspnea, cough, sore throat and abdominal pain for two weeks. Massive effusion was observed on thorax imaging. As a result of further examinations, the patient was diagnosed with metastatic colon carcinoma. An 18-years-old male patient was admitted to the pandemic clinic with chest pain lasting for a day. Mediastinal emphysema was observed on thorax imaging. The increased number of thoracic imaging during the pandemic process will lead to an increase in the incidence of asymptomatic and subclinical thoracic pathologies. This increase of incidence should be reveled with further epidemiological studies.Pandemi süreciyle birlikte klinisyenlerin toraks görüntülesine başvuru sıklığı artmıştır. Bu yazımızda pandemi kliniklerinde COVİD-19 dışı tanı konulan üç olgu sunulmuştur. Otuzüç yaşında erkek hasta pandemi kliniğine iki gündür devam eden göğüs ağrısı nefes darlığı şikayeti ile başvurdu. Toraks görüntülemesinde geniş pnömotoraks izlendi. Hastaya tüp torakostomi uygulandı. Hasta 14 gün izlem sonrası taburcu edildi. Otuzbir yaşında kadın hasta pandemi kliniğine iki haftadır devam eden efor dispnesi, öksürük, göğüs ağrısı ve karın ağrısı şikayeti ile başvurdu. Toraks görüntülemesinde massif efüzyon izlendi. Ileri tetkikler sonucu hastaya metastatic kolon carsinomu tanısı konuldu. Onsekiz yaşında erkek hasta pandemi kliniğine bir gündür devam eden göğüs ağrısı nedeniyle kabul edildi. Toraks görüntülemesinde mediastinal amfizem izlendi. Pandemik süreç sırasında artan torasik görüntüleme sayısı, asemptomatik ve subklinik torasik patolojilerin görülme sıklığında artışa neden olacaktır. İnsidanslardaki bu artış geniş epidemiyolojik çalışmalar ile ortaya konulmalıdır

    The Analysis of the Levels of 4th Grade Students Conscious Usage of School Canteen

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    This research was conducted to determine the levels of conscious use of school canteens by the 4th grade primary school students.  For the validity and reliability, scale was applied for 231 primary school 4th grade students. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was used for construct validity according to the data obtained from this application. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of .70, which is 16 items, explains 42.14% of the variance. Using School Canteen Consciously Scale (USCCS), which consists of subdimensions such as “quality”, “responsibility” and “need”. After the pre-implementation, the scale was applied to 1071 elementary school students in 4 primary schools, 513 (48%) girls and 558 (52%) boys. As a result of the research, it was found that 4th grade primary school students did not consciously use the school canteen at the desired level and it differentiated significantly in favor of women at the level of using school canteen consciously in terms of gender of students, those studying at private schools in terms of the quality of type of school, and those who always go to school after having breakfast at home in terms of whether they go to school by having breakfast before school or not. It differs to a great extent against the students with low levels of family income in terms of quality, liability and scale according to their family income levels; according to the situation of getting money from their families, quality, responsibility, level of the needs and in terms of the total scale it differs in favor of the students who take weekly allowances