89 research outputs found

    On Functions of Integrable Mean Oscillation

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    Given f 2 L1(T) we denote by wmo(f) the modulus of mean oscillation given by wmo(f)(t) = sup 0<|I| t 1 |I| Z I |f(ei ) − mI (f)| d 2 where I is an arc of T, |I| stands for the normalized length of I, and mI (f) = 1 |I| R I f(ei ) d 2 . Similarly we denote by who(f) the modulus of harmonic oscillation given by who(f)(t) = sup 1−t |z|<1 Z T |f(ei ) − P(f)(z)|Pz(ei ) d 2 where Pz(ei ) and P(f) stand for the Poisson kernel and the Poisson integral of f respectively. It is shown that, for each 0 0 such that Z 1 0 [wmo(f)(t)]p dt t Z 1 0 [who(f)(t)]p dt t Cp Z 1 0 [wmo(f)(t)]p dt [email protected]

    El embarazo en bachilleres y universitarias. Tiempo de muda, tiempo para producirse como sujetos

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    Pregnancy in young university students has unquestionable socio-cultural and psychological consequences at a high personal, educational, family, and social cost. The present study analyzes the experiences of women in the last semester of high school and pregnant university students. The methodological approach is based on a qualitative interpretative approach, through informal talks and semi-structured interviews, with 21 students, based on an interview guide. The analysis of the information, through a continuous process of analogy, contrast and delimiting, from a contextual approximation that enabled their organization into three thematic blocks: (i) Sexuality and breaking child dependency; (ii) I’m late! What if my period doesn’t come? What if I am pregnant? What am I going to do? My parents will kill me! and (iii) Pregnancy, cruise of anguish; examining their positioning in the face of the emergence of genital sexuality; pregnancy and the plot of life as a couple and family in the process of producing as subjects and its implications in building a life plan.El embarazo en jóvenes universitarias tiene indiscutibles consecuencias socioculturales y psicológicas, con un elevado costo personal, educacional, familiar y social. El presente estudio analiza las vivencias de mujeres del último semestre de bachillerato y universitarias embarazadas. El abordaje metodológico se realiza desde una aproximación cualitativa interpretativa, mediante charlas informales y entrevistas semiestructuradas a 21 estudiantes, a partir de una guía de entrevista. El análisis de la información, mediante un continuo proceso de analogía, contraste y delimitación, desde una aproximación contextual posibilitó su organización en tres bloques temáticos: (i) sexualidad y ruptura de la dependencia infantil; (ii) “¡No me ha bajado!, ¿y si ya no me baja?, ¿y si estoy embarazada?, ¿qué voy a hacer? ¡Mis padres me matarán!”; y (iii) el embarazo, crucero de angustias. En estos tres bloques se examina su posicionamiento ante la emergencia de la sexualidad genital, el embarazo y la trama de la vida en pareja y familiar en el proceso de producirse como sujetos y sus implicaciones en la construcción de un proyecto de vida

    Propiedades psicométricas del WURS-25 en adolescentes escolares mexicanos

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    El propósito del estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Wender Utah Rating Scale en estudiantes de secundaria y bachillerato, del estado de Chiapas, México, el cual evalúa ámbitos como las dificultades atencionales, hiperactividad, impulsividad, problemas de conducta y subjetivos, del que no existen instrumentos similares para este tipo de población en esta región del país. Para ello, se recuperó una muestra de 3.436 estudiantes, 962 (28 %) de nivel secundaria y 2.474 (72 %) de bachillerato de Chiapas, México, a quienes se les aplicó la versión española del Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS) de 25 ítems. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio con extracción por factorización de ejes principales y rotación Varimax, análisis de la consistencia interna a través del coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach y análisis factorial confirmatorio con extracción por máxima verosimilitud. Entre los resultados se encuentra que la consistencia interna de la escala global (α=.967) es satisfactoria. El análisis de ejes principales y la rotación de los factores a través del método Varimax, evidenció un ordenamiento de dos factores con autovalores superiores a uno (problemas subjetivos y dificultades atencionales e impulsividad, hiperactividad y trastorno de conducta). El instrumento evaluado muestra una alta consistencia interna a través del coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach, en tanto que la prueba de esfericidad de Barlett corroboró la pertinencia del análisis factorial, con un ordenamiento de dos factores que explican el 62.11 % de la varianza. Se pudo concluir que el WURS-25 es un instrumento fiable y válido para su aplicación en adolescentes de Chiapas, México y contextos semejantes

    Stimulation of executive functions in school-age children

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    El neurodesarrollo puede verse afectado por múltiples situaciones de riesgo que comprometen la salud de la población infantil lo que puede tener un impacto en todo el ciclo vital. En este contexto, la prevención es un objetivo fundamental. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comprobar la eficacia de un programa de entrenamiento en funciones ejecutivas (PEFEN) en niños/as de educación infantil (5 años). Participaron 40 niños divididos en dos grupos (tratamiento y control), que fueron evaluados antes y después de la intervención. Los/as niños/as completaron el Cuestionario de Madurez Neuropsicológica Infantil (CUMANIN) y los padres la Evaluación Conductual de la Función Ejecutiva-Versión Infantil (BRIEF-P). El programa PEFEN está diseñado para estimular tres componentes de las funciones ejecutivas: la memoria de trabajo, la inhibición y la flexibilidad. El programa se imparte en el aula por los docentes de los/as niños/as, tiene una duración de 3 meses e incluye dos tipos de actividades diferentes (una de entrenamiento cognitivo y otra de mindfulness) que se presentan con una dificultad creciente. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos en las escalas de psicomotricidad, estructuración espacial y visopercepción del CUMANIN y en la escala de control emocional del BRIEF-P, indicando un mejor rendimiento neuropsicológico en la segunda evaluación en los/as niños/as que participaron en el programa. Estos resultados permiten afirmar que es posible entrenar las funciones ejecutivas en niños/as de corta edad y que puede hacerse con programas que están integrados en el propio curriculum educativo.Neurodevelopment can be affected by multiple risk situations that compromise the health of the child population and can have an impact throughout the life cycle. In this context, prevention is a fundamental objective. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of an executive function training programme (PEFEN) in children in early childhood education (5 years old). Forty children participated, divided into two groups (treatment and control), who were evaluated before and after the intervention. Children completed the Child Neuropsychological Maturity Questionnaire (CUMANIN) and parents completed the Behavioural Assessment of Executive Function-Child Version (BRIEF-P). The PEFEN programme is designed to stimulate three components of executive functions: working memory, inhibition and flexibility. The programme is delivered in the classroom by the children’s teachers, lasts 3 months and includes two different types of activities (one cognitive training and the other mindfulness) that are presented with increasing difficulty. The results show statistically significant differences between the groups in the psychomotor, spatial structuring and visuoperception scales of the CUMANIN and in the emotional control scale of the BRIEF-P, indicating a better neuropsychological performance in the second evaluation in the children who participated in the programme. These results allow us to affirm that it is possible to train executive functions in young children and that this can be done with programmes that are integrated into the educational curriculum itself

    Sitios de sustitución de Si por Al más probables en la zeolita tipo M²⁺ – Clinoptilolita: estudio de la DFT

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    Esta es la primera parte de una serie de trabajos en los que se estudia la interacción electrónica del fluoruro con los contraiones, y los átomos estructurales, de la zeolita tipo M²⁺– Clinoptilolita (M = Fe, Mg y Ca), con el fin de proponer modificaciones al material que favorezca la remoción de iones F– -causantes de fluorosis- presentes en aguas subterráneas, sin comprometer su posterior regeneración. En este trabajo se examina, a través de la teoría de funcionales de la densidad, la estructura, tanto geométrica como electrónica, de la clinoptilolita y el papel que tiene la distribución de los iones Al en la reactividad de los oxígenos estructurales. Se determinaron las posiciones de sustitución más probables de Si por Al en los sitios T₂ y T₅, y se verificó la congruencia con datos experimentales. Todo esto para generar un modelo que permita el posterior estudio de la adsorción de contaminantes.This is the first of a set of studies in which the electronic interaction of fluoride with the counterions, and the framework atoms, of the zeolite M²⁺ Clinoptilolite (M = Fe, Mg and Ca) is discussed. The aim is to propose a material that enhances the removal of F- –which causes fluorosis- from groundwater without compromising its later regeneration. In this work the structure, both geometrical and electronic, of the clinoptilolite is studied by means of the density functional theory. As well as the role that the distribution of Al ions has in the reactivity of the oxygen atoms in the SiO₂ framework. Furthermore, it was determined with accuracy the substitution of Si with Al atoms in T₂ and T₅ sites. The resulting structural models are consistent with experimental studies. With these results we generate a model which allow us to study the adsorption of pollutants on M2+– Clinoptilolite

    La actitud hacia los textos escolares y comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de Educación Secundaria de una institución pública

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la relación entre la actitud hacia los textos escolares y la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de educación secundaria de la Institución Educativa “Gran Mariscal Toribio de Luzuriaga” de Huaraz, 2017. El estudio es cuantitativo y descriptivo y está basado en una muestra de 72 estudiantes. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó dos cuestionarios: uno para cada variable de la investigación.La información se procesó mediante el programa SPSS V23.0, y la prueba de las hipótesis se realizó mediante la prueba Chi cuadrada. Los resultados muestran que existe una correlación media significativa (r=0,582) entre la actitud hacia los textos escolares y la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de educación secundaria de la población de estudio

    Prevalence and risk factors associated to tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections in HIV-positive patients in Bogotá

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    Introduction. Tuberculosis is one of the most widely distributed infectious diseases worldwide. It is the most common cause of mortality among AIDS patients. In Colombia, 12,918 tuberculosis cases were notified, and 926 deaths were reported in 2015. Objective. To determine the prevalence and risk factors associated to mycobacterial infections in HIVpositive patients in two public hospitals from Bogotá. Materials and methods. A prospective and descriptive study was carried out by an active search for tuberculosis cases and non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections in HIV-positive patients. We considered demographic, social, clinical, and personal habits as variables. Statistical analyses were done using Stata 13™ software. Results. Three hundred and fifty six patients were included, 81.2% were men and 18.8% were women; the mean age was 36.5 years. Tuberculosis infection had a frequency of 19.9% (95% CI: 15.9-24.5%) and non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection had a 3.9% frequency (95% CI: 2.16-6.5%). Bivariate analysis showed a statistically significant association between tuberculosis infection and CD4+ T cell counts (p=0.003), viral load (p=0.008), antiretroviral therapy (p=0.014), and body mass index (BMI) <18 kg/m2 (p=0.000). In non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections there was a statistically significant association with BMI (p=0.027) and CD4+ T cell counts (p=0.045). Conclusion. Factors associated with an impaired immune system caused by HIV infection are an important risk factor for developing tuberculosis. The lack of antiretroviral therapy and the BMI were also important risk factors for tuberculosis

    The Spanish Pancreatic Club recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis: Part 1 (diagnosis)

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    Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a relatively uncommon, complex and heterogeneous disease. The absence of a gold standard applicable to the initial phases of CP makes its early diagnosis difficult. Some of its complications, particularly chronic pain, can be difficult to manage. There is much variability in the diagnosis and treatment of CP and its complications amongst centers and professionals. The Spanish Pancreatic Club has developed a consensus on the management of CP. Two coordinators chose a multidisciplinary panel of 24 experts on this disease. A list of questions was drafted, and two experts reviewed each question. Then, a draft was produced and shared with the entire panel of experts and discussed in a face-to-fac

    The Spanish Pancreatic Club's recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis: Part 2 (treatment)

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    Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a complex disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations. This range comprises from asymptomatic patients to patients with disabling symptoms or complications. The management of CP is frequently different between geographic areas and even medical centers. This is due to the paucity of high quality studies and clinical practice guidelines regarding its diagnosis and treatment. The aim of the Spanish Pancreatic Club was to give current evidence-based recommendations for the management of CP. Two coordinators chose a multidisciplinary panel of 24 experts on this disease. These experts were selected according to clinical and research experience in CP. A list of questions was made and two experts reviewed each question. A draft was later produced and discussed with the entire panel of experts in a face-to-face meeting. The level of evidence was based on the ratings given by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. In the second part of the consensus, recommendations were given regarding the management of pain, pseudocysts, duodenal and biliary stenosis, pancreatic fistula and ascites, left portal hypertension, diabetes mellitus, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and nutritional support in CP

    Post-Hospital Syndrome and Hyponatremia

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    Introduction: Post-hospital syndrome (PHS) is defined as a period of vulnerability during the first 30 days after a patient is discharged from hospital, in which multiple factors come into play. Hyponatremia is the most frequent hydroelectrolytic disorder in hospitalized patients and may be related to the appearance of PHS. Objective: The objective is to estimate the prevalence of PHS that is assessed as the rate of readmissions in the first 30 days after discharge, in patients with hyponatremia. Material and Methods: It is a descriptive observational study of patients with hyponatremia who were discharged from 1 September 2010 to 2 February 2020 at the Internal Medicine Service of the Hospital University of San Juan (Alicante, Spain). Results: Of the 25 included patients, 5 (20%) were readmitted within a month of discharge, after a mean of 11.4 days (standard deviation [SD] 5.1). The overall mortality of the study was 20% (n = 5), with one case of death in the first 30 days post-hospitalization (4%). In 12 patients (48%) the origin of the hyponatremia was undetermined. The most frequently recorded etiology for the condition was pharmacological (n = 7, 28%), and there was pronounced variability in its clinical and laboratory study. The most widely used corrective measure was drug withdrawal, in 16 patients (64%). Water intake restriction was the most common treatment after discharge (5 patients, 20%), followed by urea (2 patients, 8%), while tolvaptan was not used. Conclusion: Hyponatremia may be the cause of PHS, which could increase the rate of early readmission. Hyponatremia is an underdiagnosed and undertreated entity, so it is necessary to apply an appropriate system to optimize its management and, in future studies, to assess its impact on PHS