84 research outputs found

    Екологічна безпека продуктів харчування вироблених з використанням харчових добавок

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    Den identitetskapande representationsfrågan : En studie av 1900-talets representationsforskning samt resonemang kring en nymöjlig ansats Av Staffan Bengtsson. ''Den fråga, som nu är föremålet för vår överläggning, är onekligen den viktigaste. som kan förekomma. Den innefattar varken mer eller mindre, än att grundlägga Senska nationens fram tida öden ... " Ovanstående ord fälldes av en ledamot i bondeståndet under en riksdag vid mitten av 1800-talet. Vad som åsyftades var frågan kring den politiska representationens karaktär och hur denna skulle vara organiserad under riksdagens sammankomster. När frågan slutligen avgjordes på 1860-talet, och den traditionella ståndsindelningen upphörde, upplöstes också den i medeltiden inrättade samhällsbyggnaden. Därmed torde man i likhet med denne talare kunna stämma in i att få frågor har haft så stor historisk betydelse som just kampen kring en förändrad representation. Med detta fastslaget växer också funderingarna kring hur denna process har behandlats av forskarna. Har man lyckats täcka in de möjliga ansatser som finns att tillgå för att öka förståelsen kring den komplexitet som omgärdar ett förkastande av ståndssamhället? Utifrån detta tankefundarnent har det således tyckts mig angeläget att i en något vidare undersökning mer kritiskt granska före liggande problematik. Syftet med följande studie låter jag tudela. För det förs ta bär undersökningen på en ambition att åstadkomma en historiografisk kartläggning över 1900-talets representationsforskning; med avsikt på forskningsobjekt, perspektiv och drivkrafter. I detta ligger, om än underordnat, även en strävan att utreda huruvida en statsvetares skildring av frågan skiljer sig från en historikers. För det andra ska uppsatsen visa på en annorlunda forskningsansats i ämnet. Utifrån den utgångspunkten ska kulturanalysen behandlas för att reda ut huruvida denna vinkling kan vara ett behjälpligt instrument inom representationsforskningen. Som en exemplifiering av en sådan ansats ska slutligen medelklassens föreställningsvärld i representationsfrågans 1800-tal kortfattat belysas.Från kvinnohistoria till genushistoria? : En undersökning av begrepp och teori inom feministisk vetenskapsdiskurs från 1985-1995 Av Cecilia Asberg. "Those who would codify the meanmgs of words fight a tosing battle, for words, like the ideas and things they are meant to signify, have a history." Joan W. Scott. Att arbeta med kön som en central variabel i historisk forskning är knappast längre något nytt. Just inom ämnet historia har genusperspektivet kommit att etableras och få en nästan omistlig plats i den historiska analysen. Fler och fler studenter och forskare ifrågasätter det som kan verka så självklart - det som konstituerar kön eller genus. Det svårasteen vetenskapare kan ge sig på, men ändå kanske det viktigaste, är att ifrågasätta det som vi ofta (miss-)tar för självklart både i tanken och vardagens praxis. Det är så ganska naturligt efter de tjugo år som det tagit att etablera kön och genus inom historieämnet att forskare som arbetar med detta problemområde har börjat att rikta frågorna in mot sitt eget centrum, mot kunskapsteorin. Att diskutera begreppen man använder är väsentligt för vidareutvecklingen av; dels en mer separat och autonom feministisk vetenskapsteori, dels en i historieämnet integrerad genushistoria. De vetenskapsteoretiska problemen rörande till exempel förhållandet mellan teori och empiri, den vetenskapliga argumentationen, metod och vetenskapens sociala funktion har fått en förnyad aktualitet, dels inom akademien i stort inför femin ismens kritik, dels inom de egna genusteoretiska leden. Utan att dra alltför danvinistiska växlar på mitt ordval, skulle man kanske kunna beskriva "utvecklingen", eller kanske snarare "processen", inom den i historieämnet integrerade genushistorien, som förhållandevis dramatisk. Inte minst under de tio år som jag studerat. Flera olika skolbildningar har uppstått. Under 1970-talet uppmärksammades, kan man säga, den manliga bias historieämnet led av och därmed sökte man komplettera ("his-story") med en "her-story", Så, inspirerad av historiematerialismen, med avstamp i socialhistoria, uppstod försök att, inte bara tillägga kvinnorna, utan även försöka problematisera och teoretisera de könsmässiga regelbundenheter som kunde iakttas. Större teoribyggen växte fram, såsom patriarkatsteorier och småningom även andra systemteorier. Det var här, under 1980-talet, som ämnet verkligen fick en skjuts framåt

    Storlekens betydelse: Förhandlingar i det genetiskt imaginära

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    Ved et nærstudie af fire billeder fra populærvidenskabelige tidsskrifter, bliver der givet et signalement af det genetisk imaginære med fokus på størrelsens symbolske betydning for maskulinitet og magt

    Glocal Pharma

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    The Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.tandfebooks.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license. An exploration of how global pharmaceutical products are localized - of what happens when they become ‘glocal’ - this book examines the tensions that exist between a global pharmaceutical market and the locally bounded discourses and regulations encountered as markets are created for new drugs in particular contexts. Employing the case study of the emergence, representation and regulation of Viagra in the Swedish market, Glocal Pharma offers analyses of commercial material, medical discourses and legal documents to show how a Swedish, Viagra-consuming subject has been constructed in relation to the drug and how Viagra is imagined in relation to the Swedish man. Engaging with debates about pharmaceuticalization, the authors consider the ways in which new identities are created around drugs, the redefinition of health problems as sites of pharmaceutical treatment and changes in practices of governance to reflect the entrance of pharmaceuticals to the market. With attention to ‘local’ contexts, it reveals elements in the nexus of pharmaceutcalization that are receptive to cultural elements as new products become embedded in local markets. An empirically informed study of the the ways in which the presence of a drug can alter the concept of a disease and its treatment, understandings of who suffers from it and how to cure it - both locally and internationally - this book will appeal to scholars of sociology and science and technology studies with interests in globalization, pharmaceuticals, gender and the sociology of medicine

    Glocal Pharma

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    The Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.tandfebooks.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license. An exploration of how global pharmaceutical products are localized - of what happens when they become ‘glocal’ - this book examines the tensions that exist between a global pharmaceutical market and the locally bounded discourses and regulations encountered as markets are created for new drugs in particular contexts. Employing the case study of the emergence, representation and regulation of Viagra in the Swedish market, Glocal Pharma offers analyses of commercial material, medical discourses and legal documents to show how a Swedish, Viagra-consuming subject has been constructed in relation to the drug and how Viagra is imagined in relation to the Swedish man. Engaging with debates about pharmaceuticalization, the authors consider the ways in which new identities are created around drugs, the redefinition of health problems as sites of pharmaceutical treatment and changes in practices of governance to reflect the entrance of pharmaceuticals to the market. With attention to ‘local’ contexts, it reveals elements in the nexus of pharmaceutcalization that are receptive to cultural elements as new products become embedded in local markets. An empirically informed study of the the ways in which the presence of a drug can alter the concept of a disease and its treatment, understandings of who suffers from it and how to cure it - both locally and internationally - this book will appeal to scholars of sociology and science and technology studies with interests in globalization, pharmaceuticals, gender and the sociology of medicine

    Fathoming Postnatural Oceans: Towards a low trophic theory in the practices of feminist posthumanities

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    As the planet’s largest ecosystem, oceans stabilise climate, produce oxygen, store CO2 and host unfathomable biodiversity at a deep time-scale. In recent decades, scientific assessments have indicated that the oceans are seriously degraded to the detriment of most near-future societies. Human-induced impacts range from climate change, ocean acidification, loss of biodiversity, eutrophication and marine pollution to local degradation of marine and coastal environments. Such environmental violence takes form of both ‘spectacular’ events, like oil spills and ‘slow violence’, occurring gradually and out of sight. The purpose of this paper is to show four cases of coastal and marine forms of slow violence and to provide counter-accounts of how to reinvent our consumer imaginary at such locations, as well as to develop what is here referred to as ‘low-trophic theory,’ a situated ethical stance that attends to entanglements of consumption, food, violence, environmental adaptability and more-than-human care from the co-existential perspective of multispecies ethics. We combine field-philosophical case studies with insights from marine science, environmental art and cultural practices in the Baltic and North Sea region and feminist posthumanities. The paper shows that the oceanic imaginary is not a unified place, but rather, a set of forces, which requires renewed ethical approaches, conceptual inventiveness and practical creativity. Based on the case studies and examples presented, the authors conclude that the consideration of more-than-human ethical perspectives, provided by environmental arts and humanities is crucial for both research on nature and space, and for the flourishing of local multispecies communities. This paper thus inaugurates thinking and practice along the proposed here ethical stance of low-trophic theory, developed it along the methodological lines of feminist environmental posthumanities

    Sounding Situated Knowledges - Echo in Archaeoacoustics

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    This article proposes that feminist epistemologies via Donna Haraway's “Situated Knowledges” can be productively brought to bear upon theories of sonic knowledge production, as “sounding situated knowledges.” Sounding situated knowledges re-reads debates around the “nature of sound” with a Harawayan notion of the “natureculture of sound.” This aims to disrupt a traditional subject-object relation which I argue has perpetuated a pervasive “sonic naturalism” in sound studies. The emerging field of archaeoacoustics (acoustic archaeology), which examines the role of sound in human behaviour in archaeology, is theorized as an opening with potentially profound consequences for sonic knowledge production which are not currently being realized. The echo is conceived as a material-semiotic articulation, which akin to Haraway's infamous cyborg, serves as a feminist figuration which enables this renegotiation. Archaeoacoustics research, read following Haraway both reflectively and diffractively, is understood as a critical juncture for sound studies which exposes the necessity of both embodiedness and situatedness for sonic knowledge production. Given the potential opened up by archaeoacoustics through the figure of echo, a critical renegotiation of the subject-object relation in sound studies is suggested as central in further developing theories of sonic knowledge production

    A Sea Change in the Environmental Humanities

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    As we are living through a transformative response to a viral pandemic, this think piece suggests a reimagining of the environmental humanities in the open-ended inventories of feminist posthumanities and the low trophic registers of the oceanic. Sea farming of low trophic species such as seaweeds and bivalves is still underexplored option for the mitigation of climate change and diminishing species diversity in the warming oceans of the world. The affordances of low trophic mariculture for coastal life and for contributing to society’s transition into climate aware practices of eating, socializing and thinking is here considered, and showcased as an example of the practical uses of feminist environmental posthumanities


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    First of all, it has been a fantastic time at KTH with new and old collaborations across disciplines, paving the way for the reinvented, new humanities of societal relevance. The Posthumanities Hub (PH) has since March 2018 until February 2021 had its main institutional home at KTH, where our founding director Cecilia Åsberg worked as Guest Professor in Science and Technology Studies focusing on Gender and Environment. Dr. Janna Holmstedt, artistic director and coordinator, has worked at KTH as research engineer since May 2019, and co-director Dr. Marietta Radomska has been based at Linköping University and Helsinki University. As a research group and network of networks for philosophy, arts, and sciences informed by advanced cultural critique and creativity, we host visiting researchers, public events, seminars and symposia. From such collaborative vantage points, we bring science and nonhumans to the humanities, and transformational humanities to the people. The Posthumanities Hub collaborates with other institutions through our research group, visiting scholars, affiliated researchers, advisory board, and international networks. For instance, during these three years we have worked with Bonniers Konsthall and Färgfabriken in Stockholm, the Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society in Munich, Lofoten Art Festival in Norway, the International Science Festival in Göteborg, The Public Art Agency Sweden, the Finnish Bioart Society, and UNESCO World Humanities: Europe, to mention a few.We have been giving talks, PhD responses, and keynotes, at Swedish and international universities, art events, research conferences, and at the Swedish Radio. We have hosted more than 20 seminars at KTH as part of The Posthumanities Hub Seminar Series, which since 2020 have been taking place online, with the number of participants skyrocketing from 30 to 150. Marietta Radomska has set up a sub-group of the Posthumanities Hub, focusing on Eco- and Bioart research. Janna Holmstedt has initiated the Humus Economicus Collaboratory, focusing on human-soil relations. Cecilia Åsberg and Hub-researcher Christina Fredengren are finalizing the project Checking in with Deep Time, and Åsberg will explore AI and the Artistic Imaginary with André Holzapfel and Bob Sturm, KTH. Among the varied activities we have engaged in besides research are: • Open Humanities Lab Symposium: New Humanities and Anthropocene we organized at KTH, with 25 extra-ordinary speakers (2019) • a mixed and postdisciplinary gathering of artists and researchers on the theme of /Mis/communication/s/ in KTH’s Reaktorhallen, curated by Janna Holmstedt on invitation by The Public Art Agency Sweden (2019); • PH has been a proud partner and participant in The Kelp Congress, Lofoten International Festival (LIAF), NO (2019), the Posthumanism Research Institute at Brock University, Canada, and the State of the Art Network, a Nordic-Baltic network of artists, practitioners, researchers, and organizations exploring the role, responsibility, and potential of art and culture in the Anthropocene (2018 –present). • We’ve initiated two Formas Communication Projects (Åsberg) involving students, in collaboration with Bromma gymnasium, Färgfabriken in Stockholm and Art Lab Gnesta. Our teaching focuses on gender, environment and sustainability. We were proud to inherit Gender and Technology (Åsberg), a flagship course of the Division that we ran 2019 – 2020 with students doing MAs in engineering. In 2020 we started up the new PhD course Gender and Sustainability: Introducing Feminist Environmental Humanities with Meike Schalk at KTH School of Architecture, with over 30 participants from many corners of the world. Both courses were very highly rated and appreciated, to the degree of forming new lively phd-networks (Genderation for Future Sustainability Network). Read more about the research group,our companions, seminars, projectsand events here:http://posthumanities.net/http://www.facebook.com/posthumanitieshub/ Director and founder:Cecilia Åsberg, KTH/LiU.co-director:Marietta Radomska, LiU.artistic director and coordinator:Janna Holmstedt, KTH.senior strategic advisor:Christina Fredengren, SU. Ragnar Holm postdoc:Lina Rahm, KTH. The Posthumanities Hu

    Cyborg Troubles : The Promises of Posthumanities

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    In this essay to the section Crossing Boundaries of OA journal Technoscienza, I discuss the plethora of interdisciplinary approaches to the present world troubles from the prism offered by Donna J Haraway's concept of the cyborg and the situated knowledges ensuing in its wake.  Kommer att göras tillgänglig strax online - då blir den helt OA, om jag förstår det rätt."Tecnoscienza by Tecnoscienza.net is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non commercial-Share alike 2.5 Italia License." See: http://www.tecnoscienza.net/index.php/tsj/about AI and the Artistic Imaginary (WASP HS