15 research outputs found

    Evaluación de convergencia del protocolo OSPF en redes definidas por software

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    El protocolo Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) es el protocolo de enrutamiento más utilizado en la actualidad. Las Redes Definidas por Software permiten implementar nuevos enfoques en el flujo de tráfico y enrutamiento. Este trabajo presenta una evaluación experimental del tiempo de convergencia del protocolo OSPF en Redes Tradicionales en comparación con Redes Definidas por Software, simulando diferentes condiciones de fallas simples y dobles en una red de datos, considerando una topología en anillo, con 5 nodos terminales, 5 enrutadores y 11 enlaces. Los resultados experimentales indican que en promedio, el tiempo de convergencia en las Redes Definidas por Software es hasta 82% menor ante fallas simples y hasta 78% ante fallas dobles.XIV Workshop Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Evaluación de convergencia del protocolo OSPF en redes definidas por software

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    El protocolo Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) es el protocolo de enrutamiento más utilizado en la actualidad. Las Redes Definidas por Software permiten implementar nuevos enfoques en el flujo de tráfico y enrutamiento. Este trabajo presenta una evaluación experimental del tiempo de convergencia del protocolo OSPF en Redes Tradicionales en comparación con Redes Definidas por Software, simulando diferentes condiciones de fallas simples y dobles en una red de datos, considerando una topología en anillo, con 5 nodos terminales, 5 enrutadores y 11 enlaces. Los resultados experimentales indican que en promedio, el tiempo de convergencia en las Redes Definidas por Software es hasta 82% menor ante fallas simples y hasta 78% ante fallas dobles.XIV Workshop Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Agreement between Type 2 Diabetes Risk Scales in a Caucasian Population: A Systematic Review and Report

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    Early detection of people with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes (T2D) is an important public health concern. Several predictive equations for T2D have been proposed but most of them have not been externally validated and their performance could be compromised when clinical data is used. Clinical practice guidelines increasingly incorporate T2D risk prediction models as they support clinical decision making. The aims of this study were to systematically review prediction scores for T2D and to analyze the agreement between these risk scores in a large cross-sectional study of white western European workers. A systematic review of the PubMed, CINAHL, and EMBASE databases and a cross-sectional study in 59, 042 Spanish workers was performed. Agreement between scores classifying participants as high risk was evaluated using the kappa statistic. The systematic review of 26 predictive models highlights a great heterogeneity in the risk predictors; there is a poor level of reporting, and most of them have not been externally validated. Regarding the agreement between risk scores, the DETECT-2 risk score scale classified 14.1% of subjects as high-risk, FINDRISC score 20.8%, Cambridge score 19.8%, the AUSDRISK score 26.4%, the EGAD study 30.3%, the Hisayama study 30.9%, the ARIC score 6.3%, and the ITD score 3.1%. The lowest agreement was observed between the ITD and the NUDS study derived score (kappa = 0.067). Differences in diabetes incidence, prevalence, and weight of risk factors seem to account for the agreement differences between scores. A better agreement between the multi-ethnic derivate score (DETECT-2) and European derivate scores was observed. Risk models should be designed using more easily identifiable and reproducible health data in clinical practice

    Mitigating Carlini & Wagner attacks with EGAN

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    Deep Learning models are experiencing a significant surge in popularity, expanding into various domains, including critical applications like object recognition in autonomous vehicles, where any failure could have fatal consequences. Given the importance of these models, it is crucial to address potential attacks that could impact their performance and jeopardize user safety. The specialized branch of Machine Learning dedicated to this study is known as Adversarial Machine Learning. In this study, we will assess the effectiveness of Carlini & Wagner attacks. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of implementing proactive security measures to defend Deep Learning models. To enhance the model's resilience against potential threats, we employ a defense network called Encoding Generative Adversarial Networks. This comprehensive analysis will not only provide valuable insights into the vulnerability of models to different attacks but also contribute to the development of more robust and advanced strategies to protect Deep Learning models in critical applications. These findings are essential for increasing the security and reliability of artificial intelligence in environments that demand exceptional accuracy and dependability.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Rhodamine-based sensor for real-time imaging of mitochondrial ATP in living fibroblasts

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    Mitochondria are essential for the production and maintenance of ATP in the eukaryotic cell. To image and monitor intracellular ATP level without cell breakage, biological and chemical sensors were developed in the last years. Here, we have internalized a rhodamine-based sensor RSL+ into living cells and monitored the mitochondrial ATP levels in cultured mouse embryonic fibroblasts. To evaluate the robustness of the sensor we imaged the changes of the mitochondrial ATP levels under non-physiological conditions upon incubation with FCCP, oligomycin, azide, deoxyglucose or phosphoenolpyruvate; all compounds that interfere with ATP homeostasis of the cell. The ATP sensor allowed us to determine the mitochondrial ATP levels in human skin fibroblasts where we observe a similar amount of ATP compared to mouse embryonic fibroblasts. We propose the RSL+ to be a valuable tool for the assessment of mitochondrial dysfunction in human cells derived from mitochondrial OXPHOS patients and for basic studies on bioenergetics metabolism

    Retos actuales de la farmacia

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    Retos actuales de la farmacia es un proyecto que está coordinado por Leobargo Manuel Gómez Oliván y un equipo de investigadores que forman parte del claustro de la Facultad de Química en el área de posgrado, ellos han incentivado el espíritu investigador y científico de los estudiantes adscritos al programa para adentrarse en el ámbito farmacéutico. Los capítulos que conforman esta edición son el reflejo de la actividad académica desarrollada en este posgrado en las diferentes áreas de acentuación que lo conforman: farmacia molecular, farmacia social y tecnología farmacéutica

    Synthesis, characterization, and antibacterial activities of a heteroscorpionate derivative platinum complex against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    Staphylococcus aureus is one of the species with the greatest clinical importance and greatest impact on public health. In fact, methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is considered a pandemic pathogen, being essential to develop effective medicines and combat its rapid spread. This study aimed to foster the translation of clinical research outcomes based on metallodrugs into clinical practice for the treatment of MRSA. Bearing in mind the promising anti-Gram-positive effect of the heteroscorpionate ligand 1,1’-(2-(4-isopropylphenyl)ethane-1,1-diyl)bis(3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole) (2P), we propose the coordination of this compound to platinum as a clinical strategy with the ultimate aim of overcoming resistance in the treatment of MRSA. Therefore, the novel metallodrug 2P-Pt were synthetized, fully characterized and its antibacterial effect against the planktonic and biofilm state of S. aureus evaluated. In this sense, three different strains of S. aureus were studied, one collection strain of S. aureus sensitive to methicillin and two clinical MRSA strains. To appraise the antibacterial activity, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC), minimum biofilm inhibitory concentration (MBIC), and minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) were determined. Moreover, successful outcomes on the development of biofilm in a wound-like medium were obtained. The mechanism of action for 2P-Pt was proposed by measuring the MIC and MBC with EDTA (cation mediated mechanism) and DMSO (exogenous oxidative stress mechanism). Moreover, to shed light on the plausible antistaphylococcal mechanism of this novel platinum agent, additional experiments using transmission electron microscopy were carried out. 2P-Pt inhibited the growth and eradicated the three strains evaluated in the planktonic state. Another point worth stressing is the inhibition in the growth of MRSA biofilm even in a wounded medium. The results of this work support this novel agent as a promising therapeutic alternative for preventing infections caused by MRSA

    Auditorio en San Francisco Totimehuacan, Puebla, México

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    “La falta de espacios públicos en la Junta Auxiliar de San Francisco Totimehuacan es el motivo por el cual se realiza la presente tesis profesional, esta nos permite colaborar como arquitectos mediante esta práctica profesional contribuyendo al desarrollo urbano de la Junta Auxiliar. En estos tiempos y por la situación económica en la que se encuentra el país se dan situaciones delictivas, acompañadas de actividades como son la drogadicción, el alcoholismo, el robo, vandalismo, etc. en jóvenes y adultos. Es necesario el desarrollar actividades de recreación y cultura para poder abatir el ocio y bajar los porcentajes de las actividades antes mencionadas. Para la propuesta del proyecto sugerido consideramos el análisis en varios aspectos dentro del proceso de investigación. Sé tomaran en cuenta los problemas que se desarrollan por la falta de espacios públicos para el desenvolvimiento de las distintas actividades sociales, culturales, recreativas y artísticas que son esenciales para el ser humano. El escaso equilibrio de equipamiento sociocultural, ha llevado a tener una clara y concisa pérdida de calidad, estabilidad y control de la población del lugar, originando una obstrucción en cuanto al desarrollo sociocultural de los habitantes.