143 research outputs found

    Estudio de la interacción fisura-desequilibrio en la evolución de las órbitas de ejes rotativos

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    La presencia de fisuras en los ejes de cualquier tipo de maquinaria es un grave problema para la integridad de los mismos. Con el avance de las tecnologías se han desarrollados máquinas cuyos ejes giran a altísimas velocidades, aumentando aún más los riesgos relacionados con la posible aparición de fisuras. Por ello, es importante poder anticiparse a la fractura de un eje, sustituyéndolo cuando se aprecien evidencias de que está fisurado. En este estudio se trata de crear una herramienta informática que sea capaz de determinar la órbita que describe el centro de un eje fisurado y sometido a cargas externas. Mediante el análisis de estas órbitas se podrá comprender mejor cómo se comportan los ejes en estas circunstancias, y en el futuro, desarrollar sistemas que sean capaces de detectar fisuras analizando exclusivamente la órbita que describe el eje. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The presence of cracks is a serious problem for the integrity of the shafts of any type of machinery. The progress of technologies has enabled the development of machines whose shafts rotate at high speeds, further increasing the risks associated with the possible appearance of cracks. When an evidence of a crack is noticed it is important to anticipate the failure of the shaft, by replacing it. This study seeks to create an IT tool able to determine the orbit described by the center of a cracked shaft under external loads. Analyzing these orbits it will be better understood how shafts behave under those circumstances, and in the future, to develop systems capable of detecting cracks by analyzing the orbit described by the shaft.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    Innovación, Distribución, Plan de Negocios "Empresa Distribuidora Bicicletas Eléctricas China-España"

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    [ANGLÈS] The next work presented as Final Thesis follows the guidelines of Innova Program, with the aim of developing an innovative project about a business opportunity. The project is divided in three parts following the next structure: The Innovation: in this section the concept of innovation is commented, as all the business branches where it can be applied. Also some examples of innovative products and services are exposed. Distribution Sector: in this part we apply the term innovation in a sector I really like as the distribution, and I comment some distribution companies cases that has innovated in different parts of the business, I took them as example for my company, innovating in logistics and business managing. Business Plan: in this section I make a business plan about a distributor company, between China and Spain, of electric bicycle, named DianDong Bike.[CASTELLÀ] El siguiente trabajo que se presenta como Proyecto Final de Carrera sigue las directrices del Programa Innova con el fin de desarrollar un proyecto innovador sobre una oportunidad de negocio. El proyecto se divide en tres partes siguiendo la siguiente estructura: La innovación: en este apartado se plantea el concepto de innovación, así como todas las ramas de negocio donde se puede aplicar. Se exponen algunos ejemplos de productos y servicios innovadores. Sector de la distribución: en esta sección se aplica el término de innovación sobre un sector que me motiva como es el de la distribución, y comento casos de empresas distribuidoras que han innovado en partes del negocio, de quiénes tomo ejemplo, para aplicarlo en mi empresa, innovando en logística y gestión del negocio. Plan de negocios: en este apartado elaboro un plan de negocios sobre una empresa distribuidora, entre China y España, de bicicletas eléctricas, de nombre DianDong Bike.[CATALÀ] El següent treball que es presenta com a Projecte Final de Carrera segueix les directrius del Programa Innova amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar un projecte innovador sobre una oportunitat de negoci. El projecte està dividit en tres parts seguint la següent estructura: La innovació: en aquest apartat es planteja el concepte d'innovació, així com totes les branques de negoci on es pot aplicar. S'exposen alguns exemples de productes i serveis innovadors. Sector de la distribució: en aquesta secció s'aplica el terme d'innovació sobre un sector que em motiva com és el de la distribució, i comento casos d'empreses ditribuïdores que han innovat en parts del negoci, les quals agafo com exemple, per aplicar-ho a la meva empresa innovant en logística i gestió del negoci. Pla de negoci: en aquest apartat elaboro un pla de negoci sobre una empresa distribuïdora, entre Xina i Espanya, de bicicletes elèctriques, de nom DianDong Bike

    Formal institutions, informal institutions and entrepreneurial activity : a comparative relationship between rural and urban areas in Colombia

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    The study of the impact of institutions on entrepreneurship has been a topic of great interest in recent years. Nevertheless, less attention has been paid to the relation that can exist between the spatial context and the entrepreneurial activities. Specifically, institutions and the space of entrepreneurial activities in a country have rarely been considered as a whole. This paper attempts to bridge the gap between these two aspects and seeks to examine the entrepreneurial activity in rural areas in comparison with urban areas based on the formal and informal institutions in an emerging economy such as Colombia. It claims that the formal institutions affect rural and urban entrepreneurs differently, examining the moderating effect of the informal institutions on this relation. Using a hierarchical logic model with panel data, 30 cities in Colombia over the period 2000-2013 are used as samples to explore the differences between rural and urban areas. It is found that the informal institutions achieve greater influence in the rural areas; these areas are favored to a greater extent by the social norms, since they are smaller territories with greater integration between citizens. However, the existence of subjective and objective insecurity affects rural entrepreneurial activity in a wider scope than urban entrepreneurial activity, decreasing the creation of new ventures

    Competencia de las malas hierbas en remolacha azucarera de siembra otoñal

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    La competencia de las malas hierbas en remolacha puede llegar a ocasionar hasta un 40% de pérdidas de rendimiento, ¡casi la mitad de la cosecha! — Periodo de Tolerancia: se ha verificado que las emergencias más problemáticas de malas hierbas son las que coinciden con la emergencia de la remolacha y que a partir de un cultivo en 4 hojas verdaderas pueden ocasionar pérdidas de rendimiento. Por tanto, ¡no espere a que nazcan todas las hierbas para controlarlas! — Periodo Libre: las emergencias de malas hierbas posteriores también pueden afectar al rendimiento. En casos de infestaciones severas, pueden llegar hasta las 16 hojas de la remolacha. Por tanto, debe controlar las nuevas emergencias tras la primera otoñada y mantener limpio el cultivo hasta el cierre de calles

    Il-15 enhances the persistence and function of bcma-targeting car-t cells compared to il-2 or il-15/il-7 by limiting car-t cell dysfunction and differentiation

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    Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell immunotherapy has revolutionized the treatment of B-lymphoid malignancies. For multiple myeloma (MM), B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-targeted CAR-T cells have achieved outstanding complete response rates, but unfortunately, patients often relapse within a year of receiving the therapy. Increased persistence and reduced dysfunction are crucial features that enhance the durability of CAR-T cell responses. One of the factors that influence CAR-T cell in vivo longevity and loss of function, but which has not yet been extensively studied for BCMA-directed CAR-T cells, are the cytokines used during their production. We here compared the impact of IL-2, IL-15 and a combination of IL-15/IL-7 on the phenotype and function of ARI2h, an academic BCMA-directed CAR-T cell that is currently being administered to MM patients. For this study, flow cytometry, in vitro cytotoxicity assays and analysis of cytokine release were performed. In addition, ARI2h cells expanded with IL-2, IL-15, or IL-15/IL-7 were injected into MM tumor-bearing mice to assess their in vivo efficacy. We demonstrated that each of the cytokine conditions was suitable for the expansion of ARI2h cells, with clear in vitro activity. Strikingly, however, IL-15-produced ARI2h cells had improved in vivo efficacy and persistence. When explored further, it was found that IL-15 drove a less-differentiated ARI2h phenotype, ameliorated parameters related to CAR-T cell dysfunction, and lowered the release of cytokines potentially involved in cytokine release syndrome and MM progression. Moreover, we observed that IL-15 was less potent in inducing T cell senescence and DNA damage accumulation, both of which may contribute to an unfavorable CAR-T cell phenotype. These findings show the superiority of IL-15 to IL-2 and IL-15/IL-7 in the quality of anti-BCMA CAR-T cells, particularly their efficacy and persistence, and as such, could improve the duration of responses if applied to the clinical production of CAR-T cells for patients

    Consecuencias hidrológicas de los incendios forestales

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    [ES] La alteración del terreno y la destrucción de la vegetación debida a los incendios provoca cambios importantes en las características hidrológicas de las cuencas afectadas. El presente estudio aborda una cuantificación de los efectos inducidos por el fuego en los caudales punta y en la modificación de la respuesta hidrológica de una pequeña cuenca mediterránea francesa gracias a la disponibilidad de una serie de 23 años de datos antes del incendio y de 3 años después. La relevancia de las consecuencias puestas de manifiesto resulta especialmente crítica en la región mediterránea, donde una climatología propicia convierte a la secuencia fuego-inundaciones-erosión en el principal agente del proceso de desertificación.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto AMB92-0638 de la CICYT, y ha podido llevarse a cabo gracias a la concesión de un contrato de Investigador altamente cualificado de la Generalitat de Catalunya y de una ayuda de Investigación Postdoctoral de la Fundación Caja de Madrid al primer autor. Los datos utilizados han sido cedidos por la División d'Ouvrages Hydrauliques del CEMAGREF de Aix en Provence (Francia) y para la identificación del Hidrograma Unitario se ha utilizado el programa ©DPFT cedido por la DTG de Electricité de France.Sempere Torres, D.; Urbano-Ispiuza, Á.; Lavabre, J.; Dolz Ripollès, J. (1994). Consecuencias hidrológicas de los incendios forestales. Ingeniería del Agua. 1(4):33-48. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.1994.2648SWORD334814Anderson, H. W., (1949): Does burning increase surface runoff? J. For., 47: 54-57.Anderson, H. W., Hoover, M. D. y Reinhart, K. G., (1976): Forests and water: effects of forest management on floods, sedimentation and water supply. Informe del USDA For. Ser., PSW-18. Berkeley, CA (USA).Brown, J. A. H., (1972): Hydrologic effects of a bushfire in a catchment in south-eastern New South Wales. J. Hydrol., 15: 77-96.Chandler, C., Cheney, P., Thomas, P., Trabaud, L. y Wiliams, D., (1983): Fire effects on soil, water and air. En: Fire in Forestry, Vol. I: Forest fire behaviour and effects. John Wiley & Sons, New York (USA), 171-202 pp.DeBano, L. F., (1971): The effect of hydrophobic sustances on water movement in soil during infiltration. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. proc., 35: 340-343.DeBano, L. F. y Krammes, J. S., (1966): Water repellent soils and their relation to wildfire temperatures. Int. Assoc. Sci. Hydrol. Bull, IX Anné, 2: 14-19.Dolz, J., (1993): The problem of floods in Spain. En: Report of the US-Spanish joint workshop on Natural Hazards, Junio 1993, NSF-UPC, Barcelona.Duband, D., Obled, C. y Rodriguez, J. Y., (1993): Unit hydrograph revisited: an alternate iterative approach to UH and effective precipitation identification. J. Hydrol, 150: 115-149.Guillot, P. y Duband, D., (1980): Fonction de transfert pluie-débit sur des bassins versants de l'ordre de 1000 Km2. La Houille Blanche, 4/5: 279-290.Guillot, P. y Duband, D., (1981): Une méthode de transfert pluie-débit par regression multiple. En: Hydrological forecasting , IAHS Publ. n° 129, 177-186 pp.Lavabre, J., (1990): Bassin versant representatif et d'étude du Réal Collobrier. Informe del GIS-Réal Collobrier, 21 pp. Aix-en-Provence (France).Lavabre, J., Sempere Torres, D. y Cernesson, F., (1991): Etude du comportement hydrologique d'un petit bassin versant méditerranéen après la destruction de l'ecosystème forestier par un incendie. Premières analyses. Hydrol. Continentale, 6 (2): 121-132.Lavabre, J., Sempere Torres, D. y Cernesson, F., (1993): Changes in the hydrological response of a small Mediterranean basin a year after a wildfire. J. Hydrol., 142: 273-299.Lavabre, J., Wolff, M. y Cernesson, F., (1994): Exemple d'application de la méthode du GRA DEX sur un petit bassin versant méditerranéen. Informe del Comité Français des Grands Barrages, 13 pp.Newton, D. W. y Vinyard, J. W., (l967). Computer-determined Unit Hydrograph from flows. J. Hydraul. Div., ASCE, 93: 219-235.Rodríguez, J. Y., (1989): Modélisation pluie-débit par la éthode DPFT. Développement de la méthode initiale et extension à des cas bi-entrées. Tesis de Doctorado, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (Francia),250 pp.Rodriguez, J. Y., Obled, C. y Sempere Torres, D., (1991): Prévision des crues dans les petits bassins versants de montagne: prise en compte de la variabilité spatiale des pluies et des mécanismes de production par l'approche DPFT. La Houille Blanche, 5: 341-348.Rowe, P. B., Countryman, C. M. y Storey, H. C., (1954): Hydrologie analysis used to determine effects of fire on peak discharge and erosion rates in southern California watershed. Informe del U.S. For. Serv., Unumbered Report. 49 pp.Scott, D. F., (1993): The hydrological effects of fire in South African mountain catchments. J. Hydrol, 150: 409-432.Scott, D. F. y Van Wyn, D. B., (1990): The effects of wildfire on soil wettability and hydrological behaviour of an afforested catchment. J. Hydrol.,121: 239-256.Sempere Torres, D., (1990): Calcul de la lame ruisselée dans la modélisation pluie-débit: limitations des approches globales et introduction simplifiée de la topographie et de la variabilité spatiale des pluies. Tesis de Doctorado. Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (Francia). 321 pp.Sempere Torres, D., (1993): Mécanismes hydrologiques à l'echelle du bassin versant. En: L'aiguat del 40: les inondations catastrophiques et les politiques de prévention en Méditerranée nord-occidentale, (J. Bécat y G. Soutadé, Ed.). Servei Geològic de Catalunya, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, 215-228 pp.Sempere Torres, D., Rodriguez, J. Y. y Obled, C. (1992). Using the DPFT approach to improve flash flood forecasting models. Natural Hazards, 5: 17-41.Tiedemann, A. R., Conrad, C. E., Dieterich, J. H., Hornbeck, J. W., Megahan, W. F., Viereck, L. A. y Wade, D. D., (1979): Effects of fire on water: a state of knowledge review. Informe del USDA For. Serv., Gen. Tech. Rep. WP-10. Washington D.C. (USA)

    development of adaptive immune effector therapies in solid tumors

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    Abstract State-of-the-art treatment strategies have drastically ameliorated the outcome of patients affected by cancer. However, resistant and recurrent solid tumors are generally nonresponsive to conventional therapies. A central factor in the sequence of events that lead to cancer is an alteration in antitumor immune surveillance, which results in failure to recognize and eliminate the transformed tumor cell. A greater understanding of the dysregulation and evasion of the immune system in the evolution and progression of cancer provides the basis for improved therapies. Targeted strategies, such as T-cell therapy, not only generally spare normal tissues, but also use alternative antineoplastic mechanisms that synergize with other therapeutics. Despite encouraging success in hematologic malignancies, adaptive cellular therapies for solid tumors face unique challenges because of the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment, and the hurdle of T-cell trafficking within scarcely accessible tumor sites. This review provides a brief overview of current cellular therapeutic strategies for solid tumors, research carried out to increase efficacy and safety, and results from ongoing clinical trials

    Baseline characteristics and disease burden in patients in the International Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria Registry

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    Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria is a rare, acquired disease associated with hemolytic anemia, bone marrow failure, thrombosis, and, frequently, poor quality of life. The International PNH Registry is a worldwide, observational, non-interventional study collecting safety, effectiveness, and quality-of-life data from patients with a confirmed paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria diagnosis or detectable paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria clone, irrespective of treatment. In addition to evaluating the long-term safety and effectiveness of eculizumab in a global population, the registry aims to improve diagnosis, optimize patient management and outcomes, and enhance the understanding of the natural history of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. Here we report the characteristics of the first 1610 patients enrolled. Median disease duration was 4.6 years. Median granulocyte paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria clone size was 68.1% (range 0.01-100%). Overall, 16% of patients had a history of thrombotic events and 14% a history of impaired renal function. Therapies included anticoagulation (31%), immunosuppression (19%), and eculizumab (25%). Frequently reported symptoms included fatigue (80%), dyspnea (64%), hemoglobinuria (62%), abdominal pain (44%), and chest pain (33%). Patients suffered from poor quality of life; 23% of patients had been hospitalized due to paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria-related complications and 17% stated that paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria was the reason they were not working or were working less. This international registry will provide an ongoing, valuable resource to further the clinical understanding of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

    The Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor produces long-term changes on gene and miRNA expression profiles in CD34+ cells from healthy donors

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    Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is the most commonly used cytokine for the mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells from healthy donors for allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Although the administration of this cytokine is considered safe, knowledge about its long-term effects, especially in hematopoietic progenitor cells, is limited. On this background, the aim of our study was to analyze whether or not granulocyte colony-stimulating factor induces changes in gene and microRNA expression profiles in hematopoietic progenitor cells from healthy donors, and to determine whether or not these changes persist in the long-term. For this purpose, we analyzed the whole genome expression profile and the expression of 384 microRNA in CD34(+) cells isolated from peripheral blood of six healthy donors, before mobilization and at 5, 30 and 365 days after mobilization with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Six microRNA were differentially expressed at all time points analyzed after mobilization treatment as compared to the expression in samples obtained before exposure to the drug. In addition, 2424 genes were also differentially expressed for at least 1 year after mobilization. Of interest, 109 of these genes are targets of the differentially expressed microRNA also identified in this study. These data strongly suggest that granulocyte colony-stimulating factor modifies gene and microRNA expression profiles in hematopoietic progenitor cells from healthy donors. Remarkably, some changes are present from early time-points and persist for at least 1 year after exposure to the drug. This effect on hematopoietic progenitor cells has not been previously reported