29 research outputs found

    Un análisis de los factores sociodemográficos determinantes en la creación de empresas en el marco de la interculturalidad

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    En este trabajo analizamos la influencia de los factores sociodemográficos del empresario en la puesta en marcha de la empresa. Para ello, hemos utilizando una muestra de 156.575 empresarios nacientes, correspondiente a 42 países. La metodología aplicada es un modelo de corte transversal aplicando mínimos cuadrados ordinarios al cumplirse las hipótesis de ausencia de hetorocedasticidad y autocorrelación. Los resultados muestran que la edad, la educación y la experiencia influyen en la puesta en marcha de la empresa. Además, estos resultados nos permiten extraer una serie de conclusiones y plantear diversas implicaciones prácticas para los agentes económicos encargados de trazar las políticas pertinentes de desarrollo económico. ____________________________________________The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of the entrepreneur’s social demographic factors in the establishment of an enterprise. We consider a sample of 156,575 nascent entrepreneurs corresponding to 42 countries. A cross-sectional model methodology of ordinary least squares is applied. The results show a significant influence of age, education and professional experience on the setting up of an enterprise. Also, these results allow us to extract a number of conclusions and to outline diverse practical implications for the economic agents in charge of the economic development policy

    Contribución a la marca país a través de la sostenibilidad de los procesos productivos en Chile: Empresas B Corp

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    this article aims to demonstrate the existence of companies that contribute to the country brand by incorporating sustainable mechanismsinto their processes, while generating profits and social value. The research was carried out using a mixed methodology and naturalisticmethod in five phases. 425 companies in Chile were analyzed, using the Corp B directory in Latin America and the Caribbean. The main findingsreveal that the global pandemic and economic situation has prompted the adoption of the B Corporation model, focusing on social welfare,economic growth, and preservation of natural resources. This study highlights the contribution of B Corps to the country brand in Chile. Theseorganizations are recognized for their commitment to sustainability, their social impact, and their ability to project the country’s image globally.Their innovative and responsible business practices make them key agents for sustainable development. The scope has been limited to the Chileancontext, which could restrict extrapolation to other geographical areas, with the existence of 4,000 companies with B Corp certification internationally.The results contribute knowledge to the administrative and social sciences, providing an understanding of how they generate value to thesustainability trilogy and in turn contribute to the country brand, which can serve as the basis for future studies and business strategies.el objetivo de este artículo es evidenciar la existencia de empresas que contribuyen a la marca país mediante la incorporación de mecanismos sostenibles en sus procesos, a la vez que generan utilidades y valor social. La investigación se realizó mediante una metodología mixta y método naturalista en cinco fases. Se analizaron 425 empresas en Chile, utilizando el directorio de la Corp B en América Latina y el Caribe. Los principales hallazgos revelan que la pandemia mundial y la situación económica han impulsado la adopción del modelo de Corporación B, enfocando en el bienestar social, crecimiento económico y preservación de recursos naturales. Este estudio destaca la contribución de las empresas B a la marca país en Chile. Estas organizaciones son reconocidas por su compromiso con la sustentabilidad, su impacto social y su capacidad para proyectar la imagen país a nivel global. Sus prácticas empresariales innovadoras y responsables las convierten en agentes clave para el desarrollo sostenible. El alcance se ha limitado al contexto chileno, lo que podría restringir la extrapolación a otras áreas geográficas, con la existencia de 4000 empresas con certificación B Corp a nivel internacional. Los resultados aportan conocimiento a las ciencias administrativas y sociales, proporcionando una comprensión de cómo estas generan valor a la trilogía de sostenibilidad y su vez contribuir a la marca país, lo que puede servir de base para futuros estudios y estrategias empresariales

    Bibliometric analysis on cultural tourism and depopulation in rural areas

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    Today, tourism has had to readapt itself to the global circumstances brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, it has had to reorient itself and find new lines of investigation. Cultural tourism, a by-product of this situation, has found the rural environment to be the ideal setting for its growing development. In this paper, bibliometric and scientometric studies are used to analyse the scientific output in the field of research on cultural tourism and its repercussions for rural areas, linking it to depopulation. This is a novel research project in that it analyses all scientific output using the Web of Science (WoS) platform, owned by Clarivate Analytics, as a database. The tool chosen to construct and visualise the data was the VOSviewer software, based on a time frame that spans the last twenty years (2002-2022). Thus, the evolution of all publication and citation records has been assessed and analysed. Likewise, the most important publications and most noteworthy authors, affiliations and countries have been identified. Finally, the study expounds that emerging themes are growing every year at an exponential rate

    Evaluating the economic and regional impact on national transport and infrastructure policies with accessibility variables

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    This research aims to gauge the economic impact of the measures set out in the Strategic Infrastructure and Transport Plan, 2005–2020, as implemented by the Spanish government, on regional development. Contributing to regional development, this plan extends high capacity road networks and high performance rail networks in Spain between 2005 and 2020. To evaluate the plan, this research relies on an innovative technique based on panel data and accessibility indicators, which can quantify the plan's economic impact on regional development. Findings from the study provide a valuable tool for economic, geographic, and territorial assessments of policies implemented in the field of transport and infrastructure, whilst also pointing to guidelines for the design and development of further proposals and actions

    The most attractive companies in the labour market based on culture place of origin

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    This paper analyses the differences in the attractiveness of companies according to their country of origin. The aim is to expand knowledge about which characteristics make organisations more attractive to workers based on their place of origin (Anglo-Saxon, Northern-Central European, Mediterranean, Asian regions). In addition, it is analysed if the COVID-19 has caused changes in the elements that make up the attractiveness.The sample comprises the ranking published by the journal Actualidad Económica about the most attractive companies to work for in Spain, during 2013-21. The variables used in the ranking are: Talent-Management, Remuneration, Work-Environment, CSR and Training. Other control variables like geocultural area are used. For this purpose, an econometric model of unbalanced panel data with random effects is proposed.Results show there are differences in the assessment of professional attractiveness according to the companies' place of origin and culture. Remuneration and permanence in the ranking are the only variables which are relevant regardless of the culture. Talent Management, Working Environment and Training, size, and stock price influence Western countries unequally. The opposite occurs for SCR, which only affects Asian companies. Also, COVID-19 has affected unequally the assessment of the attractiveness of companies

    Scientometric Analysis of Hiking Tourism and Its Relevance for Wellbeing and Knowledge Management

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    Hiking is a sports activity that takes place in the natural environment. From the point of view of well-being, it is an aerobic activity that prevents and improves cardiovascular diseases. According to data provided by the United Nations, within the framework of the International Year of Mountains, mountain tourism represents around 15% to 20% of total world tourism revenue. This approach aims to critically analyze the scientific production on trail tourism (HT) with contributions from authors from around the world from 1991 to 2022, in order to respond to the connection between this research, knowledge management and the sustainable development of the industry. Key knowledge contributions are examined using a scientometric approach as a method (spatial, production, impact, and relational) based on registry data stored in the Web of Science (JCR and ESCI). Regarding the results, there has been an increase in scientific production in the last decade, which is manifested in the quality of the publications

    EscriVid 2020. Reflexiones y escrituras en torno a pandemia(s) y asilamiento(s)

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    La publicación de EscriVid 2020. Reflexiones en torno a pandemia(s) y aislamiento(s), ha sido posible gracias al trabajo de las coordinadoras del volumen, Guadalupe Reinoso y Alicia Vaggione, especialmente convocadas por el Área de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba para esta tarea. Ha sido posible también gracias al trabajo de María Angélica Bella que estuvo a cargo del diseño de interior, de Manuel Coll que estuvo a cargo del diseño de las imágenes y del diseño de tapa y al trabajo impecable (y muy respetuoso) de corrección que hicieron Florencia Colombetti y Lucía Bima. Ha sido posible también gracias al interés deseante de lxs autorxs puestos a estudiar, leer, pensar, escribir. La Oficina de Conocimiento Abierto ha registrado en este Repositorio el aporte de cada autor / autora disponiendo los metadatos que identifican a cada trabajo y el acceso a los textos completos de cada uno de ellos.Fil: Reinoso, Guadalupe. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Escuela de Filosofía; Argentina.Fil: Reinoso, Guadalupe. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Centro de Investigaciones Maria Saleme Burnichón; Argentina.Fil: Reinoso, Guadalupe. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Vaggione, Alicia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades; Argentina.Fil: Vaggione, Alicia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Cooperation Networks as a Driver of Sustainability-Oriented Innovation

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    Companies can contribute to sustainable development in a dynamic and globalized market, such as today’s, through Sustainability-Oriented Innovation (SOI). However, to do this implies meeting specific requirements and dealing with greater complexity because of the higher level of sophistication of cooperation networks for this kind of innovation. In this context, to meet the requirements demanded by SOI, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is considered fundamental. However, it is not known whether their capacity to focus more on heterogeneous knowledge sources, which, thanks to their cooperation networks, are broad and geographically diverse, would have a differential impact on SOIs. Through comparative analysis, this paper attempts to shed light on the possible network differences for companies, with and without FDI, looking to undertake SOI. It focuses on the knowledge framework and geographical scope stemming from cooperation for successfully undertaking sustainable developments. To this end, three networks had to be set up, which include diversity, scope, experience, and frequency of national, European, and global cooperation. The results lend strength to the theory that SOI is favored by European and global cooperation networks if companies have FDI, and by national networks if there is no foreign participation. For this, the role of absorptive capacity is key, understood as a joint analysis of R&D intensity and the skills and education of employees tasked with innovation, and the implementation of new organizational methods. Lastly, it is confirmed that having FDI allows companies to have qualified employees, and better methods and organizational practices in connection with an openness to innovation

    An Evaluation of the Three Pillars of Sustainability in Cities with High Airbnb Presence: A Case Study of the City of Madrid

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    The recent proliferation of private tourist accommodations on what has been known as sharing economy has induced new models on urban tourism and on the use of traditional housing. Urban tourism pressure has caused many transformation processes with important impacts in neighborhoods with high tourist interest, which are shown in the evolution of certain urban sustainability indicators, such as those proposed by the UN-Habitat Agenda for Sustainable Cities in line with the principles of the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities. Due to the above, the objective of this work is to analyze the spatial distribution of Airbnb accommodations, and explore the factors associated with the situation of Airbnb rentals in relation to the indicators of urban sustainability of neighborhoods and variables related to the gentrification processes of neighborhoods in which there is crowding or overtourism, measured through the Global Tourist Stress Index. For this, a first-order spatial autoregressive panel (SAR) data model with fixed effects has been specified, the results of which provide us with information to understand how sustainability indicators in the neighborhoods of the city of Madrid in the time period 2015–2018, they would explain the location and number of Airbnb accommodations found there. Additionally, it allows us to observe the existence of a spillover effect from the central neighborhoods, with a high per capita income, to nearby neighborhoods with lower income due to the level of tourist crowding, which is a contribution to the scarce existing literature