744 research outputs found


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    El presente trabajo investigativo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el impacto que tuvo la familia en el rendimiento académico en un grupo de estudiantes de un colegio en el municipio de Flandes Tolima. El estudio fue de corte cuantitativo y cualitativo, empleando como instrumento de recolección de la información la encuesta y el focus group. Los participantes fueron adolescentes entre los 12 y 16 años de edad, sus respectivos padres y profesores. Dentro de los resultados encontrados se estableció que la mayoría de los  padres de familia permanece fuera del hogar durante gran parte del día por motivos laborales y los adolescentes reportan rendimiento académico bajo por falta de hábitos de estudio, entre otros hallazgos.Palabras clave: evaluación de impacto, familia, rendimiento académico, adolescentes.   ABSTRACT            The following research work aimed to evaluate the impact of the family in underachievement in a group of students from the school in the town of Flandes. The study was a quantitative using as data collection instruments them into account in the focus group.  Participants were adolescents between 12 and 16 years old, their parents and class teachers who guided them in 2012. Among the findings was established that most parents remain outside the home for much of the day for work and academic performance of adolescents reported low due to lack of study habits, among other findings.Keywords: impact assessment, family, academic performance, adolescen

    (Extra)Ordinary Gauge/Anomaly Mediation

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    We study anomaly mediation models with gauge mediation effects from messengers which have a general renormalizable mass matrix with a supersymmetry-breaking spurion. Our models lead to a rich structure of supersymmetry breaking terms in the visible sector. We derive sum rules among the soft scalar masses for each generation. Our sum rules for the first and second generations are the same as those in general gauge mediation, but the sum rule for the third generation is different because of the top Yukawa coupling. We find the parameter space where the tachyonic slepton problem is solved. We also explore the case in which gauge mediation causes the anomalously small gaugino masses. Since anomaly mediation effects on the gaugino masses exist, we can obtain viable mass spectrum of the visible sector fields.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Fine Tuning in General Gauge Mediation

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    We study the fine-tuning problem in the context of general gauge mediation. Numerical analyses toward for relaxing fine-tuning are presented. We analyse the problem in typical three cases of the messenger scale, that is, GUT (2×10162\times10^{16} GeV), intermediate (101010^{10} GeV), and relatively low energy (10610^6 GeV) scales. In each messenger scale, the parameter space reducing the degree of tuning as around 10% is found. Certain ratios among gluino mass, wino mass and soft scalar masses are favorable. It is shown that the favorable region becomes narrow as the messenger scale becomes lower, and tachyonic initial conditions of stop masses at the messenger scale are favored to relax the fine-tuning problem for the relatively low energy messenger scale. Our spectra would also be important from the viewpoint of the μB\mu-B problem.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures, comment adde

    Natural Supersymmetry at the LHC

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    If the minimal supersymmetric standard model is the solution to the hierarchy problem, the scalar top quark (stop) and the Higgsino should weigh around the electroweak scale such as 200 GeV. A low messenger scale, which results in a light gravitino, is also suggested to suppress the quantum corrections to the Higgs mass parameters. Therefore the minimal model for natural supersymmetry is a system with stop/Higgsino/gravitino whereas other superparticles are heavy. We study the LHC signatures of the minimal system and discuss the discovery potential and methods for the mass measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    A Hybrid Higgs

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    We construct composite Higgs models admitting a weakly coupled Seiberg dual description. We focus on the possibility that only the up-type Higgs is an elementary field, while the down-type Higgs arises as a composite hadron. The model, based on a confining SQCD theory, breaks supersymmetry and electroweak symmetry dynamically and calculably. This simultaneously solves the \mu/B_\mu problem and explains the smallness of the bottom and tau masses compared to the top mass. The proposal is then applied to a class of models where the same confining dynamics is used to generate the Standard Model flavor hierarchy by quark and lepton compositeness. This provides a unified framework for flavor, supersymmetry breaking and electroweak physics. The weakly coupled dual is used to explicitly compute the MSSM parameters in terms of a few microscopic couplings, giving interesting relations between the electroweak and soft parameters. The RG evolution down to the TeV scale is obtained and salient phenomenological predictions of this class of "single-sector" models are discussed.Comment: 56 pages, 7 figures, v2: discussion on FCNCs and references added, v3: JHEP versio

    Potentiation of thrombus instability: a contributory mechanism to the effectiveness of antithrombotic medications

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    © The Author(s) 2018The stability of an arterial thrombus, determined by its structure and ability to resist endogenous fibrinolysis, is a major determinant of the extent of infarction that results from coronary or cerebrovascular thrombosis. There is ample evidence from both laboratory and clinical studies to suggest that in addition to inhibiting platelet aggregation, antithrombotic medications have shear-dependent effects, potentiating thrombus fragility and/or enhancing endogenous fibrinolysis. Such shear-dependent effects, potentiating the fragility of the growing thrombus and/or enhancing endogenous thrombolytic activity, likely contribute to the clinical effectiveness of such medications. It is not clear how much these effects relate to the measured inhibition of platelet aggregation in response to specific agonists. These effects are observable only with techniques that subject the growing thrombus to arterial flow and shear conditions. The effects of antithrombotic medications on thrombus stability and ways of assessing this are reviewed herein, and it is proposed that thrombus stability could become a new target for pharmacological intervention.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Discovering Spatio-Temporal Patterns in Precision Agriculture Based on Triclustering

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    Agriculture has undergone some very important changes over the last few decades. The emergence and evolution of precision agri culture has allowed to move from the uniform site management to the site-specific management, with both economic and environmental advan tages. However, to be implemented effectively, site-specific management requires within-field spatial variability to be well-known and character ized. In this paper, an algorithm that delineates within-field management zones in a maize plantation is introduced. The algorithm, based on tri clustering, mines clusters from temporal remote sensing data. Data from maize crops in Alentejo, Portugal, have been used to assess the suit ability of applying triclustering to discover patterns over time, that may eventually help farmers to improve their harvests.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-88209-C2Fundaçao para a Ciéncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) UIDB/04561/202

    The decay Bs -> mu+ mu-: updated SUSY constraints and prospects

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    We perform a study of the impact of the recently released limits on BR(Bs -> mu+ mu-) by LHCb and CMS on several SUSY models. We show that the obtained constraints can be superior to those which are derived from direct searches for SUSY particles in some scenarios, and the use of a double ratio of purely leptonic decays involving Bs -> mu+ mu- can further strengthen such constraints. We also discuss the experimental sensitivity and prospects for observation of Bs -> mu+ mu- during the sqrt(s)=7 TeV run of the LHC, and its potential implications.Comment: 30 pages, 21 figures. v2: Improved discussion of constraints from B -> tau nu, references adde

    Nitrosothiols in the immune system: Signaling and protection

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    Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 18.3 (2013): 288-308Significance: In the immune system, nitric oxide (NO) has been mainly associated with antibacterial defenses exerted through oxidative, nitrosative, and nitrative stress and signal transduction through cyclic GMP-dependent mechanisms. However, S-nitrosylation is emerging as a post-translational modification (PTM) involved in NO-mediated cell signaling. Recent Advances: Precise roles for S-nitrosylation in signaling pathways have been described both for innate and adaptive immunity. Denitrosylation may protect macrophages from their own S-nitrosylation, while maintaining nitrosative stress compartmentalized in the phagosomes. Nitrosothiols have also been shown to be beneficial in experimental models of autoimmune diseases, mainly through their role in modulating T-cell differentiation and function. Critical Issues: Relationship between S-nitrosylation, other thiol redox PTMs, and other NO-signaling pathways has not been always taken into account, particularly in the context of immune responses. Methods for assaying S-nitrosylation in individual proteins and proteomic approaches to study the S-nitrosoproteome are constantly being improved, which helps to move this field forward. Future Directions: Integrated studies of signaling pathways in the immune system should consider whether S-nitrosylation/denitrosylation processes are among the PTMs influencing the activity of key signaling and adaptor proteins. Studies in pathophysiological scenarios will also be of interest to put these mechanisms into broader contexts. Interventions modulating nitrosothiol levels in autoimmune disease could be investigated with a view to developing new therapiesFinanced by the Spanish Government grants CSD2007-00020 (RosasNet, Consolider-Ingenio 2010 programme), CP07/00143 (Miguel Servet programme), and PS09/00101; and PI10/0213

    A barley cysteine-protease inhibitor reduces teh performance of two aphid species in artificial diets and transgenic arabidopsis plants

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    Cystatins from plants have been implicated in plant defense towards insects, based on their role as inhibitors of heterologous cysteine-proteinases. We have previously characterized thirteen genes encoding cystatins (HvCPI-1 to HvCPI-13) from barley (Hordeum vulgare), but only HvCPI-1 C68 → G, a variant generated by direct-mutagenesis, has been tested against insects. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of the whole gene family members of barley cystatins against two aphids, Myzus persicae and Acyrthosiphon pisum. All the cystatins, except HvCPI-7, HvCPI-10 and HvCPI-12, inhibited in vitro the activity of cathepsin L- and/or B-like proteinases, with HvCPI-6 being the most effective inhibitor for both aphid species. When administered in artificial diets, HvCPI-6 was toxic to A. pisum nymphs (LC50 = 150 μg/ml), whereas no significant mortality was observed on M. persicae nymphs up to 1000 μg/ml. The effects of HvCPI-6 ingestion on A. pisum were correlated with a decrease of cathepsin B- and L-like proteinase activities. In the case of M. persicae, there was an increase of these proteolytic activities, but also of the aminopeptidase-like activity, suggesting that this species is regulating both target and insensitive enzymes to overcome the effects of the cystatin. To further analyze the potential of barley cystatins as insecticidal proteins against aphids, Arabidopsis plants expressing HvCPI-6 were tested against M. persicae. For A. pisum, which does not feed on Arabidopsis, a combined diet-Vicia faba plant bioassay was performed. A significant delay in the development time to reach the adult stage was observed in both species. The present study demonstrates the potential of barley cystatins to interfere with the performance of two aphid specie