89 research outputs found

    A Data-Driven Reaction Network for the Fluid Catalytic Cracking of Waste Feeds

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    Establishing a reaction network is of uttermost importance in complex catalytic processes such as fluid catalytic cracking (FCC). This step is the seed for a faithful reactor modeling and the subsequent catalyst re-design, process optimization or prediction. In this work, a dataset of 104 uncorrelated experiments, with 64 variables, was obtained in an FCC simulator using six types of feedstock (vacuum gasoil, polyethylene pyrolysis waxes, scrap tire pyrolysis oil, dissolved polyethylene and blends of the previous), 36 possible sets of conditions (varying contact time, temperature and catalyst/oil ratio) and three industrial catalysts. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied over the dataset, showing that the main components are associated with feed composition (27.41% variance), operational conditions (19.09%) and catalyst properties (12.72%). The variables of each component were correlated with the indexes and yields of the products: conversion, octane number, aromatics, olefins (propylene) or coke, among others. Then, a data-driven reaction network was proposed for the cracking of waste feeds based on the previously obtained correlations.This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) of the Spanish Government (CTQ2015-67425R and CTQ2016-79646-P), the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) and the Basque Government (IT748-13). Hita is grateful for her postdoctoral grant awarded by the Department of Education, University and Research of the Basque Government (POS_2015_1_0035). Rodriguez is thankful to the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Zabalduz Programme)

    The Long-Term Neuroprotective Effect of the Endocannabinoid 2-AG and Modulation of the SGZ’s Neurogenic Response after Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia

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    Neonatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI) often causes hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), a neurological condition that can lead to overall disability in newborns. The only treatment available for affected neonates is therapeutic hypothermia; however, cooling is not always effective to prevent the deleterious effects of HI, so compounds such as cannabinoids are currently under research as new therapies. Modulating the endocannabinoid system (ECS) may reduce brain damage and/or stimulate cell proliferation at the neurogenic niches. Further, the long-term effects of cannabinoid treatment are not so clear. Here, we studied the middle- and long-term effects of 2-AG, the most abundant endocannabinoid in the perinatal period after HI in neonatal rats. At middle-term (postnatal day 14), 2-AG reduced brain injury and increased SGZ’s cell proliferation and the number of neuroblasts. At post-natal day 90, the treatment with the endocannabinoid showed global and local protection, suggesting long-lasting neuroprotective effects of 2-AG after neonatal HI in rats.This research was funded by EITB Maratoia-BIOEF, grant BIO18/IC/003, by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, grant MINECOR20/P66 and by the “Programa Investigo” by the European Union-Next Generation EU, grant PIFINVE22/15

    A Q fever outbreak associated to courier transport of pets

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    On August 3rd, 2017, a Q fever outbreak alert was issued at a courier company that in addition to urgent freight transport offered pet delivery services. The epidemiological investigation set the exposition period between June 1 and August 8. In this period, 180 workers from two operational platforms for parcel distribution located in two provinces of the Basque Country (Bizkaia and Araba) were exposed; 64 filled a questionnaire and provided blood samples for serological testing, resulting in 10 confirmed cases (15.6%) and six (9.4%) probable cases. Nine workers (8 confirmed and 1 probable) showed Q fever symptoms, including pneumonia (five cases), and required medical care services, including one hospital admission. The attack rate was 25% (16/64), being higher among workers that visited the Bizkaia platform. This suggested that the origin of the outbreak was in the Bizkaia platform, where animals in transit waited at a pet holding site until being moved to their destination. Environmental samples consisting on 19 surface dust and two aerosol samples were collected at the Bizkaia platform to investigate the presence of C. burnetti DNA. All dust samples were positive by real time PCR, the lowest Ct values being found in dust collected at the pet holding facilities, and therefore suggesting that contamination originated at the pet holding site. The genotype identified in dust was SNP1/MST13, one of the most commonly identified genotypes in goats and sheep in the Basque Country. During the exposure period, two deliveries of miniature goats were made, of which only one could be investigated and tested negative. Although the contamination source could not be unequivocally identified, transport of ruminants was banned at the company, and Q fever was included among the occupational-associated health risks.This work was funded by the Spanish National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) (RTA2017-00055-C02-00), the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) and the Basque Government. RAA is beneficiary of a PhD contract funded by INIA (FPI-2015-014). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.S

    Prognostic and therapeutic value of somatic mutations in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: A systematic review

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), the most common type of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), is a highly heterogeneous and aggressive disease. Regardless of this heterogeneity, all patients receive the same first-line therapy, which fails in 30-40 % of patients, who are either refractory or relapse after remission. With the aim of stratifying patients to improve treatment outcome, different clinical and genetic biomarkers have been studied. The present systematic review aimed to identify somatic mutations that could serve as prognosis biomarkers or as therapeutic target mutations in DLBCL. Regarding their role as prognostic markers, mutations in CD58 and TP53 seem the most promising predictors of poor outcome although the combination of different alterations and other prognostic factors could be a more powerful strategy. On the other hand, different approaches regarding targeted therapy have been proposed. Therefore, mutational analysis could help guide treatment choice in DLBCL yet further studies and clinical trials are needed.This study was funded by the Basque Government (IT989-16) and EiTB maratoia/Bioef (BIO15/CA/022/BC) . AGC was supported by a post-doctoral grant from the Basque Government

    Unsupervised ensemble learning for genome sequencing

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    Unsupervised ensemble learning refers to methods devised for a particular task that combine data pro-vided by decision learners taking into account their reliability, which is usually inferred from the data. Here, the variant calling step of the next generation sequencing technologies is formulated as an unsuper-vised ensemble classification problem. A variant calling algorithm based on the expectation-maximization algorithm is further proposed that estimates the maximum-a-posteriori decision among a number of classes larger than the number of different labels provided by the learners. Experimental results with real human DNA sequencing data show that the proposed algorithm is competitive compared to state-of -the-art variant callers as GATK, HTSLIB, and Platypus.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

    Nanopore quality score resolution can be reduced with little effect on downstream analysis

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    Motivation: The use of high precision for representing quality scores in nanopore sequencing data makes these scores hard to compress and, thus, responsible for most of the information stored in losslessly compressed FASTQ files. This motivates the investigation of the effect of quality score information loss on downstream analysis from nanopore sequencing FASTQ files. Results: We polished de novo assemblies for a mock microbial community and a human genome, and we called variants on a human genome. We repeated these experiments using various pipelines, under various coverage level scenarios and various quality score quantizers. In all cases, we found that the quantization of quality scores causes little difference (or even sometimes improves) on the results obtained with the original (non-quantized) data. This suggests that the precision that is currently used for nanopore quality scores may be unnecessarily high, and motivates the use of lossy compression algorithms for this kind of data. Moreover, we show that even a non-specialized compressor, such as gzip, yields large storage space savings after the quantization of quality scores.ANII: FSDA_1_2018_1_154790

    Recursos d’informació integrats i tranversals per totes les assignatures de 2n semestre del grau de Psicologia (2012PID-UB/105, modalitat A). Memòria Final

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    Convocatòria d'ajuts per al desenvolupament de projectes d’innovació docent a la Universitat de BarcelonaLa disponibilitat d’informació en la societat del coneixement comporta el desenvolupament de l’alfabetització digital: l’habilitat d’accedir, avaluar i utilitzar informació de diverses fonts. La coordinació de les cinc assignatures que cursen els estudiants en el segon semestre de Psicologia va permetre l’elaboració d’un pla d’actuació de forma transversal. Els estudiants que van seguir la formació van obtenir notables resultats quan s'enfrontaven a exercicis pràctics específics (identificació de paraules clau o factors d'impacte), però van mostrar mancances a l’hora de resoldre tasques que requerien la cerca avançada, l’ús de l'estil APA, la identificació de títols de revistes científiques o el coneixement global dels usos i recursos d'informació. Tot i així, els estudiants que van rebre la formació van ser lleugerament més competents que els seus companys de darrer curs del grau (al què no se'ls ha format específicament, però se'ls suposa experiència en cerca, atesa les demandes de les diferents assignatures que han cursat). L'avaluació de la competència informacional no va resultar independent de la resta de competències avaluades. Es va observar que va correlacionar positivament, tant en la tasca de defensa oral, com en la puntuació de l'examen final de continguts bàsics de l'assignatura (valors rxy entre 0,09 i 0,18).(2012PID-UB/105, modalitat A

    Metformin induces a fasting- and antifolate-mimicking modification of systemic host metabolism in breast cancer patients

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    Certain dietary interventions might improve the therapeutic index of cancer treatments. An alternative to the "drug plus diet" approach is the pharmacological reproduction of the metabolic traits of such diets. Here we explored the impact of adding metformin to an established therapeutic regimen on the systemic host metabolism of cancer patients. A panel of 11 serum metabolites including markers of mitochondria! function and intermediates/products of folate-dependent one-carbon metabolism were measured in paired baseline and post-treatment sera obtained from HER2-positive breast cancer patients randomized to receive either metformin combined with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and trastuzumab or an equivalent regimen without metformin. Metabolite profiles revealed a significant increase of the ketone body beta-hydroxybutyrate and of the TCA intermediate alpha-ketoglutarate in the metformin-containing arm. A significant relationship was found between the follow-up levels of homocysteine and the ability of treatment arms to achieve a pathological complete response (pCR). In the metformin-containing arm, patients with significant elevations of homocysteine tended to have a higher probability of pCR. The addition of metformin to an established anticancer therapeutic regimen causes a fasting-mimicking modification of systemic host metabolism. Circulating homocysteine could be explored as a clinical pharmacodynamic biomarker linking the antifolate-like activity of metformin and biological tumor response

    Circulating tumor cells for comprehensive and multiregional non-invasive genetic characterization of multiple myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) patients undergo repetitive bone marrow (BM) aspirates for genetic characterization. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are detectable in peripheral blood (PB) of virtually all MM cases and are prognostic, but their applicability for noninvasive screening has been poorly investigated. Here, we used next-generation flow (NGF) cytometry to isolate matched CTCs and BM tumor cells from 53 patients and compared their genetic profile. In eight cases, tumor cells from extramedullary (EM) plasmacytomas were also sorted and whole-exome sequencing was performed in the three spatially distributed tumor samples. CTCs were detectable by NGF in the PB of all patients with MM. Based on the cancer cell fraction of clonal and subclonal mutations, we found that ~22% of CTCs egressed from a BM (or EM) site distant from the matched BM aspirate. Concordance between BM tumor cells and CTCs was high for chromosome arm-level copy number alterations (≥95%) though not for translocations (39%). All high-risk genetic abnormalities except one t(4;14) were detected in CTCs whenever present in BM tumor cells. Noteworthy, ≥82% mutations present in BM and EM clones were detectable in CTCs. Altogether, these results support CTCs for noninvasive risk-stratification of MM patients based on their numbers and genetic profile.This study was supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red—Área de Oncología—del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERONC; CB16/12/00236, CB16/12/00369, CB16/12/00489, and CB16/12/00400); by Cancer Research UK [C355/A26819] and FC AECC and AIRC under the Accelerator Award Program; by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, FCAECC and co-financed by FEDER (ERANET-TRANSCAN-2 iMMunocell AC17/00101); the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and co-financed by FSE (Torres Quevedo fellowship, PTQ-16-08623); the Black Swan Research Initiative of the International Myeloma Foundation; European Research Council (ERC) under the European Commission’s H2020 Framework Programme (MYELOMANEXT, 680200); the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) Award No. 7-916-3-237; the AACR-Millennium Fellowship in Multiple Myeloma Research (15-40-38-PAIV); the Leukemia Research Foundation; and the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) under the 2019 Research Fellowship Award