197 research outputs found

    Program bimbingan Musyrif dan Musyrifah di pondok pesantren

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    Pesantren in general, as a non-formal educational institution, has now experienced significant development and has become one of the choices for parents to entrust their children to study. This is because many pesantren have opened themselves from conventional Islamic educational institutions to be more open to the demands of the times both in terms of curriculum and infrastructure. So that it is a hope for parents that when their children study at the pesantren in addition to gaining religious knowledge, they can also follow and adjust to the modernity that cannot be avoided, this hope then relies a lot on the pesantren. With the increasing number of students in the pesantren, it becomes homework on how to create a comfortable pesantren atmosphere for students, especially in terms of psychology so that they can participate in all activities at the pesantren to the fullest. The existence of Musyrif and Musyrifah has an extraordinary role in creating a comfortable atmosphere for a Santri to carry out activities at the pesantren. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Musyrif and Musyrifah guidance programs to improve their performance at the Al-Ma'tuq Cisaat Sukabumi Islamic boarding school. This research uses a descriptive-analytical method using document data collection tools, interviews, and observations. The results showed that the performance improvement guidance program at the Al-Ma’tuq Cisaat Sukabumi Islamic boarding school was through provisioning at the beginning of the year for the Musyrif and Musyrifah in the form of providing materials such as leadership, camaraderie, psychology, and management then continued with the Tahsin, Tahfidz and Ta'lim programs in weekly and monthly. Apart from this, the Al-Ma'tuq Islamic Boarding School also has a daily Mutaba'ah which will be a performance appraisal with item 1). Compulsory worship 2). Sunnah worship 3). Discipline 4). Exemplary 5). Commitment. From the Mutaba'ah, it is accumulated in the form of a Musyrif and Musyrifah Syahadah (report card) at Al-Ma’tuq Islamic Boarding School, Cisaat Sukabumi.AbstrakPesantren secara umum, sebagai  lembaga pendidikan non formal saat ini telah  mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan dan  menjadi salah satu pilihan dari orang tua untuk menitipkan anak-anaknya dalam menuntut ilmu. Hal tersebut dikarenakan banyak pesantren-pesantren yang telah membuka diri dari lembaga pendidikan Islam yang konvensional menjadi lebih terbuka terhadap tuntutan zaman baik dari segi kurikulum maupun sarana prasarana. Sehingga menjadi harapan bagi orang tua agar ketika anaknya belajar di pesantren selain memperoleh ilmu agama, juga dapat mengikuti dan menyesuaikan diri dengan kemodernan yang tidak bisa dihindari, harapan ini kemudian banyak disandarkan kepada pesantren. Dengan jumlah santri yang semakin banyak di pesantren kemudian hal ini menjadi pekerjaan rumah bagaimana menciptakan suasana pesantren yang  nyaman bagi para santri terutama dalam segi psikologisnya agar dapat mengikuti semua kegiatan di pesantren dengan maksimal. Keberadaan Musyrif dan Musyrifah memiliki peran yang luar biasa dalam menciptakan suasana nyaman seorang santri untuk menjalani aktivitas di pesantren. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis program bimbingan Musyrif dan Musyrifah untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya di pondok pesantren Al-Ma’tuq Cisaat Sukabumi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis dengan menggunakan alat pengumpul data dokumen, wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program bimbingan peningkatan kinerja di pondok pesantren Al-Ma’tuq Cisaat Sukabumi adalah melalui pembekalan di awal tahun terhadap para musyrif dan musyrifah berupa pemberian materi seperti leadership, keasramaan, psikologi dan manajemen kemudian di lanjutkan dengan program tahsin, tahfidz serta ta’lim di mingguan dan bulanan. Selain hal tersebut di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ma’tuq juga memiliki mutaba’ah harian yang akan menjadi penilaian kinerja dengan item 1). Ibadah wajib 2). Ibadah sunah 3). Kedisiplinan 4). Keteladanan 5). Komitmen. Dari mutaba’ah tersebut terakumulasi dalam bentuk syahadah (raport) Musyrif dan Musyrifah di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ma’tuq, Cisaat Sukabumi

    Internalization Of Humanistic Values In The Learning Process For The Millennial Generation

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    In this era of globalization, Science and Technology (S&T) have become incredibly popular in daily life. S&T has brought people closer together and made the world more transparent. This situation poses a dilemma stemming from the remarkable progress of S&T. On one hand, this progress has made life more convenient for humans. On the other hand, our conscience raises concerns as we find ourselves in a situation that is no longer human-centric but rather technocentric. The millennial generation, born between the 1980s and the 2000s, is deeply intertwined with technological advancements, hence the term "millennial." They have experienced and actively participated in the development of technology. The millennials are the intelligent successors of the nation, continuously engaging with positive technological advancements. They possess positive attributes such as critical thinking, social media wisdom, creativity, and a desire to create harmonious relationships. However, they also exhibit negative traits such as communication difficulties, self-confidence issues, a sense of superiority, self-destructive tendencies, and a fear of job loss. One way to address the negative aspects observed in the millennial generation is through the internalization of humanistic values, particularly within the educational process at schools or in classrooms through humanistic education. Humanistic education as a whole provides a more comprehensive perspective, emphasizing an education that engages all dimensions and potential of humans, making individuals aware of their processes in becoming meaningful contributors to life, family, society, nation, and religion. The objective of this article is to describe the internalization of humanistic values in the millennial generation to counteract the potential negative aspects they might exhibit. The outcomes of this internalization are expected to shape millennials into intelligent, creative individuals who are human-centric in a techno-centric worl


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    Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah memberikan pengayaan kepada guru yang masih kurang dalam penguasaan tentang beberapa metode pembelajaran yang dapat mempercepat dan mempermudah pencapain tujuan pembelajaran. Pembelajaran inquiry sebagai alternatif solusi dalam pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode penulisan deduktif atau diawali dari konsep dasar secara komprehensif lalu mengungkap bagian-bagian yang yang penting. Sumber dari penelitian dari beberapa buku dan jurnal-jurnal yang berkaitan dengan hasil-hasil belajar dengan menggunakan inquiry learning. Melalui belajar cara inquiry merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan pengalaman dan kepercayaan pada peserta dididk, guru dapat mengajukan pertanyaan yang memerlukan pemikiran lebih jauh; seperti menafsirkan, menganalisis, mengsintense, atau menggunakan(application). Hal yang diperlukan oleh peserta dididk adalah mempelajari metode-metode ilmu-ilmu sosial secara eksplisit. Peserta dididk, jika digunakan strategi inquiry ia dituntut untuk bekerja keras, secara individu ataupun kelompok, dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berpikirnya dan memanfaatkan sumber-sumber yang ada di sekelilingnya di lingkungan tempat tinggalnya. Untuk itu, guru perlu mengajarkan langkah-langkah tentang cara berinkuiri dalam setiap ilmu-ilmu sosial. Di dalam inquiry terdapat kolaborasi antara guru dan peserta dididk untuk menemukan pengetahuan pada bagaimana memperoleh pemecahan masalah, dapat memfasilitasi proses belajar pada semua tingkat pengetahuan dan membantu mengembangkan keterampilan belajar , memperbaiki keterampilan inquiry dalam bidang intelektual dan memperjelas sikap dan nilai-nilai. Secara keseluruhan cara belajar peserta dididk belajar dengan menggunakan keterampilan, proses, sikap dan pengetahuan berpikir nasional.

    Model Pembelajaran Respons Verbal dalam Kemampuan Berbicara

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of the implementation of verbal response learning model to the speaking ability students of Class X Madrasah Aliyah PP DDI As-Salman Allakuang Sidenreng Rappang Regency. This research was conducted in Madrasah Aliyah PP DDI As-Salman Allakuang Sidenreng Rappang Regency. The research method used quantitative method. The subject of the research is the students of class X Madrasah Aliyah PP DDI As-Salman Allakuang Sidenreng Rappang Regency academic year 2016/2017. The data collection technique used a test with two stages of data retrieval, the first test to determine the speaking ability before the students were given treatment (pretest) and the second stage to determine students' speaking ability after being given treatment (posttest). Results based on db of 52 converted to t-table at the 5% significance level obtained the price of 1.671. Criteria of submission are if t-test ≥ t-tabel then Ha accepted and Ho rejected, otherwise if t-test ≤ t-table then Ha rejected and Ho accepted. It turns out that t-test is magnitude 2.33 more than t-table, hence alternative hypothesis accepted and null hypothesis rejected. Based on these results it can be concluded that the application of verbal response learning model significantly affects the speaking ability of grade X Madrasah Aliyah PP DDI As-Salman Allakuang of Sidenreng Rappang Regency

    Konsentrasi Auditor Dan Penetapan Fee Audit: Investigasi Pada BUMN

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    This research is aimed to test the influence of auditor concentration ratio, KAP size, the size of company auditee and number of subsidiary company towards an audit fee. The samples of this research are 22 BUMN companies in periode 2002-2004. The data is taken from the annual report of companies. This study use linear regression which consists of two variables. The first is dependent variable this is audit fee. The second variable is independent variable consist of ratio concentration variable, KAP size, company auditee size and company subsidiary. The result of the study shows that there are two significant variables i.e. ratio concentration and company auditee size. More over, it is also found that there are two unsignificant variables namely KAP size and the number of subsidiary company


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    ELAH NURLAELAH: Aplikasi Sistem Temenos-T24 Dalam Efektifitas Pengolahan Data Akuntansi di Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah Cabang Cirebon Core banking system yang canggih membantu bank untuk mewujudkan visi dan misi bank tersebut. Core banking system yang dipakai oleh BRI Syariah adalah sistem Temenos-T24. Masalah yang difokuskan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai efektifitas pengolahan data akuntansi dengan adanya aplikasi core banking system bernama Temenos-T24. Adapun rumusan masalahnya yaitu bagaimana gambaran core banking system (CBS) bernama Temenos-T24 dalam dunia perbankan, bagaimana aplikasi sistem Temenos-T24 di BRI Syariah Cabang Cirebon, apa keunggulan dan kelemahan sistem Temenos-T24 dan apa manfaat aplikasi sistem Temenos-T24 dalam pengolahan data akuntansi di BRI Syariah Cabang Cirebon. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui gambaran Core Banking System (CBS) bernama Temenos-T24 dalam dunia perbankan, mengetahui aplikasi sistem Temenos-T24 di BRI Syariah Cabang Cirebon, mengetahui keunggulan dan kelemahan dari sistem Temenos-T24, mengetahui manfaat dari aplikasi sistem Temenos-T24 dalam pengolahan data akuntansi di BRI Syariah Cabang Cirebon. Untuk memperoleh tujuan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi kepada manajer dan karyawan di BRI Syariah Cabang Cirebon. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data menggunakan konsep dari Milles and Huberman dan Spradly dalam analisis penelitian kualitatif, yaitu meliputi prose data reduction (merangkum), data display (menyajikan) dan verification (kesimpulan). Serta pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi dan member check maka diperoleh hasil bahwa core banking system (CBS) merupakan aplikasi inti di suatu perbankan yang menjalankan seluruh kegiatan operasional perbankan. Core banking system yang digunakan oleh BRI Syariah seluruh Indonesia adalah sistem Temenos-T24. Setiap transaksi yang diinput oleh kantor cabang akan secara otomatis (real time online) masuk ke sistem Temenos-T24 di kantor pusat. Dan data tersebut akan diolah menjadi laporan keuangan oleh kantor pusat dan hasilnya dapat diakses oleh seluruh kantor cabang, kantor cabang pembantu maupun kantor unit. Keunggulan sistem Temenos-T24 yaitu merupakan program komputer yang paling canggih dalam pengolah data di perbankan, teknologi yang di gunakan berkualitas tinggi, prosesnya cepat dan sistemnya online. Selain itu interface yang ditampilkan sangat fleksibel dan mudah difahami oleh pengguna. Adapun manfaatnya dalam pengolahan data akuntansi yaitu dapat membantu mempercepat dan mengakuratkan hasil laporan keuangan yang dihasilkan

    Social Justice in and through Mathematics Education: For Improving the Quality of Mathematics Teaching and Internalising Students’ Character Building

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    Aside from being one of the systematically arranged disciplines, mathematics is also a social construction that views humans as active subjects in building knowledge through interaction with the surrounding environment. Therefore, in addition to being a medium to enhance students’ understanding of mathematical concepts, mathematics education should also apply the principles of social activity while linking mathematical concepts to social issues. This research is intended to reform mathematics learning so that it does not merely focus on students’ understanding of mathematical concepts, but also improve their quality through the application of ‘social justice in mathematics education’, while at the same time internalising issues related to social justice through the application of ‘social justice through mathematics education’ concepts. This study used action research as the research methodology considering its actionbased themes and characteristics, where the teacher performed and simultaneously reflected learning activities. The findings obtained from this study are: (i) several challenges related to the application of ‘social justice in and through mathematics education’ in mathematics learning area, among others, include the difficulty of changing the teacher’s mindset on how to teach mathematics to students equitably (socially) and how to foster teacher sensitivity in designing mathematics learning that integrated justice issues into mathematics learning; (ii) the implementation of the principle of ‘social justice in and through mathematics education’ in order to improve the quality of mathematics learning is felt to be ineffective because of the teacher’s ability to design and implement mathematics learning involving ‘social justice in mathematics learning’ and ‘social justice through mathematics learning’ remains adequate; and (iii) the application of ‘social justice in and through mathematics education’ has a significant effect on student involvement in mathematics learning. It is characterized by more active students in learning and more enthusiastic students in learning activities, because the material that is discussed very closely with students’ daily experiences.  Furthermore, the findings of this study are expected to contribute to the reform of mathematics education, especially those related to productive mathematics learning, the planting of effective mathematical concepts in students, equitable mathematics learning, and simultaneously internalizing social justice issues through the application of concepts, such as building students’ character. By using the elements in the planning and reflection of lessons, teachers are able to develop a comprehensive guide for improving the quality of their lessons and at the same time internalize students’ character building by using social justice issues


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    Decision making is a human cognitive process that results in the selection of beliefs or actions among several alternatives options either rationally or irrationally. In an educational organization decision making plays a key role in terms of motivation, leadership, communication, coordination, and organizational change. An organization only work if its leaders have the ability to make decisions and its implemation to its members as determined by their roles and responsibilities. By using literary techniques, this study confirms that decision making of an educational organization must realize several basic principles, namely authority, credibilty, reference, ethics, orientation, and scope. Based on this principle, decisions are made using one of the classical, administrative, incremental, administrative-incremental, and contingecy paradigms

    Makna Simbolik Pakaian Adat Pengantin Bugis Sinjai Sulawesi Selatan (Tinjauan Sosial Budaya)

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pakaian adat pengantin dalam masyarakat Bugis Sinjai memiliki makna simbolik tertentu yang sangat tergantung pada strata sosial pemakainya warna hijau untuk putri bangsawan, warna merah darah untuk gadis remaja, warna merah tua untuk perempuan yang telah menikah, warna ungu untuk janda, warna hitam untuk perempuan yang sudah tua, warna putih untuk inang atau pengasuh. Dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan pemahaman yang dalam mengenai makna simbolik pakaian Bugis Sinjai di Sulawesi Selatan sebagai tradisi budaya. Sebagai suatu budaya, pakaian adat tersebut bukan hanya sebagai hasil budaya material saja,tetapi mengandung makna yang kaya akan arti simbolik tentang kehidupan masyarakat Bugis Sinjai. Sekian banyak arti simbolik yang teraktualisasi dari bahan,bentuk,warna, dan perlengkapannya, dapat di golongkan ke dalam tiga golongan yaitu simbol pengayoman,simbol perlindungan, simbol kebesaran dan kekuasaan serta starata sosial masyarakat Bugis Sinjai
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