8 research outputs found


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    Predicting stock prices is contained in the basic approach is fundamental and technical analysis which is needed by entrepreneurs who invest their capital, this analysis is to determine the company's financial performance and must continue to be carried out, to carry out this analysis we use the help of several financial ratios where several types of ratios Return on Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity, and Book Value per Share are some examples. The authors applied a quantitative descriptive approach to companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the Pulp & Paper sector for this study. According to the Correlation and Regression tables, all of the variables ROA, ROE, DER, and BVS have an effect on stock prices, but the stock session obtained on the variables ROA, ROE, and DER has a very significant effect on stock prices but has no significant effect on stock prices on the BVS variable. So in the long term the company must implement one of two policies, namely low solvency means using less debt than own capital and a low solvency policy will not cause high interest expenses to be borne by the company so that it will affect growth

    Designing Ergonomic Study Chair Using Quality Function Deployment Method with Anthropometry Approach

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    Increasing the high number of under-fives entering the age of study, commonly called early childhood education (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini–PAUD), creates an opportunity to design a product that supports learning activities for the toddlers, namely folding study desks. This research aims to make a redesign of folding table-chair products specially designed for toddlers by considering ergonomic aspects that prioritize function and comfort using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method through anthropometry approach of toddler’s body.  This study focuses on toddlers aged 3 yr to 5 yr who   are students of the playing group and kindergarten at Integrated Islamic Kindergarten (Taman Kanak-kanak Islam Terpadu-TKIT) “Rabbani”. Different body sizes of toddlers with adults are the main consideration in determining anthropometric approach, but it is also expected to produce ergonomic products both in terms of materials and product size to a child’s sitting position. The results of this study obtained a comfortable chair table, soft and comfortable backrest, strong seat resistance, comfortable padded seat cushion, has a place to store bag/footrest, has a place to store stationery, has an attractive color and seats safe to use, and has additional features for gadget. As for the changes made in terms of the dimensions of the chair that prioritize ergonomic values, the seat height is 60 mm, the back height is 33.2 mm, the width of the backrest is 30 mm, the length of the seat is 26.6 mm, and the seat width is 26.6   mm. All these additions are additional tolerance for comfort, especially for large children. Keywords: ergonomic product design; quality function deployment; toddler study chair desig


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    Predicting stock prices is contained in the basic approach is fundamental and technical analysis which is needed by entrepreneurs who invest their capital, this analysis is to determine the company's financial performance and must continue to be carried out, to carry out this analysis we use the help of several financial ratios where several types of ratios Return on Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity, and Book Value per Share are some examples. The authors applied a quantitative descriptive approach to companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the Pulp &amp; Paper sector for this study. According to the Correlation and Regression tables, all of the variables ROA, ROE, DER, and BVS have an effect on stock prices, but the stock session obtained on the variables ROA, ROE, and DER has a very significant effect on stock prices but has no significant effect on stock prices on the BVS variable. So in the long term the company must implement one of two policies, namely low solvency means using less debt than own capital and a low solvency policy will not cause high interest expenses to be borne by the company so that it will affect growth.</span

    Penerapan Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Pada Perancangan Alat Bantu Ganti Oli Transmisi Otomatis

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    Salah satu aktivitas dalam proses servis mobil matic adalah penggantian oli transmisi otomatis, saat ini alat yang digunakan untuk proses tersebut masih manual dan belum memberikan hasil yang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang alat pengisian oli transmisi otomatis untuk mempercepat proses kerja dan sesuai kebutuhan teknisi. penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD yang terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu penentuan VOC, penentuan karakteristik teknis, pembuatan HOQ dan perancangan produk. Hasil Penelitian ini berupa alat bantu ganti oli transmisi otomatis yang memiliki 7 atribut sesuai keinginan pengguna: mudah digunakan, kuat dan ringan, mempercepat waktu penggantian oli, bentuk tabung, tahan dari kebocoran oli, dapat digunakan di caddy (meja kerja teknisi) dan menggunakan tutup yang lebih besar


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    Kota Batam merupakan salah satu kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau yang memiliki segudang potensi pariwisata dan peluang masa depan yang cerah. Menurut data yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kota Batam, total pengunjung internasional yang berwisata ke Kota Batam pada bulan Maret 2023 naik sebesar 32,45% jika dibandingkan dengan bulan Februari 2023. Pantai Ciptaland yang populer di kalangan wisatawan merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata pantai di kecamatan Sekupang Kota Batam. Berbagai kesulitan dan permasalahan dalam menciptakan destinasi liburan Pantai Ciptaland menjadi landasan penelitian ini, yang akan menggunakan analisis SWOT untuk menentukan strategi pengembangan tempat liburan Pantai Ciptaland. Mengingat temuan penelitian yang memanfaatkan struktur matriks SWOT IFAS, EFAS, dan 4 kuadran, jelas bahwa rencana diversifikasi produk diperlukan untuk meningkatkan daya tarik pengunjung sekaligus memaksimalkan kekuatan dan kemungkinan. Strategi pelaksanaannya adalah sebagai berikut: (1) memperkuat hubungan dengan perusahaan tour and travel lokal di Kota Batam untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung; (2) mempekerjakan tenaga kerja lokal untuk mengelola destinasi wisata, sehingga mengurangi jumlah pengangguran dan memperluas keberlangsungan perekonomian masyarakat sekitar lokasi objek wisata; (3) penyediaan prasarana dan fasilitas di destinasi wisata Pantai Ciptaland; (4) melestarikan dan meningkatkan lokasi wisata dan fasilitas yang dimiliki destinasi wisata; dan (5) menjaga kondisi kesehatan di sekitar destinasi wisata

    Flipped Blended Learning Model Implementation At Vocational High Schools

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    The development of the 4.0 industrial revolution era allows learning innovations, such as online learning, to facilitate learning activities without being limited by distance, space, and time. With online learning, teaching and learning activities can still be conducted even though the COVID-19 outbreak occurs and requires people to avoid having contact. Moreover, producing competent graduates shall be supported by conducting learning relevant to the 21st century and the 4.0 industrial era. The significance of this study was providing information about flipped blended learning model as a learning improvement in the classroom during this COVID-19 pandemic period. Besides, it was for improving the teachers’ professionalism related to the class they manage and the learning solution at vocational high schools for improving the learning outcome. This study aimed at identifying the effectiveness of learning after implementing the flipped blended learning model at vocational high schools. The method used here was class action research with several stages, namely &nbsp;Planning&nbsp; implementation, observation, and reflection. Sampling was done using the cluster random sampling technique in SMK Negeri 2 Payakumbuh, which have 30 student grade 12 on Building Engineering, Construction Skill Program on Irigation Road and Bridge. Result obtained a condition analysis of school characteristics stating that a phenomenon occurred in the learning at vocational high schools based on the learning system, learning process, learning media, and learning set up to the students. Some problems, gaps, and expectations were also found. The result can be made as a foundation to determine solutions for implementing the flipped blended learning model better. Subsequently, preparation and planning were done to implement the flipped blended learning model. The result from Implementation flipped blended learning is that kind of model can improve learning outcomes in subject of Irrigation Road and Bridge Construction Planning

    The Development of Computer Network Learning Media to Support Online Learning

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    In the new normal era, the learning system is carried out online. The lack of innovation in the use of learning media during the covid-19 pandemic, resulted in students being less motivated and having low learning enthusiasm in the computer network learning process. To overcome these problems, one alternative is to develop learning media during the pandemic. This research intends to improve computer network learning media as a support for online learning in the new normal era. The method used in this development research is Research and Development (R&D) using the Instractional Development Institute (IDI) model approach. The IDI approach model has several stages of implementation including define, develop, and evaluate. The results of the research on the development of learning media are declared valid, practical and effective to be applied as a computer network learning media as a media to support online learning