549 research outputs found

    Variation of mandibular sexual dimorphism across human facial patterns

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    Received 2 March 2015Accepted 1 November 2015 Available online 23 January 2016This study analysed how sex-specific features differed in male and female adult mandibles throughout the spectrum of vertical facial patterns (i.e., meso-, dolicho- and brachyfacial) and sagittal variations (the so-called skeletal Classes I, II and III; normal maxillo-mandibular relationship, maxillary prognathism vs. mandibular retrognathism, and maxillary retrognathism vs. mandibular prognathism, respectively). Specifically, we test the hypothesis that sexual dimorphism in the mandible is independent of such facial vertical and sagittal patterns. A sample of 187 European adults (92 males, 95 females; age range, 20–30 years; mean age 25.6 years, sd = 4.2 years) from Granada (southern Spain) were randomly selected and grouped according to the standard cephalometric criteria of the sagittal and vertical patterns. Geometric morphometrics were used to analyse the size (centroid size) and shape (principal components analysis, mean shape comparisons) of the mandible. The patterns of sexual dimorphism were evaluated with a generalised linear model with interaction term. We found that sagittal and vertical facial patterns are associated with different mandibular morphologies (size and shape). Also, sexual dimorphism was present in all comparisons. The hypothesis was rejected only for vertical facial patterns. That is, the nature of sexual dimorphism was similar among the skeletal classes but different (e.g., distribution of dimorphic variables, interaction term) in meso-, dolicho-, and brachyfacial mandibles. In conclusion, sex-specific mandibular traits behave in a different way across vertical facial patterns. These results imply that an assessment of the vertical facial pattern of the individual is required before a sexual diagnosis of the mandible is proposed.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy andCompetitiveness: Projects CGL2012-36682 and CGL2012-37279.Peer reviewe

    Unraveling the sperm bauplan: Relationships between sperm head morphology and sperm function in rodents

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Society for the Study of Reproduction via the DOI in this record.Rodents have spermatozoa with features not seen in other species. Sperm heads in many rodent species bear one or more apical extensions known as "hooks." The process by which hooks have evolved, together with their adaptive significance, are still controversial issues. In order to improve our understanding of the biological meaning of these sperm head adaptations, we analyzed hook curvature angles, hook length, and overall hook shape in muroid rodents by using geometric morphometrics. We also searched for relationships between hook design and measurements of intermale competition to assess whether postcopulatory sexual selection was an important selective force driving changes in this sperm structure. Finally, we sought possible links between aspects of sperm hook design and sperm velocity as a measure of sperm performance. Results showed that one hook curvature angle is under strong selective pressure. Similarly, hook length appears to be strongly selected by sexual selection, with this selective force also exhibiting a stabilizing role reducing intermale variation in this trait. The adaptive significance of changes in hook structure was supported by the finding that there are strong and significant covariations between hook dimensions and shape and between hook design and sperm swimming velocity. Overall, this study strongly suggests that postcopulatory sexual selection has an important effect on the design of the sperm head that, in turn, is important for enhancing sperm velocity, a function crucial to reaching the vicinity of the female gamete and winning fertilizations under competitive situations

    Geometric morphometrics of rodent sperm head shape

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    Mammalian spermatozoa, particularly those of rodent species, are extremely complex cells and differ greatly in form and dimensions. Thus, characterization of sperm size and, particularly, sperm shape represents a major challenge. No consensus exists on a method to objectively assess size and shape of spermatozoa. In this study we apply the principles of geometric morphometrics to analyze rodent sperm head morphology and compare them with two traditional morphometry methods, that is, measurements of linear dimensions and dimensions-derived parameters calculated using formulae employed in sperm morphometry assessments. Our results show that geometric morphometrics clearly identifies shape differences among rodent spermatozoa. It is also capable of discriminating between size and shape and to analyze these two variables separately. Thus, it provides an accurate method to assess sperm head shape. Furthermore, it can identify which sperm morphology traits differ between species, such as the protrusion or retraction of the base of the head, the orientation and relative position of the site of flagellum insertion, the degree of curvature of the hook, and other distinct anatomical features and appendices. We envisage that the use of geometric morphometrics may have a major impact on future studies focused on the characterization of sperm head formation, diversity of sperm head shape among species (and underlying evolutionary forces), the effects of reprotoxicants on changes in cell shape, and phenotyping of genetically-modified individuals. © 2013 Varea Sánchez et al.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Peer Reviewe

    Morphological integration of mandible and cranium: Orthodontic implications

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    Objectives: This study aimed at clarifying the morphological interactions among the cranial base, face, and mandible, to improve the assessment and treatment of skeletal malocclusions involving the mandible. Design Untreated adult subjects (n = 187) were grouped according to standard cephalometric criteria of vertical and sagittal relationships. Geometric morphometrics were used to test the null hypothesis that integration patterns between the mandible and its associated basicranial and upper midfacial counterparts would be similar among various vertical and sagittal facial patterns. Results: The null hypothesis was rejected for vertical groups, because the dolicho- and brachyfacial subjects showed significantly different integration patterns, but was accepted for sagittal groups, which showed identical covariation patterns. The morphological integration between the cranium-face and mandible were similarly high in the three skeletal classes, which explained the similarly large covariance between the two structures (57.80% in Class II to 60% in Class III). Conclusions: Dolicho- and brachi-facial subjects showed specific and different cranium-face and associated mandible configurations. The cranium-face configuration may have an important influence (∼60%) on the generation of sagittal (anteroposterior) skeletal malocclusions. The remaining morphological component of the skeletal malocclusion (∼40%) would be independent of this particular integration (PLS1) between the cranium-face and mandible. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.This research was founded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects CGL2012-36682 and CGL2012-37279).Peer Reviewe

    Temporal lobe surface anatomy and the bony relieves in the middle cranial fossa. The case of the El Sidrón (Spain) Neandertal sample

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    Resumen del póster presentado en: 3rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution, 19-21 September 2013, Vienna/AustriaCGL 2012-36682 and CGL 2012-37279 (MINECO, Spain). Field work is supported by Consejería de Cultura del Principado de Asturias, Grant sponsor: Convenio Universidad de Oviedo-CSIC, Grant number: 060501040023Peer reviewe

    Investigating Human Torso Asymmetries: An Observational Longitudinal Study of Fluctuating and Directional Asymmetry in the Scoliotic Torso

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    The presence of directional and fluctuating asymmetry in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis has not been deeply studied. We aimed to test the presence of both in a scoliosis group and a control group. 24 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and 24 control subjects were subjected to geometric morphometrics analyses to address our main hypotheses and to make qualitative visualizations of the 3D shape changes in patients with scoliosis. Our results support the hypothesis that both asymmetric traits are present in the scoliosis and control groups, but to a greater degree in patients. A qualitative visualization tool that allows us to measure the impact that directional and fluctuating asymmetry have on the 3D shape of our patients has been developed. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is the result of developmental instabilities during growth and the visualization of the 3D shape changes in response to both asymmetric variables has shown different morphological behaviors. Measuring these variables is important, as they can prevent the localization and deformation that is expected to occur during the course of scoliosis in every individual patient and therefore acts as a key clinical finding that may be used in the prognosis of the condition.Funding: This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grant number PID2020-115854GB-I00 and the APC was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grant number PID2020-115854GB-I00

    Fetal development of the modern human chin: The 3D shape variation is bounded to spatial arrangement of the hyoid bone, the tongue and suprahyoid muscles

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    Resumen del póster presentado en: 3rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution, 19-21 September 2013, Vienna/AustriaPeer reviewe

    In Vivo 3D Analysis of Thoracic Kinematics : Changes in Size and Shape During Breathing and Their Implications for Respiratory Function in Recent Humans and Fossil Hominins

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    The human ribcage expands and contracts during respiration as a result of the interaction between the morphology of the ribs, the costo-vertebral articulations and respiratory muscles. Variations in these factors are said to produce differences in the kinematics of the upper thorax and the lower thorax, but the extent and nature of any such differences and their functional implications have not yet been quantified. Applying geometric morphometrics we measured 402 three-dimensional (3D) landmarks and semilandmarks of 3D models built from computed tomographic scans of thoraces of 20 healthy adult subjects in maximal forced inspiration (FI) and expiration (FE). We addressed the hypothesis that upper and lower parts of the ribcage differ in kinematics and compared different models of functional compartmentalization. During inspiration the thorax superior to the level of the sixth ribs undergoes antero-posterior expansion that differs significantly from the medio-lateral expansion characteristic of the thorax below this level. This supports previous suggestions for dividing the thorax into a pulmonary and diaphragmatic part. While both compartments differed significantly in mean size and shape during FE and FI the size changes in the lower compartment were significantly larger. Additionally, for the same degree of kinematic shape change, the pulmonary thorax changes less in size than the diaphragmatic thorax. Therefore, variations in the form and function of the diaphragmatic thorax will have a strong impact on respiratory function. This has important implications for interpreting differences in thorax shape in terms of respiratory functional differences within and among recent humans and fossil hominins. Anat Rec, 300:255–264, 2017

    A hominin first rib discovered at the Sterkfontein Caves, South Africa.

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    First ribs - the first or most superior ribs in the thorax - are rare in the hominin fossil record, and when found, have the potential to provide information regarding the upper thorax shape of extinct hominins. Here, we describe a partial first rib from Member 4 of the Sterkfontein Caves, South Africa. The rib shaft is broken away, so only the head and neck are preserved. The rib is small, falling closest to small-bodied Australopithecus first ribs (AL 288-1 and MH1). Given that it was recovered near the StW 318 femur excavation, which also represents a small individual, we suggest that the two may be associated. Three-dimensional geometric morphometric analyses were used to quantify the rib fragment morphology and compare it to extant hominoid and other fossil hominin ribs. While only the proximal end is preserved, our analyses show that South African Australopithecus share derived features of the proximal first rib more closely resembling A. afarensis and later hominins than great apes.NCS2016