7 research outputs found

    Models of collaboration between psychologist and family doctor: a systematic review of primary care psychology

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    open2noThe prevalence of psychological suffering is greater than the actual request for clinical consultation in Europe (Alonso et al., 2004). In Italy, no more than 5.5% of the population requested psychological assistance during lifetime (Miglioretti et al., 2008). There are different obstacles that prevent the access to mental health services, such as economic restrictions (Mulder et al., 2011), cultural prejudice (Kim et al., 2010), and lack of knowledge about the service providers that can answer to the patient’s psychological needs (Molinari et al., 2012). Therefore, the psychologist is often consulted as a last resort, only after everything else has failed, when problems have become severe, and thus requiring longer, more intensive, and expensive treatments. The introduction of the Primary Care Psychologist, a professional who works together with the family doctor, allows to overcome the above-mentioned problems and intercept unexpressed needs for psychological assistance. This professional role is operating in many countries since several years. In this study, current literature concerning different models of collaboration between physician and psychologist, in Europe and in Italy, was reviewed. A systematic search of Web of Science (ISI), Pubmed, Scopus, and PsychINFO was conducted using the initial search terms Primary Care Psychologist, Family Doctor, Primary Care, Collaborative Practice, and several relevant papers were identified. The review has shown the improved quality of care when mental health care is integrated into primary. Analyzing how different programs are implemented, results indicated that the more efficacious models of Primary Care Psychology are those tailored on the environment’s needs.The results of our systematic review stress the importance of the Primary Care Psychologist implementation also in Italy, to intercept unexpressed psychological needs and enhance clients’ quality of life.openFrancesca, Bianco; Enrico, BenelliBianco, Francesca; Benelli, Enric

    Les futurs possibles du dopage representés [sic] à l'aide de la cartographie de l'information

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    Le but de ce travail est de comprendre quels seront les futurs possibles du dopage en utilisant la cartographie de l’information. Le travail comporte une recherche et une analyse de 150 articles de presse traitant de la pratique du dopage. Les informations répertoriées sur Internet seront représentées à l’aide de la cartographie de l’information. La visualisation sous forme de cartes permettra d’illustrer les principales tendances concernant le phénomène du dopage. Les quatre cartographies ont été élaborées par Monsieur Fonta sur la base de mes données. Ces cartes m’ont permis de faire ressortir les principales dynamiques du dopage et de déceler trois futurs scénarios envisageables. Sur la base de ces derniers, j’ai choisi celui qui me paraissait être le plus souhaitable pour les athlètes, leur entourage et la société. En conclusion, j’ai proposé des recommandations afin de faciliter la réalisation du scénario le plus favorable à la pérennité du sport

    se réécrire: l\u27appropriation du langage du colonisateur, une lecture du Chemin des ordalies d’Abdellatif Laâbi

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    After the independence of Morocco in 1956, the question of the language arose among Moroccan writers. Highly aware of its historical implications authors had to choose between a vernacular such as spoken Arabic or Berber and a traditionally written language such as classical Arabic or French, languages of the colonizers. From there arose the contested choice of French, perceived by some as a patriotic treason. Use of French was predicted to disappear, however some authors defended its use. One such author is Abdellatif Laâbi, father of the famous review Souffles created in 1966, that played a crucial role in defining maghrebian literature of French expression. I argue that far from betraying their freshly independent nations, such authors have served to subvert the language of the colonizer. Indeed, francophone post-colonial North African writers have managed to deconstruct the language and the novel in a way as to make it their own freeing their literature of the colonial influence. Breaking the rigidity of language allows them to express their multiple influences and serves to translate a traumatic experience such as colonization into a positive phenomenon, writing. I will demonstrate this by giving on overview of the linguistic situation in Morocco, and the historical context that led to Le Chemin des ordalies written by Laâbi; I will then propose my reading of the narrative scheme in Laâbi’s Le Chemin des ordalies as well as a brief analysis of the péritexte of the novel

    Annuario delle attività didattiche 2018/2019 = Yearbook of Educational Activities 2018/2019

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    [Italiano]: Il Dipartimento DADI apre il 2019 all’insegna della sperimentazione e dell’innovazione con il lancio di Officina Vanvitelli presso gli incantevoli spazi del complesso monumentale di San Leucio. Officina Vanvitelli, progetto fortemente sostenuto dall’Ateneo, è un distretto leggero e si propone come anello congiungente la formazione accademica, la ricerca e il mondo delle aziende della moda e del design nelle sue diverse connotazioni: aziende consolidate, emergenti, startup, spin-off. Officina Vanvitelli collaborerà strettamente con la realtà produttiva per lo sviluppo delle nuove professioni e l’impresa del futuro ma soprattutto favorirà lo scouting e la realizzazione dei progetti dei talenti creativi con opportunità materiali e immateriali./ [English]: The Department DADI begins the year 2019 in the sign of the experimentation and innovation with the launch of Officina Vanvitelli in the fascinating spaces of the monumental setting of S.Leucio. Officina Vanvitelli, whose project was strongly supported by the University, is a light district born with the aim to act as junction between the academic education, the research and the productive world of the fashion and design in its wide connotation: consolidated firms, emerging firms, start-up and spin-off experiences. Officina Vanvitelli will strictly collaborate with this productive world to develop new careers and innovative firms and it will support the scouting and the realization of the projects of creative talents with material and immaterial opportunities

    “Busco pareja, que cumpla con…” Representaciones y dinámicas de racialización en Tinder : Colonia Santa Fe. Ciudad de México

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    “Busco pareja, que cumpla con…” Representaciones y dinámicas de racialización en Tinder: Colonia Santa Fe. Ciudad de México” es una investigación que revela y denuncia los diferentes discursos y dinámicas de racialización, en torno a la representación de los usuarios de Tinder de dicha Colonia. Este trabajo tomó como base metodológica la etnografía virtual, puesto que esta permitió visibilizar los diferentes mecanismos que emplean los usuarios para representarse dentro de esta red social. Sumado a esto la investigación tiene una suerte tanto autoetnográfica como etnográfica, lo cual permite entender y ver la mirada crítica de la autora como parte integral del proceso y como sujeto subyacente de la Colonia.Usuarios de Tinder de la Colonia Santa Fe. Ciudad de México“Seeking a partner that has…” Representation and Racializing Dynamics on Tinder: Santa Fe, Mexico City” is an investigation that reveals and denounces different racializing discourses and dynamics within the representations used by Tinder users in Santa Fe, Mexico City. This investigation is based on a digital ethnographic methodology, as it facilitated an analysis of the different mechanisms employed by users to represent themselves on the social platform. This research furthermore employs both autoethnography and ethnography, thus facilitating understanding of the author’s critical perspective as integral to the investigation, as well as her underlying subjectivity within the borough

    Perspectivas interdisciplinares em promoção da saúde e diversidade

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    EDUFTEsta coletânea, organizada em três partes, apresenta textos que ampliam a compreensão do/a leitor/a sobre a promoção de saúde, em uma perspectiva de reconhecimento da diversidade e de valorização da interdisciplinaridade. A primeira parte apresenta reflexões sobre a “Promoção da Saúde Mental”, também voltada para a população indígena. A segunda parte discute o tema “Saúde Mental e Gênero”, pensando vulnerabilidades vividas por diferentes mulheres. Finalmente, a terceira parte, “Políticas de Saúde e Sexualidades”, problematiza a relação entre saúde e diversidade sexual

    Appropriateness of antiplatelet therapy for primary and secondary cardio- and cerebrovascular prevention in acutely hospitalized older people

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    Aims: Antiplatelet therapy is recommended for the secondary prevention of cardio- and cerebrovascular disease, but for primary prevention it is advised only in patients at very high risk. With this background, this study aims to assess the appropriateness of antiplatelet therapy in acutely hospitalized older people according to their risk profile. Methods: Data were obtained from the REPOSI register held in Italian and Spanish internal medicine and geriatric wards in 2012 and 2014. Hospitalized patients aged 6565 assessable at discharge were selected. Appropriateness of the antiplatelet therapy was evaluated according to their primary or secondary cardiovascular prevention profiles. Results: Of 2535 enrolled patients, 2199 were assessable at discharge. Overall 959 (43.6%, 95% CI 41.5\u201345.7) were prescribed an antiplatelet drug, aspirin being the most frequently chosen. Among patients prescribed for primary prevention, just over half were inappropriately prescribed (52.1%), being mainly overprescribed (155/209 patients, 74.2%). On the other hand, there was also a high rate of inappropriate underprescription in the context of secondary prevention (222/726 patients, 30.6%, 95% CI 27.3\u201334.0%). Conclusions: This study carried out in acutely hospitalized older people shows a high degree of inappropriate prescription among patients prescribed with antiplatelets for primary prevention, mainly due to overprescription. Further, a large proportion of patients who had had overt cardio- or cerebrovascular disease were underprescribed, in spite of the established benefits of antiplatelet drugs in the context of secondary prevention