1,966 research outputs found

    Comparasion of Two Athletic Clubs in Terms of Management

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    Import 22/07/2015Cílem této práce je porovnání dvou atletických klubů z hlediska managementu, sestavení výsledků a následná zhotovení návrhů na zkvalitnění povozu. Celou práci jsem ve zkratce popsal v úvodu, kde jsem vysvětlil mé postupy a poté následovala teoretická část. V této sekci jsem definoval všechny pojmy, které jsou pro správné pochopení a dosažení cíle mé práce nezbytné. Následovala praktická část, kde jsem všechny tyto poznatky z teorie aplikoval do praxe. V řešení práce jsem si dopředu zvolil dvě metody, které jsem popsal v teoretické části. Rozhovor je první z nich. Na základě získaných informací z tohoto rozhovoru jsem zhotovil SWOT analýzu, což je mnou druhá zvolená metoda. S pomocí těchto metod výzkumu jsem byl schopen udělat realistické srovnání a poskytnout klubům vlastní doporučení pro zlepšení situace. Kromě již zmíněné komparace, jsem sepsal také seznam nedostatků a na základě toho i následná doporučení. Aby tato doporučení byla pro kluby přínosná, je potřeba ještě detailnějšího propracování a správné načasování pro jejich aplikaci. Jsem si ale jistý, že jako startovní bod pro celkové zlepšení situace obou klubů jsou má doporučení použitelná. A to považuji za přínos mé práce.The main aim of this study is to compare two athletic clubs in terms of management and then compilation of results and making suggestions for improving their functioning. I briefly described my thesis in introduction, where I described my methods, followed by theoretical part. In this section, I have defined all the concepts that are important for understanding and achieving the goal of my work. That was followed by a practical part where I have put theoretical knowledge to use. I have chosen two methods, which I have described in the theoretical part. The first one is interview. Based on information gathered from the interview I made SWOT analysis, which is my second chosen method. Using these methods of research, I was able to make a realistic comparison and provide clubs with my own recommendations for improving the situation. Besides already mentioned comparison, I also carried out a list of imperfections and based on that I made the recommendations as well. For my recommendations to be useful for clubs, they would need to be more detailed, also good timing is critical. But I am sure, that as a starting point for the overall improvement for the situation of both clubs, my suggestions can be useful. And that I consider as a beneficial factor of my thesis.Prezenční115 - Katedra managementuvelmi dobř


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    Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li razlika u učestalosti i specifičnosti ozljeđivanja studenata Kineziološkog fakulteta koji su studirali prema starom (integriranom četverogodišnjem) i onih koji studiraju prema novom petogodišnjem (3+2) programu studija. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 77 ispitanika (36 studentica i 41 studenta) Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu koji studiraju prema novom, petogodišnjem programu studija. Studenti su na kraju osmog semestra ispunili posebni anketni upitnik. Njihovi su rezultati uspoređeni s onima dobivenim na studentima koji su studirali prema starom studijskom programu. Prema rezultatima, učestalost ozljeđivanja studenata Kineziološkog fakulteta koji su studirali prema novom ili starom programu studija vrlo je visoka. U prosjeku svaki se anketirani student ozlijedio barem jedan put u četiri godine studija. Pri tome prevladavaju ozljede zglobova, pogotovo donjih ekstremiteta, a studenti se češće ozljeđuju od studentica. Distribucija ozljeda po godinama studija kod studenata koji su studirali prema starom ili prema novom programu studija vrlo je slična, a rizik ozljeđivanja se u obama generacijama znatno smanjuje tek na četvrtoj godini, što je najvjerojatnije odraz smanjenja broja obveznih praktičnih predmeta. Uvođenje novog programa, dovelo je do znatnog smanjenja rizika ozljeđivanja studenata na sportskoj gimnastici uz istovremeno povećanje rizika ozljeđivanja na rukometu. Osim toga, ozljede koje su pretrpjeli studenti novije generacije lakše su naravi te znatno ne utjeću na tijek njihova studiranja. Nadalje, studenti novije generacije u većem se omjeru ozljeđuju na nastavi, dok su se oni koji su studirali prema starom programu češće ozljeđivali tijekom samostalnog pripremanja ispita. Dva puta dokazana visoka učestalost ozljeđivanja studenata Kineziološkog fakulteta ukazuje na potrebu za uvođenjem određenih promjena u novom programu studija (3+2). U tom smislu vrijedilo bi pokušati sa dodatnim smanjenjem broja studenata po grupi, pogotovo na vježbama, kada se studenti najčešće i ozljeđuju. Osim toga, dodatno povećanje broja predavaonica i sportskih dvorana (terena), u smislu jutarnjeg rasporeda nastave moglo bi spriječiti nakupljanje umora tijekom dugih radnih dana te indirektno smanjiti utjecaj umora na mogućnost ozljede studenataThe main goal of this study was to search for possible differences in frequency and specificity of injuries between the Kinesiology students who attended the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb according to the old study program (4 years), and those who are attending the new study program (5 years). The sample was composed of 77 students (36 female and 41 male) attending the new study program, who were compared to the previously studied sample. They filled up a questionnaire at the end of their eight semester. Their results where than compared with those of the students who attended the old study program. The results showed a high injury rate in both samples. In average, every examinee suffered at least one injury during his/her study. Mostly, they injured their lower extremities, and the male students where injured more often. The injury risk in both generations decreased only in the 4th study year, probably because of less compulsory practical subjects. The implementation of the new study program resulted in a biggest injury risk during team handball, and smaller risk during sport gymnastics. Besides, the injuries sustained by the students who attended the new study program, were less serious with much lower implications for the regularity of their study. Further, numerous students attending the new study program suffered an injury during the classes, while the ones attending the old study program where mostly injured when preparing the exam. Since the injury rate was very high in both groups, there is a need to introduce some changes in the new study program in order to decrease the injury risk of Kinesiology students. An additional reduction in number of students per group, especially for the practical classes, may be helpful. Besides, a bigger number of classrooms as well as sport halls may implicate a morning schedule, giving the students more time to rest before their afternoon practice, eventually leading to a smaller number of injuries due to fatigu

    A Study of Conditions of Tennis Activities in Hradec Králové

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá studií podmínek provozování tenisových aktivit se zaměřením na děti a mládež v Hradci Králové. V teoretických východiscích jsou vysvětleny základní pojmy zabývající se pohybem a zdravím, managementem a metodami zpracování práce. V analýze byl řešen a zmapován podíl zájmových kroužků sportovního zaměření na základních školách v Hradci Králové a situace ohledně možnosti pronájmu tenisových dvorců a nabídka tenisových kurzů pro děti v konkurenčním prostředí. Na základě výsledků ankety respondentů ve školním věku byl proveden návrh na zřízení tenisového kroužku na škole včetně cenové kalkulace.Bachelor Thesis deals with a study of conditions of tennis activities for children and youth in Hradec Králové. Key expressions on health, management and methods applied in thesis are described in the theoretical part of the paper. Sport hobby groups and current situation of a competitive environment are solved and consequently mapped in the analysis. A concept for a tennis hobby group and its calculation was created on the basis of findings gained from the survey which was run with respondents from primary school in Hradec Králové.


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    Kinematic parameters often crucially influence the performance in athletic disciplines. This is especially evident for top athletes who have almost identical morphological, motor and functional parameters. The differences that affect the sporting result are generally attributed to a better performance technique that is often the consequence of the different values of the individual's kinematic parameters. This study analyzes the differences between the defined kinematic parameters in the discipline Pole vault. The sample included 16 men and women athletes who competed in the finals of the World Championships (Daegu, 2011) and a total of 9 kinematic parameters were selected. The results were obtained by applying the T-test module for small independent samples, confirming the differences between men and women's finalists in Daegu, 2011. Statistically significant differences were recorded eight of nine kinematic parameters (about 89%). Significant differences were recorded in the following kinematic parameters: total run-up distance (T=5,312; p<0,01), number of steps (T=2,712; p<0,05), average step length (T=6,725; p<0,01), VA (T=18,430; p<0,01), AP (T=8,326; p<0,01); ¹average step length last (T=2,662; p<0,01); ²average step length last (T=8,303; p<0,01), ³average step length last (T=8,362; p<0,01).  Article visualizations

    Comparative analysis of exercise equipment jerk in weightlifting and weight sport

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    The approaches to the analysis of exercise equipment in weightlifting and weight sport. The method of photographic images and analysis videogram movement. Exercise performed once with the weights of 50, 65 and 75% of the maximum limit. Kettlebell snatch carried out using two dumbbells weighing 32 kg each. An improved technique spurt in which efficiency is the greatest. It is noted that under the dash with undergrowth performed the lead from the platform heels. This technique does not allow the movement of the full potential of the athlete. 'Technique of the jerk with full support legs for the entire period lifting a barbell. Found that it reduces the lift rod and provides the trajectory of the rod with the continuous growth to its final value

    Kinesiological activities of preschool children outside of kindergarten

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    Tema ovog završnog rada su kineziološke aktivnosti djece predškolske dobi izvan vrtića. U to se ubrajaju sati sportskog vježbanja u sportskim klubovima i igraonicama. Cilj ovoga rada je predstaviti pojedine kineziološke programe za predškolsku djecu, istaknuti na koje sve načine djeca mogu tjelesno vježbati i naglasiti važnost tjelesne aktivnosti zbog utjecaja na daljnji razvoj djeteta


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    Race walking (RW) is a cyclic athletic discipline, of aerobic character, which is characterized by high intensity and high energy consumption. The result is correlated with the anthropological dimensions of the walker as well as good technical performance. The study includes 25 male students, third year of study, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in East Sarajevo. For the purposes of the research, the results of RW at 2km (criterion variable) were measured, on the basis of which average values of walking speed (WS) were calculated. The aim of the research was to determine the correlation between the achieved result depending on the walking speed. By applying the Pearson product of the correlation moment, the obtained results confirmed a significant and high correlation between the result and the walking speed (r = -0.988;

    Influence of some anthropometric, motor and bone mass parameters on short distance running

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    The knowledge on morphological development and their impact on motor skills in short distance athletes should be one of the main preoccupations of athletics coaches, because any scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports is concerned with proving the development and evaluation of anthropological characteristics which are responsible in achieving success in athletics.The purpose of this paper is to prove the impact of some anthropometric, motor-specific characteristics and those of bone weight in short distance running, specifically in 100 meters, with students aged 19 ± 6 years, of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in Pristina.The sample of this research included a total of 75 students aged 19 of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in Pristina.The variables which were applied in this research were 7 anthropometric variables and 6 motor variables and 1 specific motor variable.Regression analysis in the manifest space was applied to determine the relationship between predictive variables (anthropometric and motor characteristics) and criterion variable (100 m running)


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    According to the international competition rules race walkers have to keep contact to the ground and their knee straightened. In order to investigate the influence of adhering to the rules 20 race walkers performed a step test on a treadmill. Depending on velocity, movement coordination changed from a correct walking technique to an incorrect one and afterwards to running. Incorrect walking begins with occurrence of flight time and bending knee dependent on performance level between velocities of 2.75 to 4.0 m/s. The investigation shows a linear function between velocity and flight time, and a nonlinear one between velocity and knee straightening. To mark the maximum increase of offence against knee rule in course of velocity the term of coordinative threshold is introduced