4,472 research outputs found

    Anabolic steroids in the UK: an increasing issue for public health

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    Aims: The aim of the paper was to identify changes in the extent and patterns of anabolic steroid use in the United Kingdom to better understand the public health implications within the context of the current health-related evidence base. Methods: Using the two time points of 1995 (prior to legislation changes in the United Kingdom) and 2015, a review of the evidence related to health harms was conducted, in conjunction with needle and syringe programme (NSP) data in Cheshire & Merseyside (UK) relating to anabolic steroid users. Findings: Dramatic increases in the numbers of anabolic steroid users accessing NSPs, 553 in 1995 to 2446 in 2015, now accounting for 54.9% of clients. With the inclusion of pharmacy NSPs, this rose to 5336 individual anabolic steroid users. Conclusions: Key changes in our knowledge during the 20 years, in particular in relation to HIV prevalence, changes in the market and patterns of use make anabolic steroid use a public health concern. In the context of increasing numbers of injectors, there is a need for comprehensive interventions

    Hormon Anabolik Pada Olahrawan

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    Hormon anabolik mempunyai fungsi utama sebagai sintesis protein yangmerangsang terjadinya pembesaran otot dan pertumbuhan beberapa jaringan kompleksdalam tubuh. Testosteron merupakan salahsatu contoh dari hormon anabolik yangmerangsang proses pembesaran otot, begitu juga dengan HGH (human growthhormone) dan Insulin termasuk dalam hormon anabolic.Sebagai hormon anabolik juga mempunyai fungsi lain sebagai mengeblokhormone katabolik (contohnya: kortisol dan progesterone). Lawan dari hormonanabolik adalah hormon katabolik yang disekresi oleh tubuh untuk melemahkan kerjajaringan otot. Tetapi antara anabolik dan katabolik hormone sama-sama diperlukantubuh untuk menjaga homeostatis, atau regulasi dalam menstabilkan dalam tubuh.Hormon anabolik terbentuk dari anabolic steroid yang biasanya digunakan oleh paraolahragawan dan binaragawan untuk meningkatkan massa otot dan meningkatkanperformance, padahal anabolic steroid ini mempunyai efek samping yang merugikandan tidak akan digunakan oleh atlit yang professional. Hormon anabolik ini bisaterbentuk secara alami dari dalam tubuh atau secara sintetik yang bisa diperoleh melaluiinjeksi anabolic steroid maupun obat

    Ventricular androgenic-anabolic steroid-related remodeling: an immunohistochemical study

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    Background: Several fatal cases of bodybuilders, following a myocardial infarction after long exposure to androgenicanabolic steroids (AAS), are reported. In recent years, evidence has emerged of cases of heart failure related to AAS consumption, with no signs of coronary or aorta atherosclerosis. This study aims to further investigate the pathogenesis of the ventricular AAS-related remodeling performing immunohistochemistry (IHC). Method: In order to examine innate immunity activity and myocytes and endothelial cell apoptosis, IHC analyses were performed on heart tissue of two cases of bodybuilders who died after years of supratherapeutic use of metelonone and nandrolone and where no atherosclerosis or thrombosis were found, using the following antibodies: anti-CD68, anti-iNOS, anti-CD163, anti-CD 15, anti-CD8, anti-CD4, anti-HIF1 α, and in situ TUNEL staining. Results: Results confirm the experimental findings of recent research that, in the absence of other pathological factors, if intensive training is combined with AAS abuse, myocytes and endothelial cells undergo apoptotic alterations. The absence of inflammatory reactions and the presence of an increased number of M2 macrophages in the areas of fibrotic remodeling confirm that the fibrotic changes in the heart are apoptosisrelated and not necrosis-related. Conclusions In conclusion, the study indicates that, in very young subjects with chronic hypoxia-related alterations of the heart, signs of a heart failure in the other organs and a history of AAS abuse, death can be ascribed to progressive heart failure due to the direct apoptotic cardiac and endothelial changes produced by AAS

    Potentially harmful advantage to athletes: a putative connection between UGT2B17 gene deletion polymorphism and renal disorders with prolonged use of anabolic androgenic steroids

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: With prolonged use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), occasional incidents of renal disorders have been observed. Independently, it has also been established that there are considerable inter-individual and inter-ethnic differences, in particular with reference to the uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17 (UGT2B17) gene, in metabolising these compounds. This report postulates the association of deletion polymorphism in the UGT2B17 gene with the occurrence of renal disorders on chronic exposure to AAS. PRESENTATION OF THE HYPOTHESIS: The major deactivation and elimination pathway of AASs is through glucuronide conjugation, chiefly catalyzed by the UGT2B17 enzyme, followed by excretion in urine. Excretion of steroids is affected in individuals with a deletion mutation in the UGT2B17 gene. We hypothesize that UGT2B17 deficient individuals are more vulnerable to developing renal disorders with prolonged use of AAS owing to increases in body mass index and possible direct toxic effects of steroids on the kidneys. Elevated serum levels of biologically active steroids due to inadequate elimination can lead to prolonged muscle build up. An increase in body mass index may cause renal injuries due to sustained elevated glomerular pressure and flow rate. TESTING THE HYPOTHESIS: In the absence of controlled clinical trials in humans, observational studies can be carried out. Real time PCR with allelic discrimination should be employed to examine the prevalence of different UGT2B17 genotypes in patients with impaired renal function and AAS abuse. In individuals with the UGT2B17 deletion polymorphism, blood tests, biofluid analyses, urinalysis, and hair analyses following the administration of an anabolic steroid can be used to determine the fate of the substance once in the body. IMPLICATIONS OF THE HYPOTHESIS: If the hypothesis is upheld, anabolic steroid users with a deletion mutation in the UGT2B17 gene may be exposed to an increased risk of developing renal disorders. In the current detecting - sanctioning anti-doping system, athletes motivated by the potential to evade detection owing to their unique genetic make-up could subject themselves to a serious health consequence. More research on AAS metabolism in the presence of UGT2B17 gene deletion is required. Benefit - harm evaluations in therapeutic use of anabolic steroids should also consider this potential link between UGT2B17 gene deletion polymorphism and renal disorders

    Anabolic steroids

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    This issue of eMedRef provides information to clinicians on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapeutics of anabolic steroid use

    JUMLAH NEUTROFIL DI CAIRAN SULKUS GINGIVA PADA BINARAGAWAN ANGKAT BEBAN (Studi Komparasi pada Pengguna Steroid Anabolik dan Non Pengguna Steroid Anabolik)

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    Background  :  In  medical  terms  anabolic  steroid  being  use  for  deficiency  treatment  for testosterone, but along the way it have been misused as a doping for athletes which have bad side effect such as  inflamation  in periodontal tissue.  The volume of sulcus  gingival fluid  will be increase if an infection occurs, one of the increasing components is neutrophils which are the initial defense to control infection in periodontal tissues.  Purpose : To count  the amount  of sulcus gingival fluid on neutrophils anabolic steroid user and non anabolic steroid user. Thus research is using the analytic observational method with cross-sectional research design. The amount of the sampel has been given to 30 people devided into anabolic steroid user and non anabolic steroid user. Method : With paper point sulcus gingival fluid has been devided into group and they count the neutrophils. The count of data research been analized with independent T -test. Result : The differentiation of sulcus gingival fluid, theneutrophils amount has no significant differentiation founded between the controls group with the sampel group is p >0.05, this result caused by lots of factor that decrease the anabolic steroid effect.Conclution : Counterpart medicine, diet, and the PCT cause the unsignificant result on the meutrophils amount (p>0.05). Keywords: Anabolic Steroid, Sulcus Gingival Fluid, Athletes, Neutrophil

    Bodybuilders' accounts of synthol use: The construction of lay expertise online.

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    Synthol is an injectable oil used by bodybuilders to make muscles appear bigger. Widely available on the Internet, it is reported to carry a wide range of health risks and side effects such as localised skin problems, nerve damage and oil-filled cysts, as well as muscle damage and the development of scar tissue. Given the tension between health risk and quick muscle enlargement, how lay users explain and justify their synthol intake becomes an important question. Drawing on discourse analysis, we focus on how lay expertise is worked up by users in the absence of available specialist knowledge by invoking medical and pharmaceutical discourses as legitimation, providing novices with support, gaining trust through positive personal narratives and thus gaining credibility as experts. Results have clear implications for health promotion interventions with bodybuilders

    Her Life Depends On It: Sport, Physical Activity and the Health and Well-Being of American Girls

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    This report is a comprehensive compendium of research that points to physical activity and sport as fundamental solutions for many of the serious health and social problems faced by American girls. An appreciable mass of evidence-based knowledge about girls' involvement with sport and physical activity has been generated during the last decade. The amount and quality of this research are uneven and varied. For example, a good deal of research examines the associations between physical activity and risk for coronary heart disease, but studies that focus on risk for Alzheimer's disease are just beginning to issue. Researchers have verified links between high school athletic participation and teen pregnancy prevention, although more longitudinal research is needed to thoroughly confirm the connections. Overall, however, this report shows that the current state of knowledge on the relationship of physical activity to the health and social needs of American girls warrants the serious attention of public health officials, educators and sport leaders

    Everyday memory deficits associated with anabolic-androgenic steroid use in regular gymnasium users

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    Background: This study compared a group of 47 regular gym users who take androgenic-anabolic steroids (the AAS group) as part of their recreational sport, with a group of 48 regular gym users who do not use AAS (the Non-AAS group) on self-reports of Retrospective memory (RM), executive function (EF) and prospective memory (PM), which are all critical to everyday remembering. Methods: All participants were tested using an on-line Survey Monkey method. The Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ) assessed everyday RM and PM deficits and the Executive Function Questionnaire (EFQ) assessed self-reported problems in EF. A drug-use questionnaire and a mood questionnaire were also administered Results: After observing no between-group differences on alcohol or mood, omitting anyone who drank excessively or had drank recently, smoked or reported using any illegal drug, three one-way ANCOVAs (controlling for age) revealed that the ASS group reported significantly more RM deficits, EF deficits, and PM deficits, when compared with the NonASS group. Conclusion: It was concluded that AAS use in a recreational sports context is associated with RM, EF and PM deficits, indicating that AAS use may damage everyday remembering

    Variability and dilemmas in harm reduction for anabolic steroid users in the UK: a multi-area interview study

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    Background: The UK continues to experience a rise in the number of anabolic steroid-using clients attending harm reduction services such as needle and syringe programmes. Methods: The present study uses interviews conducted with harm reduction service providers as well as illicit users of anabolic steroids from different areas of England and Wales to explore harm reduction for this group of drug users, focussing on needle distribution policies and harm reduction interventions developed specifically for this population of drug users. Results: The article addresses the complexity of harm reduction service delivery, highlighting different models of needle distribution, such as peer-led distribution networks, as well as interventions available in steroid clinics, including liver function testing of anabolic steroid users. Aside from providing insights into the function of interventions available to steroid users, along with principles adopted by service providers, the study found significant tensions and dilemmas in policy implementation due to differing perspectives between service providers and service users relating to practices, risks and effective interventions. Conclusion: The overarching finding of the study was the tremendous variability across harm reduction delivery sites in terms of available measures and mode of operation. Further research into the effectiveness of different policies directed towards people who use anabolic steroids is critical to the development of harm reduction. Keywords: Harm reduction, Needle and syringe programmes, Anabolic steroid
