33 research outputs found

    Waldorfsko obrazovanje i Ŕkole Rudolfa Steinera kao tema u odgojno-obrazovnim znanostima

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    The highly controversial Waldorf pedagogy has changed its relationships to educational sciences in the last decades, especially through their own teacher training institutions that became academic under the necessary Bologna process. Also, the growing number of Waldorf schools worldwide draws more attention because of pedagogical competition and some practices which are interesting for the mainstream schools. I will try to present this new attention and the following encounter between two quite different knowledge domains by concentrating on the most interesting developments and an understanding from the perspective of educational science. This requires certain paradigmatic examples to cause even more interest. Some of my paradigmatic examples have been confirmed in academic seminars at a German university and in some international places.Posljednjih desetljeća vrlo kontroverzna Waldorfska pedagogija mijenja svoj odnos prema odgojno-obrazovnim znanostima, osobito zahvaljujući novom akademskom statusu institucija u kojima se obrazuju njihovi učitelji u sklopu Bolonjskog procesa. Sve veći broj waldorfskih Å”kola posvuda u svijetu također postaje joÅ” intrigantniji zbog pedagoÅ”ke konkurencije i nekih oblika pedagoÅ”ke prakse zanimljivih Å”kolama koje pripadaju tradicionalnoj struji u pedagogiji. To se novo zanimanje, kao i buduće povezivanje dvaju sasvim različitih područja znanja, nastoji koncentrirati na najzanimljivije razvojne pravce i shvaćanja iz perspektive odgojno-obrazovnih znanosti. Da bi se potaknulo zanimanje, potrebni su paradigmatski primjeri. Neki od primjera Å”to ih navodim potvrđeni su na seminarima sa studentima na jednom njemačkom sveučiliÅ”tu, kao i u drugim mjestima u svijetu

    The (re)construction of student overload in the Croatian context

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    This paper deals with the phenomenon of student overload in Croatian primary schools, focusing particularly on the curriculum as one of the most important factors of quantitative overload in this context. Quantitative overload occurs when students spend so much time doing school-related tasks that they become overburdened. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the cur- riculum needs to change in order to reduce student overload and whether the school infrastructure could support the necessary changes. The analysis confirmed the existence of student overload and indicated that the curriculum should be reconfigured in order to decrease this overload. An analysis of curricula in use between 1958 and 2016 showed that student overload is increasing, despite constant efforts to alleviate the problem. Some of the impediments to reduction of student overload can be attributed to the curriculum, as well as to the organisation of the school day. The collected data revealed that there is insufficient school capacity for the necessary reorganisation ; specifically, schools lack the resources to make the switch to a single-shift school day and to provide teaching assistance during extended-day programmes to allow students to complete all their school-related tasks at school

    Montessori pedagoŔka koncepcija

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    Kako bi odgojili kompetentno dijete ono treba poÅ”tovanje, slobodu izražavanja, te mnoÅ”tvo poticaja prilikom svog odgoja i obrazovanja, a najviÅ”e od svega potporu i ohrabrenje da sve Å”to radi pokuÅ”a napraviti samo. Djetetu se prilikom samostalnih aktivnosti ili određenih zadataka jača samopouzdanje, dijete se razvija, uči na greÅ”kama, te pronalazi rjeÅ”enja. Dijete od svoga rođenja prolazi kroz mnoÅ”tvo razvojnih faza koje su teÅ”ke, kako za osobe koje sudjeluju u odgoju i učenju djeteta, tako i za samo dijete, te mu samim time mi kao osobe odgovorne za predÅ”kolski odgoj i obrazovanje trebamo moći i znati pomoći da kroz sve te faze prođe na najbolji mogući način. Upravo su promjene u razmiÅ”ljanjima o odgoju, te drugačiji pristup odgoju, te djetetu kao jedinki dovele do pojave alternativnih pedagoÅ”kih koncepcija. Montessori pedagogija svojim načinom rada, te samim pristupom prema dječjem odgoju i poÅ”tivanju različitosti među djecom i danas nadahnjuje mnoge, te je izrazito priznata u cijelom svijetu. U radu se pojaÅ”njava tijek reforme odgoja i obrazovanja koji je naposljetku i doveo do pojave alternativnih pedagoÅ”kih metoda i različitih pristupa u odgoju i obrazovanju, a sam rad baziran je na pedagoÅ”ku konceociju Marie Montessori.In order to raise a competent child, it needs respect, freedom of expression and a lot of incentives during its upbringing and education, but most of all a child needs support and encouragement to try and do everything on its own. While performing independent activities or certain tasks, the child develops, learns from its mistakes and finds solutions. It goes through many difficult development phases from the moment of its birth ā€“ difficult phases for the people who participate in the upbringing and education of the child, as well as for the child itself. Therefore, as people who are responsible for the preschool upbringing and education, we must be able, and we must know how to help the child to go through all those phases in the best possible way. The changes in the way we think about upbringing, a different approach to upbringing and child as an individual have led to the occurrence of alternative pedagogical concepts. Montessori pedagogy, with its way of working, and it is very approach to childcare and respect for diversity among children, still inspires many today, and is widely recognized throughout the world. The paper clarifies the course of educational reform, which eventually led to the emergence of alternative pedagogical methods and different approaches in education, and the work itself is based on the Marie Montessori pedagogical concept

    Steiner's approach to the education of head, heart and hands

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    Rudolf Steiner, utemeljitelj je waldorfske pedagogije, za koju je odgoj proces odrastanja u skladu i ravnoteži s onim Å”to je rođenjem doneseno. Osnova odgoja i obrazovanja je antropozofija. Sadržaji i odgojno ā€“ obrazovne metode ovise o djetetovim tjelesnim i duhovnim sposobnostima. Stoga se waldorfska pedagogija brine o djetetovom spoznajnom i emocionalnom životu čime utječe na razvoj radne i stvaralačke navike, te jača volju i interese. Čini to u posebno uređenom fizičko ā€“ materijalnom i socijalno ā€“ emocionalnom okruženju djeteta. Time se pomaže djetetu u prepoznavanju i razvoju vlastitih potencijala u upotrebi glave, srca i ruku Å”to se ovim radom i želi prikazati.Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf Pedagogy in which the upbringing process of growing up is viewed as dependent of what child brought with birth. Philosophy in the foundation of this education is anthroposophy. The content and educational methods depend on childā€™s physical and spiritual abilities. Therefore, Waldorf pedagogy takes care of the cognitive and emotional life, thus affecting the development of work and creativity, and strengthens the will and the interests of the child. It does so in the specially arranged physical - material and social - emotional environment. This helps the child recognize and develop his own potential in the use of the head, heart, and hands which is described in this paper

    Steiner's approach to the education of head, heart and hands

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    Rudolf Steiner, utemeljitelj je waldorfske pedagogije, za koju je odgoj proces odrastanja u skladu i ravnoteži s onim Å”to je rođenjem doneseno. Osnova odgoja i obrazovanja je antropozofija. Sadržaji i odgojno ā€“ obrazovne metode ovise o djetetovim tjelesnim i duhovnim sposobnostima. Stoga se waldorfska pedagogija brine o djetetovom spoznajnom i emocionalnom životu čime utječe na razvoj radne i stvaralačke navike, te jača volju i interese. Čini to u posebno uređenom fizičko ā€“ materijalnom i socijalno ā€“ emocionalnom okruženju djeteta. Time se pomaže djetetu u prepoznavanju i razvoju vlastitih potencijala u upotrebi glave, srca i ruku Å”to se ovim radom i želi prikazati.Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf Pedagogy in which the upbringing process of growing up is viewed as dependent of what child brought with birth. Philosophy in the foundation of this education is anthroposophy. The content and educational methods depend on childā€™s physical and spiritual abilities. Therefore, Waldorf pedagogy takes care of the cognitive and emotional life, thus affecting the development of work and creativity, and strengthens the will and the interests of the child. It does so in the specially arranged physical - material and social - emotional environment. This helps the child recognize and develop his own potential in the use of the head, heart, and hands which is described in this paper

    Dobne razlike među učenicima s obzirom na divergentno - eksplorativnu kreativnost

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    Kreativnost je osnova za razvitak svih ljudskih djelatnosti. U suvremenom svijetu kreativnost postaje sve veći predmet istraživanja i rasprava koje omogućavaju daljnju inovativnost u nastavi i izvan nje te prikladnu edukaciju učenika. Prioritet nastave 21. stoljeća jest poticanje kreativnog divergentnog i konvergentnog miÅ”ljenja učenika. No, postavlja se pitanje potiče li Å”kola kreativnost ili ju traženjem konvergentnog načina razmiÅ”ljanja, samo jednog mogućeg točnog odgovora, ona zapravo guÅ”i ?! (Bognar, 2011) Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je ispitati potencijalnu kreativnost učenika u jezično - literarnoj i likovno ā€“ grafičkoj domeni kreativnosti s naglaskom na divergentno ā€“ eksplorativnu kreativnost. Test je proveden s učenicima različite dobi kako bi se utvrdile razlike u razini kreativnog miÅ”ljenja u odnosu na razred kojeg učenici pohađaju. U istraživanju se koristio EPoC test potencijalne kreativnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno u osnovnim Å”kolama u Sisku i Zagrebu na uzorku od 91 učenika drugih i petih razreda. Spearmanov i Mann Withneyev koeficijent korelacije pokazuju statistički značajnu povezanost između razine opće kreativnosti učenika petih razreda i verbalnih testova divergentno ā€“ eksplorativnog miÅ”ljenja.Creativity is fundamental for development of all human activities. In modern world creativity is becoming an increasingly subject of research and discussion that enables further innovation in teaching and beyond it, and appropriate student education. The priority of the 21st century teaching is to encourage creative divergent and convergent student thinking. The question is, whether school encourages creativity or with requiring cognitive way of thinking, where is just one possible correct answer, it kills creativity? (Bognar, 2011) The main aim of this graduate thesis is to examine potential creativity of students in the linguistic ā€“ literary and visual ā€“ graphic field of creativity, with emphasis on divergent ā€“ explorative creativity. The test was conducted with student of different ages in order to determine the differences in the level of creative thinking compared to the class that students are attending. This study used EPoC test of potential creativity. The survey was conducted in schools in Zagreb and Sisak on a sample of 91 students, second and fifth grade. Spearmanā€™s and Mann Whitneyā€™s coefficient of correlations shows statistically significant correlation between fifth grade studentā€™s creativity and verbal tests od divergent ā€“ explorative thinking

    Dobne razlike među učenicima s obzirom na divergentno - eksplorativnu kreativnost

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    Kreativnost je osnova za razvitak svih ljudskih djelatnosti. U suvremenom svijetu kreativnost postaje sve veći predmet istraživanja i rasprava koje omogućavaju daljnju inovativnost u nastavi i izvan nje te prikladnu edukaciju učenika. Prioritet nastave 21. stoljeća jest poticanje kreativnog divergentnog i konvergentnog miÅ”ljenja učenika. No, postavlja se pitanje potiče li Å”kola kreativnost ili ju traženjem konvergentnog načina razmiÅ”ljanja, samo jednog mogućeg točnog odgovora, ona zapravo guÅ”i ?! (Bognar, 2011) Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je ispitati potencijalnu kreativnost učenika u jezično - literarnoj i likovno ā€“ grafičkoj domeni kreativnosti s naglaskom na divergentno ā€“ eksplorativnu kreativnost. Test je proveden s učenicima različite dobi kako bi se utvrdile razlike u razini kreativnog miÅ”ljenja u odnosu na razred kojeg učenici pohađaju. U istraživanju se koristio EPoC test potencijalne kreativnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno u osnovnim Å”kolama u Sisku i Zagrebu na uzorku od 91 učenika drugih i petih razreda. Spearmanov i Mann Withneyev koeficijent korelacije pokazuju statistički značajnu povezanost između razine opće kreativnosti učenika petih razreda i verbalnih testova divergentno ā€“ eksplorativnog miÅ”ljenja.Creativity is fundamental for development of all human activities. In modern world creativity is becoming an increasingly subject of research and discussion that enables further innovation in teaching and beyond it, and appropriate student education. The priority of the 21st century teaching is to encourage creative divergent and convergent student thinking. The question is, whether school encourages creativity or with requiring cognitive way of thinking, where is just one possible correct answer, it kills creativity? (Bognar, 2011) The main aim of this graduate thesis is to examine potential creativity of students in the linguistic ā€“ literary and visual ā€“ graphic field of creativity, with emphasis on divergent ā€“ explorative creativity. The test was conducted with student of different ages in order to determine the differences in the level of creative thinking compared to the class that students are attending. This study used EPoC test of potential creativity. The survey was conducted in schools in Zagreb and Sisak on a sample of 91 students, second and fifth grade. Spearmanā€™s and Mann Whitneyā€™s coefficient of correlations shows statistically significant correlation between fifth grade studentā€™s creativity and verbal tests od divergent ā€“ explorative thinking

    Dobne razlike među učenicima s obzirom na divergentno - eksplorativnu kreativnost

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    Kreativnost je osnova za razvitak svih ljudskih djelatnosti. U suvremenom svijetu kreativnost postaje sve veći predmet istraživanja i rasprava koje omogućavaju daljnju inovativnost u nastavi i izvan nje te prikladnu edukaciju učenika. Prioritet nastave 21. stoljeća jest poticanje kreativnog divergentnog i konvergentnog miÅ”ljenja učenika. No, postavlja se pitanje potiče li Å”kola kreativnost ili ju traženjem konvergentnog načina razmiÅ”ljanja, samo jednog mogućeg točnog odgovora, ona zapravo guÅ”i ?! (Bognar, 2011) Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je ispitati potencijalnu kreativnost učenika u jezično - literarnoj i likovno ā€“ grafičkoj domeni kreativnosti s naglaskom na divergentno ā€“ eksplorativnu kreativnost. Test je proveden s učenicima različite dobi kako bi se utvrdile razlike u razini kreativnog miÅ”ljenja u odnosu na razred kojeg učenici pohađaju. U istraživanju se koristio EPoC test potencijalne kreativnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno u osnovnim Å”kolama u Sisku i Zagrebu na uzorku od 91 učenika drugih i petih razreda. Spearmanov i Mann Withneyev koeficijent korelacije pokazuju statistički značajnu povezanost između razine opće kreativnosti učenika petih razreda i verbalnih testova divergentno ā€“ eksplorativnog miÅ”ljenja.Creativity is fundamental for development of all human activities. In modern world creativity is becoming an increasingly subject of research and discussion that enables further innovation in teaching and beyond it, and appropriate student education. The priority of the 21st century teaching is to encourage creative divergent and convergent student thinking. The question is, whether school encourages creativity or with requiring cognitive way of thinking, where is just one possible correct answer, it kills creativity? (Bognar, 2011) The main aim of this graduate thesis is to examine potential creativity of students in the linguistic ā€“ literary and visual ā€“ graphic field of creativity, with emphasis on divergent ā€“ explorative creativity. The test was conducted with student of different ages in order to determine the differences in the level of creative thinking compared to the class that students are attending. This study used EPoC test of potential creativity. The survey was conducted in schools in Zagreb and Sisak on a sample of 91 students, second and fifth grade. Spearmanā€™s and Mann Whitneyā€™s coefficient of correlations shows statistically significant correlation between fifth grade studentā€™s creativity and verbal tests od divergent ā€“ explorative thinking

    Alternative Pedagogies In Early And Preschool Education

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    Tema ovog rada su alternativne pedagogije koje su se javile kao odgovor na zahtjeve suvremenog djeteta. Znanstvenici i roditelji su kroz povijest izražavali nezadovoljstvo tadaÅ”njim pedagoÅ”kim konceptima te kao odgovor ponudili svoje koncepte za bolji odgojno-obrazovni proces prilagođeniji djetetu i njegovim potrebama. Posebno važnima ističu se djetetova samostalnost, poÅ”tivanje njegovih potreba te suradnja djeteta, roditelja i odgojitelja. U radu je navedeno nekoliko alternativnih pedagogija te viÅ”e o njihovim utemeljiteljima. Iznesena su pedagoÅ”ka načela, strategije poučavanja, te položaj djeteta i uloga odgojitelja. Alternativni koncepti odgovor su na danaÅ”nji ubrzani razvoj suvremenog svijeta kako bi djetetu ponudili Å”to cjelovitiji rast i razvoj u okolini koja je djetetu poticaj i u kojoj se dijete osjeća slobodno i ostvareno.The theme of this paper are alternative pedagogies that have emerged in response to the demands of the modern child. Throughout history scientists and parents have expressed dissatisfaction with pedagogical concepts of that time, and as response they offered their concepts for a better educational process more suited to the child and his needs. Particularly important are pointed out the childā€™s independence, respect for his needs and the cooperation of children, parents and educators. The paper lists several alternative pedagogies and more about their founders. The pedagogical principles, teaching strategies, position of the child and the role of the educator are presented. Alternative concepts are response to todayā€™s accelerated development of the modern world in order to offer the child complete growth and development in an environment that is stimulating to the child and in which he can feel free and fulfilled