Steiner's approach to the education of head, heart and hands


Rudolf Steiner, utemeljitelj je waldorfske pedagogije, za koju je odgoj proces odrastanja u skladu i ravnoteži s onim što je rođenjem doneseno. Osnova odgoja i obrazovanja je antropozofija. Sadržaji i odgojno – obrazovne metode ovise o djetetovim tjelesnim i duhovnim sposobnostima. Stoga se waldorfska pedagogija brine o djetetovom spoznajnom i emocionalnom životu čime utječe na razvoj radne i stvaralačke navike, te jača volju i interese. Čini to u posebno uređenom fizičko – materijalnom i socijalno – emocionalnom okruženju djeteta. Time se pomaže djetetu u prepoznavanju i razvoju vlastitih potencijala u upotrebi glave, srca i ruku što se ovim radom i želi prikazati.Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf Pedagogy in which the upbringing process of growing up is viewed as dependent of what child brought with birth. Philosophy in the foundation of this education is anthroposophy. The content and educational methods depend on child’s physical and spiritual abilities. Therefore, Waldorf pedagogy takes care of the cognitive and emotional life, thus affecting the development of work and creativity, and strengthens the will and the interests of the child. It does so in the specially arranged physical - material and social - emotional environment. This helps the child recognize and develop his own potential in the use of the head, heart, and hands which is described in this paper

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