Montessori pedagoška koncepcija


Kako bi odgojili kompetentno dijete ono treba poštovanje, slobodu izražavanja, te mnoštvo poticaja prilikom svog odgoja i obrazovanja, a najviše od svega potporu i ohrabrenje da sve što radi pokuša napraviti samo. Djetetu se prilikom samostalnih aktivnosti ili određenih zadataka jača samopouzdanje, dijete se razvija, uči na greškama, te pronalazi rješenja. Dijete od svoga rođenja prolazi kroz mnoštvo razvojnih faza koje su teške, kako za osobe koje sudjeluju u odgoju i učenju djeteta, tako i za samo dijete, te mu samim time mi kao osobe odgovorne za predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje trebamo moći i znati pomoći da kroz sve te faze prođe na najbolji mogući način. Upravo su promjene u razmišljanjima o odgoju, te drugačiji pristup odgoju, te djetetu kao jedinki dovele do pojave alternativnih pedagoških koncepcija. Montessori pedagogija svojim načinom rada, te samim pristupom prema dječjem odgoju i poštivanju različitosti među djecom i danas nadahnjuje mnoge, te je izrazito priznata u cijelom svijetu. U radu se pojašnjava tijek reforme odgoja i obrazovanja koji je naposljetku i doveo do pojave alternativnih pedagoških metoda i različitih pristupa u odgoju i obrazovanju, a sam rad baziran je na pedagošku konceociju Marie Montessori.In order to raise a competent child, it needs respect, freedom of expression and a lot of incentives during its upbringing and education, but most of all a child needs support and encouragement to try and do everything on its own. While performing independent activities or certain tasks, the child develops, learns from its mistakes and finds solutions. It goes through many difficult development phases from the moment of its birth – difficult phases for the people who participate in the upbringing and education of the child, as well as for the child itself. Therefore, as people who are responsible for the preschool upbringing and education, we must be able, and we must know how to help the child to go through all those phases in the best possible way. The changes in the way we think about upbringing, a different approach to upbringing and child as an individual have led to the occurrence of alternative pedagogical concepts. Montessori pedagogy, with its way of working, and it is very approach to childcare and respect for diversity among children, still inspires many today, and is widely recognized throughout the world. The paper clarifies the course of educational reform, which eventually led to the emergence of alternative pedagogical methods and different approaches in education, and the work itself is based on the Marie Montessori pedagogical concept

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