1,086 research outputs found

    The Reactive Agility Of Table-Tennis Players Before And After Sport-Specific Warm-Up

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    Cílem studie bylo zjistit a porovnat reaktivní agilitu ligových hráčů a hráčů regionálních soutěží a její změny vlivem sportovně-specifického rozcvičení. Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 43 hráčů, kteří byli rozděleni do dvou skupin. Jednu skupinu tvořilo 22 hráčů z družstev hrající národní ligové soutěž (24,3 ± 5,6 let, výška 179,4 ± 8 cm, hmotnost 74,8 ± 10,4 kg), druhou skupinu 21 hráčů hrajících nižší regionální soutěže (26,7 ± 5,64 let, výška 180,2 ± 7,7 cm, hmotnost 77,8 ± 10,5 kg). Použili jsme Fitro agility test modifikovaný pro stolní tenis před a po rozcvičení. Pro analýzu dat byla použita dvoufaktorová ANOVA při opakovaných měřeních. Při porovnání reaktivní agility jsme zjistili signifikantní rozdíl před a po sportovně-specifickém rozcvičení jak u skupiny ligových hráčů (885,94 ± 122,69 ms před rozcvičením, 842,80 ± 119,48 ms po rozcvičení, zlepšení o 4,87 %, p < 0,0004), tak u skupiny hráčů nižších soutěží (932,96 ± 114,78 ms před rozcvičením, 871,90 ± 119,68 ms po rozcvičení, zlepšení o 6,54 %, p < 0,0002). I když ligový hráči dosáhli lepších výsledků, rozdíl mezi skupinami nebyl shledán signifikantní. Taktéž bylo zjištěno, že účinek sportovně-specifického rozcvičení není pro různé skupiny rozdílný. Sportovně-specifické rozcvičení (rozehrání) hraje důležitou roli pro zlepšení reaktivní agility a proto by nemělo být podceňováno.The aim of the study was to determine and compare the reactive agility league players and players of regional competitions and its changes due to sport-specific warm-up. The research sample consisted of 43 players, who were divided into two groups. First group consisted of 22 players from teams playing in the national league competitions (24.3 ± 5.6 years, body height 179.4 ± 8 cm, body weight 74.8 ± 10.4 kg), the second group of 21 players playing lower regional competitions (26.7 ± 5.64 years, body height 180.2 ± 7.7 cm, body weight 77.8 ± 10.5 kg). We used Fitro agility test modified for table tennis before and after warm-up. For data analysis was used two-way ANOVA with repeated measures. When comparing reactive agility, we found significant differences before and after the sport-specific warm-up for the group of league players (885.94 ± 122.69 ms before the warm-up, 842.80 ± 119.48 ms after the warm-up, an improvement of 4.87 %, p <0.0004) and also for the group of players from lower competitions (932.96 ± 114.78ms before the warm-up, 871.90 ± 119.68 ms after the warm-up, an improvement of 6.54 %, p < 0.0002). Although league players achieved better results, the difference between the groups was found to be not significant. The nonsignificant statistical values for interaction indicates, that league players did not respond to the sport-specific warm-up any differently than players from lower competitions. Sport-specific warm-up is important for improving the reactive agility and therefore should not be underestimated

    The Performance Level Of Young National Basketball Players Of Slovakia U14

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    Na Slovensku v basketbale dlhodobo absentuje systematické sledovanie a hodnotenie vývinu mladých hráčok. Prvé testovanie širšieho výberu U14 (n=44) sa uskutočnilo na podnet reprezentačnej trénerky tejto vekovej kategórie. Výsledky ukázali, že základné somatické ukazovatele je potrebné doplniť o meranie podkožného tuku a spresnenie biologického veku probandiek. Telesná výška basketbalistiek v porovnaní s populáciou bola vyššia, až dve tretiny hráčok bolo v skupine nadpriemernej, resp. výrazne nadpriemernej. Potvrdila sa nezávislosť pohybovej výkonnosti od somatických ukazovateľov v testoch rýchlostného charakteru. V oblasti pohybovej výkonnosti boli realizované predovšetkým testy všeobecnej pohybovej výkonnosti, ktoré sme doplnili špeciálnymi, basketbalovými testami.In Slovak basketball there is an absence of a systematic monitoring and evaluation of the development of young players. The first measurement of the wider selection of U14 (n = 44) was carried out at the initiative of a national coach of this age category. The results revealed, that the basic somatic indicators need to be completed by subcutaneous fat measurement and the biological age of subjects. Physical height of basketball players compared with the population was higher. Up to two-thirds of the players were in above the average group, respectively significantly above average. The independence of movement performance from somatic indicators in speed targeting tests, was confirmed. In the area of the movement performance, tests of general movement were carried out, which would be completed by special basketball test

    The conception of wing arrangement on aircraft

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    Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá možnosťami vertikálneho umiestnenia nosných plôch na civilných a vojenských lietadlách, ako aj vplyvom tejto voľby na aerodynamické, letové a prevádzkové vlastnosti. Cieľom je ukázať rozdiely medzi technickými, konštrukčnými a prevádzkovými požiadavkami na jednotlivé druhy lietadiel a z toho vyplývajúce možnosti umiestnenia krídla. Zhrnutím tejto práce sú poznatky o výhodách a nevýhodách dolno-, stredo- a hornoplošníkoch a príklady použitia týchto lietadiel v praxi.The subject of this bachelor thesis is the vertical alignment of wing at civil and military aircraft as well as the influence of this choice on aerodynamic, flight and operational characteristics. The aim is to show differences between technical, structural and operational requirements on each type of aircraft and the resulting options for wing placement. The summary of this paper are the advantages and disadvantages of low, mid and high wing airplanes following some examples from daily life.

    The evolution of female voice types in selected operas of Giuseppe Verdi

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    Dissertation (D.M.A.)--University of Kansas, Music and Dance, 1990.The operas of Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) constitute an important aspect of nineteenth century operatic history. During the course of Verdi's compositional career, a time span of more than fifty years, an evolution of the conventional female voice types occurred in his operas. The soprano and mezzo-soprano vocal categories of the eighteenth century tradition developed new meaning and function through Verdi's work, leading the way to the current understanding and application of the terms. The evolution of the voice types can be traced through his major operas. This study, presented in a lecture-recital format, comprises an analysis of the evolution of the female voice types found in Verdi's operas "Un Ballo in Maschera" (1859), "Nabucco" (1841), "Macbeth" (1847), "Il Trovatore" (1854), "Don Carlos" (1867), and "Aida" (1872). Portions of the major female roles in each will be discussed and illustrated with musical examples. Related material in other operas of Verdi will also be incorporated. The lecture-recital is based primarily on contemporary analytical and biographical publications related to Giuseppe Verdi and his work. Other sources include scores and sound recordings of his operas, translations of his letters, and related historical materials

    Ràdio de fi de segle : tecnologia en 'play', llenguatge en 'pause'

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    A las puertas del siglo XXI, comienza a extenderse la preocupación por medir el impacto de la digitalización de las emisoras y por cuantificar los posibles cambios experimentados en las rutinas productivas. La tecnología ofrece la oportunidad de distanciarse del conservadurismo de los últimos tiempos y la posibilidad de innovar aprovechando la riqueza lingüística de un medio con ilimitado poder de sugestión.Here at the threshold of the 21st century, concern is spreading over measuring the impact of digitisation of broadcasters and over quantifying the possible changes felt in production routines. Technology offers the opportunity to move away from the conservatism of recent times and makes it possible to innovate through taking advantage of the linguistic wealth of a medium that has an unlimited power to make suggestions to listeners.Au seuil du XXIe siècle, on se soucie de plus en plus de mesurer l'impact de la numérisation des radios et de quantifier les éventuels changements introduits dans les routines productives. La technologie donne la possibilité de se distancier du conservatisme des derniers temps et d'innover en exploitant la richesse linguistique d'un média au pouvoir de suggestion illimité

    Col·lecció espanyola de cultius tipus

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    ‘The International Teacher Leadership project,’ a case of international action research.

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    Copyright CARNThe paper arises from the International Teacher Leadership project, a research and development project involving researchers and practitioners in 14 European countries. The paper provides a conceptual exploration of the idea of teacher leadership and its role in educational reform, central to which is the idea that teachers, regardless of their level of power and organisational position, can engage in the leadership of enquiry-based development activity aimed at influencing their colleagues and embedding improved practices in their schools. The paper provides an outline of the project’s methodology which builds on that used in the Carpe Vitam Leadership for Learning project (Frost, 2008a). It is a form of collaborative action research which is highly developmental and discursive. It seeks to identify principles, strategies and tools that can be applied in a range of cultural settings. The paper includes a thematic analysis of the cultural contexts and policy environments of the participating countries in order to identify the obstacles to teacher leadership and to inform the nature of the support strategies employed

    La gestió de projectes de traducció

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    El procés de gestió de projectes de traducció consta de sis fases bàsiques: anàlisi prèvia, preparació i posada en marxa, traducció, correcció, control de qualitat i seguiment postvenda. El gestor de projectes és qui fa el seguiment de tot el procés productiu per assegurar uns criteris de qualitat i una homogeneïtat global al projecte