192 research outputs found


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    Roads are significant objects of an infrastructure and the extraction of roads from aerial and satellite images are important for different applications such as automated map generation and change detection. Roads are also important to detect other structures such as buildings and urban areas. In this paper, the road extraction approach is based on Active Contour Models for 1-meter resolution gray level images. Active Contour Models contains Snake Approach. During applications, the road structure was separated as salient-roads, non-salient roads and crossings and extraction of these is provided by using Ribbon Snake and Ziplock Snake methods. These methods are derived from traditional snake model. Finally, various experimental results were presented. Ribbon and Ziplock Snake methods were compared for both salient and non-salient roads. Also these methods were used to extract roads in an image. While Ribbon snake is described for extraction of salient roads in an image, Ziplock snake is applied for extraction of non-salient roads. Beside these, some constant variables in literature were redefined and expressed in a formula as depending on snake approach and a new approach for extraction of crossroads were described and tried

    Household Incidence

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    It started in June when I watched my 6-year-old brother fall off the branch of the big oak tree in front of our house. The garden hose, tied around his waist for safety, slipped down his bony body and dropped him head-first, 15 feet, into the grass. He died just as the ambulance arrived, brain separated from spine. My family told me it wasn’t my fault, that I called the ambulance as soon as I could.We hugged each other. We wept. I triple wrapped each of my toes with rubber bands so tight they turned deep blue. I put my socks on. I never untied. My toes fell off and I placed them in a Ziplock bag and labeled it “penance” with a red sharpie. I put the bag in the ice compartment of the fridge-freezer combo I bought with money from my nursing home job. I filled the fronts of my shoes with extra socks to soak the blood until it coagulated, until it scabbed over..

    Gap Closure in (Road) Networks Using Higher-Order Active Contours

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    We present a new model for the extraction of networks from images in the presence of occlusions. Such occlusions cause gaps in the extracted network that need to he closed. Using higher-order active contours, which allow the incorporation of sophisticated geometric information, we introduce a new, non-local, 'gap closure' force that causes pairs of network extremities that are close together to extend towards one another and join, thus closing the gap between them. We demonstrate the benefits of the model using the problem of road network extraction, presenting results on aerial images

    Segmentierung von Pathologien der Aorta mit deformierbaren Modellen

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    Die häufigste Todesursache in Deutschland sind Erkrankungen des Herz-Kreislaufsystems. Zwei häufig auftretende Krankheiten sind Aortenaneurysmen und Aortendissektionen. Für die Diagnose und die computerunterstützte OP-Planung wird eine semantische Annotation der präoperativ akquirierten Bilddaten benötigt. Dies wird herkömmlich durch eine manuelle Segmentierung der betroffenen Strukturen erreicht. Mit Verfahren aus der medizinischen Bildverarbeitung, darunter die deformierbaren Modelle, ist es möglich diese Segmentierung weitgehend zu automatisieren. In dieser Masterarbeit wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, das mit Hilfe von deformierbaren Modellen eine automatische Segmentierung der Aorta und Aortenpathologien in 2D-CTA-Aufnahmen ermöglicht. Hierfür wurde ein geeignetes deformierbares Modell identifiziert, welches mit üblichen Störungen von CTA-Aufnahmen zurecht kommt. Das Verfahren ist eine Kombination aus den Dual Snakes und den GVF-Snakes und wird Dual-GVF-Snakes genannt. Das Besondere an diesem Verfahren ist, dass nicht nur das Lumen der Aorta und eines Aortenaneurysmas, sondern auch die zwei Lumen einer Aortendissektion gleichzeitig segmentiert werden können. Realisiert wird dies durch eine Unterteilung der Kontur in Segmente mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften. Das in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Verfahren wurde zur Segmentierung von Objekten in synthetischen und klinischen Bilder angewendet, wobei die klinischen Bilder die Aorta, ein Aortenaneurysma und verschiedene Aortendissektionen beinhalten. Zur Evaluierung wurde das Verfahren mit den GVF-Snakes und den AB-Snakes verglichen, indem der Abstand zwischen Referenzkonturen und berechneter Konturen ermittelt wurde. Ein Vorteil gegenüber GVF-Snakes ist, dass zwei Objekte segmentiert und voneinander unterschieden werden können. Im Gegensatz zu den GVF-Snakes und den AB-Snakes müssen weniger Parameter eingestellt werden und die Membran zwischen den beiden Lumen der Aortendissektion wird erkannt. Das Verfahren ist robuster gegenüber der Initialisierung und lierfert vergleichbare Ergebnisse wie das GVF-Snakes Verfahren mit gezielter Initialisierung

    Monitoring Keanekaragaman dan Kemelimpahan Ular (Squamata: Serpentes) di Sungai Gadjah Wong, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Penelitian mengenai keanekaragaman dan kemelimpahan ular di Sungai Gadjah Wong telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2014, tetapi setelah lima tahun berlalu terjadi perubahan kondisi sungai yang dimungkinkan berpengaruh terhadap keanekaragaman dan kemelimpahan ular. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman dan kemelimpahan ular di Sungai Gadjah Wong pada tahun 2019, serta membandingkan dengan data penelitian tahun 2014. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode VES (Visual Encounter Survey), river bank cruising dan transek di sepanjang tepi sungai. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di tiga bagian lokasi, yaitu bagian hulu, tengah, dan hilir, dengan setiap lokasi dibagi menjadi tiga titik sampling. Hasil yang diperoleh pada tahun 2019 ditemukan enam spesies ular yaitu Ahaetulla prasina, Ahaetulla sp., Xenocrhophis trianguligerus, Xenocrhophis melanzostus, Dendrelaphis pictus dari familia Colubridae, dan Homalopsis buccata dari familia Homalopsidae. Ahaetulla prasina merupakan spesies yang memiliki jumlah paling melimpah di Sungai Gadjah Wong tahun 2019. Keanekaragaman dan kemelimpahan ular pada bagian hulu dan hilir di Sungai Gadjah Wong tahun 2019 lebih rendah dari pada tahun 2014. Keanekaragaman dan kemelimpahan ular tahun 2019 pada bagian hilir memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi hal ini disebabkan oleh penambangan pasir yang terdapat di bagian hilir pada tahun 2014 tidak ditemukan lagi di tahun 2019.

    Kejadian Infeksi Cacing Saluran Pencernaan pada Ular Sanca Batik (Phyton Reticulatus)

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    The purpose of this study was to identify intestinal worm infections in reticulated pythons (Phyton reticulatus) in captivity. This study used faecal samples of 2 reticulated pythons at the Taru Jurug Animal Park, Solo. Anamnesis of the two pythons found the presence of adult nematode worms in their feces. Examination of adult worms and faeces was carried out macroscopically and microscopically. Microscopic examination of feces using native methods. The results of the examination showed that the adult worms found were Ascaridia galli worms, with characteristics of having a length of 72 mm, yellowish white color, large size, semi-transparent and including nematode worms. Stool examination found ascarid eggs with oval-shaped characteristics with thick albumin. Findings of ascarid worm eggs correlated with findings of adult Ascaridia galli worms. The factor that reticulated pythons in captivity are infected with Ascaridia galli worms is caused by the feed given, namely wild ducks. The Ascaridia galli worm generally infects poultry, such as wild ducks. Ascarid worm eggs that are excreted along with the faeces of the geese can contaminate the cage, feed and drink

    Antimicrobial peptides in frog poisons constitute a molecular toxin delivery system against predators

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    Animals using toxic peptides and proteins for predation or defense typically depend on specialized morphological structures, like fangs, spines, or a stinger, for effective intoxication. Here we show that amphibian poisons instead incorporate their own molecular system for toxin delivery to attacking predators. Skin-secreted peptides, generally considered part of the amphibian immune system, permeabilize oral epithelial tissue and enable fast access of cosecreted toxins to the predator's bloodstream and organs. This absorption-enhancing system exists in at least three distantly related frog lineages and is likely to be a widespread adaptation, determining the outcome of predator-prey encounters in hundreds of species