8 research outputs found

    An Automated Methodology for Validating Web Related Cyber Threat Intelligence by Implementing a Honeyclient

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    Loodud töö panustab küberkaitse valdkonda pakkudes alternatiivse viisi, kuidas hoida ohuteadmus andmebaas uuendatuna. Veebilehti kasutatakse ära viisina toimetada pahatahtlik kood ohvrini. Peale veebilehe klassifitseerimist pahaloomuliseks lisatakse see ohuteadmus andmebaasi kui pahaloomulise indikaatorina. Lõppkokkuvõtteks muutuvad sellised andmebaasid mahukaks ja sisaldavad aegunud kirjeid. Lahendus on automatiseerida aegunud kirjete kontrollimist klient-meepott tarkvaraga ning kogu protsess on täielikult automatiseeritav eesmärgiga hoida kokku aega. Jahtides kontrollitud ja kinnitatud indikaatoreid aitab see vältida valedel alustel küberturbe intsidentide menetlemist.This paper is contributing to the open source cybersecurity community by providing an alternative methodology for analyzing web related cyber threat intelligence. Websites are used commonly as an attack vector to spread malicious content crafted by any malicious party. These websites become threat intelligence which can be stored and collected into corresponding databases. Eventually these cyber threat databases become obsolete and can lead to false positive investigations in cyber incident response. The solution is to keep the threat indicator entries valid by verifying their content and this process can be fully automated to keep the process less time consuming. The proposed technical solution is a low interaction honeyclient regularly tasked to verify the content of the web based threat indicators. Due to the huge amount of database entries, this way most of the web based threat indicators can be automatically validated with less time consumption and they can be kept relevant for monitoring purposes and eventually can lead to avoiding false positives in an incident response processes

    Analysis of THUG: a low-interaction client honeypot to identify malicious websites and malwares

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    Cybersecurity is becoming more relevant throughout time. As information and technologies expand, so does the potential for it to be exploited. Computer and media have become more widespread in every modern country in the world. Unfortunately, certain community uses this opportunity to exploit the vulnerabilities that these computers left behind. Black hat, which is more identified as hackers and exploiters, uses the networks and servers that are commonly used to gain unauthorized information and data on the innocent victim. This work analyzes several honeypots and makes comparisons between them. Analysis has been done on the results to figure the disadvantages between each honeypot and try to improve one of the honeypots based on programming. The honeypot is deployed to simulate its effectiveness in combating cybercrime by detecting and collecting the information captured on the web browsers


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    Construcción de clasificadores de malware para agencias de seguridad del Estado

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    El sandboxing ha sido usado de manera regular para analizar muestras de software y determinar si estas contienen propiedades o comportamientos sospechosos. A pesar de que el sandboxing es una técnica poderosa para desarrollar análisis de malware, esta requiere que un analista de malware desarrolle un análisis riguroso de los resultados para determinar la naturaleza de la muestra: goodware o malware. Este artículo propone dos modelos de aprendizaje automáticos capaces de clasificar muestras con base a un análisis de firmas o permisos extraídos por medio de Cuckoo sandbox, Androguard y VirusTotal. En este artículo también se presenta una propuesta de arquitectura de centinela IoT que protege dispositivos IoT, usando uno de los modelos de aprendizaje automáticos desarrollados anteriormente. Finalmente, diferentes enfoques y perspectivas acerca del uso de sandboxing y aprendizaje automático por parte de agencias de seguridad del Estado también son aportados.Sandboxing has been used regularly to analyze software samples and determine if these contain suspicious properties or behaviors. Even if sandboxing is a powerful technique to perform malware analysis, it requires that a malware analyst performs a rigorous analysis of the results to determine the nature of the sample: goodware or malware. This paper proposes two machine learning models able to classify samples based on signatures and permissions obtained through Cuckoo sandbox, Androguard and VirusTotal. The developed models are also tested obtaining an acceptable percentage of correctly classified samples, being in this way useful tools for a malware analyst. A proposal of architecture for an IoT sentinel that uses one of the developed machine learning model is also showed. Finally, different approaches, perspectives, and challenges about the use of sandboxing and machine learning by security teams in State security agencies are also shared

    Construcción de clasificadores de malware para agencias de seguridad del Estado

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    Sandboxing has been used regularly to analyze software samples and determine if these contain suspicious properties or behaviors. Even if sandboxing is a powerful technique to perform malware analysis, it requires that a malware analyst performs a rigorous analysis of the results to determine the nature of the sample: goodware or malware. This paper proposes two machine learning models able to classify samples based on signatures and permissions obtained through Cuckoo sandbox, Androguard and VirusTotal. The developed models are also tested obtaining an acceptable percentage of correctly classified samples, being in this way useful tools for a malware analyst. A proposal of architecture for an IoT sentinel that uses one of the developed machine learning model is also showed. Finally, different approaches, perspectives, and challenges about the use of sandboxing and machine learning by security teams in State security agencies are also shared.El sandboxing ha sido usado de manera regular para analizar muestras de software y determinar si estas contienen propiedades o comportamientos sospechosos. A pesar de que el sandboxing es una técnica poderosa para desarrollar análisis de malware, esta requiere que un analista de malware desarrolle un análisis riguroso de los resultados para determinar la naturaleza de la muestra: goodware o malware. Este artículo propone dos modelos de aprendizaje automáticos capaces de clasificar muestras con base a un análisis de firmas o permisos extraídos por medio de Cuckoo sandbox, Androguard y VirusTotal. En este artículo también se presenta una propuesta de arquitectura de centinela IoT que protege dispositivos IoT, usando uno de los modelos de aprendizaje automáticos desarrollados anteriormente. Finalmente, diferentes enfoques y perspectivas acerca del uso de sandboxing y aprendizaje automático por parte de agencias de seguridad del Estado también son aportados

    A behavioural study in runtime analysis environments and drive-by download attacks

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    In the information age, the growth in availability of both technology and exploit kits have continuously contributed in a large volume of websites being compromised or set up with malicious intent. The issue of drive-by-download attacks formulate a high percentage (77%) of the known attacks against client systems. These attacks originate from malicious web-servers or compromised web-servers and attack client systems by pushing malware upon interaction. Within the detection and intelligence gathering area of research, high-interaction honeypot approaches have been a longstanding and well-established technology. These are however not without challenges: analysing the entirety of the world wide web using these approaches is unviable due to time and resource intensiveness. Furthermore, the volume of data that is generated as a result of a run-time analysis of the interaction between website and an analysis environment is huge, varied and not well understood. The volume of malicious servers in addition to the large datasets created as a result of run-time analysis are contributing factors in the difficulty of analysing and verifying actual malicious behaviour. The work in this thesis attempts to overcome the difficulties in the analysis process of log files to optimise malicious and anomaly behaviour detection. The main contribution of this work is focused on reducing the volume of data generated from run-time analysis to reduce the impact of noise within behavioural log file datasets. This thesis proposes an alternate approach that uses an expert lead approach to filtering benign behaviour from potentially malicious and unknown behaviour. Expert lead filtering is designed in a risk-averse method that takes into account known benign and expected behaviours before filtering the log file. Moreover, the approach relies upon behavioural investigation as well as potential for 5 system compromisation before filtering out behaviour within dynamic analysis log files. Consequently, this results in a significantly lower volume of data that can be analysed in greater detail. The proposed filtering approach has been implemented and tested in real-world context using a prudent experimental framework. An average of 96.96% reduction in log file size has been achieved which is transferable to behaviour analysis environments. The other contributions of this work include the understanding of observable operating system interactions. Within the study of behaviour analysis environments, it was concluded that run-time analysis environments are sensitive to application and operating system versions. Understanding key changes in operating systems behaviours within Windows is an unexplored area of research yet Windows is currently one of the most popular client operating system. As part of understanding system behaviours for the creation of behavioural filters, this study undertakes a number of experiments to identify the key behaviour differences between operating systems. The results show that there are significant changes in core processes and interactions which can be taken into account in the development of filters for updated systems. Finally, from the analysis of 110,000 potentially malicious websites, typical attacks are explored. These attacks actively exploited the honeypot and offer knowledge on a section of the active web-based attacks faced in the world wide web. Trends and attack vectors are identified and evaluated