144 research outputs found

    Rewrite based Verification of XML Updates

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    We consider problems of access control for update of XML documents. In the context of XML programming, types can be viewed as hedge automata, and static type checking amounts to verify that a program always converts valid source documents into also valid output documents. Given a set of update operations we are particularly interested by checking safety properties such as preservation of document types along any sequence of updates. We are also interested by the related policy consistency problem, that is detecting whether a sequence of authorized operations can simulate a forbidden one. We reduce these questions to type checking problems, solved by computing variants of hedge automata characterizing the set of ancestors and descendants of the initial document type for the closure of parameterized rewrite rules

    XQuery!: An XML Query Language with Side Effects

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    Abstract. As XML applications become more complex, there is a growing interest in extending XQuery with side-effect operations, notably XML updates. However, the presence of side-effects is at odds with XQuery’s declarative semantics which leaves evaluation order unspecified. In this paper, we define “XQuery!”, an extension of XQuery 1.0 that supports first-class XML updates and user-level control over update application, preserving the benefits of XQuery’s declarative semantics when possible. Our extensions can be easily implemented within an existing XQuery processor and we show how to recover basic database optimizations for such a language.

    SCOOTER: A compact and scalable dynamic labeling scheme for XML updates

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    Although dynamic labeling schemes for XML have been the focus of recent research activity, there are significant challenges still to be overcome. In particular, though there are labeling schemes that ensure a compact label representation when creating an XML document, when the document is subject to repeated and arbitrary deletions and insertions, the labels grow rapidly and consequently have a significant impact on query and update performance. We review the outstanding issues todate and in this paper we propose SCOOTER - a new dynamic labeling scheme for XML. The new labeling scheme can completely avoid relabeling existing labels. In particular, SCOOTER can handle frequently skewed insertions gracefully. Theoretical analysis and experimental results confirm the scalability, compact representation, efficient growth rate and performance of SCOOTER in comparison to existing dynamic labeling schemes

    MonetDB/XQuery - Consistent & Efficient Updates on the Pre/Post Plane

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    Relational XQuery processors aim at leveraging mature relational DBMS query processing technology to provide scalability and efficiency. To achieve this goal, various storage schemes have been proposed to encode the tree structure of XML documents in flat relational tables. Basically, two classes can be identified: (1) encodings using fixed-length surrogates, like the preorder ranks in the pre/post encoding [5] or the equivalent pre/size/level encoding [8], and (2) encodings using variable-length surrogates, like, e.g., ORDPATH [9] or P-PBiTree [12]. Recent research [1] showed a clear advantage of the former for efficient evaluation of XPath location steps, exploiting techniques like cheap node order tests, positional lookup, and node skipping in staircase join [7]. However, once updates are involved, variable-length surrogates are often considered the better choice, mainly as a straightforward implementation of structural XML updates using fixed-length surrogates faces two performance bottlenecks: (i) high physical cost (the preorder ranks of all nodes following the update position must be modified—on average 50% of the document), and (ii) low transaction concurrency (updating the size of all ancestor nodes causes lock contention on the document root)

    Penghasilan dan penilaian video pembelajaran (CD) bagi mata pelajaran Prinsip Ekonomi (BPA 1013) bertajuk permintaan dan penawaran di KUITTHO

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    Kajian ini dijaiankan untuk meniiai keberkesanan sebuah video pembeiajaran (CD) mata peiajaran Prinsip Ekonomi (BPA 1013) bertajuk Permintaan dan Penawaran. Bagi tujuan tersebut, sebuah video pembelajaran telah dihasilkan membantu pelajar bagi memahami mata pelajaran berkenan semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran berlaku. Video pembelajaran yang dihasilkan ini kemudian dinilai dari aspek proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, minat dan persepsi responden terhadap ciri-ciri video (audio dan visual). Seramai 60 orang pelajar semester 2 Sarjana Muda Sains Pengurusan di Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn telah dipiih bagi membuat penilaian kebolehgunaan produk ini sebagai alat bantuan mengajar di dalam kelas. Semua data yang diperolehi kemudiannya dikumpulkan bagi dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian "SrarMfKM/ Pac/rageybr Rocaj/ Sb/'eace " (SPSS). Hasil dapatan kajian yang dilakukan jelas menunjukkan video pengajaran yang dihasilkan dan dinilai ini amat sesuai digunakan bagi tujuan memenuhi keperluan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran subjek ini di dalam kelas

    FibLSS: A scalable label storage scheme for dynamic XML updates

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    Dynamic labeling schemes for XML updates have been the focus of significant research activity in recent years. However the label storage schemes underpinning the dynamic labeling schemes have not received as much attention. Label storage schemes specify how labels are physically encoded and stored on disk. The size of the labels and their logical representation directly influence the computational costs of processing the labels and can limit the functionality provided by the dynamic labeling scheme to an XML update service. This has significant practical implications when merging XML repositories such as clinical studies. In this paper, we provide an overview of the existing label storage schemes. We present a novel label storage scheme based on the Fibonacci sequence that can completely avoid relabeling existing nodes under dynamic insertions. Theoretical analysis and experimental results confirm the scalability and performance of the Fibonacci label storage scheme in comparison to existing approaches

    Desirable properties for XML update mechanisms

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    The adoption of XML as the default data interchange format and the standardisation of the XPath and XQuery languages has resulted in significant research in the development and implementation of XML databases capable of processing queries efficiently. The ever-increasing deployment of XML in industry and the real-world requirement to support efficient updates to XML documents has more recently prompted research in dynamic XML labelling schemes. In this paper, we provide an overview of the recent research in dynamic XML labelling schemes. Our motivation is to define a set of properties that represent a more holistic dynamic labelling scheme and present our findings through an evaluation matrix for most of the existing schemes that provide update functionality

    Type-Based Detection of XML Query-Update Independence

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    This paper presents a novel static analysis technique to detect XML query-update independence, in the presence of a schema. Rather than types, our system infers chains of types. Each chain represents a path that can be traversed on a valid document during query/update evaluation. The resulting independence analysis is precise, although it raises a challenging issue: recursive schemas may lead to infer infinitely many chains. A sound and complete approximation technique ensuring a finite analysis in any case is presented, together with an efficient implementation performing the chain-based analysis in polynomial space and time.Comment: VLDB201

    Rewrite based Verification of XML Updates

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    We consider problems of access control for update of XML documents. In the context of XML programming, types can be viewed as hedge automata, and static type checking amounts to verify that a program always converts valid source documents into also valid output documents. Given a set of update operations we are particularly interested by checking safety properties such as preservation of document types along any sequence of updates. We are also interested by the related policy consistency problem, that is detecting whether a sequence of authorized operations can simulate a forbidden one. We reduce these questions to type checking problems, solved by computing variants of hedge automata characterizing the set of ancestors and descendants of the initial document type for the closure of parameterized rewrite rules

    A General Approach for Securely Querying and Updating XML Data

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    Over the past years several works have proposed access control models for XML data where only read-access rights over non-recursive DTDs are considered. A few amount of works have studied the access rights for updates. In this paper, we present a general model for specifying access control on XML data in the presence of update operations of W3C XQuery Update Facility. Our approach for enforcing such updates specifications is based on the notion of query rewriting where each update operation defined over arbitrary DTD (recursive or not) is rewritten to a safe one in order to be evaluated only over XML data which can be updated by the user. We investigate in the second part of this report the secure of XML updating in the presence of read-access rights specified by a security views. For an XML document, a security view represents for each class of users all and only the parts of the document these users are able to see. We show that an update operation defined over a security view can cause disclosure of sensitive data hidden by this view if it is not thoroughly rewritten with respect to both read and update access rights. Finally, we propose a security view based approach for securely updating XML in order to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of XML data.Comment: No. RR-7870 (2012
