1,020 research outputs found

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved

    A Sampling-Based Tree Planner for Robot Navigation Among Movable Obstacles

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    This thesis proposes a planner that solves Navigation Among Movable Obstacles problems giving robots the ability to reason about the environment and choose when manipulating obstacles. The planner combines the A*-Search and the exploration strategy of the Kinodynamic Motion Planning by Interior-Exterior Cell Exploration algorithm. It is locally optimal and independent from the size of the map and from the number, shape, and position of obstacles. It assumes full world knowledgeope

    Planning manipulation movements of a dual-arm system considering obstacle removing

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    The paper deals with the problem of planning movements of two hand-arm robotic systems, considering the possibility of using the robot hands to remove potential obstacles in order to obtain a free access to grasp a desired object. The approach is based on a variation of a Probabilistic Road Map that does not rule out the samples implying collisions with removable objects but instead classifies them according to the collided obstacle(s), and allows the search of free paths with the indication of which objects must be removed from the work-space to make the path actually valid; we call it Probabilistic Road Map with Obstacles (PRMwO). The proposed system includes a task assignment system that distributes the task among the robots, using for that purpose a precedence graph built from the results of the PRMwO. The approach has been implemented for a real dual-arm robotic system, and some simulated and real running examples are presented in the paper. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Postprint (published version

    Cognitive Task Planning for Smart Industrial Robots

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    This research work presents a novel Cognitive Task Planning framework for Smart Industrial Robots. The framework makes an industrial mobile manipulator robot Cognitive by applying Semantic Web Technologies. It also introduces a novel Navigation Among Movable Obstacles algorithm for robots navigating and manipulating inside a firm. The objective of Industrie 4.0 is the creation of Smart Factories: modular firms provided with cyber-physical systems able to strong customize products under the condition of highly flexible mass-production. Such systems should real-time communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans via the Internet of Things. They should intelligently adapt to the changing surroundings and autonomously navigate inside a firm while moving obstacles that occlude free paths, even if seen for the first time. At the end, in order to accomplish all these tasks while being efficient, they should learn from their actions and from that of other agents. Most of existing industrial mobile robots navigate along pre-generated trajectories. They follow ectrified wires embedded in the ground or lines painted on th efloor. When there is no expectation of environment changes and cycle times are critical, this planning is functional. When workspaces and tasks change frequently, it is better to plan dynamically: robots should autonomously navigate without relying on modifications of their environments. Consider the human behavior: humans reason about the environment and consider the possibility of moving obstacles if a certain goal cannot be reached or if moving objects may significantly shorten the path to it. This problem is named Navigation Among Movable Obstacles and is mostly known in rescue robotics. This work transposes the problem on an industrial scenario and tries to deal with its two challenges: the high dimensionality of the state space and the treatment of uncertainty. The proposed NAMO algorithm aims to focus exploration on less explored areas. For this reason it extends the Kinodynamic Motion Planning by Interior-Exterior Cell Exploration algorithm. The extension does not impose obstacles avoidance: it assigns an importance to each cell by combining the efforts necessary to reach it and that needed to free it from obstacles. The obtained algorithm is scalable because of its independence from the size of the map and from the number, shape, and pose of obstacles. It does not impose restrictions on actions to be performed: the robot can both push and grasp every object. Currently, the algorithm assumes full world knowledge but the environment is reconfigurable and the algorithm can be easily extended in order to solve NAMO problems in unknown environments. The algorithm handles sensor feedbacks and corrects uncertainties. Usually Robotics separates Motion Planning and Manipulation problems. NAMO forces their combined processing by introducing the need of manipulating multiple objects, often unknown, while navigating. Adopting standard precomputed grasps is not sufficient to deal with the big amount of existing different objects. A Semantic Knowledge Framework is proposed in support of the proposed algorithm by giving robots the ability to learn to manipulate objects and disseminate the information gained during the fulfillment of tasks. The Framework is composed by an Ontology and an Engine. The Ontology extends the IEEE Standard Ontologies for Robotics and Automation and contains descriptions of learned manipulation tasks and detected objects. It is accessible from any robot connected to the Cloud. It can be considered a data store for the efficient and reliable execution of repetitive tasks; and a Web-based repository for the exchange of information between robots and for the speed up of the learning phase. No other manipulation ontology exists respecting the IEEE Standard and, regardless the standard, the proposed ontology differs from the existing ones because of the type of features saved and the efficient way in which they can be accessed: through a super fast Cascade Hashing algorithm. The Engine lets compute and store the manipulation actions when not present in the Ontology. It is based on Reinforcement Learning techniques that avoid massive trainings on large-scale databases and favors human-robot interactions. The overall system is flexible and easily adaptable to different robots operating in different industrial environments. It is characterized by a modular structure where each software block is completely reusable. Every block is based on the open-source Robot Operating System. Not all industrial robot controllers are designed to be ROS-compliant. This thesis presents the method adopted during this research in order to Open Industrial Robot Controllers and create a ROS-Industrial interface for them

    Vision Science and Technology at NASA: Results of a Workshop

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    A broad review is given of vision science and technology within NASA. The subject is defined and its applications in both NASA and the nation at large are noted. A survey of current NASA efforts is given, noting strengths and weaknesses of the NASA program

    Mobile Robots Navigation

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    Mobile robots navigation includes different interrelated activities: (i) perception, as obtaining and interpreting sensory information; (ii) exploration, as the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; (iii) mapping, involving the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; (iv) localization, as the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; (v) path planning, as the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and (vi) path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. The book addresses those activities by integrating results from the research work of several authors all over the world. Research cases are documented in 32 chapters organized within 7 categories next described

    Autonomous vehicle guidance in unknown environments

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    Gaining from significant advances in their performance granted by technological evolution, Autonomous Vehicles are rapidly increasing the number of fields of possible and effective applications. From operations in hostile, dangerous environments (military use in removing unexploded projectiles, survey of nuclear power and chemical industrial plants following accidents) to repetitive 24h tasks (border surveillance), from power-multipliers helping in production to less exotic commercial application in household activities (cleaning robots as consumer electronics products), the combination of autonomy and motion offers nowadays impressive options. In fact, an autonomous vehicle can be completed by a number of sensors, actuators, devices making it able to exploit a quite large number of tasks. However, in order to successfully attain these results, the vehicle should be capable to navigate its path in different, sometimes unknown environments. This is the goal of this dissertation: to analyze and - mainly - to propose a suitable solution for the guidance of autonomous vehicles. The frame in which this research takes its steps is the activity carried on at the Guidance and Navigation Lab of Sapienza – Università di Roma, hosted at the School of Aerospace Engineering. Indeed, the solution proposed has an intrinsic, while not limiting, bias towards possible space applications, that will become obvious in some of the following content. A second bias dictated by the Guidance and Navigation Lab activities is represented by the choice of a sample platform. In fact, it would be difficult to perform a meaningful study keeping it a very general level, independent on the characteristics of the targeted kind of vehicle: it is easy to see from the rough list of applications cited above that these characteristics are extremely varied. The Lab hosted – even before the beginning of this thesis activity – a simple, home-designed and manufactured model of a small, yet performing enough autonomous vehicle, called RAGNO (standing for Rover for Autonomous Guidance Navigation and Observation): it was an obvious choice to select that rover as the reference platform to identify solutions for guidance, and to use it, cooperating to its improvement, for the test activities which should be considered as mandatory in this kind of thesis work to validate the suggested approaches. The draft of the thesis includes four main chapters, plus introduction, final remarks and future perspectives, and the list of references. The first chapter (“Autonomous Guidance Exploiting Stereoscopic Vision”) investigates in detail the technique which has been deemed as the most interesting for small vehicles. The current availability of low cost, high performance cameras suggests the adoption of the stereoscopic vision as a quite effective technique, also capable to making available to remote crew a view of the scenario quite similar to the one humans would have. Several advanced image analysis techniques have been investigated for the extraction of the features from left- and right-eye images, with SURF and BRISK algorithm being selected as the most promising one. In short, SURF is a blob detector with an associated descriptor of 64 elements, where the generic feature is extracted by applying sequential box filters to the surrounding area. The features are then localized in the point of the image where the determinant of the Hessian matrix H(x,y) is maximum. The descriptor vector is than determined by calculating the Haar wavelet response in a sampling pattern centered in the feature. BRISK is instead a corner detector with an associated binary descriptor of 512 bit. The generic feature is identified as the brightest point in a sampling circular area of N pixels while the descriptor vector is calculated by computing the brightness gradient of each of the N(N-1)/2 pairs of sampling points. Once left and right features have been extracted, their descriptors are compared in order to determine the corresponding pairs. The matching criterion consists in seeking for the two descriptors for which their relative distance (Euclidean norm for SURF, Hamming distance for BRISK) is minimum. The matching process is computationally expensive: to reduce the required time the thesis successfully explored the theory of the epipolar geometry, based on the geometric constraint existing between the left and right projection of the scene point P, and indeed limiting the space to be searched. Overall, the selected techniques require between 200 and 300 ms on a 2.4GHz clock CPU for the feature extraction and matching in a single (left+right) capture, making it a feasible solution for slow motion vehicles. Once matching phase has been finalized, a disparity map can be prepared highlighting the position of the identified objects, and by means of a triangulation (the baseline between the two cameras is known, the size of the targeted object is measured in pixels in both images) the position and distance of the obstacles can be obtained. The second chapter (“A Vehicle Prototype and its Guidance System”) is devoted to the implementation of the stereoscopic vision onboard a small test vehicle, which is the previously cited RAGNO rover. Indeed, a description of the vehicle – the chassis, the propulsion system with four electric motors empowering the wheels, the good roadside performance attainable, the commanding options – either fully autonomous, partly autonomous with remote monitoring, or fully remotely controlled via TCP/IP on mobile networks - is included first, with a focus on different sensors that, depending on the scenario, can integrate the stereoscopic vision system. The intelligence-side of guidance subsystem, exploiting the navigation information provided by the camera, is then detailed. Two guidance techniques have been studied and implemented to identify the optimal trajectory in a field with scattered obstacles: the artificial potential guidance, based on the Lyapunov approach, and the A-star algorithm, looking for the minimum of a cost function built on graphs joining the cells of a mesh over-imposed to the scenario. Performance of the two techniques are assessed for two specific test-cases, and the possibility of unstable behavior of the artificial potential guidance, bouncing among local minima, has been highlighted. Overall, A-star guidance is the suggested solution in terms of time, cost and reliability. Notice that, withstanding the noise affecting information from sensors, an estimation process based on Kalman filtering has been also included in the process to improve the smoothness of the targeted trajectory. The third chapter (“Examples of Possible Missions and Applications”) reports two experimental campaigns adopting RAGNO for the detection of dangerous gases. In the first one, the rover accommodates a specific sensor, and autonomously moves in open fields, avoiding possible obstacles, to exploit measurements at given time intervals. The same configuration for RAGNO is also used in the second campaign: this time, however, the path of the rover is autonomously computed on the basis of the way points communicated by a drone which is flying above the area of measurements and identifies possible targets of interest. The fourth chapter (“Guidance of Fleet of Autonomous Vehicles ”) stresses this successful idea of fleet of vehicles, and numerically investigates by algorithms purposely written in Matlab the performance of a simple swarm of two rovers exploring an unknown scenario, pretending – as an example - to represent a case of planetary surface exploration. The awareness of the surrounding environment is dictated by the characteristics of the sensors accommodated onboard, which have been assumed on the basis of the experience gained with the material of previous chapter. Moreover, the communication issues that would likely affect real world cases are included in the scheme by the possibility to model the comm link, and by running the simulation in a multi-task configuration where the two rovers are assigned to two different computer processes, each of them having a different TCP/IP address with a behavior actually depending on the flow of information received form the other explorer. Even if at a simulation-level only, it is deemed that such a final step collects different aspects investigated during the PhD period, with feasible sensors’ characteristics (obviously focusing on stereoscopic vision), guidance technique, coordination among autonomous agents and possible interesting application cases

    The robot's vista space : a computational 3D scene analysis

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    Swadzba A. The robot's vista space : a computational 3D scene analysis. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2011.The space that can be explored quickly from a fixed view point without locomotion is known as the vista space. In indoor environments single rooms and room parts follow this definition. The vista space plays an important role in situations with agent-agent interaction as it is the directly surrounding environment in which the interaction takes place. A collaborative interaction of the partners in and with the environment requires that both partners know where they are, what spatial structures they are talking about, and what scene elements they are going to manipulate. This thesis focuses on the analysis of a robot's vista space. Mechanisms for extracting relevant spatial information are developed which enable the robot to recognize in which place it is, to detect the scene elements the human partner is talking about, and to segment scene structures the human is changing. These abilities are addressed by the proposed holistic, aligned, and articulated modeling approach. For a smooth human-robot interaction, the computed models should be aligned to the partner's representations. Therefore, the design of the computational models is based on the combination of psychological results from studies on human scene perception with basic physical properties of the perceived scene and the perception itself. The holistic modeling realizes a categorization of room percepts based on the observed 3D spatial layout. Room layouts have room type specific features and fMRI studies have shown that some of the human brain areas being active in scene recognition are sensitive to the 3D geometry of a room. With the aligned modeling, the robot is able to extract the hierarchical scene representation underlying a scene description given by a human tutor. Furthermore, it is able to ground the inferred scene elements in its own visual perception of the scene. This modeling follows the assumption that cognition and language schematize the world in the same way. This is visible in the fact that a scene depiction mainly consists of relations between an object and its supporting structure or between objects located on the same supporting structure. Last, the articulated modeling equips the robot with a methodology for articulated scene part extraction and fast background learning under short and disturbed observation conditions typical for human-robot interaction scenarios. Articulated scene parts are detected model-less by observing scene changes caused by their manipulation. Change detection and background learning are closely coupled because change is defined phenomenologically as variation of structure. This means that change detection involves a comparison of currently visible structures with a representation in memory. In range sensing this comparison can be nicely implement as subtraction of these two representations. The three modeling approaches enable the robot to enrich its visual perceptions of the surrounding environment, the vista space, with semantic information about meaningful spatial structures useful for further interaction with the environment and the human partner