1,307 research outputs found

    A robust error detection mechanism for H.264/AVC coded video sequences based on support vector machines

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    Current trends in wireless communications provide fast and location-independent access to multimedia services. Due to its high compression efficiency, H.264/AVC is expected to become the dominant underlying technology in the delivery of future wireless video applications. The error resilient mechanisms adopted by this standard alleviate the problem of spatio-temporal propagation of visual artifacts caused by transmission errors by dropping and concealing all macroblocks (MBs) contained within corrupted segments, including uncorrupted MBs. Concealing these uncorrupted MBs generally causes a reduction in quality of the reconstructed video sequence.peer-reviewe

    Error resilient image transmission using T-codes and edge-embedding

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    Current image communication applications involve image transmission over noisy channels, where the image gets damaged. The loss of synchronization at the decoder due to these errors increases the damage in the reconstructed image. Our main goal in this research is to develop an algorithm that has the capability to detect errors, achieve synchronization and conceal errors.;In this thesis we studied the performance of T-codes in comparison with Huffman codes. We develop an algorithm for the selection of best T-code set. We have shown that T-codes exhibit better synchronization properties when compared to Huffman Codes. In this work we developed an algorithm that extracts edge patterns from each 8x8 block, classifies edge patterns into different classes. In this research we also propose a novel scrambling algorithm to hide edge pattern of a block into neighboring 8x8 blocks of the image. This scrambled hidden data is used in the detection of errors and concealment of errors. We also develop an algorithm to protect the hidden data from getting damaged in the course of transmission

    Best Fit Method of Sample Selection in Data Hiding and Extraction

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    Today data security and its transmission over the wireless network need special attention. Intruder always has a watch on sensitive data transmitted over a wireless network. This work proposes an approach that minimizes the quantization error between the original and result carrier by selecting optimize samples during Data Hiding. Propose work find out best matching carrier components during the data hiding process. Results also imply that achieved results are far better than any other steganographic method

    Locally Adaptive Resolution (LAR) codec

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    The JPEG committee has initiated a study of potential technologies dedicated to future generation image compression systems. The idea is to design a new norm of image compression, named JPEG AIC (Advanced Image Coding), together with advanced evaluation methodologies, closely matching to human vision system characteristics. JPEG AIC thus aimed at defining a complete coding system able to address advanced functionalities such as lossy to lossless compression, scalability (spatial, temporal, depth, quality, complexity, component, granularity...), robustness, embed-ability, content description for image handling at object level... The chosen compression method would have to fit perceptual metrics defined by the JPEG community within the JPEG AIC project. In this context, we propose the Locally Adaptive Resolution (LAR) codec as a contribution to the relative call for technologies, tending to fit all of previous functionalities. This method is a coding solution that simultaneously proposes a relevant representation of the image. This property is exploited through various complementary coding schemes in order to design a highly scalable encoder. The LAR method has been initially introduced for lossy image coding. This efficient image compression solution relies on a content-based system driven by a specific quadtree representation, based on the assumption that an image can be represented as layers of basic information and local texture. Multiresolution versions of this codec have shown their efficiency, from low bit rates up to lossless compressed images. An original hierarchical self-extracting region representation has also been elaborated: a segmentation process is realized at both coder and decoder, leading to a free segmentation map. This later can be further exploited for color region encoding, image handling at region level. Moreover, the inherent structure of the LAR codec can be used for advanced functionalities such as content securization purposes. In particular, dedicated Unequal Error Protection systems have been produced and tested for transmission over the Internet or wireless channels. Hierarchical selective encryption techniques have been adapted to our coding scheme. Data hiding system based on the LAR multiresolution description allows efficient content protection. Thanks to the modularity of our coding scheme, complexity can be adjusted to address various embedded systems. For example, basic version of the LAR coder has been implemented onto FPGA platform while respecting real-time constraints. Pyramidal LAR solution and hierarchical segmentation process have also been prototyped on DSPs heterogeneous architectures. This chapter first introduces JPEG AIC scope and details associated requirements. Then we develop the technical features, of the LAR system, and show the originality of the proposed scheme, both in terms of functionalities and services. In particular, we show that the LAR coder remains efficient for natural images, medical images, and art images

    A support vector machine approach for detection and localization of transmission errors within standard H.263++ decoders

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    Wireless multimedia services are increasingly becoming popular boosting the need for better quality-of-experience (QoE) with minimal costs. The standard codecs employed by these systems remove spatio-temporal redundancies to minimize the bandwidth required. However, this increases the exposure of the system to transmission errors, thus presenting a significant degradation in perceptual quality of the reconstructed video sequences. A number of mechanisms were investigated in the past to make these codecs more robust against transmission errors. Nevertheless, these techniques achieved little success, forcing the transmission to be held at lower bit-error rates (BERs) to guarantee acceptable quality. This paper presents a novel solution to this problem based on the error detection capabilities of the transport protocols to identify potentially corrupted group-of-blocks (GOBs). The algorithm uses a support vector machine (SVM) at its core to localize visually impaired macroblocks (MBs) that require concealment within these GOBs. Hence, this method drastically reduces the region to be concealed compared to state-of-the-art error resilient strategies which assume a packet loss scenario. Testing on a standard H.263++ codec confirms that a significant gain in quality is achieved with error detection rates of 97.8% and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) gains of up to 5.33 dB. Moreover, most of the undetected errors provide minimal visual artifacts and are thus of little influence to the perceived quality of the reconstructed sequences.peer-reviewe

    Resilient Digital Video Transmission over Wireless Channels using Pixel-Level Artefact Detection Mechanisms

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    Recent advances in communications and video coding technology have brought multimedia communications into everyday life, where a variety of services and applications are being integrated within different devices such that multimedia content is provided everywhere and on any device. H.264/AVC provides a major advance on preceding video coding standards obtaining as much as twice the coding efficiency over these standards (Richardson I.E.G., 2003, Wiegand T. & Sullivan G.J., 2007). Furthermore, this new codec inserts video related information within network abstraction layer units (NALUs), which facilitates the transmission of H.264/AVC coded sequences over a variety of network environments (Stockhammer, T. & Hannuksela M.M., 2005) making it applicable for a broad range of applications such as TV broadcasting, mobile TV, video-on-demand, digital media storage, high definition TV, multimedia streaming and conversational applications. Real-time wireless conversational and broadcast applications are particularly challenging as, in general, reliable delivery cannot be guaranteed (Stockhammer, T. & Hannuksela M.M., 2005). The H.264/AVC standard specifies several error resilient strategies to minimise the effect of transmission errors on the perceptual quality of the reconstructed video sequences. However, these methods assume a packet-loss scenario where the receiver discards and conceals all the video information contained within a corrupted NALU packet. This implies that the error resilient methods adopted by the standard operate at a lower bound since not all the information contained within a corrupted NALU packet is un-utilizable (Stockhammer, T. et al., 2003).peer-reviewe

    Preserving data integrity of encoded medical images: the LAR compression framework

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    International audienceThrough the development of medical imaging systems and their integration into a complete information system, the need for advanced joint coding and network services becomes predominant. PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) aims to acquire, store and compress, retrieve, present and distribute medical images. These systems have to be accessible via the Internet or wireless channels. Thus protection processes against transmission errors have to be added to get a powerful joint source-channel coding tool. Moreover, these sensitive data require confidentiality and privacy for both archiving and transmission purposes, leading to use cryptography and data embedding solutions. This chapter introduces data integrity protection and developed dedicated tools of content protection and secure bitstream transmission for medical encoded image purposes. In particular, the LAR image coding method is defined together with advanced securization services

    Security and imperceptibility improving of image steganography using pixel allocation and random function techniques

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    Information security is one of the main aspects of processes and methodologies in the technical age of information and communication. The security of information should be a key priority in the secret exchange of information between two parties. In order to ensure the security of information, there are some strategies that are used, and they include steganography and cryptography. An effective digital image-steganographic method based on odd/even pixel allocation and random function to increase the security and imperceptibility has been improved. This lately developed outline has been verified for increasing the security and imperceptibility to determine the existent problems. Huffman coding has been used to modify secret data prior embedding stage; this modified equivalent secret data that prevent the secret data from attackers to increase the secret data capacities. The main objective of our scheme is to boost the peak-signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR) of the stego cover and stop against any attack. The size of the secret data also increases. The results confirm good PSNR values in addition of these findings confirmed the proposed method eligibility

    Security and Privacy Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks: A Survey

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    This book chapter identifies various security threats in wireless mesh network (WMN). Keeping in mind the critical requirement of security and user privacy in WMNs, this chapter provides a comprehensive overview of various possible attacks on different layers of the communication protocol stack for WMNs and their corresponding defense mechanisms. First, it identifies the security vulnerabilities in the physical, link, network, transport, application layers. Furthermore, various possible attacks on the key management protocols, user authentication and access control protocols, and user privacy preservation protocols are presented. After enumerating various possible attacks, the chapter provides a detailed discussion on various existing security mechanisms and protocols to defend against and wherever possible prevent the possible attacks. Comparative analyses are also presented on the security schemes with regards to the cryptographic schemes used, key management strategies deployed, use of any trusted third party, computation and communication overhead involved etc. The chapter then presents a brief discussion on various trust management approaches for WMNs since trust and reputation-based schemes are increasingly becoming popular for enforcing security in wireless networks. A number of open problems in security and privacy issues for WMNs are subsequently discussed before the chapter is finally concluded.Comment: 62 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables. This chapter is an extension of the author's previous submission in arXiv submission: arXiv:1102.1226. There are some text overlaps with the previous submissio
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