7 research outputs found

    Study of salinity retrieval errors for the SMOS mission

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    Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por Carolina Gabarró Prats para obtener el título de Doctora por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), realizada bajo la dirección del Dr. Jordi Font Ferré del Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) y del Dr. Adriano Camps Carmona.-- 201 pages[CAT] El treball realitzat en aquesta tesi està emmarcat en la missió SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) de l’Agència Espacial Europea. El satèl•lit es llançarà el febrer del 2007, i mesurarà la salinitat superficial del mar i la humitat del sòl. L’instrument (MIRAS) consisteix en un radiòmetre interferomètric en banda L (1,400-1,430 GHz). Serà la primera vegada que es posarà en òrbita un instrument d’aquestes característiques i que es mesuraran aquests paràmetres des de l’espai. No obstant, encara son molts els aspectes científics que queden per resoldre. Aquesta tesi, doncs, ha intentat abordar alguns del temes oberts en la recuperació de la salinitat a partir de les mesures de SMOS. [...][EN] This PhD thesis has been done in the framework of the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission, from the European Space Agency. This satellite will be launched in February 2007 and will provide global sea surface salinity and soil moisture maps, variables that never have been measured before from space. The payload instrument (MIRAS) is an L-band interferometric radiometer. This will be the first time an instrument with this characteristics is put in orbit. However, there are still a lot of issues that need to be solved. This thesis is focused on some open questions of the salinity retrieval process from SMOS measurements. [...]Peer reviewe

    Aquarius Mission Technical Overview

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    Aquarius is an L-band microwave instrument being developed to map the surface salinity field of the oceans from space. It is part of the Aquarius/SAC-D mission, a partnership between the USA (NASA) and Argentina (CONAE) with launch scheduled for early in 2009. The primary science objective of this mission is to monitor the seasonal and interannual variation of the large scale features of the surface salinity field in the open ocean with a spatial resolution of 150 km and a retrieval accuracy of 0.2 psu globally on a monthly basis

    Sun Glint and Sea Surface Salinity Remote Sensing

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    A new mission in space, called Aquarius/SAC-D, is being built to measure the salinity of the world's oceans. Salinity is an important parameter for understanding movement of the ocean water. This circulation results in the transportation of heat and is important for understanding climate and climate change. Measuring salinity from space requires precise instruments and a careful accounting for potential sources of error. One of these sources of error is radiation from the sun that is reflected from the ocean surface to the sensor in space. This paper examines this reflected radiation and presents an advanced model for describing this effect that includes the effects of ocean waves on the reflection

    Treinta años de investigación y desarrollo de boyas Lagrangianas en el Instituto de Ciencias del Mar

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    Since the mid-1980s, physical oceanographers at the Institute of Marine Sciences have been involved in the use of Lagrangian drifters as a complementary technology for their oceanographic research. As Lagrangian observations became more feasible, these researchers continued developing their own drifters in what was to be the seed of current technological activities at the Physical and Technological Oceanography Department. In this paper we overview the work done during the last 30 years with special focus on Lagrangian developments from the initial activities to the latest developments. In addition to basic oceanography research applications, Lagrangian technological developments include prototypes for measuring surface and subsurface ocean properties, for tracking purposes in search and rescue operations and pollution events, and for monitoring ice motion and thickness in the Arctic. The paper emphasizes original and unpublished technical aspects related to the latest developments.Desde mediados de la década de los 80, los oceanógrafos físicos en el Instituto de Ciencias del Mar se involucraron en el uso de boyas Lagrangianas como una tecnología complementaria para su investigación oceanográfica. A medida que las observaciones Lagrangianas se volvieron más factibles, los investigadores continuaron desarrollando sus propios flotadores en lo que se convirtió en la semilla de las actuales actividades tecnológicas llevadas a cabo en el Departamento de Oceanografía Física y Tecnológica. En este artículo se presenta una visión general del trabajo realizado durante los últimos 30 años, con especial énfasis en el uso de flotadores a la deriva y desarrollos propios desde su inicio hasta las aplicaciones más recientes. Además de estudios básicos de investigación oceanográfica, los desarrollos tecnológicos llevados a cabo incluyen prototipos para medir las propiedades superficiales y sub-superficiales, para tareas de seguimiento en operaciones de búsqueda y rescate y eventos de contaminación marina o para monitorizar el grosor de la capa de hielo y su movimiento en el Ártico. En este trabajo se hace hincapié en aspectos técnicos originales e inéditos relacionados con los últimos desarrollos

    Wind speed effect on L-band brightness temperature inferred from EuroSTARRS and WISE 2001 field experiments

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    The results from two field experiments in the Mediterranean Sea are used to study the wind speed dependence of brightness temperature at L-band. During the EuroSTARRS airborne experiment, an L-band radiometer made measurements across a large wind speed gradient, enabling us to study this dependence at high wind speed.We compare our results with a two-scale emissivity model using several representations of the sea state spectrum. While the results are encouraging, unfortunately the accuracy of the measurements does not permit us to distinguish between the so-called twice Durden and Vesecky spectrum and the Elfouhaily spectrum above 7 m s 1. The effect of foam is certainly small. During the WISE 2001 field experiment carried on an oil rig, we studied this dependence at low wind speed, finding an abrupt decrease of the wind speed effect on the brightness temperature below 3 m s 1