950 research outputs found

    Perceived influence of cybersecurity on the intention to use mobile banking applications

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    Banking institutions see the adoption and usage of mobile devices for banking namely mobile banking as an innovative financial service delivering strategy that bridges the gap between customers and banks. Mobile banking eliminates the need to visit bank branches for banking services and it eliminates the need to only perform banking services within fixed business hours. In mobile banking, mobile devices such as a cellphone, smartphone, or tablet’ are used to conduct non-financial and financial transactions such as checking account status, transferring money, making payments, or selling stocks. Mobile banking is suggested to take over the banking sector because it is economising and timesaving benefits. Despite these benefits, the adoption rate amongst consumers remains low, especially in developing countries where there is a knowledge gap in understanding why consumers do not engage in the frequent use of mobile banking applications. Apart from several factors identified in previous literature on mobile banking as influencers of limited usage and adoption of mobile banking, trust remains an important factor in the intention to adopt or use mobile banking applications. Also, because of the increasing prevalence of cyber threats in developing countries, the influence of cybersecurity is still questionable on their influences on the intention to adopt or use mobile baking applications. The increase in cyber threats and attacks has birthed the need for cybersecurity to be addressed. Given that most financial institutions see mobile banking as a strategy for their competitive advantage; it is important that they understand how best to address consumer’s fears brought about by cybersecurity threats. Literature has not covered more ground on the analysis of mobile banking applications (Uduimoh., Osho., Ismaila, & Shafi’i, 2019). The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceived influence of cybersecurity on the user’s intentions to use mobile banking applications. The study identified seven salient cybersecurity factors that influence the intention to use mobile banking applications. These cybersecurity factors were grouped into two groups, namely intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors and resulted in the development of a conceptual model. With this model, hypothesises were developed and tested statistically using quantitative data from an online selfadministered Qualtrics survey questionnaire. Data collected from 90 participants was statistically analysed in Smart PLS 3 (a quantitative data analysis software). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Partial Least Squares path modelling approaches were adopted for data analysis. Hypothesis testing was performed on salient factors that influence the perception of cybersecurity on the intention to use mobile banking applications. The findings concluded that salient significant factors that influence the perception of mobile banking cybersecurity on the intention to use mobile banking applications were perceived data confidentiality and cybersecurity awareness. As a result, the study concluded that one’s perception on ability to avert cybersecurity threats and attacks, how they perceived the protection of their data from being modified by unauthorised users, how they perceive their data to be kept confidential and their knowledge of cybersecurity from legitimate sources influences their intention to use mobile banking applications. Finally, this study investigated the empirical evidence of the knowledge gap concerning the perceived influence of cybersecurity on the intention to use mobile banking applications

    Factors Influencing Blockchain-based Mobile Banking Adoption: Evidence from a Developing Country

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    This study attempts to explain the factors influencing blockchain-based mobile banking acceptance in Bangladesh. Based on a technology acceptance framework termed UTAUT2 (unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2), an enhanced model with a mediating variable is built for this research. Data were collected from the first-ever blockchain-based mobile banking stakeholders in Bangladesh called 'UPAY' by applying a structured questionnaire. Structural equation modeling was then processed using Smart-PLS. There are eight direct hypotheses and one mediating hypothesis in this research. The findings reveal that all of the direct hypotheses except the impact of social influence on the behavioural intention (BI) to use blockchain are statistically significant. The mediating role of BI in the connection between facilitating conditions (FC) and actual blockchain use is also supported. The combination of FC and BI contributes to 88.8% of the variation in blockchain usage behaviour for mobile banking adoption. The findings of this study can help banking regulators devise a strategy for engaging a significant number of banks to create a blockchain-based mobile banking platform Keywords: Blockchain use behaviour; Mobile banking, PLS-SEM; UPAY; UTAUT

    Behavioural intention to adopt point of sales technology in Nigerian retail industry

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and customer concerns on behavioural intention to use point of sale terminal in the Nigerian retail industry and the moderating effect of technology awareness. Data were collected from 165 owners/managers of retail businesses in Nigeria, in a cross-sectional survey and were analysed using the partial least square structural equation modelling technique. The result of hypotheses testing confirmed that performance expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and customer concerns have a significant positive influence on behavioural intention, while effort expectancy does not. Similarly, technology awareness moderates the relationship between effort expectancy, social and behavioural intention, but does not moderate the relationship between performance expectancy, facilitating conditions and behavioural intention. The extended model explained 56 per cent of variance in behavioural intention. Due to resource limitations, this study focused on intention alone, neglecting the actual usage, thus the survey was cross-sectional. Therefore further studies should extend the horizon by capturing the intention and actual usage, perhaps in a longitudinal study. Based on empirical evidence, customer concerns and technology awareness are essential issues in technology diffusion, and therefore practitioners should pay more attention to them, particularly in the implementation of technology in retail business. The novelty of this research is pioneering the integration of customer concern and moderating effect of technology awareness in technology adoption litrature. Hence, it provides further explanation to the existing literature by empirically extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology with customer concerns and technology awarenes

    Examining the two-dimensional perceived marketplace influence and the role of financial incentives by SEM and ANN

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    In recent years, research on sustainable consumption has been particularly relevant, highlighting the importance of the collective over the individual to reduce pollution. This study focuses on the study of the perceived marketplace influence (PMI) concept in its organizational and consumer dimensions, together with the financial incentives that exist in the adoption of electric cars and their effect on green customer engagement. A sample of 382 potential buyers of electric vehicles was obtained. A new hybrid analytical approach was taken structural equation modelling and artificial neural network. The research found the most significant variables affecting purchase intention were financial incentives, followed by PMI Organization and finally PMI Consumer. The results of artificial neural network analysis confirmed all the findings of the structural equation modelling, although the importance of each PMI dimension is different for each technique used. The conclusions point to new business opportunities that can be exploited by companies selling this green technology.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBU

    What Determines Consumers’ Intention for Hotel Bookings through Smartphone Apps?

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    In the emerging market, the usage of smartphone apps is playing an imperative role and supporting travelers in their online hotel bookings. This study aims to examine the various determinants that affect travelers’ behavioral intention regarding hotel booking through smartphone apps. Data was collected from 379 hotel guests who used smartphone apps for hotel bookings. The respondents for this study are taken from Delhi. Further, the hypotheses of this study were validated with the help of structural equation modeling (SEM) using partial least squares (PLS). The results of this study found all dimensions significant except for effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and habits. A newly added dimension, perceived trust was also found a significant predictor of consumers’ behavioral intentions for hotel booking through smartphone apps. The study provides implications for hotel managers that the information provided on apps must be accurate, up-to-date, and reliable regarding hotel services. By incorporating relevant information in the system, travelers’ will feel the hotels are trustworthy and thus their tendency to use smartphone apps for hotel bookings will increase.  As well as hotel apps must be easy to operate which reduces travelers' extra efforts and time while using them

    Understanding internet banking services and customer's adoption in Iraqi public universities

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    There is no doubt that internet banking services adoption represents a good opportunity for developing nations to attain greater economic development and growth, where the creation of added value is driven by information, knowledge and the adoption of information and communications technology. Although a lot of researches provide evidence on the wide adoption of internet banking in developed nations, there are only limited researches in developing nations in the Middle East, specifically in Iraq. There is definitely a need in this country to identify the factors that could encourage and improve the understanding of internet banking services adoption. There is also a paucity of empirical researches on internet banking services adoption from the perspective of customers. Taking these into cognizance, this quantitative research aims to understand internet banking services adoption, by investigating the key factors that encourage customers to adopt internet banking in the Iraqi context, using the decomposed theory of planned behavior. The research framework consists of eighteen latent variables, fourteen exogenous variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, compatibility, trust, social recommendation, prestigious media, self-efficacy, government support, technology support, internet technology literacy, resistance to technology, perceived risk of technology, anxiety about technology and information on technology); and four endogenous variables (internet banking adoption, attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control). In order to test the framework, a quantitative approach using the survey method is employed consisting of eighty two items with a seven-point Likert scale. Based on proportionate stratified random sampling, 535 out of 800 employees submitted completed questionnaires suitable for analysis (a 66.8% response rate). Findings of this study reveal that all the research hypotheses are supported except three, namely subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and information on technology towards internet banking services adoption, implying that the decomposed theory of planned behavior is an applicable underpinning theory for clarifying the important antecedents of internet banking services adoption in the Iraqi context

    The drivers of digital investment broker adoption

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceConsumers around the world are more active in financial markets and have taken greater responsibility for their financial well-being, increasingly adopting digital investment brokers to perform their financial investments. Also, there has been increased competition in financial markets over the years, with more players in the investment landscape. In order to understand the factors that lead to the adoption of a digital investment broker, which is the main goal of the research, a model adapted from Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was developed. An initial sample of 279 Brazilians was obtained, of which 126 are adopters of digital investment brokers. From this sample, the model was tested and among the conclusions of the research it is highlighted that perceived usefulness, data visualization and subject norm have a significant positive impact on behavioral intention of digital investment broker adoption. Also, the perceived ease of use positively but indirectly influences, through the data visualization, the intention of digital investment broker adoption. Finally, as there is still a lack of research on the adoption of digital investment brokers, it was recommended that new studies be carried out in different countries, and that new studies include different variables in the research model, in order to obtain a better understanding of the individual investor behavior in the adoption of digital investment brokers

    Mobile banking acceptance among young consumers in Germany : an empirical analysis

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    Purpose: While Germany leads the adoption of internet banking with only a few nations beforehand, in terms of mobile banking (MB), the country encounters difficulties. Major banks in Germany spend large budgets on refined MB services. Nonetheless, the share of MB customers is only at approximately 10%. It appears crucial for MB service providers to develop a deeper understanding of MB acceptance, especially among young customers that are usually considered as early adopters of technology. In consequence, this dissertation aims at identifying key MB acceptance factors for young customers in Germany. Design/Methodology/Approach: Founded on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), this study develops a research model specifically tailored to the context of MB. Following, it examines 433 young consumers in Germany and applies Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in order to test the network of hypotheses in the proposed model. Subsequently, a multi-group analysis inspects differences between users and non-users of MB. Findings: The results indicate strong evidence for the validity of the proposed research model, which explains 67.7% of variance regarding behavioural intention to adopt MB. The study suggests that Perceived Compatibility has the strongest effect on Behavioural Intention. Perceived Credibility, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Social Influence, ordered by their effect size, significantly influence Attitude towards MB, which in turn influences Behavioural Intention. Originality/Value: The results have several implications for scholars and practitioners. While scholars receive new empirical support for theory development, practitioners gain a deeper understanding of the key adoption factors to design and implement new MB concepts that yield high consumer acceptance

    The Influence of Cultural Dimensions and Website Quality on m-banking Services Adoption in Bangladesh: Applying the UTAUT2 Model Using PLS

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    The proliferation of the ICT ,smart phone, mobile technologies and other devices such as tab, note pad has encourage the users, financial organization and banks to use more m-banking services than before. The adoption of ICT varies on country to country according to the nature or characteristics of the people. And now a days, m-banking is considered to be an inseparable factor for financial firms for developing and developed country. Since the prior studies has limited focus on cultural dimensions and very few study considered the importance of website quality on m-banking adoption .Therefore, we proposed a model in this study that extended the original UTAUT2 model with cultural dimensions and website quality to know the influences on the m-banking services adoption of Bangladeshi consumer. As a developing country like Bangladesh m-banking services adoption can play an important role and also motivate people to use m-banking services. This paper analyzed by applied partial least squares (PLS) with 220 samples. The study found that performance expectancy, facilitating condition and price value influences on behaviour intention but effort expectancy had no influence on m-banking adoption in this research. This study also revealed that power distance had influence on m-banking adoption and masculinity and uncertainty avoidance had no influence on behavioral intention to adopt m-banking services. The paper offers valuable insights to decision-makers involved in the implementation and deployment of m-Banking services. Moreover, the results endorse the relative significance of websites quality and culture to the adoption of m-banking services adoption. It will help the banking sectors to regulate their strategies and future plans to advance successful adoption and diffusion of m-banking services in Bangladesh

    Antecedents to the Adoption of Mobile Payment in China and Italy: an Integration of UTAUT2 and Innovation Resistance Theory

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    Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.This research aims to investigate the adoption gap in mobile payment systems between Italy and China, focusing on users’ intention to adopt mobile payment. The theoretical framing considers both drivers and barriers when combines the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2) with innovation resistance theory (IRT). To empirically verify the proposed model, this study gathers primary data through a web-based, self-administered survey. To analyze the data, we use structural equation modeling, and to test for significant differences between the two groups we run multi-group analysis. The respondents in Italy and China present different behaviors. Social influence plays a significant role in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance, such as Italy. The tradition barrier is the only significant barrier to the adoption of mobile payment.Projekt DEA
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