13 research outputs found

    The Impact of Social Influence on Individuals’ Behavioural Intention to Adopt Blockchain Technology

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    As blockchain became popular technology, This short paper proposes the potential effect of different groups of people on individuals’ behavioural intention to embrace this technology. Social influence in previous studies shows a significant impact on individuals toward adopting new technologies. To understand the effect of different group of people namely family, friends and community on intention to utilise the new phenomena is the purpose of this proposed paper. Considering the growing interest in the use of Bitcoins through blockchain technology, we argue that the lack of studies on social influence on Bitcoins adoption will contribute significantly to bridge a gap in the literature and provide a research opportunity to contextualise the effect of social influence and broaden its dimensions to include several influence channels. This study provides an opportunity for the future research to validate the proposed model and suggests the plan to conduct such verification


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    The retention of SMEs customers is of utmost importance for mobile payment service providers, particularly those who utilize mobile payments. Indonesia experienced a significant increase in the usage of mobile payment methods during the COVID-19 outbreak. Among the commonly utilized theoretical models in the Indonesian context of M-Payment payments, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model stands out. This proposed model is an expanded version of the UTAUT model, incorporating additional limited factors. It encompasses six variables that consider the diverse risks and costs perceived by users. The objective of this research is to analyze consumer behavior towards mobile payment systems using the UTAUT model and identify the determinants that consistently yield significant results. Data was successfully collected from 276 SMEs customers across various regions who utilize mobile payments through ShopeePay. The proposed model applies a minor segment structure using a regression seller model approach (SEM-PLS). The findings reveal that performance expectations, effort expectations, social influence, facilitation conditions, perceived risk, and perceived costs are the most influential predictors of users' intention to use the mobile payment system. Furthermore, behavioral intentions significantly influence actual usage behavior. The conclusion drawn from this research is that it enhances our understanding of the factors that determine the adoption of the mobile payment system, particularly in Indonesia


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    This study aims to examine the effect of technological and behavioral attributes on the adoption attributes of the ShopeePay mobile payment application in Indonesia. The application is known as financial technology (fintech), which combines information technology and financial systems. The approach used in this research is a quantitative approach that was processed using SPSS and AMOS. Data collection in this research was done by distributing online questionnaires using a google form to ShopeePay users who used the application in the past month. The results of this study indicate that behavioral intention and social influence variables have an effect on actual use, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have an effect on behavioral intention, perceived ease of use and responsiveness have a positive effect on perceived usefulness, and responsiveness and security variables have a positive effect on perceived ease of use, also has a positive effect on social influence


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the factors or influences that lead to the use of cashless mobile payments on the Batam millennial generation. The number of electronic-based payment media provided is expected to be able to create payment transactions that are practical, efficient, safe and encourage the creation of a Less Cash Society (LCS). When compared to Indonesia with other ASEAN countries, the level of use of electronic-based payments in the community is still low. Generation Y or the Millennial generation (15 to 39 years) in 2017 showed a figure of 40.29% or as many as 105,520,300 individuals from 261,890,900 Indonesians considered to have the potential to increase the use of electronic-based payments and encourage public awareness of LCS. The intention to use cashless mobile payments is the dependent variable. Attitudes, behavioral beliefs, financial costs, security and social influence act as independent variables for this study. Determination of the research object was carried out by purposive sampling method, namely the millennial generation (15 to 39 years) in Batam. Research data collection is based on the questionnaire method, namely electronic and online questionnaires with 230 collected data. The research data were analyzed through multiple regression analysis using SSPSS. The results obtained indicate that the variables of attitude, security and social influence have a significant positive effect on the intention to use cashless mobile payment, while the variables of behavioral beliefs and financial costs do not have a significant effect on the intention to use cashless mobile payments

    What Determines Consumers’ Intention for Hotel Bookings through Smartphone Apps?

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    In the emerging market, the usage of smartphone apps is playing an imperative role and supporting travelers in their online hotel bookings. This study aims to examine the various determinants that affect travelers’ behavioral intention regarding hotel booking through smartphone apps. Data was collected from 379 hotel guests who used smartphone apps for hotel bookings. The respondents for this study are taken from Delhi. Further, the hypotheses of this study were validated with the help of structural equation modeling (SEM) using partial least squares (PLS). The results of this study found all dimensions significant except for effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and habits. A newly added dimension, perceived trust was also found a significant predictor of consumers’ behavioral intentions for hotel booking through smartphone apps. The study provides implications for hotel managers that the information provided on apps must be accurate, up-to-date, and reliable regarding hotel services. By incorporating relevant information in the system, travelers’ will feel the hotels are trustworthy and thus their tendency to use smartphone apps for hotel bookings will increase.  As well as hotel apps must be easy to operate which reduces travelers' extra efforts and time while using them

    Understanding the corpus of mobile payment services research: an analysis of the literature using co-citation analysis and social network analysis

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    Mobile Payment Services have advanced in the last two decades, gaining the attention of experts and researchers from around the world. A number of reviews and literature analysis studies have been carried out, aimed at analysing the numerous dimensions of mobile payment services; however, no researcher has attempted a co-citation analysis to scrutinise and comprehend the core knowledge structures that are integral parts of mobile payment services studies. Therefore, in order to fill this research gap, this research article aims to interpret the corpus of mobile payment services research, which was published during the period of 1997 to June 2017. Bibliometric and Social Network Analysis (SNA) methods were employed to formulate the core intellectual structure of research targeting mobile payment services. The Web of Knowledge (WoK) database was the key source from where 406 articles and 3,424 citations were obtained. These documents were analysed using co-citation analysis. UCINET was used to enlist the keynote research papers in the realm of mobile payment services as per factor analysis, citation and co-citation analysis, multidimensional scaling and centrality measurement. Seven core clusters of mobile payment services research emerged as a critical finding of this study; these clusters include (1) Adoption and usage; (2) Trust, risk and security; (3) Application; (4) Scheme; (5) Protocol; (6) Architecture; (7) Mobile payment corporation. The findings of this research study provide crucial guidelines for practitioners and researchers involved in this field.Mobile Payment Services have advanced in the last two decades, gaining the attention of experts and researchers from around the world. A number of reviews and literature analysis studies have been carried out, aimed at analysing the numerous dimensions of mobile payment services; however, no researcher has attempted a co-citation analysis to scrutinise and comprehend the core knowledge structures that are integral parts of mobile payment services studies. Therefore, in order to fill this research gap, this research article aims to interpret the corpus of mobile payment services research, which was published during the period of 1997 to June 2017. Bibliometric and Social Network Analysis (SNA) methods were employed to formulate the core intellectual structure of research targeting mobile payment services. The Web of Knowledge (WoK) database was the key source from where 406 articles and 3,424 citations were obtained. These documents were analysed using co-citation analysis. UCINET was used to enlist the keynote research papers in the realm of mobile payment services as per factor analysis, citation and co-citation analysis, multidimensional scaling and centrality measurement. Seven core clusters of mobile payment services research emerged as a critical finding of this study; these clusters include (1) Adoption and usage; (2) Trust, risk and security; (3) Application; (4) Scheme; (5) Protocol; (6) Architecture; (7) Mobile payment corporation. The findings of this research study provide crucial guidelines for practitioners and researchers involved in this field

    Investigating the acceptance intentions of online shopping assistants in E-commerce interactions: mediating role of trust and effects of consumer demographics

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    Online shopping has various advantages, such as convenience, easy access to information, a greater variety of products or services, discounts, and lower prices. However, the absence of salespeople's personalized assistance decreases the online customer experience. Business-to-consumer e-commerce companies are increasingly implementing online shopping assistants (OSAs), interactive and automated tools used to assist customers without salespeople's assistance. However, no comprehensive model of OSA acceptance in e-commerce exists, including constructs from multiple information system disciplines, sociopsychology, and information security. This study aims to fill these gaps by empirically investigating consumers' intention to accept OSAs from a functional, social, relational, and security perspective. It identifies OSA acceptance factors in e-commerce through an extensive literature review and expert opinion. A research model is proposed after identifying structural relationships among the study's variables from the literature. The study employs partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to validate the proposed model empirically. The results indicate that anthropomorphism, attitude, ease of use, enjoyment, privacy, trust, and usefulness are crucial determinants of acceptance variables. There are significant moderating effects of respondents' gender and education on OSA acceptance. The study's results have substantial implications for academia, extending and validating the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for OSA acceptance in e-commerce. The study will help e-commerce marketers develop optimal adoption strategies when implementing OSAs on social media platforms

    A influência de atributos de serviços mobile banking na qualidade do relacionamento entre cliente e instituição financeira

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2019.Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a influência dos atributos de serviços mobile banking nas dimensões de qualidade do relacionamento entre cliente e instituição financeira. O propósito é fornecer uma melhor compreensão de como atributos de serviços financeiros ofertados por canais móveis fortalecem a relação entre cliente e instituição financeira, segundo a percepção de usuários de serviços mobile banking. Conduziu-se um survey com 402 participantes, todos residentes no Distrito Federal, usuários de serviços mobile banking e clientes de um dos tipos de instituição financeira, a saber, banco público, banco privado e empreendimento fintech. A confiabilidade do instrumento de pesquisa foi examinada através de Alpha de Cronbach e de teste de correlação item-total. As relações entre construtos foram analisadas mediante aplicação de modelos de regressão linear. Os resultados confirmaram relações significativas entre segurança e confiança, utilidade percebida e lealdade, facilidade de uso e comprometimento, confiança e comprometimento, confiança e lealdade, e comprometimento e lealdade. A análise de mediação revelou que o comprometimento exerce um papel de mediação no relacionamento entre confiança e lealdade. Ao avaliar a influência de atributos de serviços mobile banking sobre o relacionamento entre clientes e instituições financeiras, este estudo transcende a discussão sobre adoção de serviços m-banking, abordando dimensões que particularizam a qualidade do relacionamento com o consumidor. Quanto às contribuições gerenciais, este estudo tem o potencial de auxiliar empreendimentos fintech e bancos de varejo na adoção de estratégias de retenção de clientes pela reavaliação dos atributos de segurança, facilidade de uso e utilidade percebida dos aplicativos móveis, e pelo aumento da confiança do cliente na instituição financeira.This study aims to analyze the influence of attributes of mobile banking services on the quality dimensions of the relationship between client and financial institution. The purpose is to provide a better understanding of how the attributes of financial services offered by mobile channels strengthen the relationship between client and financial institution, according to the perception of users of mobile banking services. A survey was conducted with 402 participants, all residents of the Federal District, users of mobile banking services and clients of one of the types of financial institution, namely public bank, private bank and fintech enterprise. The reliability of the research instrument was examined using Cronbach's Alpha and item-total correlation test. The relationships between constructs were analyzed using linear regression models. The results confirmed a significant relationship between security and trust, perceived utility and loyalty, ease of use and commitment, trust and commitment, trust and loyalty, and commitment and loyalty. The mediation analysis revealed that commitment plays a mediating role in the relationship between trust and loyalty. When assessing the influence of mobile banking services' attributes on the relationship between clients and financial institutions, this study transcends the discussion about adoption of m-banking services, addressing dimensions that particularize the quality of the relationship with the consumer. Regarding managerial contributions, this study has the potential to assist fintech ventures and retail banks in adopting customer retention strategies by reassessing the attributes of security, ease of use and perceived utility of mobile applications, and by increasing customer confidence in the financial institution