1,016 research outputs found

    Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives

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    The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning

    Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP: A Report on the First BlackboxNLP Workshop

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    The EMNLP 2018 workshop BlackboxNLP was dedicated to resources and techniques specifically developed for analyzing and understanding the inner-workings and representations acquired by neural models of language. Approaches included: systematic manipulation of input to neural networks and investigating the impact on their performance, testing whether interpretable knowledge can be decoded from intermediate representations acquired by neural networks, proposing modifications to neural network architectures to make their knowledge state or generated output more explainable, and examining the performance of networks on simplified or formal languages. Here we review a number of representative studies in each category

    Do Neural Nets Learn Statistical Laws behind Natural Language?

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    The performance of deep learning in natural language processing has been spectacular, but the reasons for this success remain unclear because of the inherent complexity of deep learning. This paper provides empirical evidence of its effectiveness and of a limitation of neural networks for language engineering. Precisely, we demonstrate that a neural language model based on long short-term memory (LSTM) effectively reproduces Zipf's law and Heaps' law, two representative statistical properties underlying natural language. We discuss the quality of reproducibility and the emergence of Zipf's law and Heaps' law as training progresses. We also point out that the neural language model has a limitation in reproducing long-range correlation, another statistical property of natural language. This understanding could provide a direction for improving the architectures of neural networks.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Stay-At-Home Motor Rehabilitation: Optimizing Spatiotemporal Learning on Low-Cost Capacitive Sensor Arrays

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    Repeated, consistent, and precise gesture performance is a key part of recovery for stroke and other motor-impaired patients. Close professional supervision to these exercises is also essential to ensure proper neuromotor repair, which consumes a large amount of medical resources. Gesture recognition systems are emerging as stay-at-home solutions to this problem, but the best solutions are expensive, and the inexpensive solutions are not universal enough to tackle patient-to-patient variability. While many methods have been studied and implemented, the gesture recognition system designer does not have a strategy to effectively predict the right method to fit the needs of a patient. This thesis establishes such a strategy by outlining the strengths and weaknesses of several spatiotemporal learning architectures combined with deep learning, specifically when low-cost, low-resolution capacitive sensor arrays are used. This is done by testing the immunity and robustness of those architectures to the type of variability that is common among stroke patients, investigating select hyperparameters and their impact on the architectures’ training progressions, and comparing test performance in different applications and scenarios. The models analyzed here are trained on a mixture of high-quality, healthy gestures and personalized, imperfectly performed gestures using a low-cost recognition system

    On representation learning for generative models of text

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    Cette thèse fait des petits pas dans la construction et la compréhension des systèmes d'apprentissage des représentations neuronales et des modèles génératifs pour le traitement du langage naturel. Il est présenté comme une thèse par article qui contient quatre travaux. Dans le premier article, nous montrons que l'apprentissage multi-tâches peut être utilisé pour combiner les biais inductifs de plusieurs tâches d'apprentissage auto-supervisées et supervisées pour apprendre des représentations de phrases distribuées de longueur fixe à usage général qui obtiennent des résultats solides sur les tâches d'apprentissage par transfert en aval sans tout modèle de réglage fin. Le deuxième article s'appuie sur le premier et présente un modèle génératif en deux étapes pour le texte qui modélise la distribution des représentations de phrases pour produire de nouveaux plongements de phrases qui servent de "contour neuronal" de haut niveau qui est reconstruit en mots avec un récurrent neuronal autorégressif conditionnel décodeur. Le troisième article étudie la nécessité de représentations démêlées pour la génération de texte contrôlable. Une grande partie des systèmes de génération de texte contrôlables reposent sur l'idée que le contrôle d'un attribut (ou d'un style) particulier nécessite la construction de représentations dissociées qui séparent le contenu et le style. Nous démontrons que les représentations produites dans des travaux antérieurs qui utilisent la formation contradictoire du domaine ne sont pas dissociées dans la pratique. Nous présentons ensuite une approche qui ne vise pas à apprendre des représentations démêlées et montrons qu'elle permet d'obtenir des résultats nettement meilleurs que les travaux antérieurs. Dans le quatrième article, nous concevons des modèles de langage de transformateur qui apprennent les représentations à plusieurs échelles de temps et montrent que ceux-ci peuvent aider à réduire l'empreinte mémoire importante de ces modèles. Il présente trois architectures multi-échelles différentes qui présentent des compromis favorables entre la perplexité et l'empreinte mémoire.This thesis takes baby steps in building and understanding neural representation learning systems and generative models for natural language processing. It is presented as a thesis by article that contains four pieces of work. In the first article, we show that multi-task learning can be used to combine the inductive biases of several self-supervised and supervised learning tasks to learn general-purpose fixed-length distributed sentence representations that achieve strong results on downstream transfer learning tasks without any model fine-tuning. The second article builds on the first and presents a two-step generative model for text that models the distribution of sentence representations to produce novel sentence embeddings that serves as a high level ``neural outline'' that is reconstructed to words with a conditional autoregressive RNN decoder. The third article studies the necessity of disentangled representations for controllable text generation. A large fraction of controllable text generation systems rely on the idea that control over a particular attribute (or style) requires building disentangled representations that separate content and style. We demonstrate that representations produced in previous work that uses domain adversarial training are not disentangled in practice. We then present an approach that does not aim to learn disentangled representations and show that it achieves significantly better results than prior work. In the fourth article, we design transformer language models that learn representations at multiple time scales and show that these can help address the large memory footprint these models typically have. It presents three different multi-scale architectures that exhibit favorable perplexity vs memory footprint trade-offs

    Automatic Recognition of Non-Verbal Acoustic Communication Events With Neural Networks

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    Non-verbal acoustic communication is of high importance to humans and animals: Infants use the voice as a primary communication tool. Animals of all kinds employ acoustic communication, such as chimpanzees, which use pant-hoot vocalizations for long-distance communication. Many applications require the assessment of such communication for a variety of analysis goals. Computational systems can support these areas through automatization of the assessment process. This is of particular importance in monitoring scenarios over large spatial and time scales, which are infeasible to perform manually. Algorithms for sound recognition have traditionally been based on conventional machine learning approaches. In recent years, so-called representation learning approaches have gained increasing popularity. This particularly includes deep learning approaches that feed raw data to deep neural networks. However, there remain open challenges in applying these approaches to automatic recognition of non-verbal acoustic communication events, such as compensating for small data set sizes. The leading question of this thesis is: How can we apply deep learning more effectively to automatic recognition of non-verbal acoustic communication events? The target communication types were specifically (1) infant vocalizations and (2) chimpanzee long-distance calls. This thesis comprises four studies that investigated aspects of this question: Study (A) investigated the assessment of infant vocalizations by laypersons. The central goal was to derive an infant vocalization classification scheme based on the laypersons' perception. The study method was based on the Nijmegen Protocol, where participants rated vocalization recordings through various items, such as affective ratings and class labels. Results showed a strong association between valence ratings and class labels, which was used to derive a classification scheme. Study (B) was a comparative study on various neural network types for the automatic classification of infant vocalizations. The goal was to determine the best performing network type among the currently most prevailing ones, while considering the influence of their architectural configuration. Results showed that convolutional neural networks outperformed recurrent neural networks and that the choice of the frequency and time aggregation layer inside the network is the most important architectural choice. Study (C) was a detailed investigation on computer vision-like convolutional neural networks for infant vocalization classification. The goal was to determine the most important architectural properties for increasing classification performance. Results confirmed the importance of the aggregation layer and additionally identified the input size of the fully-connected layers and the accumulated receptive field to be of major importance. Study (D) was an investigation on compensating class imbalance for chimpanzee call detection in naturalistic long-term recordings. The goal was to determine which compensation method among a selected group improved performance the most for a deep learning system. Results showed that spectrogram denoising was most effective, while methods for compensating relative imbalance either retained or decreased performance.:1. Introduction 2. Foundations in Automatic Recognition of Acoustic Communication 3. State of Research 4. Study (A): Investigation of the Assessment of Infant Vocalizations by Laypersons 5. Study (B): Comparison of Neural Network Types for Automatic Classification of Infant Vocalizations 6. Study (C): Detailed Investigation of CNNs for Automatic Classification of Infant Vocalizations 7. Study (D): Compensating Class Imbalance for Acoustic Chimpanzee Detection With Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks 8. Conclusion and Collected Discussion 9. AppendixNonverbale akustische Kommunikation ist für Menschen und Tiere von großer Bedeutung: Säuglinge nutzen die Stimme als primäres Kommunikationsmittel. Schimpanse verwenden sogenannte 'Pant-hoots' und Trommeln zur Kommunikation über weite Entfernungen. Viele Anwendungen erfordern die Beurteilung solcher Kommunikation für verschiedenste Analyseziele. Algorithmen können solche Bereiche durch die Automatisierung der Beurteilung unterstützen. Dies ist besonders wichtig beim Monitoring langer Zeitspannen oder großer Gebiete, welche manuell nicht durchführbar sind. Algorithmen zur Geräuscherkennung verwendeten bisher größtenteils konventionelle Ansätzen des maschinellen Lernens. In den letzten Jahren hat eine alternative Herangehensweise Popularität gewonnen, das sogenannte Representation Learning. Dazu gehört insbesondere Deep Learning, bei dem Rohdaten in tiefe neuronale Netze eingespeist werden. Jedoch gibt es bei der Anwendung dieser Ansätze auf die automatische Erkennung von nonverbaler akustischer Kommunikation ungelöste Herausforderungen, wie z.B. die Kompensation der relativ kleinen Datenmengen. Die Leitfrage dieser Arbeit ist: Wie können wir Deep Learning effektiver zur automatischen Erkennung nonverbaler akustischer Kommunikation verwenden? Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich speziell auf zwei Kommunikationsarten: (1) vokale Laute von Säuglingen (2) Langstreckenrufe von Schimpansen. Diese Arbeit umfasst vier Studien, welche Aspekte dieser Frage untersuchen: Studie (A) untersuchte die Beurteilung von Säuglingslauten durch Laien. Zentrales Ziel war die Ableitung eines Klassifikationsschemas für Säuglingslaute auf der Grundlage der Wahrnehmung von Laien. Die Untersuchungsmethode basierte auf dem sogenannten Nijmegen-Protokoll. Hier beurteilten die Teilnehmenden Lautaufnahmen von Säuglingen anhand verschiedener Variablen, wie z.B. affektive Bewertungen und Klassenbezeichnungen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine starke Assoziation zwischen Valenzbewertungen und Klassenbezeichnungen, die zur Ableitung eines Klassifikationsschemas verwendet wurde. Studie (B) war eine vergleichende Studie verschiedener Typen neuronaler Netzwerke für die automatische Klassifizierung von Säuglingslauten. Ziel war es, den leistungsfähigsten Netzwerktyp unter den momentan verbreitetsten Typen zu ermitteln. Hierbei wurde der Einfluss verschiedener architektonischer Konfigurationen innerhalb der Typen berücksichtigt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Convolutional Neural Networks eine höhere Performance als Recurrent Neural Networks erreichten. Außerdem wurde gezeigt, dass die Wahl der Frequenz- und Zeitaggregationsschicht die wichtigste architektonische Entscheidung ist. Studie (C) war eine detaillierte Untersuchung von Computer Vision-ähnlichen Convolutional Neural Networks für die Klassifizierung von Säuglingslauten. Ziel war es, die wichtigsten architektonischen Eigenschaften zur Steigerung der Erkennungsperformance zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnisse bestätigten die Bedeutung der Aggregationsschicht. Zusätzlich Eigenschaften, die als wichtig identifiziert wurden, waren die Eingangsgröße der vollständig verbundenen Schichten und das akkumulierte rezeptive Feld. Studie (D) war eine Untersuchung zur Kompensation der Klassenimbalance zur Erkennung von Schimpansenrufen in Langzeitaufnahmen. Ziel war es, herauszufinden, welche Kompensationsmethode aus einer Menge ausgewählter Methoden die Performance eines Deep Learning Systems am meisten verbessert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Spektrogrammentrauschen am effektivsten war, während Methoden zur Kompensation des relativen Ungleichgewichts die Performance entweder gleichhielten oder verringerten.:1. Introduction 2. Foundations in Automatic Recognition of Acoustic Communication 3. State of Research 4. Study (A): Investigation of the Assessment of Infant Vocalizations by Laypersons 5. Study (B): Comparison of Neural Network Types for Automatic Classification of Infant Vocalizations 6. Study (C): Detailed Investigation of CNNs for Automatic Classification of Infant Vocalizations 7. Study (D): Compensating Class Imbalance for Acoustic Chimpanzee Detection With Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks 8. Conclusion and Collected Discussion 9. Appendi
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