26 research outputs found


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    Abstract: The objective of this research are to find out whether, the result of students’ score by using Think Pair Share Technique maximal, the result of students’ score by using Pairs Check Technique maximal and students’ score of Writing Ability in Recount Text, how far the result of Influence of  Using Think Pair Share and Pairs Check Tehnique toward Students Writing Ability in Recount Text. This research is Quantitative research. Research design that will be used in this research is true experimental design. The population of this research is the students’ of SMP N 2 Pekalongan in 2013/2014 that consist of 603 students. The sample is 60 students. As the sample, 30 as experimental class and 30 as  control class. In taking sample, the researcher used the cluster random sampling. The data collecting tehniques the researcher used are try-out, pre-test, treatment and post-test. The data analyzing tehniques, the researcher used normality test, homogenity test and hypothesis test. The differences of both the tehnique are TPS Tehnique can make students enjoy and fun in learning process because it is adopted by Share and can make students be active in learning. Based on the data analysis, the researcher uses t-test formula. The researcher got the result of tobserved = 2.78 and ttable is 2.00. it means that tobserved > ttable. And the criterion of ttest is Ha accepted if tobserved > ttable . So, there is differences between using TPS and Pairs Check tehnique toward students’ writing ability in recount text at the students of SMP N 2 Pekalongan in academic year 2013/2014

    Líneas temáticas del pensamiento del filósofo Charles Sanders Peirce a través de la revista Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society : a Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy, periodo (1965-2005) : análisis bibliométrico

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    El documento presenta un análisis bibliométrico de la publicación Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: a Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy, con el objetivo de dar respuesta a la identificación de las principales líneas de discusión y temáticas tratadas desde su inicio en el año 1965, hasta agosto del año 2005. A través de la aplicación de herramientas proporcionadas por la bibliometría se analiza la participación de los autores en los artículos publicados, identificando el grupo elite de dicha comunidad, además se establece la evolución que han sufrido las tendencias temáticas y las líneas de investigación dando un énfasis en la clasificación de las ciencias según Charles Sanders Peirce; por último se identificaron las personas que son tratadas como tema en los artículos evidenciando la producción de y sobre Charles Sanders Peirce y demás filósofos que se han tratado en los cuarenta años de publicación ininterrumpida de la revista.Profesional en Ciencia de la Información - Bibliotecólogo (a)Pregrad

    Racionalidad matemática y realidad Consecuencias metafísicas y teológicas

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    ¿Es la matemática formal un instrumento preciso y objetivo para expresar con objetividad nuestro conocimiento del mundo real? El uso de reglas formales en el razonamiento deductivo es un reto que subyace al ideal mecanicista. Los lenguajes formales convierten las proposiciones en objetos que pueden ser manipulados por computadores. Por otra parte, el desarrollo de la matemática ha mostrado que la matemática formal no puede ser completa. Otra fuente de indeterminación procede del carácter indeterminado y probabilístico de las mismas leyes del mundo real. Esto significa que la actividad matemática está necesariamente confrontada con el riesgo de elegir entre diversas posibilidades. Sin embargo, la apertura de la matemática al riesgo no es una apertura a la irracionalidad. Preguntándonos meta-racionalmente por la permanencia de la racionalidad global, observamos que la consistencia de los sistemas, entendida como exclusión de contradicción interna y exclusión de mutua contradicción, es un valor meta-racional cuya permanencia tiene consecuencias metafísicas y teológicas

    Student oriented education for China : a Whiteheadian proposal

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    In this thesis I argue in favour of student-oriented education for China based on the educational philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. Whitehead’s educational thought, while Western in origin, has a strong appeal for Chinese educators because of its openness to other cultural traditions. My own experience as a student and teacher, coupled with a general review of the history of education in China, shows how education is, and has been, exclusively defined by students’ success in exams. This approach, which I refer to as test-oriented education, is problematical because, by overemphasizing students’ performance in exams, it abstracts learning from their experience. The result is that learning becomes boring and useless to most students, and they do not see the relevance of education to life. In contrast, Whitehead proposes that education be based on students’ rich experience and that its aim should be their full self-development as beings imbued with body, mind and spirit. I refer to this approach as student-oriented education, and I believe it would provide more humane, well-rounded, and culturally appropriate forms of learning to Chinese students. More specifically, Whitehead’s protest against inert ideas underlines the importance of two key concepts in education, namely the interest of students and the usefulness of knowledge. Second, his conception of learning, or “the rhythm of education,” works as a guide in making education interesting and useful. Third, his account of technical education helps to restore a balance between abstraction and concreteness, precision and romance, discipline and freedom, education and life, and his insights on arts and aesthetic appreciation strengthen the life of the spirit by directing students’ attention to the value and beauty in their lives. Finally, his advocacy of a balanced education enables a balanced development of students by paying equal attention to their bodily feelings, spiritual cultivation, and intellectual capabilities. In this manner, education can “evoke into life wisdom and beauty” which otherwise “would remain lost in the past”

    A primordial, mathematical, logical and computable, demonstration (proof) of the family of conjectures known as Goldbach´s

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    licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.In this document, by means of a novel system model and first order topological, algebraic and geometrical free-­‐context formal language (NT-­‐FS&L), first, we describe a new signature for a set of the natural numbers that is rooted in an intensional inductive de-­‐embedding process of both, the tensorial identities of the known as “natural numbers”, and the abstract framework of theirs locus-­‐positional based symbolic representations. Additionally, we describe that NT-­‐FS&L is able to: i.-­‐ Embed the De Morgan´s Laws and the FOL-­‐Peano´s Arithmetic Axiomatic. ii.-­‐ Provide new points of view and perspectives about the succession, precede and addition operations and of their abstract, topological, algebraic, analytic geometrical, computational and cognitive, formal representations. Second, by means of the inductive apparatus of NT-­‐FS&L, we proof that the family of conjectures known as Glodbach’s holds entailment and truth when the reasoning starts from the consistent and finitary axiomatic system herein describedWe wish to thank the Organic Chemistry Institute of the Spanish National Research Council (IQOG/CSIC) for its operative and technical support to the Pedro Noheda Research Group (PNRG). We also thank the Institute for Physical and Information Technologies (ITETI/CSIC) of the Spanish National Research Council for their hospitality. We also thank for their long years of dedicated and kind support Dr. Juan Martínez Armesto (VATC/CSIC), Belén Cabrero Suárez (IQOG/CSIC, Administration), Mar Caso Neira (IQOG/CENQUIOR/CSIC, Library) and David Herrero Ruíz (PNRG/IQOG/CSIC). We wish to thank to Bernabé-­‐Pajares´s brothers (Dr. Manuel Bernabé-­‐Pajares, IQOG/CSIC Structural Chemistry & Biochemistry; Magnetic Nuclear Resonance and Dr. Alberto Bernabé Pajares (Greek Philology and Indo-­‐European Linguistics/UCM), for their kind attention during numerous and kind discussions about space, time, imaging and representation of knowledge, language, transcription mistakes, myths and humans always holding us familiar illusion and passion for knowledge and intellectual progress. We wish to thank Dr. Carlos Cativiela Marín (ISQCH/UNIZAR) for his encouragement and for kind listening and attention. We wish to thank Miguel Lorca Melton for his encouragement and professional point of view as Patent Attorney. Last but not least, our gratitude to Nati, María and Jaime for the time borrowed from a loving husband and father. Finally, we apologize to many who have not been mentioned today, but to whom we are grateful. Finally, let us point out that we specially apologize to many who have been mentioned herein for any possible misunderstanding regarding the sense and intension of their philosophic, scientific and/or technical hard work and milestone ideas; we hope that at least Goldbach, Euler and Feymann do not belong to this last human´s collectivity.Peer reviewe

    Influencia de los juegos didácticos en el aprendizaje de la matemática en estudiantes de educación primaria de la FCEH, UNAP 2017-2018

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    The present study determines the influence of the didactic games in the learning of the mathematics in students of Primary Education of the Faculty of Sciences of the Education and Humanities of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon. The descriptive method of surveys, the historical of primary sources of records and control of procedures of selective manipulation of the sample. The approach was quantitative. The substantive type at a descriptive level of explanatory scope. The non-experimental design of correlation type in a single group, the sample is constituted by 14.71% of the population of 272 students. It is determined that there is a 49% that the didactic games condition the learning of mathematics. The contrast of the hypothesis at a significance level of ?=0.01, of the Rho correlation coefficient of Spearman r=0.7 by the t-Student distribution in the bilateral test with gl=38, finding a high, positive and significant correlation and accepts the hypothesis: The didactic games influence positively and significantly in the learning of mathematics in the students of Primary Education of the Faculty of Sciences of Education and Humanities of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon.El presente estudio determina la influencia de los juegos didácticos en el aprendizaje de la matemática en estudiantes de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana. El método descriptivo de encuestas, el histórico de fuentes primarias de registros y control de procedimientos de manipulación selectiva de la muestra. El enfoque fue cuantitativo. El tipo sustantivo a un nivel descriptivo de alcance explicativo. El diseño no experimental de tipo correlacional en un solo grupo, la muestra está constituida por el 14.71% de la población de 272 estudiantes. Se determina que existe un 49% que los juegos didácticos condicionen el aprendizaje de la matemática. El contraste de la hipótesis a un nivel de significación de ?=0.01, del coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman r=0.7 mediante la distribución t-Student en la prueba bilateral con gl=38, encontrando una correlación alta, positiva y significativa y se acepta la hipótesis: Los juegos didácticos influyen positiva y significativamente en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en los estudiantes de educación Primaria de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana.O presente estudo determina a influência dos jogos didáticos na aprendizagem da matemática em alunos do Ensino Fundamental da Faculdade de Ciências da Educação e Humanidades da Universidade Nacional da Amazônia Peruana. O método descritivo das pesquisas, o histórico das fontes primárias de registros e o controle dos procedimentos para manipulação seletiva da amostra. A abordagem dos ítems descritos no parágrafo anterior foi quantitativo. O tipo substantivo num nível descritivo de escopo explicativo. Aplicando o desenho não experimental do tipo correlacional num único grupo, a amostra é composta por 14,71% da população de 272 alunos. Constatou-se que há um 49% de chances que os jogos didáticos condicionem a aprendizagem da matemática. O contraste da hipótese a um nível de significância de α=0,01, do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman Rho r=0,7 através da distribuição t-Student no teste bilateral com gl=38, permite encontrar uma correlação alta, positiva e significativa. Sendo assim possivel dizer que aceita-se a hipótese seguinte: Os jogos educativos têm uma influência positiva e significativa na aprendizagem da matemática nos alunos do Ensino Fundamental da Faculdade de Ciências da Educação e Humanidades da Universidade Nacional da Amazônia Peruana

    ST512 - Course Notebook

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    This course notebook contains the following sections: Course Planner Syllabus Study Guide Lecture Outlines Course Bibliographies Supplemental Study Materials Course copyright 1996, Revised 2011

    Epistemología y sentido común

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    1 archivo PDF (163 páginas); 1a ed. 2005, 2a. reimpresión 2007Se ofrece una concisa introducción a los temas generales de la teoría del conocimiento, al tiempo que se relaciona constantemente esa discusión con los debates, corrientes intelectuales y tradiciones de investigación de la sociología y la teoría social