90,629 research outputs found


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    The objectives of research are describing the implementation of writing to hearing – impair students writing, error analysis, and the improvement needed in teaching and learning writing to hearing – impair students. The research was conducted at a senior high school with special needs program in Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province. It is qualitative research in form of case study. The data of this thesis were collected through observation, interview, document analysis, and audio and visual material or photograph. Data analyzing are based on qualitative analysis, and quantitative analysis. This research result shows that: (1) the implementation of teaching and learning writing to hearing – impair students comprises of five dimensions: the documents of teaching and learning available to writing lesson, the procedure of teaching and learning writing, the evaluation used in writing class, the class climate during teaching and learning writing, and difficulties in teaching and learning writing; (2) the errors analysis in writing are categorized into: misspelling word, missing word and incomplete word structure; and (3) improvement offered to the teacher in the writing class was providing more feedback to the students writing.    Keyword: writing, hearing – impair students, error analysis, case study

    An explicit model for learning to structure and analyze decisions by judges

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    Legal practitioners and legal scientists need to have knowledge of the general rules that apply in the legal system. This involves both knowledge of the legislation and knowledge of the decisions by judges that function as general rules of law. Law students preparing themselves for the legal profession need to acquire these kinds of knowledge. A student has to have knowledge about where to look for decisions, understand the structure of decisions and learn to determine what makes a decision relevant to the body of applicable rules in the legal system. Legal education primarily aims at acquiring insight in the legal sources, their history and background. This basic knowledge is of great importance; legal problem solving is hardly possible without an understanding of the legal knowledge. To illustrate the use of this knowledge in practice, teachers work through decisions as examples. However, it is difficult, if not impossible, to learn by explanation or by imitation alone. A more effective way to obtain expertise is by actually performing the task, i.e. students should do the exercises, while the teacher provides feedback on their solutions. For effective learning, also the solution process should be monitored and provided with feedback. Furthermore it is desirable for students to be able to ask for help at any time during the process. They should also be able to practice over and over again. An ideal situation would have a teacher available for every student, monitoring the student while practicing and providing support where and whenever necessary. However, this being not practically feasible, the second best option is to offer the student electronic support. CASE (Case Analysis and Structuring Environment) is an environment where a law student can practice with finding decisions, with structuring its text and with analysing the decision in order to be able to determine in what way it adds to the body of applicable rules in the legal system. CASE is developed using a principled and structured design approach. A short description of this approach is followed by an analysis of the learning task, the difficulties law students experience and the remedies proposed on the basis of both the task analysis and the stated difficulties. This is followed by a description of architecture, functionality, platform and implementation of CASE and a description of a session with CASE and future work

    Analysis of Learning Difficulties in Object Oriented Programming in Systems Engineering Students at UNTELS

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    The learning difficulties of Object-Oriented Programming can be one of the causes of failure in college students, which can even lead to student dropout. This article has the purpose of analyzing the main learning difficulties of object-oriented programming using the Java programming language in Systems Engineering students of the Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur (UNTELS), research that arises because the students reflect low academic performance in the subject of Programming Language I (objectoriented programming) that is developed in the fourth academic cycle with six hours of practice and zero hours of theory, because this is determined by the study curriculum. To collect data, first, the possible causes associated with learning difficulties have been identified through direct dialogue with the students of the second academic semester of 2019, then with these causes a questionnaire has been prepared to apply the survey technique. establishing indicators classified in the dimensions Teaching methodology, Previous knowledge of programming courses, reading materials, learning concepts and Process of learning to program. This research yielded as a result that students perceive with greater difficulty the indicators corresponding to the dimension "Learning concepts", in second place, the dimension Process of learning to program is presented, in third place the dimension Teaching methodology, in fourth place the Reading materials dimension and fifthly the dimension Previous knowledge of programming courses, the results of which will serve as a basis for the teachers of the subject to improve the strategies in the teaching / learning process in the students of the professional career of Engineering Systems


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    Based on School Based Curriculum (KTSP), reading is one of the English language skills that must be taught and learned in Senior High School or Vocational High School. Senior High School 1 Tanah Putih in Rohil regency is a school which uses KTSP as the curriculum in the teaching and learning process. After doing observation in Senior high school 1 Tanah Putih , the writer found that the students still had difficulties in comprehending the reading text. The students were difficult to find the meaning of the words or sentences in the text. In this case, the teacher was expected to find a good method in order to give a good contribution to increase students’ reading comprehension by applying Task-Based Learning method. This research was conducted in senior high school 1 Tanah Putih, the subject of this research was the first grade students of Senior high school 1 Tanah Putih, and the object of this research was the effect of Task-Based Learning method toward reading comprehension on narrative text. The research design was a Quasi-Experimental research. Total number of population of the first grade students at Senior High School 1 Tanah Putih was 130, because the number of population was too large, the writer used cluster sampling to take two classes as a sample. Class X.4 consisted of 25 students as a control class and X.5 consisted of 25 students as experimental class. Total number of sample for both of classes was 50 students. The data were got by pre and post test and the data were analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 version program with Independent Sample T-test. After analyzing the data by using SPSS 16.0 version program, it was obtained that tobserved (to) was higher than ttable (tt) with 5% and 1% significance level. It means, null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected, and alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In conclusion, there was significant effect of using Task-Based Learning method towards reading comprehension on narrative text of the first grade students at SMAN 1 Tanah Putih, Rohil Regency

    A multinational, multi-institutional study of assessment of programming skills of first-year CS students

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    In computer science, an expected outcome of a student's education is programming skill. This working group investigated the programming competency students have as they complete their first one or two courses in computer science. In order to explore options for assessing students, the working group developed a trial assessment of whether students can program. The underlying goal of this work was to initiate dialog in the Computer Science community on how to develop these types of assessments. Several universities participated in our trial assessment and the disappointing results suggest that many students do not know how to program at the conclusion of their introductory courses. For a combined sample of 216 students from four universities, the average score was 22.89 out of 110 points on the general evaluation criteria developed for this study. From this trial assessment we developed a framework of expectations for first-year courses and suggestions for further work to develop more comprehensive assessments


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    The objectives of this research are: (1) to find out whether wall charts can improve the English vocabulary mastery of the fifth grade elementary students (2) to find out students’ motivation when wall chart is used in teaching vocabulary. The research data were collected by using observation, interview, document, and test (pre-test and post-test). The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis which consists of assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretation, and reporting the outcomes for the qualitative data and descriptive statistics for the quantitative data. The research findings show that wall charts are able to improve students’ vocabulary mastery and students’ motivation. It shows that there was an improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery before and after the research. Key words: action research, vocabulary, wall charts, motivatio

    Settlement process of Afghan immigrant women based on cultural perspective in Finland

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    The study examined the settlement issues of Afghan immigrant women from a cultural perspective in Finland. The study explores the process of Afghan women settlement and focus on the cultural causes, aspects and the issues which make the settlement challenging and difficult for them. It also considers how these women face with these challenges during their settlement. The theoretical frameworks of this study are Frames for understanding settlement process and immigrant settlement experiences. The immigrant’s settlement experiences explain immigrant’s cultural challenges and the coping strategies which they use to deal with the cultural challenges. It also studies the services which immigrants receive during the process of their settlement such as social work services and migrations services during their settlement process which can make the process easier for immigrant women. This study is qualitative research where data was analyzed using content and thematic analysis. The data was collected from interview with six respondents. Participants in the study included six adult Afghans immigrant women who have resided in Finland more than 3 years .They were interviewed separately with open –ended in-depth interviews. The thesis explains the main cultural aspects which bring issues for Afghan women settlement (religion, language, discrimination, family…) and the cultural aspects which immigrants use in order to overcome their challenges (Religion, individual attributes, social support). The analysis of the interviews resulted in three core themes (1) cultural challenges (2) Personal coping strategies (3) Satisfaction level from receiving social services. The central argument of this study is about immigrants who face different challenges as soon as they left their countries. Beside self-awareness and having positive attitudes, immigrants need different kind of support in order to overcome these challenges and reach to a balance in their new lives. There is lack of knowledge about immigrants in between the people of countries which immigrants migrate and even between the service providers. There is a need for more comprehensive and multicultural knowledge about immigrants. People and service providers need to be more educated about immigrants in order to ease the process of their settlement after migration

    The effect of ability-grouping techniques on students' perceptions of speaking tasks

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media, Licenciado en Educación)Un problema crítico en la enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera en Chile es que la mayoría de los profesores no pueden interactuar con sus alumnos del colegio usando el lengua meta. Lo anterior corresponde a una falta de oportunidades de los estudiantes para practicar la habilidad de hablar a través de conversaciones y trabajo colaborativo. De acuerdo a esto, agrupar a los alumnos precisamente en clases ha demostrado incentivar dichas oportunidades. Por lo tanto, ya que el consenso en técnicas de agrupación es controversial, el presente estudio apunta a contrastar las percepciones de los alumnos de acuerdo a agrupaciones de habilidades homogéneas y heterogéneas comparando dos segundos medios en un colegio chileno subvencionado. Por una parte el Grupo A fue organizado homogéneamente de acuerdo a sus competencias en el idioma mediante una prueba de diagnóstico para que los estudiantes con nivel similar estuvieran juntos. Por otra parte, el Grupo B fue organizado heterogéneamente para que los estudiantes con diferentes niveles estuvieran juntos. Este experimento siguió un diseño de comparación y fue utilizado un instrumento correspondiente a un cuestionario con una escala Likert para medir las percepciones de los estudiantes de acuerdo a las técnicas de agrupación. La aplicación consistió en seis clases para ambos grupos en tratamiento, las cuales incluyeron los seis tipos de actividades colaborativas de tres tipos diferentes de tarea. Las actividades y sus respectivos tipo de actividades son, de la primera a la última: “Juego de Roles” y “Entrevista” (Tarea Interpersonal), “Quién soy yo” y “Debate” (Tarea Transaccional), “Contar una Historia” y “Presentación de Afiche” (Tarea Extensiva). Consecuentemente, el principal hallazgo del estudio muestra que todos los estudiantes (ambos grupos, A y B) percibieron las técnicas de agrupación positivamente. Finalmente, contrastando ambas técnicas de agrupación, los estudiantes del Grupo B (heterogéneo) percibieron la mayor parte de las actividades más positivamente que el Grupo A (homogéneo)One critical problem in Chilean EFL teaching is that most teachers cannot interact with school learners using the target language. The latter corresponds to a shortage of opportunities for learners to practice the speaking skill through conversation and collaboration. Accordingly, grouping learners accurately in classes have proved to encourage the referred opportunities. Therefore, since consensus on grouping techniques is controversial, the current study aimed to contrast learners‟ perceptions on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous ability-grouping by comparing two tenth grade courses in a Chilean subsidized school. On the one hand, Group A was arranged homogeneously in compliance with learners‟ low, middle, or high ability level diagnosed in an oral pretest, so learners with similar level were together. On the other hand, Group B was arranged heterogeneously so learners with different levels were gathered. This experiment followed a comparison-group design and used as an instrument a questionnaire with a Likert scale to measure learners‟ perceptions on grouping techniques. The application consisted on six lessons for both treatment groups, which featured six different collaborative activities taken from three different types of tasks. The activities and their respective type of task are, from first to last: Role Play and Interview (Interpersonal tasks), Who am I and Debate (Transactional tasks), Story Telling and Poster Presentation (Extensive tasks). Consequently, the main finding of the study shows that all learners (from both, Groups A and B) perceived grouping techniques positively. Finally, when contrasting both grouping techniques, learners from Group B (Heterogeneous) perceived most of the activities more positively than Group A (Homogeneous)

    Instructional strategies and tactics for the design of introductory computer programming courses in high school

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    This article offers an examination of instructional strategies and tactics for the design of introductory computer programming courses in high school. We distinguish the Expert, Spiral and Reading approach as groups of instructional strategies that mainly differ in their general design plan to control students' processing load. In order, they emphasize topdown program design, incremental learning, and program modification and amplification. In contrast, tactics are specific design plans that prescribe methods to reach desired learning outcomes under given circumstances. Based on ACT* (Anderson, 1983) and relevant research, we distinguish between declarative and procedural instruction and present six tactics which can be used both to design courses and to evaluate strategies. Three tactics for declarative instruction involve concrete computer models, programming plans and design diagrams; three tactics for procedural instruction involve worked-out examples, practice of basic cognitive skills and task variation. In our evaluation of groups of instructional strategies, the Reading approach has been found to be superior to the Expert and Spiral approaches