20 research outputs found

    La Inteligencia Artificial a través de sus científicos

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    Las raíces de la inteligencia artificial son más antiguas y profundas de lo que convencionalmente se presupone en el relato canónico. Avanzaremos la hipótesis de que la creación de artefactos que muestran comportamientos inteligentes es la continuación natural de la búsqueda del logos, el principio objetivo que gobierna el cosmos, que permite al humano conocer y actuar sobre el mundo. Siguiendo la tradición filosófica. Lo haremos hablando de los científicos que han hecho posible esta apasionante empres

    Mind as Machine: The Influence of Mechanism on the Conceptual Foundations of the Computer Metaphor

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    his article will focus on the mechanistic origins of the computer metaphor, which forms the conceptual framework for the methodology of the cognitive sciences, some areas of artificial intelligence and the philosophy of mind. The connection between the history of computing technology, epistemology and the philosophy of mind is expressed through the metaphorical dictionaries of the philosophical discourse of a particular era. The conceptual clarification of this connection and the substantiation of the mechanistic components of the computer metaphor is the main goal of this article. The statement is substantiated that the invention of mechanical computing devices, having a long history in the European engineering tradition, formed the prerequisites for the emergence of machine functionalism in the modern philosophy of mind. The idea of multiple implementation stems from the principle that a formal symbol system prescribes rules for the use of rational abstractions through the physical architecture of a computational engine. The article considers the reasons for the conceptual shift and reveals the semantic foundations for the metaphorical transfer of the properties of abstract objects from the theory of automata to the field of modern philosophy of mind. The criticism and ways of protecting the philosophical program of machine functionalism are analyzed by changing the content of the metaphor “Mind as machine”. The reasons for the stability of the information-computer approach in cognitive sciences are also disclosed and explained

    Metaphorical sense in Lullian art of medicine. Some of its particularities

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    Nos hemos introducido en la obra médica de Ramón Llull en el contexto de la filosofía natural, estudiando la relación entre la obra médica y el ars luliano -en especial el Liber Principiorum Medicinae- así como el sentido metafórico que Llull intenta aportarle. Hemos analizado algunas de sus aportaciones a la medicina y hemos puesto de manifiesto el interés por seguir las huellas de sus fuentes textuales, en el ámbito de las transferencias del conocimiento entre algunas de las escuelas médicas en el s. XIII.We have approached to the medical work of Lull in relation to natural philosophy, studying the relations between the Lullian ars and his medical work -with special attention to his Liber Principiorum Medicinae- and the metaphorical sense that Lull attempts to bring. We have analyzed some of his contributions to medicine and revealed the significance of his sources, in the context of the exchange of knowledge among some medical schools in 13th C

    El lulismo del siglo XXI : ¿máquina de pensar o súper-inteligencia?

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    El lulismo de la segunda mitad del siglo xx se caracteriza por asumir que el Arte luliano hace parte de la historia del desarrollo tecnológico digital. Este supuesto vincula al Ars magna, sin proponérselo, al problema de la identificación entre las operaciones de las máquinas y el discurrir de la mente. Este asunto ha quedado un tanto aislado del entusiasmo de los lulistas contemporáneos que ven en el Arte una herramienta heurística, un proto-cálculo de relaciones entre elementos simples que podría representar un ancestro de la computación. Se trata de mostrar si es posible que en esta identificación se encuentre un punto de vista "débil" o "fuerte", lo que se muestra a partir de la noción que tenían los medievales de los artificios criptográficos o mnemotécnicos que lejos de sustituir o imitar las operaciones mentales, procuraban servir de instrumentos que aumentaban las capacidades lingüísticas e imaginativas del ser humano.Lullism assumed in the second half of the 20th century that Llull's Art is part of the early history of digital technology. This assumption, inadvertently, links the Ars magna to the question about the relations between the operations of digital machines and mental activities. This issue has been slightly neglected in contemporary Lullism which sees in the Art an ancestor of computation, insofar as it is considered as a sort of heuristic tool that is able to calculate - in a primordial sense - the relationships between simple elements. This paper explores whether it is possible to put forward a "weak" or a "strong" interpretation of mind-machines relations in terms of medieval inventions such as cryptographers or mnemonic arts, which bear similarities with Llull's Art. These artifacts, far from replacing or imitating mind operations, sought to serve as a sort of instruments that increased the linguistic and imaginative human abilities


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    Pastplay: Teaching and Learning History with Technology

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    In the field of history, the Web and other technologies have become important tools in research and teaching of the past. Yet the use of these tools is limited—many historians and history educators have resisted adopting them because they fail to see how digital tools supplement and even improve upon conventional tools (such as books). In Pastplay, a collection of essays by leading history and humanities researchers and teachers, editor Kevin Kee works to address these concerns head-on. How should we use technology? Playfully, Kee contends. Why? Because doing so helps us think about the past in new ways; through the act of creating technologies, our understanding of the past is re-imagined and developed. From the insights of numerous scholars and teachers, Pastplay argues that we should play with technology in history because doing so enables us to see the past in new ways by helping us understand how history is created; honoring the roots of research, teaching, and technology development; requiring us to model our thoughts; and then allowing us to build our own understanding

    Javier de Lucas and Condorcet: three seminal ideas

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    This paper starts from the essay dedicated to the thought of the Marquis de Condorcet by Javier de Lucas, as a tribute to his academic retirement. After an introduction, the article contains the following sections: the second, devoted to Condorcet's paradox, which anticipates today's rational choice theory and prefigures Arrow's well-known impossibility theorem. This section will also go backwards, to show that some of Condorcet's ideas were already in the Majorcan thinker Ramon Llull in the Middle Ages, and forwards, to show that they also anticipated today's doctrinal paradox or discursive dilemma. The third section will deal with Condorcet's so-called jury theorem, according to which the probability of a decision on a given question be correct, given certain preconditions, increases as the number of people who have to make the decision increases. This is a theorem that can be proved from the basic axioms of probability theory. This idea is at the origin of current epistemic conceptions of democracy. In the fourth section, it will be shown that John Rawls' so-called difference principle, according to which inequalities are only justified when they are to the benefit of the most disadvantaged in society, had been clearly formulated by Condorcet. Section five will conclude


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    Fe y razón según Ramón Llull: El Liber de convenientia fidei et intellectus in obiecto (1314)

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    En este trabajo ofrecemos la traducción del latín al español del Liber de convenientia fidei et intellectus in obiecto (1314) de Ramón Llull, con introducción y notas. Se trata de una obra en la que el filósofo mallorquín efectúa una síntesis de su pensamiento en torno de las relaciones entre fe y razón, así como de su posición respecto de la defensa de la fe católica y la conversión de los no cristianos. El opúsculo, que se muestra como un trabajo definitivo en cuanto al establecimiento de la relación mencionada, hecha mano de los elementos fundamentales de su sistema, el Ars magna, pero aun así es una rara avis dentro de la opus luliana: está pleno de citas bíblicas y alusiones a las auctoritates eclesiásticas más renombradas, unas y otras ausentes en la mayoría de las obras lulianas