506 research outputs found

    Wskaźniki udziału obszarów zieleni w wybranych miastach województwa pomorskiego jako podstawa działań programowych i planistycznych

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    W artykule zwrócono uwagę na problem istotnego zróżnicowania wielkości wskaźników udziału terenów zieleni, w zależności od metodyki ich szacowania, na przykładzie wybranych 15 miast województwa pomorskiego. Porównywano wskaźniki w dwóch grupach: odnoszących się do procentowego udziału terenów zieleni w miastach oraz do powierzchni zieleni przypadającej na statystycznego mieszkańca. Wartości wskaźników uzyskane przy użyciu odmiennej metodyki i danych wejściowych są diametralnie różne od podanych według oficjalnej sprawozdawczości GUS. Rezultaty przeprowadzonej analizy są przyczynkiem do dyskusji dotyczącej doboru, optymalizacji i stosowalności odpowiednich miar dotyczących zieleni w miastach

    Aleksander Gieysztor and Gerard Labuda (For the 100th Anniversary of Two Great Historians’ birthdays 1919–2016)

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    Two Polish historians and friends, both born in 1916, were among the most eminent medievalists in Poland in the 20 th century. Their academic debut came in the years preceding the outbreak of WWII, while their careers progressed brilliantly in the years following the end of the war. For several decades, they marked their academic presence as the authors of great works, and they held the most prominent offices in academic life in Poland and in the international arena. They took an active part in the process of political transition, leading to Poland regaining full sovereignty in 1989, and they approved of its evolutionary mode. They were unquestionable moral authorities for scolarly circles and beacons in public activities. Aleksander Gieysztor died in 1999, followed eleven years later by Gerard Labuda (2010), who remained active until his last days. The 100th anniversary of their birthdays reminds historical circles, first and foremost, albeit not only, of Warsaw and Poznań, about their academic and public achievements

    The Function of Hotels in Revitalizing Rural Areas: Case Studies in Pomerania Province

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    This article indicates optimal local, social, economic and geographical relationships contributing to the effective implementation of hotel investment as a part of rural area revitalisation. This will be undertaken through the case studies of four hotels functioning in revitalized historical buildings in the rural areas of Pomerania Province. A ‘multiple case study’ will be performed based on the following methods: 1) the desk study of the data concerning the activity of the hotels; 2) a micro- and meso-scale cartographic inventory; 3) structured individual in-depth interviews with hotel owners and managers, as well as with the authorities and officials responsible for the promotion of the communes where the hotels are situated

    The impact of introducing the recent DILO card scheme on the causes for admitting patients to the Wejherowo Cancer Clinic compared to previous conditions

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    Introduction. Patient waiting time for specialist consultations in oncology had ranged from a few to several weeks in 2013. This was due to there being insufficient physicians in oncology, an uneven distribution of cancer centres and that referrals were not necessarily required for attending cancer out-patient clinics. After introducing the ‘Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer’ (DILO) card, reduced waiting times were intended. Materials and methods. A retrospective study was undertaken at the hospital workplace to analyse reasons for referral in 1124 patients registering for the first time at the Cancer Clinic in Wejherowo in 2015, where those with or without DILO cards were compared. In cases of referrals for which cancer was suspected, clinical and histopathological or cytological investigations were performed. Those qualifying for radical oncological treatment were also counted in. Results. For most cases the reasons for oncological referral using DILO cards were found to be pathologies detected by imaging tests, whereas few diagnoses were made that were based on either cytological or histopathological testing, or indeed by any abnormalities observed from physical examination. Conclusions. Based on the outcomes and experience of the authors, a practical set of guidelines has been proposed when making patient referrals to cancer out-patient clinics for consultation. Coupled with this, GPs’ increased knowledge on cancer may serve to lessen the number of referrals to cancer out-patient clinics. Thus, access to oncological consultations would become facilitated

    Youth as a recipient of marketing innovations in activities of companies providing municipal services

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    Companies operating in the utilities sector has little interested in the problems of marketing and marketing innovations. Now the situation is changing because more utilities providers are beginning to analyze the needs of their clients. From the point of view of marketing science is not the end of the examined the specific nature and scope of innovation in the utilities sector, taking into account the perspective of the customer which is the youth and children. This paper tries to complement this knowledge. The article raises the issue of marketing innovations aimed at young people as a group of prospective clients companies providing municipal services. In the theoretical part presents the concept of innovation and characterizes the essence of marketing innovations. It also presents a model of innovation services with references to the utilities sector. These issues are illustrated by practical examples of marketing innovations, which the public is young people as a priority group from the point of view of the development strategy of companies operating in the utilities sector

    Gospodarka lokalna w teorii i praktyce

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    Artykuł prezentuje fragment badań na temat strategii rozwoju lokalnego gmin województwa pomorskiego. Analizuje je pod kątem konstrukcji oraz porównuje z przyjętym schematem – modelem teoretycznym.Alicja Sekuł

    The results of first line systemic therapy of NSCLC in clinical practice

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      Introduction. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world. Every year, there are over 1.4 million new cases and about 1.3 million deaths due to lung cancer. Data on the results of palliative treatment of patients with non-small cell lung cancer in Poland are scarce. Methods. The results of first-line palliative chemotherapy in 204 lung cancer patients treated in the period 2011–2014 in two cancer centres were analysed. Results. The mean age of the study group was 63.4 ± 8.3 years; 155 patients received chemotherapy with cisplatin, 33 — schemes containing carboplatin, 8 — inhibitors of EGFR tyrosine kinase, 8 — vinorelbine or gemcitabine mo­notherapy. Complete regression was observed in 2 patients, partial response — in 52 patients (25%), stable disease in 92 (45%) and 58 (28%) patients had progression. Median survival for the entire group of patients was 12 months. Multidrug chemotherapy with cisplatin compared with chemotherapy involving carboplatin monotherapy was associated with increased toxicity in total (p = 0.04). An increased toxicity concerned only to haematological compli­cations and renal insufficiency expressed by the level of creatinine in blood serum. There was no apparent effect of chemotherapy on the overall quality of life. Conclusions. The results of palliative treatment of non-small cell lung cancer in daily practice are comparable to those obtained in prospective clinical trials despite having a different population of treated patients. The use of palliative chemotherapy had no significant effect on quality of life

    The making of the Gdańsk metropolitan region. Local discourses of powers, identities and hopes

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    The process of metropolitanisation of the Gdańsk area is facilitated by public discourse involving local and regional politicians, media, and inhabitants. The discussion is based upon historical narrations, but also local ambitions, hopes and emotions, as well as infrastructural projects and investment attractiveness. Foucault suggests that modern power is a dispersed set of micro-practices, many of which operate through the normalising gaze of surveillance regimes. Gdańsk metropolitan cooperation, competition and encounters make the core of the paper; local and regional unifying initiatives and processes are accompanied by examples of separatism, identity conflicts, and political disagreements