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    293 research outputs found

    Open mathematical problems which cannot be stated formally as they refer to intuitive meanings of mathematical formulae and the current mathematical knowledge

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    Let \beta=((24!)!)!, and P_{n^2+1} denote the set of all primes of the form n^2+1. Let M denote the set of all positive multiples of elements of the set P_{n^2+1} \cap (\beta,\infty). The set X={0,...,\beta} \cup M satisfies the following conditions: (1) card(X) is greater than a huge positive integer and it is conjectured that X is infinite, (2) we do not know any algorithm deciding the finiteness of X, (3) a known and short algorithm for every n \in \mathbb{N} decides whether or not n \in X, (4) a known and short algorithm returns an integer n such that X is infinite if and only if X contains an element greater than n. The following problem is open: define a set X \subseteq \mathbb{N} such that X satisfies conditions (1)-(4) and a known and simple formula \phi(x) satisfies X={n \in \mathbb{N}: \phi(n)}, where \phi(n) has the same intuitive meaning for every n \in \mathbb{N} (5). The statements \phi(n) in condition (5) have always the same intuitive meaning, if the predicate \phi(x) expresses a natural property, the term propounded by the philosopher David Lewis (1941-2001). Let f(3)=4, and let f(n+1)=f(n)! for every integer n \geq 3. For an integer n \geq 3, let \Psi_n denote the following statement: if a system of equations S \subseteq {x_i!=x_{i+1}: 1 \leq i \leq n-1} \cup {x_i \cdot x_j=x_{j+1}: 1 \leq i \leq j \leq n-1} has only finitely many solutions in positive integers x_1,...,x_n, then each such solution (x_1,...,x_n) satisfies x_1,...,x_n \leq f(n). We prove that for every statement \Psi_n the bound f(n) cannot be decreased. The author's guess is that the statements \Psi_3,...,\Psi_9 are true. We prove that the statement \Psi_9 implies that the set X of all non-negative integers n whose number of digits belongs to P_{n^2+1} satisfies conditions (1)-(5)

    Corruption — praxeological and economic approach

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza zjawiska korupcji w ujęciu prakseologicznym i ekonomicznym. W opracowaniu przedstawione zostały pragmatyczne rozważania i własne poglądy na temat rozumienia istoty korupcji, jej form i najważniejszych celów. Są one pochodną wnikliwej obserwacji i analizy zjawisk oraz procesów, które powszechnie występują w realiach polskiej gospodarki

    Programowanie działań zaradczych w zakresie depopulacji dla województwa opolskiego

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    Proces zarządzania w bibliotekach

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    O analizie zawartości, czyli jak badać medialne obrazy świata

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    The aim of the chapter is to present the idea of content analysis as a research method. The authors outline its conditions and principles of application and explain how it approximates knowledge about the surrounding world, in particular in the area related to political science and security sciences. The chapter presents the next stages of the research procedure, which should be undertaken in order to carry out the correct analysis of the content. The text is the theoretical introduction for empirical analyzes found later in the book.Celem rozdziału jest przybliżenie idei analizy zawartości jako metody badawczej. Autorzy kreślą jej uwarunkowania i zasady stosowania oraz wyjaśniają, w jaki sposób przybliża ona wiedzę o otaczającym świecie, w szczególności w zakresie odnoszącym się do politologii i nauk o bezpieczeństwie. W rozdziale przedstawiono kolejne etapy postępowania badawczego, które należy podjąć w celu przeprowadzenia prawidłowej analizy zawartości. Tekst stanowi teoretyczne wprowadzenie dla analiz empirycznych znajdujących się w dalszej części książki

    A modern look at the Earth's climate mechanism and the cosmo-geophysical system of the Earth

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    This is result of 17 years of independent research on climate changesIs the earth's climate getting warmer? My research shows that indeed the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the northern hemisphere warmed up during XIX-XXI centuries but the southern hemisphere getting colder. However, this warming of the northern hemisphere is not caused by excessive carbon dioxide emission caused by the developing human civilization, but is caused by the gravitational-magnetic influences of the Solar System on the rotating Earth as a result of which the outer layer of the Earth's rotates. Being in the move the Earth's coating changes its position relative to the ecliptic plane and along with its movement, over surface of the Earth's, is the shift of the zones of life-giving rainfalls that are stable relative to ecliptic plane. This results in a global economic and social events in the form of regional crises in areas affected by the drought or excessive precipitation. Physical phenomena related to the movement of the Earth's coating and evidence of the occurrence of this phenomenon are presented in the following work. Jakuszowice, 27 July 2019, 15: 10 Bogdan GóralskiMaria Jolanta Góralsk

    Ecological Quality of the Construction Investment Project

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    The aim of the article is to indicate the possibility of assessing the quality of construction solutions for investment projects by analyzing their environmental performance, also formulated as ecological quality. The concept of the environmental performance of a construction project was defined as adapting the solutions applied throughout the whole life cycle to comply with the environment. The life cycle of the construction project begins articulating building needs, then the concept and feasibility study of the project appears at the beginning of the life cycle of the project. This is followed by the design of the building and executive processes. The next stages of the project life cycle are the implementations of logistic and construction processes, which end with putting the project into service. The operation phase ends with a project closure (usually demolition or deconstruction). An attempt was made to specify the criteria for assessing the ecological quality of construction investment projects in individual phases of their cycle. The investigations were based on available literature and practical experience of the authors of the study. It was also stressed that the perspective of the subject should be taken into account in the environmental assessment. This is due to the fact that the processes of shaping the object in the program, project and implementation phases are related to operational processes and the liquidation phase. It was emphasized that each of the stakeholders should perceive all stages of the construction project cycle

    On the consequences of reaching a settlement between the injured party and the insured perpetrator with respect to the insurance company

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    Polubowne likwidowanie sporów jest w ostatnich latach coraz bardziej popularną formą rozwiązywania wszelkiego rodzaju spraw cywilnych, w tym także tych z zakresu prawa ubezpieczeń gospodarczych. Strony zainteresowane jak najszybszym zakończeniem postępowania likwidacji szkody zawierają ugodę, ponieważ jest to metoda szybsza i tańsza niż proces sądowy. Niniejsze opracowanie skupia się na omówieniu problematyki zawierania ugód, zarówno sądowych, jak i pozasądowych, pomiędzy poszkodowanym a ubezpieczonym sprawcą szkody pod kątem skuteczności zawartych ugód względem zakładu ubezpieczeń, który to na mocy łączącej go ze sprawcą szkody umowy przyjmuje na siebie zobowiązanie, by zrekompensować poszkodowanemu powstałą szkodę.In recent years, amicable dispute resolution has become a common method of solving various types of civil disputes, including those that fall within the scope of commercial insurance law. Parties interested in concluding proceedings concerning the liquidation of damages as swiftly as possible settle the dispute because this method is faster and cheaper than going through court proceedings. The present study focuses on the discussion of reaching both court and out-of-court settlements between the injured party and the insured perpetrator of the damage with regard to the effectiveness of reached settlements in terms of the insurance company, which — under the agreement binding the said company with the perpetrator of the damage — assumes the liability to compensate the injured party for the damage

    Pokolenie Y - wartości i oczekiwania wobec pracy i pracodawcy

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    Pokolenie Y to pojęcie powszechnie znane. W perspektywie najbliższej dekady pokolenie te będzie główną siłą roboczą. Wielu pracodawców zwraca już dziś uwagę na problemy związane z zarządzaniem pracownikami młodego pokolenia. W opinii badaczy jest to pokolenie dobrze wykształcone, ambitne, stawiające przed sobą wiele wyzwań. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest diagnoza oczekiwań pokolenia Y w stosunku do przyszłych pracodawców. Badaniem objęto 100 studentów Politechniki Białostockiej, reprezentujących pokolenie Y. Jako narzędzie badań zastosowano kwestionariusz ankiety. Wyniki badań wskazują na wiele podobieństw, ale i różnic w oczekiwaniach młodych ludzi na rynku pracy

    Wpływ antybiotykoterapii na rozwój bakterii wielolekoopornych

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    Artykuł z Dąsal, M. (2019). Acta Uroboroi–w kręgu epidemii II.Bakterie wielolekooporne stwarzają realne ryzyko rozwoju trudnych do powstrzymania epidemii. Rozwój antybiotykoodporności zagraża zdrowiu i bezpieczeństwu pacjentów we wszystkich placówkach opieki medycznej w Europie. W 2015 roku stwierdzono znaczący wzrost odsetka oporności na wankomycynę wśród bakterii K. pneumoniae i E.coli. (Biuletyn NPOA 3/2016) Pojawienie się bakterii niewrażliwych na antybiotyki należące do wielu klas terapeutycznych wzbudza szczególny niepokój, ponieważ zakażenia przez nie wywoływane mogą być poważne, śmiertelne i kosztowne.Incorrect prescription and use of antibiotics has an undoubted effect on the isolation of multidrug- resistant bacteria. Already Alexander Fleming, accepting the Nobel Prize for the discovery of penicillin, predicted the effect of inappropriate use of the drug on the immunization of pathogens. Many people do not realize that their incompliance with doctor’s instructions contributes to the development of insensitivity among microorganisms. For this reason, in our work we want to discuss what antibiotic therapy is, describe its basic principles and present current statistics on the prescription of antibiotics by doctors. We will also analyse the issue of direct influence of antibiotics on the selection of resistant bacteria. As part of our research we conducted an anonymous online questionnaire in order to assess current approach of Poles to the use of antibiotics in treatment of infections. 676 people took part in the survey, the largest group being 18-25 years old (82.5% respondents). The questions were concerned with both taking the medications by patients as well as doctor recommendations following ineffective treatments. By analyzing the results of the survey, we tried to link them to the development of multidrug-resistant bacteria and provide the answers to the questions as to what direction modern antibiotic therapy should take and what action each of us can take to prevent the development of drug-resistant superbugs. We also introduced the subject of programs aimed at monitoring the occurrence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens and reduction of the excessive consumption of antibiotics in open and closed care. The main goal of our work was to show the importance of correct choice of antibiotic treatment and patient adherence to its course in prevention of the development of resistance among microorganisms. We hope that increasing knowledge of the correct treatment will significantly reduce the proportion of resistant microorganisms


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