16 research outputs found

    An investigation of the predictability of the Brazilian three-modal hand-based behavioural biometric: a feature selection and feature-fusion approach

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    Abstract: New security systems, methods or techniques need to have their performance evaluated in conditions that closely resemble a real-life situation. The effectiveness with which individual identity can be predicted in different scenarios can benefit from seeking a broad base of identity evidence. Many approaches to the implementation of biometric-based identification systems are possible, and different configurations are likely to generate significantly different operational characteristics. The choice of implementational structure is, therefore, very dependent on the performance criteria, which is most important in any particular task scenario. The issue of improving performance can be addressed in many ways, but system configurations based on integrating different information sources are widely adopted in order to achieve this. Thus, understanding how each data information can influence performance is very important. The use of similar modalities may imply that we can use the same features. However, there is no indication that very similar (such as keyboard and touch keystroke dynamics, for example) basic biometrics will perform well using the same set of features. In this paper, we will evaluate the merits of using a three-modal hand-based biometric database for user prediction focusing on feature selection as the main investigation point. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first thought-out analysis of a database with three modalities that were collected from the same users, containing keyboard keystroke, touch keystroke and handwritten signature. First, we will investigate how the keystroke modalities perform, and then, we will add the signature in order to understand if there is any improvement in the results. We have used a wide range of techniques for feature selection that includes filters and wrappers (genetic algorithms), and we have validated our findings using a clustering technique

    Psychomotor Impairment Detection via Finger Interactions with a Computer Keyboard During Natural Typing

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    Modern digital devices and appliances are capable of monitoring the timing of button presses, or finger interactions in general, with a sub-millisecond accuracy. However, the massive amount of high resolution temporal information that these devices could collect is currently being discarded. Multiple studies have shown that the act of pressing a button triggers well defined brain areas which are known to be affected by motor-compromised conditions. In this study, we demonstrate that the daily interaction with a computer keyboard can be employed as means to observe and potentially quantify psychomotor impairment. We induced a psychomotor impairment via a sleep inertia paradigm in 14 healthy subjects, which is detected by our classifier with an Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) of 0.93/0.91. The detection relies on novel features derived from key-hold times acquired on standard computer keyboards during an uncontrolled typing task. These features correlate with the progression to psychomotor impairment (p < 0.001) regardless of the content and language of the text typed, and perform consistently with different keyboards. The ability to acquire longitudinal measurements of subtle motor changes from a digital device without altering its functionality may allow for early screening and follow-up of motor-compromised neurodegenerative conditions, psychological disorders or intoxication at a negligible cost in the general population.Comunidad de Madri

    Psychomotor Impairment Detection via Finger Interactions with a Computer Keyboard During Natural Typing

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    Modern digital devices and appliances are capable of monitoring the timing of button presses, or finger interactions in general, with a sub-millisecond accuracy. However, the massive amount of high resolution temporal information that these devices could collect is currently being discarded. Multiple studies have shown that the act of pressing a button triggers well defined brain areas which are known to be affected by motor-compromised conditions. In this study, we demonstrate that the daily interaction with a computer keyboard can be employed as means to observe and potentially quantify psychomotor impairment. We induced a psychomotor impairment via a sleep inertia paradigm in 14 healthy subjects, which is detected by our classifier with an Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) of 0.93/0.91. The detection relies on novel features derived from key-hold times acquired on standard computer keyboards during an uncontrolled typing task. These features correlate with the progression to psychomotor impairment (p < 0.001) regardless of the content and language of the text typed, and perform consistently with different keyboards. The ability to acquire longitudinal measurements of subtle motor changes from a digital device without altering its functionality may allow for early screening and follow-up of motor-compromised neurodegenerative conditions, psychological disorders or intoxication at a negligible cost in the general population

    Design for novel enhanced weightless neural network and multi-classifier.

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    Weightless neural systems have often struggles in terms of speed, performances, and memory issues. There is also lack of sufficient interfacing of weightless neural systems to others systems. Addressing these issues motivates and forms the aims and objectives of this thesis. In addressing these issues, algorithms are formulated, classifiers, and multi-classifiers are designed, and hardware design of classifier are also reported. Specifically, the purpose of this thesis is to report on the algorithms and designs of weightless neural systems. A background material for the research is a weightless neural network known as Probabilistic Convergent Network (PCN). By introducing two new and different interfacing method, the word "Enhanced" is added to PCN thereby giving it the name Enhanced Probabilistic Convergent Network (EPCN). To solve the problem of speed and performances when large-class databases are employed in data analysis, multi-classifiers are designed whose composition vary depending on problem complexity. It also leads to the introduction of a novel gating function with application of EPCN as an intelligent combiner. For databases which are not very large, single classifiers suffices. Speed and ease of application in adverse condition were considered as improvement which has led to the design of EPCN in hardware. A novel hashing function is implemented and tested on hardware-based EPCN. Results obtained have indicated the utility of employing weightless neural systems. The results obtained also indicate significant new possible areas of application of weightless neural systems

    Ідентифікація користувачів на основі клавіатурного почерку

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    В роботі отримано нове вирішення актуальної практичної задачі підвищення безпеки в інформаційних інфраструктура, а саме ідентифікації користувачів на основі клавіатурного почерку та проведено дослідження основних підходів до ідентифікації користувачів. Значну увагу в роботі приділено практичній реалізації та дослідженні її ефективності. Результати цього розроблення підтвердили достовірність теоретичних відомостей.In this work a new solution of the actual practical task of improving security in the information infrastructure, namely, identifying users based on keyboard writing, was obtained, and the main approaches to identifying users were studied. The considerable attention in the work is devoted to the practical realization and research of its efficiency. The results of this development confirmed the reliability of theoretical information.В работе получено новое решение актуальной практической задачи повышения безопасности в информационных инфраструктура, а именно идентификации пользователей на основе клавиатурного почерка и проведено исследование основных подходов к идентификации пользователей. Значительное внимание в работе уделено практической реализации и исследовании ее эффективности. Результаты этой разработки подтвердили достоверность теоретических сведений

    Proceeding icoset 2017

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