514 research outputs found

    Distributed Analysis and Load Balancing System for Grid Enabled Analysis on Hand-held devices using Multi-Agents Systems

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    Handheld devices, while growing rapidly, are inherently constrained and lack the capability of executing resource hungry applications. This paper presents the design and implementation of distributed analysis and load-balancing system for hand-held devices using multi-agents system. This system enables low resource mobile handheld devices to act as potential clients for Grid enabled applications and analysis environments. We propose a system, in which mobile agents will transport, schedule, execute and return results for heavy computational jobs submitted by handheld devices. Moreover, in this way, our system provides high throughput computing environment for hand-held devices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2004

    Open and Extensible Business Process Simulator

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    Äriprotesesside haldamise üheks väga oluliseks osaks on protsesside simuleerimine. Simuleerimine annab hea võimaluse kontrollida protsesside toimimist ning leida muutmist vajavaid kitsaskohti. Käesolevas magistritöös vaatleme olemasolevaid protsesside simuleerimise keskkondi, mida peetakse hetkel selle valdkonna tippudeks (näiteks TIBCO, IBM WebSphere jt), ning uurime nendes esinevaid probleeme seoses funktsionaalsuse ja laiendatavuse puudumisega. Praktiliselt kõikidel uuritud vahenditel oli probleeme keerukama ülesehitusega protsesside simuleerimisel ning puudub võimalus töövahendit äridomeeni spetsiifikast lähtuvalt vajadusel muuta või täiendada. Magistritöö põhiosa on jagatud kaheks. Esimeses osas toome välja protsessielementide teisendused defacto standard modelleerimisnotatsioonist BPMN, madalama taseme modelleerimiselementideks CPN keeles. Teisenduse kasulikkus seisneb selles, et CPN keeles olev protsess on simuleeritav vahendiga CPN Tools, ning konverteerimist on võimalik kohendada vastavalt vajadustele. Näiteks on võimalus lisada ärispetsiifilisi simulatsiooniandmeid või kasutada mittestandardseid tööde jaotamise mustreid. Magistritöö teises osas töötame välja täiesti uue protsesside konverteerimise arhitektuuri, mis on kättesaadav avatud lähtekoodina, ning on kergesti laiendatav. Siinkohal tähendab laiendatavus seda, et välja töötatud arhitektuuri on võimalik kasutada erinevatest modelleerimiskeeltest protsesside konverteerimiseks CPN keelde. Näidisena oleme loonud ka prototüübi, mis on suuteline teisendama enamlevinud BPMN elemente simuleerimisvalmidusega CPN elementideks. Edasiste töödena näeme me võimalust laiendada olemasolevat prototüüpi toetamaks kõiki BPMN elemente ning keerulisi simulatsiooniandmeid. Prototüüpi on võimalik ka edasi arendada simuleerimise veebiteenuseks, mida saaksid edukalt kasutada erinevad modelleerimiskeskkonnad simulatsioonide läbiviimiseks.Existing business process simulation tools suffer from two limitations: (i) they allow one to simulate processes that are designed only in the same tool; and (ii) the simulation engine is built-in and it is not extensible. The aim of this thesis is to move towards overcoming these two limitations. The contribution of the thesis is twofold. First we provide some of the commonly used Business Process Notation (BPMN) mappings to Coloured Petri Net (CPN) modules while considering the need to use these converted models for simulation purposes. This means that the mappings have to be able to handle simulation data and can generate simulation output into log files. Secondly we provide a new process model converter architecture that is open and extensible and it is responsible for generating a ready to simulate CPN models

    Analysis and improvement of business process models using spreadsheets

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    Software in general is thoroughly analyzed before it is released to its users. Business processes often are not - at least not as thoroughly as it could be - before they are released to their users, e.g., employees or software agents. This paper ascribes this practice to the lack of suitable instruments for business process analysts, who design the processes, and aims to provide them with the necessary instruments to allow them to also analyze their processes. We use the spreadsheet paradigm to represent business process analysis tasks, such as writing metrics and assertions, running performance analysis and verification tasks, and reporting on the outcomes, and implement a spreadsheet-based tool for business process analysis. The results of two independent user studies demonstrate the viability of the approach

    Web Engineering for Workflow-based Applications: Models, Systems and Methodologies

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    This dissertation presents novel solutions for the construction of Workflow-based Web applications: The Web Engineering DSL Framework, a stakeholder-oriented Web Engineering methodology based on Domain-Specific Languages; the Workflow DSL for the efficient engineering of Web-based Workflows with strong stakeholder involvement; the Dialog DSL for the usability-oriented development of advanced Web-based dialogs; the Web Engineering Reuse Sphere enabling holistic, stakeholder-oriented reuse