399,781 research outputs found

    The Indivisibility of Social Media, Corporate Branding, and Reputation Management

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    From 1995 to 2004, the internet hosted static, one-way websites; these were places to visit passively, retrieve information from, and perhaps post comments about by electronic mail. This Web 1.0 was about getting people connected, even if its applications were largely proprietary and only displayed information their owners wished to publish. Today,Web 2.0 enables many-to-many connections in countless domains of interest and practice. People are connected and expect the internet to be user-centric. They generate content, business intelligence, reviews and opinions, products, networks of contacts, statements on the value of web pages, connectivity, and expressions of taste and emotion that search engines, not portals, fetch. They hold global conversations in forms dubbed, collectively, as social media

    Territorial intelligence : The contribution Web 3.0 technologies in practice the territorial intelligence

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    The term "Territorial intelligence 3.0" refers to the usage of the web 3.0 technologies, such as the mobile web, web applications and the semantic web, in the process of Territorial intelligence. The territorial intelligence represents an offensive and a defensive attitude with all implications in terms of the information generated on global markets. The concept, the origin and the foundation of the above-mentioned term emerging in two distinct communities, one brings together practitioners of territorial intelligence developed around the institutional field, it is the case of top-down territorial intelligence. And the other community, brings together theorists searches in the multidisciplinary academic field, it comes from research on the economy, geopolitics, knowledge management and the discipline of information and communication technology sciences, this is the case of bottom-up territorial intelligence. The Web 3.0 technologies, combine, on the one hand, web 2.0 technologies; the community Web (social networks: Linked in, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and the collaborative Web (Wikipedia and Weblogs) (Quoniam & Lucien, 2009), and, on the other hand, smartphones, the internet of objects (Internet of Things), cloud computing technology and big data. “Web 3.0 is the combination of smart phones, social networks, Web 2.0, cloud computing and emerging business models as explained above” (Russell et al., 2016), web 3.0 practitioners consider that much of the world's information being correlated and frankly opening up to the general population, combine between these two concepts: Generating the management strategic territorial information founded on Web 3.0 and working in favor of the territory. There are generally two types of territorial intelligence 3.0. The first one is the top-Down Territorial Intelligence 3.0, it’s the evolution of the national policy of competitive Intelligence 3.0 at the local level, but the term “competitive Intelligence 3.0” has been subjected to the same web evolution. And the second one is the bottom up territorial intelligence 3.0, it is manifested by the contribution of the actors of the territory in the process of local development through the technology of web 3.0. The goal of our research is to propose a conceptual model base on a theoretical in the context of territorial intelligence in a digital sphere by web 3.0 technology. This model studied the process the contribute Web 3.0 technology to the practice of territorial intelligence and to meet them in.The term "Territorial intelligence 3.0" refers to the usage of the web 3.0 technologies, such as the mobile web, web applications and the semantic web, in the process of Territorial intelligence. The territorial intelligence represents an offensive and a defensive attitude with all implications in terms of the information generated on global markets. The concept, the origin and the foundation of the above-mentioned term emerging in two distinct communities, one brings together practitioners of territorial intelligence developed around the institutional field, it is the case of top-down territorial intelligence. And the other community, brings together theorists searches in the multidisciplinary academic field, it comes from research on the economy, geopolitics, knowledge management and the discipline of information and communication technology sciences, this is the case of bottom-up territorial intelligence. The Web 3.0 technologies, combine, on the one hand, web 2.0 technologies; the community Web (social networks: Linked in, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and the collaborative Web (Wikipedia and Weblogs) (Quoniam & Lucien, 2009), and, on the other hand, smartphones, the internet of objects (Internet of Things), cloud computing technology and big data. “Web 3.0 is the combination of smart phones, social networks, Web 2.0, cloud computing and emerging business models as explained above” (Russell et al., 2016), web 3.0 practitioners consider that much of the world's information being correlated and frankly opening up to the general population, combine between these two concepts: Generating the management strategic territorial information founded on Web 3.0 and working in favor of the territory. There are generally two types of territorial intelligence 3.0. The first one is the top-Down Territorial Intelligence 3.0, it’s the evolution of the national policy of competitive Intelligence 3.0 at the local level, but the term “competitive Intelligence 3.0” has been subjected to the same web evolution. And the second one is the bottom up territorial intelligence 3.0, it is manifested by the contribution of the actors of the territory in the process of local development through the technology of web 3.0. The goal of our research is to propose a conceptual model base on a theoretical in the context of territorial intelligence in a digital sphere by web 3.0 technology. This model studied the process the contribute Web 3.0 technology to the practice of territorial intelligence and to meet them in

    Collective Intelligence for Knowledge Building and Research in Communities of Practice and Virtual Learning Environments: A Project Experience

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    There is little evidence about how collective intelligence, social networks, and communities of practice work in maternal health projects. In this paper, we discuss the approaches towards collective intelligence in a project by focusing on the virtual and web-based environments communities of practice and social network approach. This paper builds upon a research project IS0907 COST action and focuses on the communities of practice, social media within organization and team projects, and how through these networks and communities collective intelligence is building. Also, the current investigation stands as an example of COST IS0907 team and the relationship built between countries and communities of practice through working groups, manage knowledge transfer, and improve research collaboration and partnerships. This article aims to present the working environment developed to facilitate collective intelligence role in knowledge building and how communities of practice can enrich collaboration, in maternal health project settings, both educational and effective health research and knowledge building

    Virtual Classroom Sebagai Wadah Pengembangan Inteligensi Ganda (penerapan Teknologi Informasi)

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    Multiple Intelligence theory has a notion that human being have 9 intelligence type. Recognized with "Multiple Intelligences". With this definition, process learns have to can peep out atmosphere learn facility able to expand all intelligence type. Information Technology with progress can be exploited to make study which is varieties, this matter e-learning. E-Learning earn implementation, either through computer network (Web Course Model, Web Centric Course Model, and Web Enhanced Course Model), and also with stand lone (Computer-Based Training (CBT), Computer-Managed Learning, Integrated Learning System (ILS), Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Job Aids, Computer-Aided Assessment (CAA), Drill & Practice, Multimedia, Hypermedia, Resource-Based Learning, and Simulation. Virtual Classroom represent one of the e-learning implementation able to personate media learns which is varieties, so that all intelligence type can expand in an optimal fashio

    Adding semantic web services matching and discovery support to the MoviLog platform

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    Semantic Web services are self describing programs that can be searched, understood and used by other programs. Despite the advantages Semantic Web services provide, specially for building agent based systems, there is a need for mechanisms to enable agents to discover Semantic Web services. This paper describes an extension of the MoviLog agent platform for searching Web services taking into account their semantic descriptions. Preliminary experiments showing encouraging results are also reportedIFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Agents 1Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Adding semantic web services matching and discovery support to the MoviLog platform

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    Semantic Web services are self describing programs that can be searched, understood and used by other programs. Despite the advantages Semantic Web services provide, specially for building agent based systems, there is a need for mechanisms to enable agents to discover Semantic Web services. This paper describes an extension of the MoviLog agent platform for searching Web services taking into account their semantic descriptions. Preliminary experiments showing encouraging results are also reportedIFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Agents 1Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Development of Emotional Intelligence through Physical Activity and Sport Practice. A Systematic Review

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    At present, knowledge of physical and cognitive aspects is essential in the sporting context. Faced with this situation, the control and knowledge of emotions has a person on himself and on others, affects the sporting action. The aim of this work is to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and the practice of physical activity. Through a systematic review in databases such as the Web of Science and Scopus that contain the terms of emotional intelligence along with the parameters of physical activity and sport. Twenty-four articles comprised the sample for further analysis. By way of conclusion it can be said that the main field of study of emotional intelligence related to the practice of physical activity is educational. Likewise, emotional intelligence is a determining factor in the improvement of sports competences.This research was funded by Spanish Ministry of Education grant number FPU16/03114

    The Evidence Hub: harnessing the collective intelligence of communities to build evidence-based knowledge

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    Conventional document and discussion websites provide users with no help in assessing the quality or quantity of evidence behind any given idea. Besides, the very meaning of what evidence is may not be unequivocally defined within a community, and may require deep understanding, common ground and debate. An Evidence Hub is a tool to pool the community collective intelligence on what is evidence for an idea. It provides an infrastructure for debating and building evidence-based knowledge and practice. An Evidence Hub is best thought of as a filter onto other websites — a map that distills the most important issues, ideas and evidence from the noise by making clear why ideas and web resources may be worth further investigation. This paper describes the Evidence Hub concept and rationale, the breath of user engagement and the evolution of specific features, derived from our work with different community groups in the healthcare and educational sector

    Web Personalization And Artificial Intelligence As Tools For Marketing Communications

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    Market relationships have undergone profound changes in the past two decades, which have been accelerated by the crisis of the global pandemic. This has led to a fundamental transformation in the communications not only of businesses but also of governments, organizations, and communities. This study addresses web personalization with an emphasis on artificial intelligence in the context of their use for managing and decision-making in marketing processes in practice. These two techniques tend to be often confused in practice, and for this reason it is helpful to define their positions and mutual interactions. The goal of this article is a theoretical comparison of web personalization and artificial intelligence as part of marketing processes and the proposal of a framework for their use for creators of any online media content. At the same time it sheds light on the meaning and use of web personalization for management in practice and in particular in marketing processes and proposes a model for implementing these techniques that can be used in strategic marketing. This article presents research questions and uses secondary data analysis in the form of literature review and content analysis. The result is categorization of web personalization and artificial intelligence techniques, identifying their mutual links, and proposing an application framework for marketing practice. This article contributes to the discussion by identifying managerial use of defined techniques and their position in strategies for producers of online content and offers a new perspective on the interaction of personalization and artificial intelligence, whereas this approach has not been sufficiently explored in the academic literatu

    Business Intelligence: The Role of the Internet in Marketing Research and Business Decision-Making

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    The purpose of this paper is to point out the determinants of the business intelligence discipline, as applied in marketing practice. The paper examines the role of the Internet in marketing research and its implications on the business decision-making processes. Although companies conduct a variety of research methods in an offline environment, the paper aims to stress the importance of Web opportunities in conducting the Web segmentation and collecting customer data. Due to the existence of different perceptions concerning the role of the Internet, this paper tries to emphasize its effort of an interactive channel that serves the function of not only an informational nature, but as a powerful research tool as well. Several data collection and analysis methods/techniques are discussed that would help companies to take advantage of a Web as a significant corporate resource
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