29 research outputs found

    Weakening Assumptions for Deterministic Subexponential Time Non-Singular Matrix Completion

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    In (Kabanets, Impagliazzo, 2004) it is shown how to decide the circuit polynomial identity testing problem (CPIT) in deterministic subexponential time, assuming hardness of some explicit multilinear polynomial family for arithmetical circuits. In this paper, a special case of CPIT is considered, namely low-degree non-singular matrix completion (NSMC). For this subclass of problems it is shown how to obtain the same deterministic time bound, using a weaker assumption in terms of determinantal complexity. Hardness-randomness tradeoffs will also be shown in the converse direction, in an effort to make progress on Valiant's VP versus VNP problem. To separate VP and VNP, it is known to be sufficient to prove that the determinantal complexity of the m-by-m permanent is mω(logm)m^{\omega(\log m)}. In this paper it is shown, for an appropriate notion of explicitness, that the existence of an explicit multilinear polynomial family with determinantal complexity m^{\omega(\log m)}isequivalenttotheexistenceofanefficientlycomputablegenerator is equivalent to the existence of an efficiently computable generator G_nformultilinearNSMCwithseedlength for multilinear NSMC with seed length O(n^{1/\sqrt{\log n}}).ThelatterisacombinatorialobjectthatprovidesanefficientdeterministicblackboxalgorithmforNSMC.MultilinearNSMCindicatesthat. The latter is a combinatorial object that provides an efficient deterministic black-box algorithm for NSMC. ``Multilinear NSMC'' indicates that G_nonlyhastoworkformatrices only has to work for matrices M(x)of of poly(n)sizein size in nvariables,forwhich variables, for which det(M(x))$ is a multilinear polynomial

    Variety Membership Testing in Algebraic Complexity Theory

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    In this thesis, we study some of the central problems in algebraic complexity theory through the lens of the variety membership testing problem. In the first part, we investigate whether separations between algebraic complexity classes can be phrased as instances of the variety membership testing problem. For this, we compare some complexity classes with their closures. We show that monotone commutative single-(source, sink) ABPs are closed. Further, we prove that multi-(source, sink) ABPs are not closed in both the monotone commutative and the noncommutative settings. However, the corresponding complexity classes are closed in all these settings. Next, we observe a separation between the complexity class VQP and the closure of VNP. In the second part, we cover the blackbox polynomial identity testing (PIT) problem, and the rank computation problem of symbolic matrices, both phrasable as instances of the variety membership testing problem. For the blackbox PIT, we give a randomized polynomial time algorithm that uses the number of random bits that matches the information-theoretic lower bound, differing from it only in the lower order terms. For the rank computation problem, we give a deterministic polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) when the degrees of the entries of the matrices are bounded by a constant. Finally, we show NP-hardness of two problems on 3-tensors, both of which are instances of the variety membership testing problem. The first problem is the orbit closure containment problem for the action of GLk x GLm x GLn on 3-tensors, while the second problem is to decide whether the slice rank of a given 3-tensor is at most r

    Automated Reasoning

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    This volume, LNAI 13385, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, IJCAR 2022, held in Haifa, Israel, in August 2022. The 32 full research papers and 9 short papers presented together with two invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 85 submissions. The papers focus on the following topics: Satisfiability, SMT Solving,Arithmetic; Calculi and Orderings; Knowledge Representation and Jutsification; Choices, Invariance, Substitutions and Formalization; Modal Logics; Proofs System and Proofs Search; Evolution, Termination and Decision Prolems. This is an open access book

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum

    Strengths and Limitations of Linear Programming Relaxations

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    Many of the currently best-known approximation algorithms for NP-hard optimization problems are based on Linear Programming (LP) and Semi-definite Programming (SDP) relaxations. Given its power, this class of algorithms seems to contain the most favourable candidates for outperforming the current state-of-the-art approximation guarantees for NP-hard problems, for which there still exists a gap between the inapproximability results and the approximation guarantees that we know how to achieve in polynomial time. In this thesis, we address both the power and the limitations of these relaxations, as well as the connection between the shortcomings of these relaxations and the inapproximability of the underlying problem. In the first part, we study the limitations of LP relaxations of well-known graph problems such as the Vertex Cover problem and the Independent Set problem. We prove that any small LP relaxation for the aforementioned problems, cannot have an integrality gap strictly better than 22 and ω(1)\omega(1), respectively. Furthermore, our lower bound for the Independent Set problem also holds for any SDP relaxation. Prior to our work, it was only known that such LP relaxations cannot have an integrality gap better than 1.51.5 for the Vertex Cover Problem, and better than 22 for the Independent Set problem. In the second part, we study the so-called knapsack cover inequalities that are used in the current best relaxations for numerous combinatorial optimization problems of covering type. In spite of their widespread use, these inequalities yield LP relaxations of exponential size, over which it is not known how to optimize exactly in polynomial time. We address this issue and obtain LP relaxations of quasi-polynomial size that are at least as strong as that given by the knapsack cover inequalities. In the last part, we show a close connection between structural hardness for k-partite graphs and tight inapproximability results for scheduling problems with precedence constraints. This connection is inspired by a family of integrality gap instances of a certain LP relaxation. Assuming the hardness of an optimization problem on k-partite graphs, we obtain a hardness of 2ε2-\varepsilon for the problem of minimizing the makespan for scheduling with preemption on identical parallel machines, and a super constant inapproximability for the problem of scheduling on related parallel machines. Prior to this result, it was only known that the first problem does not admit a PTAS, and the second problem is NP-hard to approximate within a factor strictly better than 2, assuming the Unique Games Conjecture