27 research outputs found

    Multiresolution models in image restoration and reconstruction with medical and other applications

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    Improved Modeling and Image Generation for Fluorescence Molecular Tomography (FMT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

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    In this thesis, we aim to improve quantitative medical imaging with advanced image generation algorithms. We focus on two specific imaging modalities: fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) and positron emission tomography (PET). For FMT, we present a novel photon propagation model for its forward model, and in addition, we propose and investigate a reconstruction algorithm for its inverse problem. In the first part, we develop a novel Neumann-series-based radiative transfer equation (RTE) that incorporates reflection boundary conditions in the model. In addition, we propose a novel reconstruction technique for diffuse optical imaging that incorporates this Neumann-series-based RTE as forward model. The proposed model is assessed using a simulated 3D diffuse optical imaging setup, and the results demonstrate the importance of considering photon reflection at boundaries when performing photon propagation modeling. In the second part, we propose a statistical reconstruction algorithm for FMT. The algorithm is based on sparsity-initialized maximum-likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM), taking into account the Poisson nature of data in FMT and the sparse nature of images. The proposed method is compared with a pure sparse reconstruction method as well as a uniform-initialized MLEM reconstruction method. Results indicate the proposed method is more robust to noise and shows improved qualitative and quantitative performance. For PET, we present an MRI-guided partial volume correction algorithm for brain imaging, aiming to recover qualitative and quantitative loss due to the limited resolution of PET system, while keeping image noise at a low level. The proposed method is based on an iterative deconvolution model with regularization using parallel level sets. A non-smooth optimization algorithm is developed so that the proposed method can be feasibly applied for 3D images and avoid additional blurring caused by conventional smooth optimization process. We evaluate the proposed method using both simulation data and in vivo human data collected from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA). Our proposed method is shown to generate images with reduced noise and improved structure details, as well as increased number of statistically significant voxels in study of aging. Results demonstrate our method has promise to provide superior performance in clinical imaging scenarios

    On Fresnelets, interference fringes, and digital holography

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    In this thesis, we describe new approaches and methods for reconstructing complex-valued wave fields from digital holograms. We focus on Fresnel holograms recorded in an off-axis geometry, for which operational real-time acquisition setups readily exist. The three main research directions presented are the following. First, we derive the necessary tools to port methods and concepts of wavelet-based approaches to the field of digital holography. This is motivated by the flexibility, the robustness, and the unifying view that such multiresolution procedures have brought to many applications in image processing. In particular, we put emphasis on space-frequency processing and sparse signal representations. Second, we propose to decouple the demodulation from the propagation problem, which are both inherent to digital Fresnel holography. To this end, we derive a method for retrieving the amplitude and phase of the object wave through a local analysis of the hologram's interference fringes. Third, since digital holography reconstruction algorithms involve a number of parametric models, we propose automatic adjustment methods of the corresponding parameters. We start by investigating the Fresnel transform, which plays a central role in both the modeling of the acquisition procedure and the reconstruction of complex wave fields. The study of the properties that are central to wavelet and multiresolution analysis leads us to derive Fresnelets, a new family of wavelet-like bases. Fresnelets permit the analysis of holograms with a good localization in space and frequency, in a way similar to wavelets for images. Since the relevant information in a Fresnel off-axis hologram may be separated both in space and frequency, we propose an approach for selectively retrieving the information in the Fresnelet domain. We show that in certain situations, this approach is superior to others that exclusively rely on the separation in space or frequency. We then derive a least-squares method for the estimation of the object wave's amplitude and phase. The approach, which is reminiscent of phase-shifting techniques, is sufficiently general to be applied in a wide variety of situations, including those dictated by the use of microscopy objectives. Since it is difficult to determine the reconstruction distance manually, we propose an automatic procedure. We take advantage of our separate treatment of the phase retrieval and propagation problems to come up with an algorithm that maximizes a sharpness metric related to the sparsity of the signal's expansion in distance-dependent Fresnelet bases. Based on a simulation study, we suggest a number of guidelines for deciding which algorithm to apply to a given problem. We compare existing and the newly proposed solutions in a wide variety of situations. Our final conclusion is that the proposed methods result in flexible algorithms that are competitive with preexisting ones and superior to them in many cases. Overall, they may be applied in a wide range of experimental situations at a low computational cost

    Improving Statistical Image Reconstruction for Cardiac X-ray Computed Tomography.

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    Technological advances in CT imaging pose new challenges such as increased X-ray radiation dose and complexity of image reconstruction. Statistical image reconstruction methods use realistic models that incorporate the physics of the measurements and the statistical properties of the measurement noise, and they have potential to provide better image quality and dose reduction compared to the conventional filtered back-projection (FBP) method. However, statistical methods face several challenges that should be addressed before they can replace the FBP method universally. In this thesis, we develop various methods to overcome these challenges of statistical image reconstruction methods. Rigorous regularization design methods in Fourier domain were proposed to achieve more isotropic and uniform spatial resolution or noise properties. The design framework is general so that users can control the spatial resolution and the noise characteristics of the estimator. In addition, a regularization design method based on the hypothetical geometry concept was introduced to improve resolution or noise uniformity. Proposed designs using the new concept effectively improved the spatial resolution or noise uniformity in the reconstructed image. The hypothetical geometry idea is general enough to be applied to other scan geometries. Statistical weighting modification, based on how much each detector element affects insufficiently sampled region, was proposed to reduce the artifacts without degrading the temporal resolution within the region-of-interest (ROI). Another approach using an additional regularization term, that exploits information from the prior image, was investigated. Both methods effectively removed short-scan artifacts in the reconstructed image. We accelerated the family of ordered-subsets algorithms by introducing a double surrogate so that faster convergence speed can be achieved. Furthermore, we present a variable splitting based algorithm for motion-compensated image reconstruction (MCIR) problem that provides faster convergence compared to the conjugate gradient (CG) method. A sinogram-based motion estimation method that does not require any additional measurements other than the short-scan amount of data was introduced to provide decent initial estimates for the joint estimation. Proposed methods were evaluated using simulation and real patient data, and showed promising results for solving each challenge. Some of these methods can be combined to generate more complete solutions for CT imaging.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110319/1/janghcho_1.pd

    Holographic Fourier domain diffuse correlation spectroscopy

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    Diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) is a non-invasive optical modality which can be used to measure cerebral blood flow (CBF) in real-time. It has important potential applications in clinical monitoring, as well as in neuroscience and the development of a non-invasive brain-computer interface. However, a trade-off exists between the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and imaging depth, and thus CBF sensitivity, of this technique. Additionally, as DCS is a diffuse optical technique, it is limited by a lack of inherent depth discrimination within the illuminated region of each source-detector pair, and the CBF signal is therefore also prone to contamination by the extracerebral tissues which the light traverses. Placing a particular emphasis on scalability, affordability, and robustness to ambient light, in this work I demonstrate a novel approach which fuses the fields of digital holography and DCS: holographic Fourier domain DCS (FD-DCS). The mathematical formalism of FD-DCS is derived and validated, followed by the construction and validation (for both in vitro and in vivo experiments) of a holographic FD-DCS instrument. By undertaking a systematic SNR performance assessment and developing a novel multispeckle denoising algorithm, I demonstrate the highest SNR gain reported in the DCS literature to date, achieved using scalable and low-cost camera-based detection. With a view to generating a forward model for holographic FD-DCS, in this thesis I propose a novel framework to simulate statistically accurate time-integrated dynamic speckle patterns in biomedical optics. The solution that I propose to this previously unsolved problem is based on the Karhunen-Loève expansion of the electric field, and I validate this technique against novel expressions for speckle contrast for different forms of homogeneous field. I also show that this method can readily be extended to cases with spatially varying sample properties, and that it can also be used to model optical and acoustic parameters

    Improved 3D MR Image Acquisition and Processing in Congenital Heart Disease

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    Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common type of birth defect, affecting about 1% of the population. MRI is an essential tool in the assessment of CHD, including diagnosis, intervention planning and follow-up. Three-dimensional MRI can provide particularly rich visualization and information. However, it is often complicated by long scan times, cardiorespiratory motion, injection of contrast agents, and complex and time-consuming postprocessing. This thesis comprises four pieces of work that attempt to respond to some of these challenges. The first piece of work aims to enable fast acquisition of 3D time-resolved cardiac imaging during free breathing. Rapid imaging was achieved using an efficient spiral sequence and a sparse parallel imaging reconstruction. The feasibility of this approach was demonstrated on a population of 10 patients with CHD, and areas of improvement were identified. The second piece of work is an integrated software tool designed to simplify and accelerate the development of machine learning (ML) applications in MRI research. It also exploits the strengths of recently developed ML libraries for efficient MR image reconstruction and processing. The third piece of work aims to reduce contrast dose in contrast-enhanced MR angiography (MRA). This would reduce risks and costs associated with contrast agents. A deep learning-based contrast enhancement technique was developed and shown to improve image quality in real low-dose MRA in a population of 40 children and adults with CHD. The fourth and final piece of work aims to simplify the creation of computational models for hemodynamic assessment of the great arteries. A deep learning technique for 3D segmentation of the aorta and the pulmonary arteries was developed and shown to enable accurate calculation of clinically relevant biomarkers in a population of 10 patients with CHD

    Deep learning for fast and robust medical image reconstruction and analysis

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    Medical imaging is an indispensable component of modern medical research as well as clinical practice. Nevertheless, imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computational tomography (CT) are costly and are less accessible to the majority of the world. To make medical devices more accessible, affordable and efficient, it is crucial to re-calibrate our current imaging paradigm for smarter imaging. In particular, as medical imaging techniques have highly structured forms in the way they acquire data, they provide us with an opportunity to optimise the imaging techniques holistically by leveraging data. The central theme of this thesis is to explore different opportunities where we can exploit data and deep learning to improve the way we extract information for better, faster and smarter imaging. This thesis explores three distinct problems. The first problem is the time-consuming nature of dynamic MR data acquisition and reconstruction. We propose deep learning methods for accelerated dynamic MR image reconstruction, resulting in up to 10-fold reduction in imaging time. The second problem is the redundancy in our current imaging pipeline. Traditionally, imaging pipeline treated acquisition, reconstruction and analysis as separate steps. However, we argue that one can approach them holistically and optimise the entire pipeline jointly for a specific target goal. To this end, we propose deep learning approaches for obtaining high fidelity cardiac MR segmentation directly from significantly undersampled data, greatly exceeding the undersampling limit for image reconstruction. The final part of this thesis tackles the problem of interpretability of the deep learning algorithms. We propose attention-models that can implicitly focus on salient regions in an image to improve accuracy for ultrasound scan plane detection and CT segmentation. More crucially, these models can provide explainability, which is a crucial stepping stone for the harmonisation of smart imaging and current clinical practice.Open Acces

    Restauration d'images en IRM anatomique pour l'étude préclinique des marqueurs du vieillissement cérébral

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    Les maladies neurovasculaires et neurodégénératives liées à l'âge sont en forte augmentation. Alors que ces changements pathologiques montrent des effets sur le cerveau avant l'apparition de symptômes cliniques, une meilleure compréhension du processus de vieillissement normal du cerveau aidera à distinguer l'impact des pathologies connues sur la structure régionale du cerveau. En outre, la connaissance des schémas de rétrécissement du cerveau dans le vieillissement normal pourrait conduire à une meilleure compréhension de ses causes et peut-être à des interventions réduisant la perte de fonctions cérébrales associée à l'atrophie cérébrale. Par conséquent, ce projet de thèse vise à détecter les biomarqueurs du vieillissement normal et pathologique du cerveau dans un modèle de primate non humain, le singe marmouset (Callithrix Jacchus), qui possède des caractéristiques anatomiques plus proches de celles des humains que de celles des rongeurs. Cependant, les changements structurels (par exemple, de volumes, d'épaisseur corticale) qui peuvent se produire au cours de leur vie adulte peuvent être minimes à l'échelle de l'observation. Dans ce contexte, il est essentiel de disposer de techniques d'observation offrant un contraste et une résolution spatiale suffisamment élevés et permettant des évaluations détaillées des changements morphométriques du cerveau associé au vieillissement. Cependant, l'imagerie de petits cerveaux dans une plateforme IRM 3T dédiée à l'homme est une tâche difficile car la résolution spatiale et le contraste obtenus sont insuffisants par rapport à la taille des structures anatomiques observées et à l'échelle des modifications attendues. Cette thèse vise à développer des méthodes de restauration d'image pour les images IRM précliniques qui amélioreront la robustesse des algorithmes de segmentation. L'amélioration de la résolution spatiale des images à un rapport signal/bruit constant limitera les effets de volume partiel dans les voxels situés à la frontière entre deux structures et permettra une meilleure segmentation tout en augmentant la reproductibilité des résultats. Cette étape d'imagerie computationnelle est cruciale pour une analyse morphométrique longitudinale fiable basée sur les voxels et l'identification de marqueurs anatomiques du vieillissement cérébral en suivant les changements de volume dans la matière grise, la matière blanche et le liquide cérébral.Age-related neurovascular and neurodegenerative diseases are increasing significantly. While such pathological changes show effects on the brain before clinical symptoms appear, a better understanding of the normal aging brain process will help distinguish known pathologies' impact on regional brain structure. Furthermore, knowledge of the patterns of brain shrinkage in normal aging could lead to a better understanding of its causes and perhaps to interventions reducing the loss of brain functions. Therefore, this thesis project aims to detect normal and pathological brain aging biomarkers in a non-human primate model, the marmoset monkey (Callithrix Jacchus) which possesses anatomical characteristics more similar to humans than rodents. However, structural changes (e.g., volumes, cortical thickness) that may occur during their adult life may be minimal with respect to the scale of observation. In this context, it is essential to have observation techniques that offer sufficiently high contrast and spatial resolution and allow detailed assessments of the morphometric brain changes associated with aging. However, imaging small brains in a 3T MRI platform dedicated to humans is a challenging task because the spatial resolution and the contrast obtained are insufficient compared to the size of the anatomical structures observed and the scale of the xpected changes with age. This thesis aims to develop image restoration methods for preclinical MR images that will improve the robustness of the segmentation algorithms. Improving the resolution of the images at a constant signal-to-noise ratio will limit the effects of partial volume in voxels located at the border between two structures and allow a better segmentation while increasing the results' reproducibility. This computational imaging step is crucial for a reliable longitudinal voxel-based morphometric analysis and for the identification of anatomical markers of brain aging by following the volume changes in gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid