255 research outputs found

    A Review of EMG Techniques for Detection of Gait Disorders

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    Electromyography (EMG) is a commonly used technique to record myoelectric signals, i.e., motor neuron signals that originate from the central nervous system (CNS) and synergistically activate groups of muscles resulting in movement. EMG patterns underlying movement, recorded using surface or needle electrodes, can be used to detect movement and gait abnormalities. In this review article, we examine EMG signal processing techniques that have been applied for diagnosing gait disorders. These techniques span from traditional statistical tests to complex machine learning algorithms. We particularly emphasize those techniques are promising for clinical applications. This study is pertinent to both medical and engineering research communities and is potentially helpful in advancing diagnostics and designing rehabilitation devices

    Introduction to this Special Issue: Intelligent Data Analysis on Electromyography and Electroneurography

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    Computer-aided electromyography (EMG) and elec- troneurography (ENG) have become indispensable tools in the daily activities of neurophysiology laboratories in facilitating quantitative analysis and decision making in clinical neurophysiology, rehabilitation, sports medicine, and studies of human physiology. These tools form the basis of a new era in the practice of neurophysiology facilitating the: (i) Standardization . Diagnoses obtained with similar criteria in different laboratories can be veri- fied. (ii) Sensitivity . Neurophysiological findings in a particular subject under investigation may be compared with a database of normal values to determine whether abnormality exists or not. (iii) Specificity . Findings may be compared with databases derived from patients with known diseases, to evaluate whether they fit a specific diagnosis. (iv) Equivalence . Results from serial examin- ations on the same patient may be compared to decide whether there is evidence of disease progression or of response to treatment. Also, findings obtained from dif- ferent quantitative methods may be contrasted to deter- mine which are most sensitive and specific. Different methodologies have been developed in com- puter-aided EMG and ENG analysis ranging from simple quantitative measures of the recorded potentials, to more complex knowledge-based and neural network systems that enable the automated assessment of neuromuscular disorders. However, the need still exists for the further advancement and standardization of these method- ologies, especially nowadays with the emerging health telematics technologies which will enable their wider application in the neurophysiological laboratory. The main objective of this Special Issue of Medical Engin- eering & Physics is to provide a snapshot of current activities and methodologies in intelligent data analysis in peripheral neurophysiology. A total of 12 papers are published in this Special Issue under the following topics: Motor Unit Action Potential (MUAP) Analysis, Surface EMG (SEMG) Analysis, Electroneurography, and Decision Systems. In this intro- duction, the papers are briefly introduced, following a brief review of the major achievements in quantitative electromyography and electroneuropathy

    Classification of the mechanomyogram signal using a wavelet packet transform and singular value decomposition

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    Title on author’s file: Classification of mechanomyogram signal using wavelet packet transform and singular value decomposition for multifunction prosthesis control2008-2009 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Longitudinal tracking of physiological state with electromyographic signals.

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    Electrophysiological measurements have been used in recent history to classify instantaneous physiological configurations, e.g., hand gestures. This work investigates the feasibility of working with changes in physiological configurations over time (i.e., longitudinally) using a variety of algorithms from the machine learning domain. We demonstrate a high degree of classification accuracy for a binary classification problem derived from electromyography measurements before and after a 35-day bedrest. The problem difficulty is increased with a more dynamic experiment testing for changes in astronaut sensorimotor performance by taking electromyography and force plate measurements before, during, and after a jump from a small platform. A LASSO regularization is performed to observe changes in relationship between electromyography features and force plate outcomes. SVM classifiers are employed to correctly identify the times at which these experiments are performed, which is important as these indicate a trajectory of adaptation

    Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis

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    Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. EMG may be used clinically for the diagnosis of neuromuscular problems and for assessing biomechanical and motor control deficits and other functional disorders. Furthermore, it can be used as a control signal for interfacing with orthotic and/or prosthetic devices or other rehabilitation assists. This book presents an updated overview of signal processing applications and recent developments in EMG from a number of diverse aspects and various applications in clinical and experimental research. It will provide readers with a detailed introduction to EMG signal processing techniques and applications, while presenting several new results and explanation of existing algorithms. This book is organized into 18 chapters, covering the current theoretical and practical approaches of EMG research

    CES-513 Stages for Developing Control Systems using EMG and EEG Signals: A survey

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    Bio-signals such as EMG (Electromyography), EEG (Electroencephalography), EOG (Electrooculogram), ECG (Electrocardiogram) have been deployed recently to develop control systems for improving the quality of life of disabled and elderly people. This technical report aims to review the current deployment of these state of the art control systems and explain some challenge issues. In particular, the stages for developing EMG and EEG based control systems are categorized, namely data acquisition, data segmentation, feature extraction, classification, and controller. Some related Bio-control applications are outlined. Finally a brief conclusion is summarized.

    Towards Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Interpretable Diagnosis Using Surface Electromyography

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a fast-progressing disease with no cure. It is diagnosed through the assessment of clinical exams, such as needle electromyography, which measures themuscles’ electrical activity by inserting a needle into themuscle tissue. Nevertheless, surface electromyography (SEMG) is emerging as a more practical and less painful alternative. Even though these exams provide relevant information regarding the electric structures conducted in the muscles, ALS symptoms are similar to those of other neurological disorders, preventing a faster detection of the disease. This dissertation focuses on implementing and analyzing innovative SEMG features related to the morphology of the functional structures present in the signal. To assess the efficiency of these features, a framework is proposed, aiming to distinguish healthy from pathological signals through the use of a classification algorithm. The classification task was performed using SEMG signals acquired from the upper limb muscles of healthy and ALS subjects. The results show the utility of employing the proposed set of features for ALS diagnosis, with an F1 Score higher than 80% in most experimental conditions. The novel features improved the model’s overall performance when combined with other state-of-art SEMG features and also demonstrated efficiency when used individually. These outcomes are of significant importance in supporting the use of SEMG as a complementary diagnosis exam. The proposed features demonstrate promising contributions for better and faster detection of ALS and increased classification interpretabilityA Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) é uma doença incurável de progressão rápida. O seu diagnóstico é feito através da avaliação de exames clínicos como a eletromiografia de profundidade, que mede a atividade elétrica muscular com agulhas inseridas no músculo. No entanto, a eletromiografia de superfície (SEMG) surge como uma alternativa mais prática e menos dolorosa. Embora ambos os exames forneçam informações relevantes sobre as estruturas elétricas conduzidas nos músculos, os sintomas da ELA são semelhantes aos de outras doenças neurológicas, impedindo uma identificação mais precoce da doença. Esta dissertação foca-se na implementação e análise de atributos inovadores de SEMG relacionados com a morfologia das estruturas funcionais presentes no sinal. Para avaliar a eficiência destes atributos, é proposto um framework, com o objetivo de distinguir sinais saudáveis e sinais patológicos através de um algoritmo de classificação. A tarefa de classificação foi realizada utilizando sinais de SEMG adquiridos dos músculos dos membros superiores de indivíduos saudáveis e com ELA. Os resultados demonstram a utilidade do conjunto de atributos proposto para o diagnóstico de ELA, com uma métrica de classificação F1 superior a 80% na maioria das condições experimentais. Os novos atributos melhoraram o desempenho geral do modelo quando combinados com outros atributos de SEMG do estado da arte, e também se comprovaram eficientes quando aplicados individualmente. Estes resultados são de grande importância na justificação da aplicabilidade da SEMG como um exame complementar de diagnóstico da ELA. Os atributos apresentados demonstram ser promissores para um melhor e mais rápido diagnóstico, e facilitam a explicação dos resultados da classificação devido à sua interpretabilidade

    A Multiple Instance Learning Approach to Electrophysiological Muscle Classification for Diagnosing Neuromuscular Disorders Using Quantitative EMG

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    Neuromuscular disorder is a broad term that refers to diseases that impair muscle functionality either by affecting any part of the nerve or muscle. Electrodiagnosis of most neuromuscular disorders is based on the electrophysiological classification of involved muscles which in turn, is performed by inferring the structure and function of the muscles by analyzing electromyographic (EMG) signals recorded during low to moderate levels of contraction. The functional unit of muscle contraction is called a motor unit (MU). The morphology and physiology of the MUs of an examined muscle are inferred by extracting motor unit potentials (MUPs) from the EMG signals detected from the muscle. As such, electrophysiological muscle classification is performed by first characterizing extracted MUPs and then aggregating these characterizations. The task of classifying muscles can be represented as an instance of a multiple instance learning (MIL) problem. In the MIL paradigm, a bag of instances shares a label and the instance labels are hidden, contrary to standard supervised learning, where each training instance is labeled. In MIL-based muscle classification, the instances are the MUPs extracted from the EMG signals of the analyzed muscle and the bag is the muscle. Detecting and counting the MUPs indicating a specific category of a neuromuscular disorder can result in accurately classifying the examined muscle. As such, three major issues usually arise: how to infer MUP labels without full supervision; how the cardinality relationships between MUP labels contribute to predict the muscle label; and how the muscle as a whole entity is classified. In this thesis, these three challenges are addressed. To this end, an MIL-based muscle classification system is proposed that has five major steps: 1) MUPs are represented using morphological, stability, and novel near fiber parameters as well as spectral features extracted from wavelet coefficients. This representation helps to analyze MUPs from a variety of aspects. 2) MUP feature selection using unsupervised similarity preserving Laplacian score which is independent of any learning algorithm. Hence, the features selected in this work can be used in other electrophysiological muscle classification systems. 3) MUP clustering using a novel clustering algorithm called Neighbourhood Distance Entropy Consistency (NDEC) which contributes to solve the traditional problem of finding representations of MUP normality and abnormality and provides a dynamic number of MUP characterization classes which will be used instead of the conventional three classes (i.e. normal, myopathic, and neurogenic). This clustering was performed to highlight the effects of disease on both fiber spatial distributions and fiber diameter distributions, which lead to a continuity of MUP characteristics. These clusters can potentially represent several concepts of MUP normality and abnormality. 4) Muscle representation by embedding its MUP cluster associations in a feature vector, and 5) Muscle classification using support vector machines or random forests. Quantitative results obtained by applying the proposed method to four electrophysiologically different groups of muscles including proximal arm, proximal leg, distal arm, and distal leg show the superior and stable performance of the proposed muscle classification system compared to previous works. Additionally, modelling electrophysiological muscle classification as an instance of the MIL can solve the traditional problem of characterizing MUPs without full supervision. The proposed clustering algorithm in this work, can be used as an effective technique in other pattern recognition and medical diagnostic systems in which discovering natural clusters within data is a necessity

    Development of an EMG-based Muscle Health Model for Elbow Trauma Patients

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    Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are a leading cause of pain and disability worldwide. Rehabilitation is critical for recovery from these conditions and for the prevention of long-term disability. Robot-assisted therapy has been demonstrated to provide improvements to stroke rehabilitation in terms of efficiency and patient adherence. However, there are no wearable robot-assisted solutions for patients with MSK injuries. One of the limiting factors is the lack of appropriate models that allow the use of biosignals as an interface input. Furthermore, there are no models to discern the health of MSK patients as they progress through their therapy. This thesis describes the design, data collection, analysis, and validation of a novel muscle health model for elbow trauma patients. Surface electromyography (sEMG) data sets were collected from the injured arms of elbow trauma patients performing 10 upper-limb motions. The data were assessed and compared to sEMG data collected from the patients\u27 contralateral healthy limbs. A statistical analysis was conducted to identify trends relating the sEMG signals to muscle health. sEMG-based classification models for muscle health were developed. Relevant sEMG features were identified and combined into feature sets for the classification models. The classifiers were used to distinguish between two levels of health: healthy and injured (50% baseline accuracy rate). Classification models based on individual motions achieved cross-validation accuracies of 48.2--79.6%. Following feature selection and optimization of the models, cross-validation accuracies of up to 82.1% were achieved. This work suggests that there is a potential for implementing an EMG-based model of muscle health in a rehabilitative elbow brace to assess patients recovering from MSK elbow trauma. However, more research is necessary to improve the accuracy and the specificity of the classification models

    Towards electrodeless EMG linear envelope signal recording for myo-activated prostheses control

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    After amputation, the residual muscles of the limb may function in a normal way, enabling the electromyogram (EMG) signals recorded from them to be used to drive a replacement limb. These replacement limbs are called myoelectric prosthesis. The prostheses that use EMG have always been the first choice for both clinicians and engineers. Unfortunately, due to the many drawbacks of EMG (e.g. skin preparation, electromagnetic interferences, high sample rate, etc.); researchers have aspired to find suitable alternatives. One proposes the dry-contact, low-cost sensor based on a force-sensitive resistor (FSR) as a valid alternative which instead of detecting electrical events, detects mechanical events of muscle. FSR sensor is placed on the skin through a hard, circular base to sense the muscle contraction and to acquire the signal. Similarly, to reduce the output drift (resistance) caused by FSR edges (creep) and to maintain the FSR sensitivity over a wide input force range, signal conditioning (Voltage output proportional to force) is implemented. This FSR signal acquired using FSR sensor can be used directly to replace the EMG linear envelope (an important control signal in prosthetics applications). To find the best FSR position(s) to replace a single EMG lead, the simultaneous recording of EMG and FSR output is performed. Three FSRs are placed directly over the EMG electrodes, in the middle of the targeted muscle and then the individual (FSR1, FSR2 and FSR3) and combination of FSR (e.g. FSR1+FSR2, FSR2-FSR3) is evaluated. The experiment is performed on a small sample of five volunteer subjects. The result shows a high correlation (up to 0.94) between FSR output and EMG linear envelope. Consequently, the usage of the best FSR sensor position shows the ability of electrode less FSR-LE to proportionally control the prosthesis (3-D claw). Furthermore, FSR can be used to develop a universal programmable muscle signal sensor that can be suitable to control the myo-activated prosthesis